New Order Amish vs. Old Order: What’s the Difference?

new order amishNew Order Amish are often described as “more progressive” than Old Order Amish. But that’s not the best description. New Order Amish are more progressive than Old Order in some ways – and more conservative in others.

New Order Amish Facts

  • New Order Amish make up only a small part of the total Amish population – about 3%.
  • New Order Amish have much in common with Old Order Amish. This includes wearing plain clothing, using the horse-and-buggy, and restricting technology.
  • New Order Amish are often more progressive than Old Order Amish on things like technology and air travel.
  • But New Order Amish are socially more conservative than many Amish. They promote clean courtship among youth – and don’t allow tobacco or alcohol use.
  • A better description is that New Order Amish are a mix of “more conservative” and “more progressive” practices.
  • New Order Amish are also known to be more open and “evangelistic” towards outsiders.
New Order Amish share similarities with Old Order Amish. Image: Don Burke

Table of Contents

  1. Does “New Order” really mean “more modern”?
  2. New Order Amish Similarities
  3. New Order Amish Differences
  4. New Order Amish Origins
  5. Where do New Order Amish live?
  6. Do New Order Amish use more tech?
  7. New Order Amish Beliefs
  8. New Order Amish & Outsiders
  9. Conclusion

Does “New Order Amish” mean “more modern Amish”?

You might think that “New Order” suggests something much more modern than “Old Order” when talking about the Amish. Maybe even an Amish group that accepts technology, cars, and modern living.

But in fact, the New Order Amish would best be considered a subgroup of the Old Order Amish. The New Order Amish could be described as more progressive than Old Order Amish in some ways, but more conservative in others.

What do these two Amish groups have in common? Like the Old Order Amish, New Order Amish use the horse-and-buggy, dress plainly, and hold many of the same customs, traditions and beliefs as Old Order Amish.

At the same time, New Order Amish differ from Old Order Amish in key ways. Read on for more on the similarities and differences between these two groups.

New Order Amish Similarities to Old Order Amish:

  • Plain dress – New Order Amish dress plainly, though may wear more colorful clothing
  • Horse-and-buggy travel – New Order Amish do not allow automobiles (though are typically more lenient on tractor usage)
  • Pennsylvania German language – New Order Amish speak Pennsylvania German
  • Home worship – Church service takes place at congregants’  homes
  • Ban on public electricity – most New Order Amish ban public power, except for the so-called “electric” New Order churches
  • Restrictions on technology – though actual technology usage may vary, New Order Amish are also careful about which technologies they accept
New Order Amish youth group singing. Photo: P. Sarlo

New Order Amish Differences:

  • Greater openness to telephones in the home – Some New Order Amish permit phone lines in the home
  • More mission-oriented outlook – New Order Amish print their beliefs in pamphlets and may travel abroad for missions work
  • Generally shorter beards and hair – New Order Amish are more likely to trim hair shorter
  • Profession of assurance of salvation – New Order Amish hold the belief that one can know the state of his soul while on earth, in contrast to the “living hope” of salvation more common among Old Order Amish
  • Prohibition of alcohol and tobacco – New Order Amish are strict about substance use and promote “clean” youth experiences
  • Air travel – Many New Order Amish allow travel by airplane, unlike Old Order Amish
  • More elaborate buggies – Buggies may have rubber tires and decorative molding
  • Sunday School and Bible study – Old Order Amish generally do not hold formal Bible study meetings
  • Lower retention rate – A lower percentage of New Order youth choose to join the Amish church

Origins of the New Order Amish

The New Order Amish originate from a pair of movements in Ohio and Pennsylvania in the 1960s. The key driving factors in the Ohio schism were twofold – one was a belief that controversial practices such as tobacco and alcohol use should be eliminated, and that “clean” courtship should be implemented for youth (as opposed to the practice of bundling found among some Amish).

Secondly, reformist Amish wished to introduce a more evangelical element into the church, concerning personal salvation and mission work.  Amish in this group felt strongly about assurance of salvation, Sunday School, and church  outreach. The division which occurred in 1966 in Lancaster County shared some similarities with the Ohio division, but was more focused on technology. New Order Amish are less commonly known as the “Amish Brotherhood”.

