Six Examples of Amish Church Rules
The Amish are well-known for living by specific rules on technology, dress, and other aspects of daily life. But Amish churches are not all the same.
Some are more traditional, and others more progressive. Some do things one way, and others do things another way.
So how do Amish people know all the dos and don’ts of their churches?
The Ordnung (Church Rules)
This information is contained in the Ordnung. It’s a living “document” which is reviewed and affirmed by the community, twice yearly. This takes place at the Council church service, preceding the Communion service.
- The Ordnung of one Amish church can be different from another – and sometimes drastically. This reflects differences across Amish society – from the plainest to the most progressive churches.
- For example, some churches will prohibit indoor plumbing, linoleum flooring, and even riding in vehicles. In other Amish churches, interiors look like non-Amish homes, and members use tractors as de facto vehicles.
- I put “document” in quotes above, as the Ordnung is typically unwritten (but not always).
The authors of The Amish Way: Patient Faith in a Perilous World describe the Ordnung as:
…typically tak[ing] the form of oral tradition, communicated through lived example. Amish people know the Ordnung – it’s not ambiguous – but most would be hard pressed to recite all its dos and don’ts.
Because the Ordnung deals with the details of daily life, it is “caught” more than it is taught. It is simply absorbed in the course of everyday life. Thus mothers and fathers play a much larger role in transmitting the Ordnung than do bishops and ministers. (p. 55)
Though it’s generally an “oral document”, one example of a written Ordnung comes from Daviess County, Indiana. It’s referenced in The Amish Way for its detailed description of how buggies should be made.
The Amish of Stevensville, Montana
Another example of a written Ordnung can be found in a recent article in the Bitterroot Star on the young Stevensville, Montana Amish community.
This small settlement was founded in 2015 by Amish from the nearby St. Ignatius community, as well as from other states.
The main source for the article is an Amish man named Marcus Hostetler, whose family was the first to move to the Stevensville area. The community remains small today (2024), at less than a dozen households.

Hostetler describes his church’s Ordnung document, which is called “Expression of faith and guidelines for the Stevensville Montana Church.” The article shares several points from the document – about clothing, technology and more.
It turns out the Stevensville community is a pretty materially progressive church. Unlike most Amish, they allow electricity in the home. They also permit word processors without an internet connection, and basic cell phones if necessary for work.
However they are still a plain-dressing, horse-and-buggy Amish group. The St. Ignatius community is a New Order Amish settlement, so I would presume the Stevensville group is as well (despite their name, New Order Amish also use the horse-and-buggy).
6 Rules & Guidelines from the Stevensville Amish Ordnung
Here are some selected rules and guidelines from the Stevensville community’s church rules:
1. General Dress Code
“Not form-fitting. No bright colors such as red, orange, yellow or pink. Clothes to be of plain material. No casual dress in worship services. No hoods or coats or sweatshirts.”

This sounds pretty standard for Amish churches. You do see sweatshirts and/or sweater-type tops in some of the larger settlements (northern Indiana, or Holmes County, OH for instance). So this point might even be a bit more restrictive.
Also of note: demonstrating how the Ordnung can change, the community initially had more strict requirements for clothing worn in bridal parties, but now allows more colorful clothing.
2. Men’s Face & Head
“No parting of hair in front. No shingled hair, no mustache. Hats to be worn. No western, cowboy-style or ten-gallon hats.”

I don’t know how many other Amish churches would specifically prohibit cowboy or ten-gallon style hats. Maybe that is an issue here, since this is the West, after all.
3. Women’s Clothing
“Clothes must be of plain material, not transparent or form-fitting. Sleeves not too short… Sleeves to be plain or elastic just at the end – no ruffles. No low necklines…. capes or bib aprons are worn.”

Sounds pretty standard. Amish plain clothing reflects modesty and (to a degree, at least) limits showy individualism. Women’s clothing in particular should not be revealing.
4. Children, Work & Technology
“Boys and girls should work at home, if possible, and not be under the influence of modernism, radio, TV, etc. No computers…No auto driving or owning…”

Nothing too surprising there, either. The desire to have Amish young people work at home reflects Amish parents’ concern over worldly influences.
In some communities, it is not uncommon for Amish youth (males, not females) to get driver’s licenses and cars during Rumspringa. This practice is not approved of in the Stevensville community.
5. Recreation
Hunting and fishing are “not prohibited”, however too much of those activities done for sport is “discouraged.”

I believe one of the main appeals of living in a Western Amish settlement – in such beautiful and expansive natural settings – would be the hunting and fishing. These are two favorite pastimes for many Amish across North America.
Maybe given the splendid nature surrounding them, it is a greater temptation in this part of the country. Many Amish certainly do hunt. Some Amish from eastern communities even travel to visit Montana for hunting purposes.
6. Buggies
“Buggies are to be plain with nothing for pride. Have good lights, flashers and emblems as the law requires. No extra loops and rings on harness. Always be courteous when driving on the road. Obey traffic laws.”
Bicycles are also permitted for “necessary travel.” No horse breed is stipulated though Standard Breed is the most preferred type, with some using Morgan or Dutch Harness.

