Marlene Miller on Grace Leads Me Home: Giveaway & Interview
Marlene Miller is a convert to the Amish and author of Grace Leads Me Home, a memoir of becoming Amish and her life in the 45 years since. I read Marlene’s book a couple of months ago and quite enjoyed it. Here is how I described my overall impression:
I liked the book. We’ve seen a few accounts of individuals leaving the Amish lately (see Ira Wagler or Saloma Miller Furlong). An account of joining the Amish by a person still in the faith is rarer. I asked an Amish convert once for an interview for this site, and was politely refused, a decision I could understand. At the same time Amish literary expression has flourished with more and more publications by Amish. Marlene is not afraid to share her warts in this book. If you enjoy raw first-person life stories you’ll like this one.
You can read the rest of what I wrote, including more details about the content here: Marlene Miller’s Grace Leads Me Home.
Marlene has kindly answered a few questions for us today, and also offered a copy of Grace Leads Me Home in a giveaway contest.
How to Win Grace Leads Me Home
There are two ways to enter to win:
1. Leave a comment on this post.
2. “Like” the Amish America Facebook page, then leave a comment here.
You can do both, for a total of 2 chances to win. I’ll draw and announce the winner in one week’s time, on Thursday, July 5th.
Marlene Miller Interview
Marlene’s answers are short and sweet but I think you’ll enjoy them. Thanks Marlene!
Amish America: What aspect of Amish life has been hardest to adapt to or adopt?
Marlene Miller: Number 1 was language, number 2 sewing, number 3 farming. It was 1971 before I ever tried harnessing and hitching up our road horse.
What was the hardest thing about writing Grace Leads Me Home?
Two aspects of my life were really hard. My childhood memories and my son’s accident, death and funeral had me constantly dripping tears on my paper.
What do you like about living in Holmes County?
We live in Tuscarawas County. But we call ourselves Holmes County Amish. Holmes County is next door. The scenery in these rolling hills are beautiful. The people are kind, laid back and very helpful when a need arises. Because the Amish drive buggies we can take the time to greet with a wave an smile.
What changes have you seen come to your community over 40-some years?
Because of the huge growth over 45 years, we’ve been divided 4 times. We only have 2 farmers in our district. They have more modern machinery. The homes shops also have more modern conveniences.
As a mother and grandmother what if any concerns do you have for the next generations?
My biggest fear for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren is that they may become slaves to our government. Our forefathers died so they and we also could have the freedom to worship Jesus Christ.
You write that certain things about being Amish have been harder to pick up than others, such as language. At this point are you treated much differently than others in your community?
I must admit our family was at times treated differently, but as the years have passed we’re treated very kindly.
What would you advise someone seeking the Amish?
Whether you’re Amish or not you need to repent, ask Jesus Christ our Savior to come and live within your heart. Read the Bible everyday and be obedient to His Word. Seek a real Bible-believing church. The Lord may want you to become an Amish Christian. NOT Just anyone can do this.
Do you know others who have joined the Amish?
Yes, two married families who live 10 miles from us. Another man who was in his 70’s wanted to marry an Amish widow. He joined the Amish faith, married her and had a wonderful life. They have both passed away.
Can you tell us about the reception of your book? How have you promoted it? Where can we get a copy?
My book was received exceptionally well. I self-published but have sold over 6 thousand. I sent wholesale brochures to different stores in 3 states. I have books in some restaurants near my home, but the biggest restaurant is in Sarasota, Florida, called Troyer’s Dutch Heritage.
My book is available on Amazon as an E-book only. A person can order from Faith View Books (Millersburg, Ohio), Gospel Book Store (Berlin, Ohio), Gospel Shop (Sugarcreek, Ohio), or direct from me at Marlene C. Miller, 9082 Cement Bridge Rd., Dundee OH 44624.
**A little more info on ordering (thanks Linda)**: If someone wants to order a book directly from Marlene Miller, the price is $14.99, plus 3.00 shipping. Ohio residents add 6 1/2% tax. She accepts check or money order, and yes, she will autograph her book for you. Her phone is 866-660-2332. Marlene said she will gladly send you a book; she will gladly send 2 books if you want!
Grace Leads Me Home Winners & Book Excerpt
We’ve got two winners of Marlene Miller’s Grace Leads Me Home today. First, a note from Cathy:
Hi, I’m Cathy, Marlene’s friend who helped her write her book,Grace Leads Me Home. I just got off the phone with Marlene and she is just thrilled with all the comments from everyone on this site. It’s wonderful to her that out of her conviction that God wanted her to write down her story for her family and others to read, so many are blessed and enjoying reading about her journey. She is excited to see who will win the drawing for the books.
So…let’s see who that is. Judging by the number of entries on the blog and Facebook there is quite a bit of interest in Marlene’s book. I’ve just used to draw 2 numbers from the entries:
Andrew Dufresne (Facebook comment #14)
Patsy (blog comment #18)
Congrats to Andrew and Patsy. Send a mailing address to me at, and I’ll pass it along to Marlene so she can send you your book.