A separate, smaller (and now defunct) New Order movement emerged in Lancaster County in the 1960s. Photo: Anna Schrock

Currently, the largest New Order community is found in the Holmes County settlement, while the Lancaster County New Order Amish settlement has ceased to exist. There is also a spin-off group found in Holmes County known as the New Order Christian Fellowship, or “New” New Order.

Where do New Order Amish live?

new order amish holmes county
New Order Amish are found in Holmes County, Ohio, including near the towns of Berlin and Sugarcreek

New Order Amish churches can be found in a number of states, with the largest population centered in Holmes County, Ohio. Other New Order communities can be found in approximately a dozen states, including Indiana, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina.

New Order Amish are Plain too

Despite what the name might seem to imply, the New Order Amish share many of the same cultural traits as the Old Order. They drive buggies (albeit ones which may be slightly fancier), wear plain clothing (sometimes with more colorful fabrics and for men, more-neatly trimmed beards and hair), speak Pennsylvania Dutch, and generally do not have public electricity in the home. New Order homes and barns are similar in appearance to those of Old Order Amish.

new order amish buggy
New Order Amish buggies may have decorative fronts

New Order Amish may be confused with the Beachy Amish, a group which is theologically similar to the Old Order Amish but which accepts a higher degree of technology, including cars.

Do New Order Amish use more technology?

New Order Amish may be more accepting of certain technologies such as phones in the home.  Amish researchers Hurst and McConnell note that “the differences in technology use between the Old Order and the New Order are relatively minor” (Paradox, Hurst/McConnell, p.52).

Hurst and McConnell also state that car ownership among Old Order youth is more common, as is cell phone usage among Old Order church members. Unlike the Old Order, New Order Amish generally do not have any restrictions on air travel, and sometimes use this form of transportation for business or vacation travel.

New Order Amish Beliefs

New Order Amish share many beliefs and practices in common with Old Order Amish. These include nonresistance, adult baptism, modesty in dress, restricted technology, and others. At the same time, they differ from many Amish by the following four beliefs & practices:

1. Assurance of salvation

One theological difference is the belief in assurance of salvation. Just like other Christians, Amish interpret the idea of salvation differently. New Order Amish are among those who see evidence for assurance of being saved, as opposed to the more common belief of a “living hope” of salvation seen among most Amish.

Note: There has been some melding of this view with some Old Order districts in Holmes County in particular, and some of the Old Order districts have come to share similar views on this issue.

2. Clean courtship

Another key issue is that of courtship standards for young people. New Order Amish believe strongly in clean courtship, and as detailed above, this was part of the impetus for the Ohio group to break from the Old Order churches.

In recent times, other Amish, including those from the Old Order have been sympathetic to this view as well. For that matter, “bundling” (the practice of a courting couple lying together, clothed, on a bed) is confined more to the more conservative Amish groups.

3. No Alcohol and tobacco

Another area where the New Order Amish are generally ‘cleaner’ than the Old Order Amish as a whole is tobacco and alcohol. Though numerous Old Order Amish are against involvement with tobacco, some Old Order Amish do grow and even use tobacco. New Order Amish universally see this as morally wrong and have come out strongly against it.

New Order Amish feel that tobacco is destructive to the body, and something that Christians should not be involved in, either in personal use or in producing it for others.  New Order Amish take similar views on the use of alcohol, which is used, usually in moderation, by some Amish.

4. Sunday School

Another distinguishing marker is Sunday School.  Most but not all New Order Amish have Sunday school, involving both adults and children, on the “off” Sunday (the alternating Sunday when a given district does not hold church service).

Similarly to an Amish church service, this will take place in a congregant family’s home, and will involve some singing as well as reading, with each member taking turns reading a few passages. There will also be discussion of the reading, with commentary led by the ministers.

new order amish note
Keeping perspective. Inside a New Order Amish workplace. Holmes County, Ohio.

