30 Most Recent Comments

  • Erik Wesner February 8, 2025 at 1:46 pm on The Amish In The “Middle Of Nowhere” (One Year Later)Sorry Sara, I usually always do that, forgot this time. I added a hat-tip above. Thanks!
  • Tom Miller February 8, 2025 at 10:32 am on After Years of Fines, Forced Property Sales, And Prison Threats, Amish Win 20-Year Sewer BattleDo they get their school house back and all fines, plus interest, paid back?
  • Dolores C February 8, 2025 at 9:47 am on Crash Which Killed Two Amish Children: One Twin Pleads GuiltyI know the Amish will forgive. That is their way, but until OUR (English) society puts more pressure on those that drive under the influence and hold these people accountable there will continue to be senseless deaths. This crash happened in full daylight...absolutely no excuse. And don't tell me she is "sorry and she is a mother also"! If she was a GOOD mother, she wouldn't be on the drugs and she DEFINITELY would not have been trying to dodge her responsibility for her actions!! Completely and utterly DISGRACEFUL!
  • Nathan February 8, 2025 at 6:33 am on An Amish Cannabis Company? Owner Riehl, 29, ExplainsIt always amazes me how ignorant or uneducated people are about the cannabis plant. We’ve been indoctrinated for 100 years that it was bad so I understand, but People should really try to educate themselves and break down these false narratives about cannabis. The Amish growing cannabis doesn’t surprise me at all. These people have lived Off the land for generations and all we’re talking about here is a simple innocent plant. It really does go to show how our government and media can influence the way we think about things. I hope them all the best and I think what they’re doing is awesome.
  • Sara February 7, 2025 at 11:27 pm on The Amish In The “Middle Of Nowhere” (One Year Later)It would have been great to be given credit for providing the update on the Amish community by Kilgore.
  • Michael February 7, 2025 at 10:28 pm on After Years of Fines, Forced Property Sales, And Prison Threats, Amish Win 20-Year Sewer BattleWill the government be forced to pay back what they stole though forced sales? Will the officials and other agents of the government be forced to pay, or will it be the taxpayers, who weren't the lilliputian tyrants?
  • Deb February 7, 2025 at 9:41 pm on Amish Father Menno Miller Reflects On Loss Of Two Daughters In Crash (Video)To the Miller Family, I am very sorry to hear about this tragedy of your young children and got shivers when I read it. When my own daughter passed away recently I asked "why God we prayed.." then I read a scripture that says God has an appointed time for all of us. I struggle with that, and feel the loss every day. I hope that you get an apology from the one(s) who did this. We will never be the same, we will be ok, but will never be the same learning to live a new normal I was told without our loved one(s) in our lives. There is comfort in knowing that they are with our Lord, and in a heavenly place with everything good, loving, and peaceful. Hugs to all of you, especially the dear Miller mother. We will all grieve differently based on our relationship with these beautiful children.
  • K.D. February 7, 2025 at 7:39 pm on After Years of Fines, Forced Property Sales, And Prison Threats, Amish Win 20-Year Sewer BattleThank goodness there are people ready, willing and able to go into a court of law and essentially help “the little guy.” I’m thrilled that the OOA have won their case. One question though: the article mentions “certain Amish households.” So does that mean other OOA are still waiting for a resolution?? Anybody know more about this.
  • J.O.B. February 7, 2025 at 6:25 pm on After Years of Fines, Forced Property Sales, And Prison Threats, Amish Win 20-Year Sewer BattleWow! The government behaving in such a way is disturbing. Too have that much power is scary. There is literally no reason for the government to do what it did. Reminds me of how the local government around here uses it's power to force property owners to have 'services' to their property which is really just a money grab for contractors(friends). Glad the Amish won this.
  • Theresa Coffin February 7, 2025 at 4:04 pm on Amish Recipes: 300+ Classic PA Dutch DishesI am looking for a good old amish cookbook with home remedies in the cookbook
  • Central Virginian February 7, 2025 at 2:20 pm on Hit-and-run driver accused of intentionally killing Amish horsePeople are addicted to blaming and outrage. They assume a lot of details and post a lot of opinion about wanting justice. The lack of face to face contact when posting comments on line leads to rudeness and lack of any level of introspective thinking on the part of commenters. Addiction to a rush of outrage underlies assuming facts that support a black and white/good and evil view of any story.
