Amish Facts

15 “Insane” Amish Rules?

15 “Insane” Amish Rules?

On the heels of the “20 Unique Ways Amish Raise Their Kids” article, another click-magnet piece popped up on my news feed this morning. This one is called “15 Insane Rules All Amish Kids Must Follow” (source article removed at “Amish People Rules” I believe the idea of “Amish rules” is appealing to people because the Amish are seen as a strict culture from…

10 Unusual Amish Communities

10 Unusual Amish Communities

One thing that makes the Amish such a rich and vibrant group is that there are various ways of “being Amish”. Across nearly 700 different communities and dozens of affiliations, you can notice quite a number of differences in the ways Amish people live and manifest their faith. One common type of comment I come across is when someone comes to know the Amish in…

5 Plain Amish Communities

5 Plain Amish Communities

In many ways, the Amish are not one uniform group. To take one example, there are material differences between churches and communities. On one end, there are Amish who permit telephones in the home, regularly hire Amish taxi drivers to transport them for errands or to and from work, and who have homes which visually resemble non-Amish homes, with beautiful gardens and “English” architectural flair….

5 Things Found in Progressive Amish Communities

5 Things Found in Progressive Amish Communities

Last month we explored 5 common features of the most conservative Amish communities. Today let’s have a look at 5 things found in the more progressive Amish communities. The term “progressive” comes with a caveat, as the word can refer to different things. For instance this could mean materially progressive – meaning allowing higher levels of technology, or, we could mean progressive in a religious sense….

5 Signs You’re In A Conservative Amish Community

5 Signs You’re In A Conservative Amish Community

We had a look at icehouses last week, which you’ll find in plainer Amish settlements. What are some other things you’d expect to find in the most traditional Amish communities? 1. Outhouses So we start with another type of “house”. Homes in the plainest Amish communities don’t have indoor plumbing. This means outhouses, and for that matter, less frequent bathing (as a two-shower-a-day person, I…

5 Surprising Things About Amish Buggies

5 Surprising Things About Amish Buggies

Popular Mechanics recently published an in-depth look at the Amish buggy. The main source for this story was an unidentified Amish buggy maker in Lancaster County, PA. Amish buggies have all sorts of technology built into them, from the lighting, to the brakes, to the suspension system. As article author Matthew Jancer writes: You might have thought the technology inside this 1800s method of transportation stopped progressing…

5 Surprising Modern Conveniences Amish Use

5 Surprising Modern Conveniences Amish Use

We haven’t done a “5 Points” list in quite awhile, so I thought it might be a good day for one. Below are five modern conveniences that you’ll find in some or even many Amish settlements. The usual caveats apply – not all Amish use all of these. Ever encountered anything on this list in your dealings with the Amish? 1. Solar Panels – Ever drive through an Amish community…

Five Ways The Amish Celebrate Christmas

Five Ways The Amish Celebrate Christmas

With December 25th around the corner, it’s the perfect time to look at how Amish observe Christmas. Contributor Rebecca Miller, member of an Ohio Amish church, shares with us five ways her own family celebrates Christ’s birth (the ways Amish people observe the season may vary). How Do The Amish Celebrate Christmas? I have been asked this question numerous times, and as with any other…

5 Jobs Done By Amish Women

5 Jobs Done By Amish Women

Do Amish women work? Seems a silly question, with their full-time jobs as mothers, homemakers, and all the other roles they take on. What I mean is, do Amish women ever work away from home in an “outside job”? The answer is yes. Younger or unmarried Amish women are more likely to have away-from-home jobs. Generally, those married women with young children are going to…

5 Important Events in Amish History

5 Important Events in Amish History

The Amish have been around for over 300 years, with a history spanning both Europe and North America. Here are five important events in the story of the Amish. Source: Steven Nolt’s A History of the Amish. Five Landmark Events in Amish History These aren’t the only important dates in Amish history, of course. But these are among the most important happenings in the Amish…