New Order Amish may have songbooks in both English and German, allowing outsiders to participate.  Songs are typically faster and more contemporary than those sung from the Ausbund.  Sunday School is followed by a fellowship meal, like the one that follows church service.

Old Order Amish use this “off” day as a chance to visit relatives or other churches, as well as time for Bible reading and devotions in the home. However they have generally not seen the need to devote a formal period to Bible study in the form of Sunday School. Organized Sunday school meetings are another way in which New Order Amish resemble more evangelical strains of Christianity.

Drawback? New Order Amish Are More Likely To Leave

There is another difference between New Order Amish and  Old Order Amish worth mentioning here. Statistics show that New Order Amish tend to keep a lower percentage of their children in the faith, somewhere around two-thirds (in comparison to the 80-90% or higher retention rate of other Amish afffiliations).

This may be because of greater openness to the world through their outreach orientation, and an ideology more closely resembling “higher” (more progressive) churches. At least partially for this reason, some criticize the New Order Amish as “Beachy Amish without the cars”.

New Order Amish & Outsiders

In keeping with their somewhat evangelical bent, New  Order Amish tend to be more open to outsiders.  Old Order Amish of course welcome outsiders into their services as the New Order do, but New Order Amish will be more likely to deliver at least part of the sermon in English.

Some New Order Amish churches, particularly one North Carolina congregation at Yanceyville (now defunct) have attracted a large number of Amish seekers, resulting in a high percentage of members from outside the ethnic body of Amish.

new order amish plain clothing
New Order Amish maintain many similarities with Old Order Amish, including plain dress

Other New Order Amish are likely to be involved in mission work and even to travel longer distances, owing to the allowance on plane travel.  Some New Order Amish youth have been involved in teaching English to Old Colony Mennonites in Mexico, for example, while others have done mission work in places as far away as Asia.

Generally the New Order tends to be more oriented to the world and more accessible to the “seeker” community. This greater willingness to engage the world is even evident in the publishing sphere. The most obvious example is Ohio bishop David Kline, who has published two books on nature and sustainable agriculture, as well as a small farming magazine which has a substantial audience among non-Amish.

New Order and Old Order Amish disagree less today than in the past

New Order and Old Order Amish are cut from similar cloth and share much in common, including a similar approach to technology, use of horse-and-buggy for travel, and plain dress. New Order Amish may be considered more “progressive” on certain matters of theology, missionary work, and evangelical outlook, and some technology (in some cases).

At the same time, they can be seen as more “conservative” when it comes to courtship, alcohol and tobacco, certain technologies such as the cell phone, and in retaining farming as an occupation, which they do at a slightly higher percentage than members of Old Order churches.

new order amish business
Inside a New Order Amish clothing business

There have been and continue to be substantial disagreements between the two groups. Old Order Amish may see the New Order as taking a holier-than-thou attitude, and being too forward in their assertions about religion, particularly concerning assurance of salvation.

Hurst and McConnell find that the most common criticism is that New Order churches “are unstable because their young people are more likely to be lost to other Anabaptist churches”. New Order Amish may find fault with Old Order Amish for being too lenient concerning youth behavior, or too reliant on tradition over spiritual truth.

At the same time, in recent years both sides have begun to see more eye-to-eye on certain issues, particularly in Holmes County, where the two groups live side-by-side and cooperate in many spheres. Hurst and McConnell note that “a sizable number of Old Order individuals, including church leaders, are quite attracted to the New Order positions on both spirituality and control of the youth.” There is also a degree of openness to the idea of assurance of salvation among Old Orders.

The Amish have a long history of schism, resulting in groups such as the New Order Amish as well as more conservative affiliations such as the Andy Weaver Amish church and the Swartzentruber Amish. However, today many Amish seek to play down differences, seeing past church splits as painful parts of their history, while emphasizing common ground.