  • Caroline MacManiman February 7, 2025 at 2:05 pm on Amish Business DirectoryLooking for a Amish chair caning buisness in the Lancaster County area. Any tips would be helpful
  • J.O.B. February 6, 2025 at 9:33 pm on Crash Which Killed Two Amish Children: One Twin Pleads GuiltyThis story states that the 2 women were trying to get the charges dismissed. When that failed, the one plead guilty which is an admission of guilt. That's not being an armchair judge. She admitting to doing wrong(after trying to get away with it). 6 months is light for trying to help her sister get away with homicide. It sounds like the other sister is going to trial because because no plea deal was offered or she refused to accept the punishment. And refusing to apologize is probably because her lawyer doesn't want her to say anything that could be used against her in the trial. I would not be surprised if the defense plays the victim card saying she had a tough childhood that lead her to a life of drug use(or something similar). One can forgive. But forgiveness does not have to mean one can avoid jail and walk free.
  • Ann the Least February 6, 2025 at 8:35 pm on Crash Which Killed Two Amish Children: One Twin Pleads GuiltyThe 6 month sentence was for the nondriver. The driver is going to trial. People here are posting as if the driver were being let off. Another case of trial by public opinion by armchair judges. Since this is about the Amish perhaps we can all try to understand their highly rigid view of forgiveness which takes the teachings of Christ to their logical end.
  • K.D. February 6, 2025 at 6:09 pm on Crash Which Killed Two Amish Children: One Twin Pleads GuiltyOMG!! I’m from Minnesota, born & raised, and I’m shocked at this latest turn of events. Here I thought Minnesota laws were fair & even. Now I know the truth. Something MUST be done. Laws must be changed, and soon. Before two more precious lives are taken from our world. Um, Your Honor . . . Objection!!
  • Karen February 6, 2025 at 2:24 pm on Crash Which Killed Two Amish Children: One Twin Pleads GuiltySIX MONTHS for the death of two children, lying about it and having narcotics in her system? Unbelievable. Where is the justice for this poor family with two beautiful girls missing from their lives?
  • COMSEUR February 6, 2025 at 1:26 pm on Crash Which Killed Two Amish Children: One Twin Pleads GuiltyI know the Amish don't think much of the death penalty... Needless to say: I am not Amish... Those twins both should get life or worse. Just my humble opinion, mind you. Two beautiful young lives snuffed out, because the "twins" thought drugs were cool. This noe moe than six month sentence is a travesty of justice. A joke. A VERY bad one.
  • Matthew Rhoades February 6, 2025 at 10:34 am on The Beeville, Texas Amish Community (23 Photos)Hello and thank you, Do you process your own children and do you sell them. Thank you Matt at mmmrrhoades@gmail.com
  • Todd February 5, 2025 at 11:10 am on New York Amish: 2024 GuideMy wife and I are planning a trip to the finger lake region where it looks like there’s a lot of Amish communities. Where can we look for places to stay on there farm or where ever the Amish have rental units? We go to lancaster PA every year and have established good friendships with them and stay on there farms when vacationing down there. If anyone can help and direct us to some kind of directory that gives this info or any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Todd & Diana
  • Herbal Plus February 4, 2025 at 1:37 pm on 5 Amish Publications You Might Enjoy (And How To Get Them)Our small family owned mail order business makes and sells a 100% organic product "Black Salve". (tablets and ointment) We have been in business for four generations and have well over ten thousand customers, including Health Food Stores, Veterinarians, Chiropractors, Ranchers and Farmers, and a few Amish Communities here in USA and Canada that use and sell our product and would like to see about placing ads in some of the Amish / Mennonite publications. I will contact the names and addresses you have listed and if there are other Amish and Mennonite publications who may read this, would you kindly contact us ? Thanks, John Harrelson Herbal Plus po box 345 Dayton, NV 89403
  • GM February 3, 2025 at 6:12 pm on Inside A “Primitive” Amish Home (14 Photos)The item you see that you wondered if it is exercise equipment, is an inversion table. It is very useful for back and spine trouble. The person gets on it, then tilts their head down and feet up. It stretches the spine and can help straighten the back, release pressure on pinched nerves, etc. helpful for spine, back, neck, etc.
