Amish Beliefs

When An Amish Church Divides

When An Amish Church Divides

How do the Amish create new churches? Jim Halverson sends along a snippet from Amish publication Die Blatt giving an Amish church “District Division” report from Indiana. Note: this would be “divide” in the neutral/positive sense (not a split where different factions of Amish go their different ways). We’ll take a look at that report below. First a bit about the Amish church district. A…

Rosanna King, Who Survived 2006 Amish School Shooting, Has Died

Rosanna King, Who Survived 2006 Amish School Shooting, Has Died

Rosanna was wounded in the school shooting as a first grader – just 6 years old at the time. Many felt her survival was a miracle. From Lancaster Online: An Amish woman who was wounded as a child in the 2006 mass shooting at West Nickel Mines School in Bart Township died Tuesday, according to sources familiar with the circumstances of her death. Rosanna King, 23, died in her Paradise Township…

“Leave & You’re Doomed” (Do Amish Parents Really Teach This?)

“Leave & You’re Doomed” (Do Amish Parents Really Teach This?)

In our last conversation, Ben Riehl and I did a follow-up on the “Do Amish think they’re the only true Christians?” topic. Specifically, you may have heard some people who have left the Amish, describe being taught that they will be doomed to hell – if they leave the Amish. I wanted to get Ben’s thoughts on this – how accurate is this, where does it…

Ben: Why Don’t Amish Fly (Or Use Bikes)? Plus: Amish in Florida

Ben: Why Don’t Amish Fly (Or Use Bikes)? Plus: Amish in Florida

In this video Ben answers two viewer/reader questions – on why Amish don’t fly in planes, and on Amish in Florida. We also touch on why Amish in his community (Lancaster County) mostly use only scooters – but not bicycles. This puzzles people especially since Amish in Lancaster County generally are among the most progressive when it comes to technology. While Amish in other major…

Are These “True” Amish? Posing For A Group Photo…

Are These “True” Amish? Posing For A Group Photo…

Stories of Amish and Mennonite people doing outreach projects pop up often in the news. This one caught my eye for a couple of reasons. One is the place where they did the work. But the main reason has to do with how they commemorated the experience. Fixing up a “Deaf Camp” The Amish and Mennonites in this story helped repair what’s called in the…

Amish Ministers: How are they chosen? Why does no one want the job? (And More)

Amish Ministers: How are they chosen? Why does no one want the job? (And More)

In this video, Ben and I do a semi-deep dive on the topic of Amish ministers. I quite appreciated this conversation – it was a chance to get his answers to a lot of questions surrounding both choosing ministers, and the experience of being a minister, including: How Amish choose ministers What is “the lot“ Do Amish spouses know who the other has nominated? Ben’s…

Amish & Jewish Ultra-Orthodox Women: Comparing Attitudes Towards TV, Radio, Magazines & The Internet

Amish & Jewish Ultra-Orthodox Women: Comparing Attitudes Towards TV, Radio, Magazines & The Internet

On January 8, the first day of the so-called Spring Semester at The Ohio State University, the Department of Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures sponsored a very interesting and special presentation by Professor Rivka Neriya-Ben Shahar on “Old Order and Jewish Ultra-Orthodox Women’s Responses to the Media.” Her lecture was built from a comparison of two very distinctive groups by lifestyle and…

Do Amish Believe They’re The Only True Christians?

Do Amish Believe They’re The Only True Christians?

I recently sat down with my friend Ben Riehl for a couple of extended conversations on a wide range of topics (more to come). Ben is Old Order Amish, living in Lancaster County. You might remember Ben from previous posts on Amish auctions and how he chooses a horse. So in this clip, a YouTube viewer asked: “Do you know if the Amish believe they…

A Swartzentruber Amish Barn-Raising (11 Photos)

A Swartzentruber Amish Barn-Raising (11 Photos)

Jim Halverson checks in with a photo set from a Swartzentruber Amish barn-raising. This took place back in the summer as should be obvious from these photos. If you missed it, we recently took a closer look at the Amish barn-raising via Burton Buller’s excellent film The Amish Barn-Raising Day. In it, we see footage of two separate barn-raisings (in Ohio and in Pennsylvania), done…

10 “Exceptions” To Amish Rules

10 “Exceptions” To Amish Rules

 On certain things, essentially all Amish agree. Things like wearing plain clothing, not fighting in wars, or closing businesses on Sunday. These are universal across all Amish groups – part of a widely-shared culture, tradition, and belief system. Outlined in each church’s Ordnung are more specific rules and understandings, which will vary. There can be a lot of overlap, as well as variation, on…