For more information, see:

  • An Amish Paradox: Diversity and Change in the World’s Largest Amish Community, Charles E. Hurst and David L. McConnell
  • “The New Order Amish and Para-Amish Groups: Spiritual Renewal Within a Tradition”, G.C. Waldrep, Mennonite Quarterly Review July 2008
  • “Plotting Social Change Across Four Affiliations”, Donald B. Kraybill, The Amish Struggle with Modernity, eds. Donald B. Kraybill, Marc Alan Olshan
  • A History of the Amish, Steven M. Nolt
  • Growing Up Amish: The Rumspringa Years by Richard Stevick

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    1. Katie I am

      Why do they do it?

      This is less of a comment and more of a question, why have they decided that they want to spend the rest of their lives without technology, electricity, or media? It doesn’t hurt anything usually, I just don’t get it. If the question is answered in the article, I didn’t read it. I just think that people should embrace the future, that’s all. I have nothing mean or rude, or curt to say about these people. I am just not told about this kind of thing often and want to learn more about this interesting religion and way of life. This is the only religion I know of that has been transformed from just a religion to something more, I find it very satifying to know that some people still have some sense religion wise. If I could, I would be Amish, but I don’t want to give up my technology…

      1. Brenda

        Katie I am – may I take a stab at answering your question?

        Amish preach/teach that to (1) follow tradition, (2) obey parents, (3) strict adherence to all rules in the Ordnung, and (4) be baptised Amish is the only hope for heaven. Modern technology therefore is not tradition.

        For the most part Amish live the way they do in an effort to work out their salvation.

        Your questions are welcome invitations to learn.

        1. Randy Taylor

          The Amish are truely Christ-like minded

          All religious beliefs have their own faults & imperfections, but the Amish beliefs are so very close to blissfulness & peace that technology is not needed in their society to operate & function as a community. So let them live their life without stuff that clouds the worldly minds. They made their choice so do’nt push worldly garbage onto them.

        2. Matisyahu

          The Amish are the Modern Day Pharisees

          Following the traditions of men, creating burdensome laws where Christ has given liberty, they are acting as Modern Pharisees. Tell me, were the folks of the first church Amish? No. They followed Jesus. Why then do they follow Ammann and not the true head of the Cornerstone that is Christ Jesus?

          1. Sanford Slabaugh

            Amsih are the modern day pharasees

            The original Amish held such a high disregard for the phony Christian lives of the Catholic society that they came out of, that they decide that they needed to be as completely separate from it as possible. To that end, they chose a very Christ like and live a very modest, humble, holey life style. Along with that separateness, was the avoidance of of anything that could or would lead to pride. That is why their cloths are very modest in both form and adornment and colors. Pretty much everything since the 1600’s, that was fashionable was to be avoided. That is why the Old order do not use buttons to this day… they were a modern invention. All of the modern inventions that are otherwise accepted by society, are void as a means for staying separate from the larger, un-Christian society, or to avoid the pitfalls of wealth and pride.

      2. Regina Green

        New and Old Amish

        From living close to Lancaster, PA and having friends who were old and new Mennonites it is easy to see why this wonderful group of people have chosen to live this way. To just see them, the peace of the Lord is with them Peaceful, devoted, so much belief in the Lord. Wonderful religious practices, growing and eating so healthy, and doing what the Lord speaks to all of us in the Bible. Technology is good but it isn’t doing people any good. So much evil is coming from technology that is destroying families and children. Take time to think about it. At age 65, we didn’t have all the things that children have today and we grew up to be responsible, dedicated, and hard working adults. Discipline was taught, and respect for our elders of expected. Yes, I do know what the Amish and Mennonites are peaceful with the way they live. The best we can do around them, is leave them be at peace, and not ridicule them, which too many tourists have done. It is sad and breaks my heart for them.

      3. Regina Green

        The way I can answer you question, would be to say it is their deep spiritual heritage. It is something they don’t want to let go off. The Amish across the board are extremely humble and private people. Their deep spiritual believes are lived out. We read the Bible, we know what the Lord expects of us and depending on the deep abiding faith each of us have, and and studying the Lord’s Word. Each of us may choose not to subject ourselves to another way of living. We may choose not to socialize with certain people, or certain music, or wear certain clothing. And that’s okay?