We’ve also got an excerpt from Grace Leads Me Home. In this section, taken from chapter 13, “Tough Times”, Marlene describes a particular trying period in her life as an Amish farm wife:
After we had been farming Wayne’s place for three years, in the summer of 1971 I started having misgivings about my abilities as an Amish wife and mother. Johnny was still farming and working days at the window and door plant; and we had six children, two in diapers, which began to overwhelm me. My workload was at its peak in the middle of canning season, and I was in a family way again and probably run down, physically and emotionally.
Because our two babies slept in their baby beds in our bedroom, I was constantly awake at night. Several times a night I had to get up to feed the babies, and, with feeding and changing, it was an hour or two each time until I could get back to bed try to catch a little bit of sleep. Lack of sleep along with the pressing weight of all the other duties that a good Amish wife should do made me want to leave it all. A consuming thought started going through my mind, “Just walk away…just walk away. You can’t do it all. This is too much.” Satan really had a heyday with me during that dark time. I still loved Johhnny and my children, I still wanted to belleve and keep the Amish faith, but I was terribly overwhelmed, and I continually allowed this thought to consumer me, “I’m not good enough to be an Amish wife.”
The other Amish wives seemed to be an ideal of industry and kindness I could never live up to. Then when I was called lazy by an Amish relative, it really hurt me deep down to the core. I had tried very hard to be a dedicated Amish wife and mothers, had spent several years studying and learning this life, and I knew absolutely in my spirit that the Lord wanted me to be Asmih, but I diddn’t know how I could go on any longer.
For about two weeks, the feelings of being overwhelmed just consumed me. Outside I had sows and pigs to feed and 100 chickens to tend to besides collecting and washing the eggs. Inside, I had three babies in cloth diapers, which I had to wash-no Pampers for us. Then there was the continual washing, cleaning, sewing baking, ironining-back then I ironed all our everyday clothes besides our church clothes-meals to make, bathing of children, and always dishes and dishes and dishes to wash.
Gardening, which I hadn’t known much about with my city upbringing, was the hardest chore for me. It seemed I could never keep up with the weeds. Then the canning for our ever-expanding family would start. In the summer I canned many different kinds of fruits and vegetables. Even in the winter, the canning continued with beef, hogs, and chickens that we raised, butchered, and preserved. We put up hundreds upon hundreds of quarts of food each year. Many times I thought, “How in the world will I ever get this canning done?”
It’s not that Johnny didn’t help me when he could, but with farming morning and nights at our place and Wayne’s and working eight hours at the factory, he could only do so much. I still brag about how many dirty diapers Johnny rinsed out in the toilet and then rinsed in the sink before I washed them on wash day. Sometimes when he came home at night, I had whole piles of dirty diapers waiting to be taken care of. Johnny would look at them and say, “I will do this.” And he took them, rinsed each one in the toilet, rinsed it again in the sink, and hung it to dry either on the side of the bathtub or the rinse tub in the basement. If we didn’t hang them to dry those diapers would mildew by wash day. Not only were the diapers piling up, but my feelings of being overwhelmed were piling up, too.
It wasn’t that I wanted to leave being Amish or leave Johnny, but I just couldn’t cope any longer. I even began thinking, “My mom was right. I can’t handle this life anymore.” One gloomy day with overcast skies, I sat down and wrote Johnny a note, my mood as glum as the weather. I told him that I really loved him and the children, but I couldn’t go on any longer with the overwhelming responsibilities; I just had to leave. I even said I would wear my Amish clothes and believe my Amish faith, but mentally I couldn’t take my life any longer.
I had my leaving all planned….
If you’d like to get a copy of Grace Leads Me Home, you can do that direct from Marlene:
The price is $14.99, plus 3.00 shipping. Ohio residents add 6 1/2% tax. She accepts check or money order, and yes, she will autograph her book for you. Her phone is 866-660-2332. The address: Marlene C. Miller, 9082 Cement Bridge Rd., Dundee OH 44624.
Marlene said she will gladly send you a book; she will gladly send 2 books if you want!
![amish cheese](
Marlene Miller book contest
I have been looking for this book to purchase, and haven’t found it. I’d love to win a copy. Thank you for offering this giveaway!
Loved it.
I am not a reader but have just finished Grace Leads Me Home. As I read Marlene’s book, I laughed, cried and sympathized with her and the family. I admire her faith in God and the love she has for Him and for her husband Johnny. Not many people experience that type of love.
I also have read Growing Up Amish by Ira Wagler. ( I think that is his name) I have read it twice. I especially loved the part where he actually prayed for himself and found peace with God.
I bought his book at a book signing in Berlin at the gospel book store in German Village. He signed it for me. Marlene was also there but I only bought the one book. We were in Berlin in May and I found Marlene’s book at the gospel book store in the flea market. I am so glad I bought it. I loved reading it.
