In Case You Missed It – Favorite Posts of 2017
Thanks to everyone for another great year. It’s been over 11 years now since I fired up this site in November 2006, really having no idea at the time where posting my observations on the Amish might lead.
Thousands of posts and nearly 50,000 blog comments later, it’s been one of the most enriching things I’ve ever been a part of.
I hope that you have been able to find something here – whether it is a needed piece of info, insight, or a place to share your thoughts and experiences.

I always say the community adds a lot, so my sincere thanks for your contributions, for your comments, subscribes, and for coming back again and again. Some of you are new “faces” and some of you I know from years back.
The last week of December is tailor-made to review the previous year. So here are some standout posts from 2017 – either those that got the biggest response from you, or some of my personal favorites. I’ve organized these in 10 categories below.
I hope your 2017 was as good as it could be, and all best as we welcome 2018!
- The Amish of Canton, MO (42 Photos)
- Fly Over Lancaster County (Video)
- The Amish of Fort Fairfield, ME
- Texas’s Only Amish Community (21 Photos)
- Amish Farms of Holmes County (18 Photos)
- The Amish of Ethridge, TN (29 Photos)
- 8 States With a Single Amish Settlement
- The Amish of New Wilmington, PA (19 Photos)
Books & Media
Amish Food
Faith & Beliefs
- 5 Tips When Planning an Amish Wedding
- Amish Couple to Oprah: We are 100% Content (Video)
- Listen to Amish and Others Sing Church Hymns (Audio)
- What are “Amish Values”?
- Amish Couple Discuss the Role of Women (Audio)
- Amish 7th-Day Adventists?
- An “Amish-ish” Wedding: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

- Amish Population Up 100,000 Since 2007
- 12 Biggest Amish Settlements
- 10 States With The Largest Amish Populations
- Ohio Amishman Has Survived 14 Buggy Accidents
- Swartzentruber Amish Create Unique Buggy Markings
- Horse Takes Empty Amish Buggy on 10-Mile Joyride
- Should Buggies Have License Plates?
- Should Buggies Have Seat Belts?
News, Issues & Controversies
- 13 Amish To Trial Over Manure Ordinance
- Salve-Maker Samuel Girod Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison
- Amish in the RV Industry
- Wildfire Wreaks Havoc on Montana Amish
- NYT: “In Amish Country, The Future Is Calling”
- Amish Gene Mutation May Extend Lifespan By 10 Years

Amish Business
- Inside an Amish Furniture Shop (Video)
- Watch an Amish Woman Make Brooms (Video)
- What Can You Buy at an Amish School Auction?
- Miller’s Bakery in Charm, Ohio (Video)
- Visit an Amish Basket Shop (Video)
Joining – and Leaving – the Amish
- Why Lorina Mast Left The Amish
- Marlene Miller’s Amish Convert Story
- 6 Best Things About Becoming Amish
- 5 Hard Things About Becoming – and Staying – Amish
- 2 Former Amish Women Share Their Stories
- Amish and Atheist?
Grab Bag
- Inside a Swartzentruber Amish Home (Video)
- Amish Children Sing “The Ninety-Nine” (Video)
- Amish Foster Parenting
- Scenes From an Amish Barn Raising (Video)
- A Closer Look at Amish Taxi Driving
- Friend or Facebook Friend?

Thanks Erik…really enjoy your news posts. Very interesting. Keep em comin’
Thank you Judy!
Keep up the good work. I’ve enjoyed it, found it informative and have passed on some of the information to my Amish friends. They just shook their heads an chuckled about their brethren milking camels. If you ever come to Vernon county, Wisconsin look me up. I have places to show you and people to introduce you to. Have a great new year!
Ha that’s great Bill. Thanks for the reminder, I could have probably added that one to the list here. Appreciate you sharing it.
It’s been a great year!! Happy New Year Eric and to all your readers too. Hugs and blessings!!
Thank you Kim, happy new year! 🙂
Thank You Erik
Erik Happy New Year. I love all your posts. Keep them coming.
Much appreciated Jack! Will do.
Enrichment and Fulfillment
I believe that enrichment would be an understatement as to what you have done for me these past 6 years of ins and outs of the Amish Culture. In a word it’s been Collegiate!;)
Thanks for the compliment Dan, and I’m glad you’ve stuck around 🙂
Couldn’t imagine not sticking around. It’s as fun as traveling the globe meeting different cultures. And a lot less expensive. 😉 Thanks
Thanks, Erik...
Thanks Erik for putting in another year of sharing the Amish with the greater world out here. It’s been a joy to be a part, whether in contributing or in enjoying others’ contributions and insights.
With your help! And I hope we’ll have more Don Burke on this site in 2018 🙂
Just let me know. BTW, I hope to make at least a couple of new visits in the coming months. Speaking of…, have you found out what the second Amish community in AR is? — gotta stay current and check out the settlements in my home state. 😉 Also, do you know if there was a new Directory of the Central Plains area (which covers AR) in 2017? The one I have was published in 2012, and I’m under the impression that they try to update approx. every 5 years.
Hi Don, great, so we’ll be in touch on that. I am not sure on the AR questions – though we should expect a new JAPAS community survey listing later this year, which will shed some light on this. Just not sure if it would be in the Spring or Autumn edition, obviously am hoping it to be the former.
Year in Review
Thank you, Erik, for all the time and effort you put into this site. I enjoy it so much and learn a lot also. It’s great that others share their pictures on here, too. Keep up the good work and thanks, everyone, for sharing. Happy New Year to all.
It’s been a pleasure, Kathy. Happy New Year!
The review of 2017 with the best for 2018
So appreciate your informative information Erik with the Amish culture……I have always enjoyed the wonderful authors that portray the Amish in their books and the occasional interaction with the Amish community here in Michigan. However, sadly just recently we have had a couple of very serious buggy accidents with deaths that has been so very heartbreaking Once again, thank you for all you do and the very best of wishes for 2018!
Many thanks for that A.K., and always hate to hear about the accidents.
Wishing you a blessed 2018!
Many Thanks
Have enjoyed every year that I have followed this website. Really mean that. Will share with you, though, that way back, I wondered how you could do a daily post…I mean, eventually you were going to exhaust all the subjects, all the material, I thought. 🙂 Glad to say I WAS WRONG! Guess I wasn’t thinking of all the current situations that would come along. In fact, yours is my favorite site since I found it. Current, relevant, informative, often humorous, just “plain” fun (pardon the pun 🙂 )
Thanks for all you do.
Loretta, you’re too kind 🙂 I am glad it’s been helpful, and yes it helps for topics that the Amish are a living and thriving group of people.
I hope to keep it up for a good while yet. Thanks again, I appreciate you!
Happy anniversary
As a recent subscriber I enjoy reading about simple good old fashioned rewarding hard work and dedication to amish morays and cultural traditions that stand the test of time. This website allows others a peek into a value structure that inspires civility.
Thank you Mike! Glad to hear it.