3 Reasons Why Amish DON’T Want You To Join Them
In the above video I explain why Amish don’t want – or maybe the better word is “need” – outsiders to join them.
In a nutshell, the Amish do not typically seek converts, and there are a few reasons why.
1. The Amish don’t need converts
One very practical reason that they Amish don’t want you to join them is the fact that the Amish have large families – very large families.
Six, eight, even 10 or more children is not uncommon. And the majority of those children choose to become members of the Amish church. It varies by group, but typically 80% or more is the norm.

So they’re not a group that has problems in terms of their growth. On the contrary, they’re rapidly growing.
So the Amish tend to put a lot of their focus on their own. And most Amish parents would like their children to also choose an Amish path.
The Amish decide whether or not to be baptized once they reach adulthood – usually in the18-22 age range.
That said – at least in healthy situations – they are accepting of those that decide that the Amish way is not for them.
2. It’s very difficult for outsiders to join
There’s also a practical issue here. It’s typically very difficult for outsiders to join the Amish.
If you can imagine the drastic change in lifestyle that you would have as a non-Amish person becoming Amish, just in terms of the technology, the clothing, the lifestyle.

And it’s also a question of the mentality too. That’s because, at least in America, we put an emphasis on individualism. The personal is often prioritized above the community.
Where in contrast, in the Amish world, the community tends to come first over the personal.
So you have sort of a change in mentality required there, to be able to successfully join and remain Amish.
Now, the Amish are definitely still individuals, but the emphasis is on the good of the community. An emphasis on being selfless in terms of being more community-focused. And some people struggle with that.
3. They don’t proselytize
The Amish are not a strain of Christianity that emphasizes gaining converts. They’re not a proselytizing group.
So they tend to take care of their own. if someone does want to join, that is possible, but it’s not something that the Amish actively seek. It’s simply not a self-promoting strain of Christianity (for lack of a better term).

There’s a saying you may hear some Amish repeat and that’s, in essence, “let your light shine, but don’t shine it in someone’s face”.
So in other words, it’s about being an example – but not actively trying to convert people or convince them that the Amish way of Christianity is the best way and is the way that they should go.
That said, it’s not impossible to join the Amish
Now that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to join the Amish. For those that do attempt to join the Amish, there are some more “seeker-friendly” groups and communities where that may be easier than in others.
One example that often comes up is the New Order Amish. I did do a much longer video on joining the Amish and gave some examples of people who had joined the Amish, including Marlene Miller.
Marlene was a woman in Ohio who became Amish, and lived as an Amish person for over 50 years.
A Final Note
For anyone considering joining the Amish, it’s always good to know what you are getting into. Most people who express that interest (online at least) are not serious about it.
In many cases, they express such interest because they have personal problems or are frustrated with something in their lives, and/or romanticize what they think is the Amish way of things.

But there is a small percentage of such people which I would say are good candidates to become Amish. Those tend to be the people who have, or manage to develop, a good understanding of what Amish life is all about.
The basis of that is Christianity, and the Amish believe in a lived faith. The cultural and lifestyle aspects that everyone talks about are part of it. But those are not the vehicle to get one to heaven (although some Amish might feel that it helps).
People who approach Amish life thinking it is an “alternate lifestyle” – or a way to “live green” or off-the-grid – or to locate themselves in a community of “perfect people”…inevitably will end up disappointed.
For more, see:
- Can Outsiders Join The Amish?
- 5 Reasons People Leave the Amish
- Amish Convert Marlene Miller Shares Her Story
- When a son joins the Amish
- 6 Reasons Why People FAIL To Join The Amish

Eric, thank you so much for continuing to enlighten us about the Amish. I really like that comment, “Let your life shine but don’t shine it in someone’s face.”
I’d enjoy reading/hearing more about English who have transitioned to the Old Order Amish, not because I want to do it, but because it sounds like quite the story.
Happy writing, Jim
Thanks Jim, I was happy to share that, it’s one of my favorite “quotes from the Amish”. That idea is one I think everyone would do well by.
Have you seen the series of posts by Anne on this site, about her son Ed who joined the Amish? She kindly shared a lot of what that was like, both from Ed’s experience and her own as a mother of a convert. Here are a couple and you can find more if you search it at top:
Marlene Miller is another interesting one, though I have fewer posts on her story (there is one Q&A).
Great Post and Saying
I loved this post! I find it very important to keep highlighting a more realistic representation of the Amish instead of a romanticized vision of them that many people have, which actually keeps us from getting to know how they really are and how they really live.
I’ll totally check the other posts about joining the Amish and the Marlene Miller Q&A – it’ll be so interesting to know them from an outsider’s perspective who has joined them.
Like Jim, I find the quote “Let your life shine but don’t shine it in someone’s face.” very beautiful. I’d love to know more Amish sayings!
Reason to Join an Amish Church
Probably the soundest reason to join an Amish Church and Community is genuine belief in the doctrine, and belief that the Amish way of life is pleasing to God.
Excellent— Yes
I want to endorse Jim Potter’s comment. You covered the topic thoughtfully and succinctly.
Thank you Robert, I’m glad you thought so. I think there are probably more than 3 reasons but these were the most obvious ones.
Having to learn Pennsylvania Dutch is also an impediment
Since church is held in Pennsylvania Dutch, this can be a problem. I think Marlene Miller mentioned this in her book. I believe some of the more progressive churches may supply interpreters, but that is certainly awkward! Yes, in regular life, English is used a lot, but in the family, Pennsylvania Dutch is perhaps more common.
I love the lifestyle, but I am an old dog, who doesn't learn new tricks very well.
We have a lot of Amish friends whom we love dearly. We have watched the children grow from newborns to young adults w2ith children of their own. We have stayed in their homes for quite a while, been to weddings, held precious newborns, lived and laughed with them for many years now. I am a better person from knowing them, and from their friendship. Still though, I do not think it advisable to try and join a community. Adopt their lifestyle, beliefs, way of life, habits, but do not try and force yourself into something you are not. So much of the”Amish” way of life is learned through experiences, and not taught in a book. There is MUCH to be learned from our Amish brethren, just as they can learn from us. Co-existence might be the best of both worlds…..
Joining Amish
Amen Jeffrey. The best compliment of my life came from Mattie Keim, who said “Paula, you have an Amish heart”. I will take that to my grave. Years later I would learn that I am descended from a long line of Mennonite Ministers from Germany & Austria who came here to avoid persecution. How I would’ve loved to have been fully worthy, but I am to much of the world. But Mattie, her son Levi, & her sweet daughters will never leave me. Sometimes blessings are bestowed in a moment, some are for a lifetime, but anyway those blessings come are blessings indeed.
Amish Reference
The best take away of this article is vindication. When I’m berated with inclusion, multiculturalism, and acceptance of outsiders to our in group preferences for membership, I use the Amish as reference. If you can convert their beliefs, we’ll talk. I never hear back from them.