        Honestly, it’s okay not to understand. But good to learn about things like this. I hope someday you will get to witness how the Amish, Old and New, live, by taking a trip just to be around them. Some may speak some may not. They are not snobby, it’s just any facet of their belief.

        You question was great though!!

      4. Regina Green


        That is a good question, and I have your answer. Majority of the “Plain Amish” do not want access to the modern day things we have is because they do not want any influence from the “outside world.” The faith is that strong that only the Lord will lead them and care for them. In all honesty if we didn’t have the TV, Radios, Games, etc. that people from age young to old this nation and world would be in a much better situation today. Do you realize that we are constantly hearing about shootings, robberies, negative, awful, depressing, things that is warping us unless our individual faith is strong enough to see us through.

        1. With all due respect, and I do sincerely mean that, evil is not derived from technology. That’s just an ignorant statement. Evil people choose to be that way and they come from every walk of life, including the Amish. I’m a religious Orthodox Jew, and our community is similarly insular and we avoid most media, but there are just as many criminals among us as there are in the next, non religious community.
          My personal2 cents is that perhaps if people took the time to know and raise their children, we wouldn’t have shootings and rampant drug use and unwanted children being born, but the truth is, as humans, we’re all failing at that. We need to support each other and live well for the Lord despite all we can be exposed to. The best way to show the Lord is to live for the Lord and I just don’t see much of that done with humility, but with self-righteousness.
          It’s a sad state, but technology and media isn’t the root of this evil. That’s ridiculous. Case in point: my kind, pious and charitable neighbors lovingly raised their children. One is a meth addict and criminal and never so much as saw a TV show or listened to secular music a day in their life, even today as this person still lives in the community.

          1. Mark -- Holmes Co.

            Chasyah, I am Amish and I agree with what you have written. I can also think of people who have turned out “badly” who were not exposed to “technology” and history teaches us evil existed long before the internet, smart-phone, or whatever. In choosing to be very selective, I am not hoping to avoid becoming “evil” so much as being careful about what I choose to occupy my thoughts with and how I relate to my fellow man.

            1. Re: Mark and bad people/technology

              Thank you for your response, Mark. Regina’s comment just set me off I’m especially pained that the young woman I speak of was sexually abused by a former neighbor who had thank G-d, been in prison since before I moved here. It breaks my heart and it happens in all walks of life.
              I know only a small amount of Amish culture as I’ve never walked in your shoes, but I have great respect for the Amish and respect their rejection of certain things. A lot in religious Judaism is similar, only that we generally use most modern conveniences, expect on the Sabbath.
              When I visit my relatives north of Philadelphia, I get mistaken as Amish by tourists since we share plain clothes and hair covering in a similar way. I often have to explain and get lots of weird looks, but I just smile.
              On a different note,
              I’d love to experience a day with an Amish family, especially since I’m disabled and use a wheelchair. I struggle within my own community because most of us are still in the dark ages when it comes to disabled persons. It seems to me, the Amish seem generally most accepting, kind and accommodating of their own who have disability. I’d like to think special needs children aren’t shipped off or hidden away like I see in the ultraorthodox and haredi Jewish communities. I’d love to experience that wholesome, hardworking way of life.
              Bless you, Mark. You’re doing a great mitzvah educating people like myself!!

              1. Amsey

                Reply to Chasyah

                Do you realize the message you responded to was 4 1/2 years old.

              2. Mark -- Holmes Co.

                On a different note,
                I’d love to experience a day with an Amish family, especially since I’m disabled and use a wheelchair. I struggle within my own community because most of us are still in the dark ages when it comes to disabled persons. It seems to me, the Amish seem generally most accepting, kind and accommodating of their own who have disability. I’d like to think special needs children aren’t shipped off or hidden away like I see in the ultraorthodox and haredi Jewish communities. I’d love to experience that wholesome, hardworking way of life.
                Bless you, Mark. You’re doing a great mitzvah educating people like myself!!

