Types of Amish: How many different groups are there?

There are dozens of different Old Order Amish groups

amish typesThe many different Amish churches (nearly 3000 congregations as of 2024) have much in common – including horse-and-buggy travel, Plain clothing, the Pennsylvania German language, and a common set of Christian beliefs. At the same time, there is still much diversity across groups in Old Order Amish society.

The Old Order Amish themselves are distinct from Mennonite churches, as well as Beachy Amish churches, groups that typically accept higher levels of technology, Sunday School, and adhere less strictly to certain tenets of the Dordrecht Confession.

The question of how many Old Order Amish (those that drive the horse-and-buggy, speak Pennsylvania German, dress Plain, and adhere to the Dordrecht Confession) groups is a difficult one to answer, for a number of reasons. Some suggest that there are only around a half-dozen distinct Amish groups. However a broader definition suggests that there are dozens of distinct Old Order Amish groups.

Amish church organization

Amish organize themselves into affiliations, meaning groups of churches that hold similar standards and that dien together, also known as being in fellowship, a relationship which means that churches will exchange ministers for preaching, permit marriages across church districts, and cooperate in other ways.

amish clothing style
Amish groups may be distinguished by style of clothing or hair

The various affiliations existent today are a result of an at-times painful history of division.  While common beliefs in principles such as non-resistance and adult baptism (outlined in the seminal document the Dordrecht Confession) unite the Amish, at times Amish have disagreed over the proper manifestation of a Christian faith in other arenas.

Amish adhere to rules known as the Ordnung.  Submission to the Ordnung, which outlines everything from style of dress to permissible technologies, is seen as a demonstration of an individual’s humility, submission, and desire for unity with a brotherhood of like-minded believers.

Straying from the Ordnung, for example by acquiring forbidden technology or altering one’s dress, may seem an inconsequential act, but one which Amish see as symbolic of rejecting core values of submission and humility.

Thus, seemingly arbitrary differences such as one’s approach to technology, dress, or more serious issues such as interpretation of the doctrine of social shunning have resulted in division among churches in the past, and a wide range of manifestations of Old Order Amish Christianity today.

For example, the Andy Weaver Amish are a group that separated from the larger Old Order Amish body in Holmes County, Ohio, in the 1950’s.  The primary issue was disagreement over the application of social shunning–with the individuals and churches which eventually formed the Andy Weaver affiliation opting for a more strict interpretation of shunning.

Amish Affiliations

It is difficult to estimate a precise number of affiliations, as terms of fellowship can change, and Amish which seemingly are similar to one another in practice may not fellowship with one another.

The Amish community at Big Valley in Pennsylvania is home to three distinct affiliations, each easily distinguished by the color of the buggy—The Renno Amish with black-topped buggies, the Byler Amish with yellow tops, and the Nebraska Amish with white tops.  But even within the Nebraska Amish there exist divisions, with four or five different groups among the Nebraska people.

amish group
Amish mark identity in various ways

The Amish settlement at Holmes  County, Ohio has been estimated to contain eleven distinct affiliations.  Some are quite alike, such as three branches of Swartzentruber Amish, all of whom claim to be the true representation of the Swartzentruber Amish (and overall Amish, for that matter).  Between others there exists quite a gap, such as that between any of the Swartzentruber affiliations, and the Old Order or New Order affiliations, both of which are much more progressive in terms of technology accepted and even in worldview.

Similar Amish groups may differ in key ways

Some Amish may be in fellowship with one another, but seem unalike in key ways.  For example, the Andy Weaver Amish of Holmes County, an affiliation considered more conservative in terms of technology than the mainstream Old Order group, is in fellowship with the Amish of Lancaster County, but not with the Old Orders in their own community.

Ohio Andy Weaver Amish and Lancaster Amish share a similar interpretation of social shunning (both believe in a strict application of shunning), but differ in buggy color (black for Andy Weaver, gray-topped for Lancaster) and more importantly, approach to technology (Lancaster Amish accept a significantly higher degree of technology).  So even with fellowshipping groups, it is possible to notice obvious differences in cultural practice.

lancaster amish church
Lancaster Amish fellowship with the Andy Weaver Amish of Holmes County

Additionally, Amish groups may fall out of fellowship with one another over issues such as acceptance of technology in one group, or changing attitudes to the application of shunning.  Thus, a given church’s fellowship status can change.

Amish organize themselves into church districts, each with its own leadership, and the ability to formulate its own Ordnung.  While the Ordnungs of districts may be quite similar or even identical to one another, even within the same community – or affiliation – specifics of Ordnung may vary.