The AMazing Amish
Twenty years ago I did a graduate paper on the Traditons of the Amish. I got to know an Amish family in Lancaster Pa and I respect their way of life, they way the all worked together and how they take csre of their elderly family members. I would love tp read your book. Barbara Larkin
Would love a chance to win the book
Thank you for this opportunity to win a copy of the book. This is the first I have heard of it and I am sure it would be very interesting.
Marlene Miller on Grace Leads Me Home: Giveaway & Interview
This book would be so interesting to read! Thanks for the chance to win!
Looks like an interesting book. Thank you for the giveaway.
jjsell76 at yahoo dot com
Would love to read the book.
Would love to read your book – hoping to win!
book giveaway
I would very much like to win a copy of the book. Thanks.
I would love to be registered to win. Thank you!
I would love to add this one to my library. Please if you could enter me into the drawing
Marlene is thrilled!
Hi, I’m Cathy, Marlene’s friend who helped her write her book,Grace leads Me Home. I just got off the phone with Marlene and she is just thrilled with all the comments from everyone on this site. It’s wonderful to her that out of her conviction that God wanted her to write down her story for her family and others to read, so many are blessed and enjoying reading about her journey. She is excited to see who will win the drawing for the books.
Cathy give our thanks to Marlene, and my congrats to you on helping to craft a very nice book!
Would like to read the book. Count me in.
realistically impossible for me
I have often thought about converting but decided to stick to my own “old ways” and my own faith,
Ahh, what the heck ...
Count me in, too. I am just finishing up the last of the Amish books that I purchased in December. Time to reload. This looks like a good start. Thanks Marlene and Erik for doing this book giveaway.
Love the opportunity
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win what looks to be a wonderful book. As all of your readers here on your site, I love reading about these gracious people and the lives they lead that are to me examples of how we should strive to live. Marlene took that road that we are all fascinated by and would love to read her life journey.
Hello, I’d like to enter the book contest. And I’ll gladly buy it if I don’t win.
Book Giveaway
I would love to have and read Marlene Miller’s book!
I would love to read Marlene Miller’s book, it would be thrilling to win. When my husband was able to travel our favorite place to visit was the area where she lives
I would love to read Marlene Miller’s book, it would be thrilling to win. When my husband was able to travel our favorite place to visit was the area where she lives.
Greetings from Colorado & include my name
Hi,Erik, The Aden Troyers and Sam Peacheys and Polly and I are on a 13 day birding trip to Colorado. We are in NE Colorado and had our first full day of birding. So far, including the trip here, we have logged 80 species, including a couple rarities and life birds. You may want to feature the Amish as birders sometime–including why Lancaster County has almost no serious Amish birders–disgraceful 😉 Stop and see us as you are passing through. Rich
Rich–I remember you mentioned this trip upcoming–have a wonderful time, sounds like loads of fun, even if I’m not officially a birder yet. How about a birding guest post, about the trip or feathered friends in general?
Will look forward to visiting in PA!
I think I left a comment on the ‘wrong’ post so here goes again! I’d love to read this book. It sounds so interesting! Thanks.
Comment on Marlene Miller on Grace Leads Me Home: Giveaway & Interview
Would love to win this book. It sounds very interesting.
Great Blog!
I read your blog every day. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to win this book.
I can’t respond to everyone individually, but thanks to all who entered and shared on this thread. And of course thanks to Marlene for the giveaway.
I hope you enjoy Marlene’s book, and you’re welcome to let us know what you thought of it here or elsewhere on the site.
Comment on Marlene Miller on Grace Leads me Home: Giveaway Contest
I loved reading about this interview and would love to win the book. I would LIKE it on Facebook but I haven’t learned how to do so on Facebook yet… too busy quilting!
I just moved from Lancaster Pa to a larger home where my daughter and I make quilts and related items that we consign in the Mud Sales in Lancaster County area… oh, how I love the auctions… such a fun time to go to one!
I love the Amish area and hope to visit some other Amish areas in western Pa and Ohio. If you know of any auctions coming up in Lancaster or other nearby counties in Pa/Ohio I would love to hear from you.
Giveaway contest
Thank you for the opportunity to enter to win a copy of your book. I look forward to reading it.
book giveaway
Thank you for the opportunity to win your book. I look forward to reading it soon.
I’m excited also, to see who wins this book and I do hope it is me 🙂 sounds like a wonderful book… looking forward to reading it….thanks for a chance 🙂
Looks like this contest is over eh? In July…..oh well just saw it posted on my email, so thought I’d answer….but another day late and dollar short 🙂
I would love to read this book
I would love the opportunity,to read this book!
Would be thrilled to read!!!
I would love the opportunity to read this book. Thank you for your wonderful article and the chance to win a copy of the book.
Folks this contest happened two years ago. Check the date 🙂 You can still get Marlene’s book however online and in other places. Good read.