  • Erik Wesner February 3, 2025 at 3:50 pm on Amish Peach Harvest (Video)Thanks, yea I think on at least some browsers these fields remember past titles you've used. I deleted the one from your last comments since it doesn't sound like you want it.
  • Erik Wesner February 3, 2025 at 3:49 pm on Inside A “Primitive” Amish Home (14 Photos)Thanks - I believe that's just what I had in mind. Sth chiropractic like that, I know the device now that you mention it.
  • K.D. February 3, 2025 at 2:11 pm on Inside A “Primitive” Amish Home (14 Photos)Hey there, Erik . . . I believe your question about the piece of equipment in the kitchen area is known as an inversion table. You lie down on it, putting your ankles in it in such a way so that you turn the table until you are then hanging upside down (like a bat) from it. The inverted position allows your spine (compressed/injured disks for example) to relax in a way. Usually you hang upside down by your ankles for maybe 15 minutes. Anyone who’s ever suffered a serious/permanent back injury who has sought help from a chiropractor knows what this sort of contraption does for you. Lol. I’ve used one myself off & on for years and years. P.S. FYI Amish America fans . . . contrary to popular opinion, chiropractors are not quacks. They are very caring individuals with a strong desire to help those in pain, typically after a patient has either fallen, sprained their back lifting something heavy, or been hurt in a car accident, using the most natural, non-medical/ non-surgical methods possible. My old chiropractor retired a few years ago. That guy did WONDERS for me over the years. Ok, getting down from my soap box now. Lol.
  • Howard Stutzman February 1, 2025 at 12:26 pm on 5 Important Events in Amish HistoryThat’s correct Earl… We are next thing to native Americans.
  • Flowering Tree February 1, 2025 at 9:58 am on Amish Peach Harvest (Video)The title autofilled from my browser on the last comment I made on the site. Again. At least it is confusing rather than undignified this time!
  • Flowering Tree February 1, 2025 at 6:10 am on Amish Peach Harvest (Video)I notice the little girl doesn't seem to be wearing a head covering, even though she has long hair and is wearing a dress. (Looks like a very comfortable and practical cut, at that - so long as you've got someone handy to do the buttons for you). It would be interesting to know what is going on with the head covering thing - is this a group where young girls or girls before baptism don't wear one, or is it a situation where girls and even women don't necessarily bother to keep it on in some types of less formal situation? (If the cap is fastened on with dress pins, I can imagine it being a bit of a liability in an orchard - if it caught on a branch). I am emphatically not criticising, just interested. Variations in this type of practice and the reasons for them are often quite illuminating about the way any community thinks!
  • Eurotuga January 31, 2025 at 8:33 pm on Amish Are Suing Over The Ohio Buggy Light LawDo you mean this troyer amish? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troyer_Amish Or the "Abe miller" amish that appear in the end of the tabble in this wiki article? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subgroups_of_Amish
  • Leana January 31, 2025 at 8:27 pm on Watch An Amish Barn Go Up – In 200 Seconds (Video)Astounding!
  • Jeanne A. Bender January 31, 2025 at 11:44 am on Amish Builders – PennsylvaniaI have a Dutch Colonial home constructed by my husband and I in 1978. The shingles on the front "hip " part are original and need replaced in addition to removing some boards to install Tyvek around outside interior walls and dormers(3). This was a construction flaw on our part. After finding out the construction error, we had to insert 1 inch Styrofoam board through the soffit years ago and may not be attached completely due to limited working space. Basically, it is too warm on second story bedrooms in summer and too cold in winter. I would need an estimate for this work. I would like an estimate and someone interested doing this job. Thank you. I can send a picture of my home.

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