For example, the 130-plus Amish church districts of the Elkhart-Lagrange settlement in northern Indiana are all in fellowship with one another, even though significant differences in Ordnung with regards to technology exist between individual churches.  Amish in some districts, for example, permit gas engine lawnmowers, while those in others only allow push-style mowers.

How many Amish groups are there?

So the question of “how many different kinds of Amish are there” is a difficult one to answer.  All Amish under the Old Order umbrella (encompassing Amish manifestations from the highly conservative Swartzentruber and Nebraska Amish groups to the progressive New Order Amish) share common beliefs in non-resistance, the practice of footwashing, adult baptism, and others.

Answering this question would take examining the different Amish affiliations, and even down to the level of individual church districts.  And due to the changing nature of Amish society, the answer to this question is one likely to change.

However, since this article was originally published, someone did the work to determine the number of Amish affiliations. The authors of The Amish (2012) published data from their study of this topic which showed a total of over 40 Amish affiliations in existence, from the largest (the Lancaster County affiliation, spread over three dozen-plus communities) down to the smallest, the two-church, single-settlement Kokomo, Indiana affiliation.

Amish affiliations (from The Amish)

Only six Amish affiliations?

Others have suggested the actual number of “Amish groups” is much smaller, perhaps only a half-dozen (see “More than Forty Amish Affiliations? Charting the Fault Lines” by Christopher Petrovich, 2017).

These broader groupings focus on aspects like manner of church discipline, technology allowed, and theological markers. While this model has the benefit of fewer classifications, and the same time it ignores numerous differences, such as history and certain visual markers of culture and material life.

You can read more about the 40 affiliations and their study here.

For more, see:

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    1. Matt Santos

      But I think a more informative answer can be found?

      Like many topics, a simple question leads to a complicated answer. However, after reading about organization, affiliation and fellowship, with a level of detail incomprehensible to a person who would ask such a question, I’m left with an answer like, “it’s complicated.”

      Perhaps we can find a way to address the original answer a little better. Since the question is likely from someone outside of the community, try taking their perspective (the way they view things) into consideration.

      Can Amish communities be classified in other less official ways that make sense to those around them? How do they dress? Are there certain aspects of their behavior that an outsider can pick up on easily? Are there aspects to their beliefs and behavior that in general terms even insiders immediately identify with or distance themselves from? To an outsider, the minute details that split communities are really not that important – it is the big stuff like “those Amish drive cars, while those only use animals to plow their fields – there must be at least two types of Amish.”

      Any attempt to classify people will be imprecise and may offend or upset the people that are being classified. However, raising the level of understanding and perhaps comfort of those who are seeking this information is, I believe, a good thing. I believe that is the mission of this blog.

      1. Matt for more detail you might try some of the in-text links above, such as this one, which explains affiliation, district, etc: https://amishamerica.com/how-are-amish-communities-organized/

        Also recommended are some of the resources noted, for instance An Amish Paradox which discusses diversity in Holmes County, Ohio. I can also recommend a new book coming out next month titled simply The Amish (Kraybill, Nolt, Johnson-Weiner) which has an entire chapter on the different affiliations and actually tallies the many different Amish groups.

    2. Dr._K

      How many types of Amish are there?

      It would seem simple for an outsider to look at the Amish and try to classify them by our standards, perhaps to their frustration, but for the seeker, to get a simple answer. However if we identify the Amish as a separate culture or national affiliation (and we should), as we do with persons from other countries, you would see there is greater heterogeneity among them by reason of their own classification of diversifying factors. There are fewer common denominators between Northern and Southern Italians, between rural and urban Chinese, and between the many groups who occupy lands across borders in the African nations. Should we just simply call them Italians (or even Europeans), Chinese (or even Asians), or Africans (or perhaps very ignorantly, Black)? Even to look at language – for example, we would seek to assimilate persons hypothetically as dissimilar as Dominicans with Nicaraguans with Mexicans with Spaniards and just call them ‘Spanish-speaking persons’ or even more broadly, Hispanics? And this doesn’t eliminate concerns for persons who are of Philippine origin, who can trace their identity to both Spanish and Asian forebears. Would anyone from any of those cultures tolerate such an idea, of being lumped together in such a broad fashion?

      For those who are ‘English,’ outsiders looking in, all the Amish (and dare I say Mennonite) look pretty much alike, but for those who are inside, to be classified with common traits we have identified, is disreputable or contradictory, and would separate us even further from recognizing or acknowledging their identity. To understand them, we have to understand how THEY parse their culture and identity, not the other way around. Just my two cents.

    3. How many types of Amish are there?

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