                Hello Chasyah. I had to chuckle that there are people who mistake you for Amish, as I’ve had people assume I’m Jewish. 🙂 I was in NY City years ago when a lady (I assumed Jewish) began a very lively conversation with me but I could not understand her. She didn’t seem very happy and I later wondered if she thought I was a Hasid who was dressing or acting improperly. But that’s just a guess.

                I don’t know how special needs people are viewed or treated in your community, but in ours we use the term “special” and mean it. There is no reason to push such a person to the side or be ashamed of them or treat them in any was as “less.” Personally I have been humbled by what I have learned from so-called handicaps. We don’t have “special” children but close friends do and learning more about that slice of life has been a blessing. When it comes to a pure, innocent, and truly special person, I think of our friend’s Down’s daughter — a real ray of sunshine. My wife & I have been inspired by “walking with” her parents through the steps of concerns & doubts, acceptance, resignation, and unconditional love.

                There are also Amish “handicapped” reunions, just like there are reunions for widows & widowers, dwarfs, teachers, single boys, single girls, blind or deaf people, and any other kind of reunion you can think of. (Though there does not seem to any reunion for people who do not like going to reunions. :))

                1. Mark -- Holmes Co.

                  oops! Sorry I had pasted Chasyah’s comment into my reply box so I could refer to it and failed to delete all of it after writing my comment.

                2. Michelle

                  I have always been intrigued by the Amish and the Jewish communities. It was not until now that I realized that I have seen Amish travel quite a few time through my airport (I work in Puerto Rico’s main airport).
                  I hope both of you have a blessed day

      5. mary


        in my experience of what some might call courting an Amish fellow which in my world is very much like dating i have learned from his family and my relatives who are amish as they would say. tis better men and women work all day of their lives than lie around like a fat house cat.
        putting it in my own words or what i think it means .
        they beleive god wants us to be diligent and long suffering as well as keep our minds pure.

      6. Alissa Holmes

        Hi, in this modern age I have seen technology do damage to families. Technology has helped me as a blind person but it has also done great damage to families. Also AI so it has helped some people has done much deceiving in this world as well. And if you would think about it, Tim Tatian is right at a person‘s eye. Years ago someone would have to get dressed leave their house and drive to a store to pick up a magazine that contained pornography now all they have to do is click a mouse or pick up a phone and pull up anything.

    2. Hi Katie, thanks for your question on Amish and technology. Amish believe we should limit what we use b/c unlimited use of technology can have negative and often unintended side effects on the family, community, and church. If you’d like to read more on the topic I’d suggest this relatively short piece:

      You’ll see Amish do use a surprising range of technology but there are concrete reasons for the limitations they do have.

    3. kim

      Technology Can Have a Negative Effect

      I kinda have to agree with the Amish on this subject. Unlimited use of technology does have negative results on families and community. But we who live outside in the techno world have embraced it and we really can’t stop the impetus.

    4. Jasmine Mitchell

      New order Amish.

      Do the new order Amish just live in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina? or do they live in other place also? -Jasmine

      1. Other states with New Order Amish

        Hi Jasmine, thanks for your question. From above,

        “Other New Order communities can be found in approximately a dozen states, including Indiana, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina”

        Those other states include Kentucky, Illinois, Montana, and Michigan.

        1. Regina Green

          Hi Erik,
          Jasmine was a question I received. Do Amish live in Jasmine? I have no idea where Jasmine is. Must be overseas somewhere. I am familiar with the Amish in Lancaster County Pennsylvania. Lived about 45 minutes from Lancaster. Just watching the Amish fascinated me and still does. Such a wonderful, peaceful, group of people with such reverence and strong beliefs in God.


          1. Thank you Regina, I think Jasmine is the name of the lady who asked the question above?

        2. Bert


          theres a community in wisconsin by marshfield

    5. Regina Green

      Do the Amish live in Jasmine?

      I am not familiar where Jasmine is. I looked it up on the Internet and only found one site where it stated that the Amish DID NOT live it Jasmine. Tell me more about this.