Some rules are of course “more important than others.” More on that:
You might get away with not wearing a hat a few times or talked to about some bright red suspenders, but some infractions are very serious and cannot be tolerated at all, such as divorce. You can only marry once and it’s forever. If one’s spouse should leave the faith, the remaining spouse cannot re-marry. Smoking and drinking alcohol are also prohibited.
It sounds like they’ll be building a church building here, which is the way things are done at St. Ignatius (another unusual aspect, as most Amish worship in the home or other pre-existing structures).
Finally it’s worth noting that “the rules are applied with great ‘patience, humility and admonition’ as it says in the contract.” As suggested above, Amish church leaders and members generally make efforts to resolve conflicts over the Ordnung before resorting to church discipline.
For more, see:
- 10 “Exceptions” to Amish Rules
- Can Amish people get divorced?
- Can Amish re-marry?
- The Amish Church (How It Works)
- Amish Church Rules (The Ordnung)
- Rumspringa: Myths & Realities
- Why don’t Amish serve in the military?
- Do Amish work on Sundays?
- How do Amish review the unwritten Ordnung?

Just a comment/question
I like watching Amish Meadows on You Tube so, are they really Amish?
I’m not familiar with Amish Meadows, is it connected with Meadowlark Log Homes?
the answer is yes amish meadows is the youtube site for meadowlark log homes
I am interested in reading about the Amish people
The Ordnung
My question is, can women that are 30-45 years of age marry a widower that’s in his 60’s.
I’m not looking for a younger wife. And I’m pretty sure my wife of 35 years would not approve, anyway. But, I’d also like some clarification. I read “you can only marry once, and it’s forever”. Does that also exclude 2nd marriages after the death of a spouse?
No remarriage after the death of a spouse is permitted and is pretty common. You will sometimes come across huge blended families having 15+ children.
Remarriage after death
Eric, No remarriage after death for male or female? Even if they had no children or were only married for a month or so?
I left out a comma and can see my answer may have been confusing. I meant to answer Steve’s question “no, remarriage after the death of a spouse is permitted, and is pretty common.” For both male and female.
I receive several Amish publications and there are many examples of men and women marrying again if the death of a spouse. Like the Catholic church you are not allowed to marry again if your spouse is alive.
Amish chainsaw
About 8 years ago at Thanksgiving time our family drove to the area of Dalton, Wisconsin to visit Mischler’s Country Store. On the way I remember seeing a young male(dressed plain)riding an open wagon with 1 horse. On the way back I saw the same person standing on top of the wagon using a chain saw to cut branches from a tree.
It’s interesting what modern equipment is allowed and what is not.
from Helen
I am thankfull for the Amish community in my area. Although I am often a target for hate as a person of African decent, they are always kind in their dealings with me. A time I remember in particular is when I needed help with my automobile which had stalled on the side of a rural road. Truthfully, I may have feared for my safety if it were an ‘English’.
We have noticed that in many Amish communities the bikes are missing pedals. The bikes are propelled the same way as a skateboard. Are Amish prohibited from using skateboards?
I’ve never seen a skateboard in Lancaster Amish country, but I’m not sure what you mean by they are propelled the same way as bikes. Bikes have pedals, skateboards don’t. Both Amish bikes and skateboards are propelled by the rider pushing along with their feet. Maybe I’m missing something.
The clothing section says no coats. Is that hooded coats. Surely coats cannot be banned, especially in Montana?
I passed by a junior high school the other day and ALL the girls were wearing very high crop tops (half-shirts) that showed off all their stomachs, along with baggy sweatpants. I’m not a prude but I honestly could not believe it. I saw girls who looked 12 or 13 with all of their stomach showing and they were off to school. It wasn’t just one or two girls either, but ALL of them. I honestly was quite shocked. I guess I’m old! I couldn’t believe the parents let them go to school like this. Anyway, for some reason, when I saw this I couldn’t help but think of the Amish dress code.
I used to be Amish...
Having grown up in Lancaster County, PA, I was raised around the Amish faith, as my Grandparents were Amish. At 21 I was shunned because I enlisted in the Army and went to VietNam. I was the only FEMALE in my unit and the only female in the Far East during VietNam that was NOT a nurse. You can imagine how my Amish friends reacted, since I wasn’t a man! When I returned, my parents were not practicing Amish or Mennonite, so I was without a religion for awhile, having felt I had nowhere to go. I am now a Christian Minister and practicing in Arizona. Thank you for your articles.