    6. Regina Green

      Take care Erik. What religious denomination are you?

    7. Jasmine Mitchell

      New order Amish.

      Sorry about my question above. I was in a hurry and didn’t take time to read it after I wrote it. The question should have said,

      Do the New order Amish just live in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina? or do they live in other places also?


      Also thanks for answering my question Erik and Regina.
      God bless.

      1. Regina Green

        New Amish

        No problem Jasmine. Not to worry.

        The Old Amish we always considered to be “Old Mennonites” and the New Amish were considered to be the “New Mennonites.” If this is what you are referring to the Old and New Mennonites lived in my home area of PA. the Old Mennonites still remained rather strict in their attire, lived very plain and some had cars (black in color) and “some” had TV’s and radios, but remained pretty close to their sect. The New Mennonites were more relaxed. They did have TV’s, Radio’s and modern appliances, bit did have black cars and lived modestly. Some did however still wear there little bonnets. I had become friends with a family of New Mennonites and loved being around them. Learned a lot from them too. Both “orders” are extremely religious and remain close to there Christian faith and are so peaceful to be around.

        Now, if there is a newer sect/order of Amish, I am not familiar with it. Only the “Old and New Mennonites” which are off springs of the original Amish. That is something I will do was research on, however. You peaked my interest.

        Are you studying this in college, or just curious? Fascinating to me how I found this question on my email. Made me a little homesick.:-)

        Take care and God bless you Jasmine.

    8. Amsey Horst

      New versus Old Order Amish or Mennonite

      I grew up Old order Mennonite in Rural Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada. I have moved far away from that heritage both in physical distance and believe. I now live in Vancouver Canada in what some of my American friends call “The Left Coast”. If you are in the USA and look North Vancouver is to your left on the Pacific Ocean.

      In answer to the question, There are Amish Mennonites who have dropped the name Amish and who identify as Mennonite yet you would not know it if you met them or walked into their homes. They have, radio, TV an computers just like the rest of us. There are other churches who have dropped the name Mennonite completely yet can trace their heritage directly to the Old Order Mennonites.

      There have been many division within this group. So of the oldest was the split between Amish and Mennonite. Most divisions occurred because of disagreements regarding things like cars, Sunday school and many other minor (from an outsider’s view) differences. In Southern Ontario alone there used to be over 30 distinct different groups of Mennonites. I used to say that all Amish were Mennonite but not all Mennonites were Amish. However some more recent research would indicate that Amish did not branch off and keep the Mennonite name. Even with those 30+ different groups one uncle decided that he had to move his family to Virginia to worship with a very small group there that was not represented in Canada.

      Mennonites generally are more conservative but conservative is a moving target depending on what you are using for comparison.

      Amsey Horst

      1. Gary Lemaire


        My wife and family grew tobacco.
        Was it sold for smoking or chewing.
        Her Mom once told me they made cigars.

        Does this practice go on in old and new order?

        1. Regina Green


          It would say yes, they still grow tobacco. The non-commercialized ways still do exist, and that’s why they may still want to do that. Also they can trade or sell within their group.

    9. Jasmine Mitchell


      Thanks for answering my question.

      I’m am just curious. I like to learn all I can about the Amish.

      Thanks again and God bless you.


      1. Regina Green
        (article explaining Anabaptist. Look at the whole article. It’s is a bit intense reading, but factual. (check out the tabs too)

    10. Jasmine Mitchell


      Thanks for answering my question.

      I’m am just curious. I like to learn all I can about the Amish.

      Thanks again and God bless you.


    11. kristin


      Do the old order amish except the new order amish at all ?? Like as fellow church members ? Or are they completely seperate ?

    12. Rachel Landa

      Question regarding special needs children within both new and old order. ..

      I have done extensive reading on both the Old and New Order Amish, but I have never heard how either group handles dealing with special needs children. Even with modern technology its difficult enough on the outside world. How do they do it? I’d be interested to know. Thank you for your time.

      1. Amsey Horst

        How Old order Amish deal with special needs children.

        Old order Amish and Old Order Mennonite are or at least used to be to a large extend farmers. Mainly their families stay together and usually special needs children are integrated into the families. I had an aunt who was pass from one family member to another. She was given the opportunity to contribute to whatever extend she could. Beyond that she was looked after by family and made to feel accepted and useful or at times pitied.

        A greater problem occurs for those who manage to fend for themselves. Their struggles are mainly ignored and never talked about. If it can be ignored then it does not exist. This is a very sensitive and painful issue for me.

        1. Stefanie


          I ave autism it the same weather you live in a,amish coummity Orr are when a disability isn’t as obvious as other people ave a hader time understanding .like some of my friends are mild then me so it less obvious with them they struggle with people understanding them ,with me it more obvious

      2. Amish special needs schooling

        In terms of education, there are various special needs arrangements including classes in Amish schools or provided by the public system.

        Here is a link with some relevant info about this kind of education in an Ohio settlement (Holmes County):

    13. confused student

      How would I cite this?

      I’m doing a research paper on the new order and old order amish and I am not sure how to cite this in MLA form, does anyone know how to cite it?

    14. Mary

      Do any New Order still live in Lancaster County?

      I was just wondering if there are still New Order Amish in Lancaster County, and would appreciate it if someone here could tell me. I can’t find any stats online. Thank you!

      1. Mark - Holmes Co.

        Mary, the New Order church in Lancaster Co. disbanded. Some members joined other churches or moved to other communities, a few returned to the Old Order.

        1. Mary


          Thanks Mark! I appreciate it.

    15. Charles

      Info about New Order Amish.

      I would like to know more about the New Order Amish communities of Michigan and Montana. I would also like to know there locations. I like everything I have read about them so far. There abstinence of tobacco and alcohol impresses me, there missionary beliefs impress me,there acceptance of outsiders impresses me, and there outlook of salvation impresses me. These characteristics impress me a whole lot more than old order Amish. None of what I have listed above is characteristic of old order Amish.

      I was raised in an environment that was never at anytime peaceful. There is nothing I have ever wanted more in my life than just a quiet peaceful Christian life to live. I can not think of a better way for a Christian to live out his life that is not surrounded by alcoholism, fornication, adultery, daily profanity, lies, deceit, and death. All I want is daily peace.

      I would also like to know more about the Old Order Amish that live in Charlot Michigan and Homer Michigan. I have met these people and even thou they are old order, they seem to be very peaceful in there daily lives.

    16. Brianna

      At one time, Amish life appealed to me. Now i realize it is not their way of life, but that they value good food without chemicals and other toxins. As far as the Christian part goes, that is a big reason why it no longer appeals to me. technology is a double edged sword, on one hand, you can learn a lot about people and other things (online dictionaries) on the other, you dont excercize, and it makes you lazy.

    17. Zachary

      More info on New Order Religious Distinctives

      I’ve been reading the Amish Way which is a great book but I am kind of disappointed that the New Order’s beliefs are never really addressed. Are there any books or resources that go into detail about their spiritual expression? Thanks

    18. Nina King


      Hello there! I have enjoyed reading your articles on the Amish & Mennonite way of life. We live in such a crazy, upside down world these days don’t we? I find that finding accurate information regarding just about anything – proves challenging. So I was delighted to find you.
      I am a little old lady who finally has time to indulge my dream of writing a novel. Doubtful that it will ever go anywhere & that’s OK! However, since I’m doing it, it needs to be right!
      Part of it regards the Amish. Particularly, outsiders marrying into the Amish community. You have touched on this but it has not been (at least that I have found) enlarged upon.
      Also, are Amish women allowed to work in the “English” community? Perhaps as teachers, librarians, secretaries or the like?
      Thank you for your work informing us all accurately about the Amish. My husband & I live in Iowa near an Amish community so they are a familiar part of our world. Usually friendly, helpful, & like us in more ways than they are not. Some crabby, some snappish – just like all other types of people!
      Thank you in advance for your help.