Inside A Northern Indiana Amish Home (15 Photos)

Nice look today inside an Amish-owned home in the third-largest of all Amish settlements (Elkhart-LaGrange County, Indiana). This is one of the more progressive communities. So you’ll find the typical Amish touches – along with a bit more modern feel in this home (originally built in 1997).

You can see that more progressive look right off the bat, with this exterior view. It’s the kind of home you probably wouldn’t immediately peg as Amish on first look.

The area is Middlebury, which is one of the main towns in the Elkhart-LaGrange Amish settlement (Shipshewana would be the best-known place in this area).

This is the community Marlene Lehman comes from. As Marlene mentioned in our first conversation, the RV industry is big here. It’s the main way Amish males here make a living, in fact (some Amish women also work in the factories as well).

So it’s a rural area, but not as agriculturally-based as some Amish places (though there are some farms, including produce growers).

So the lifestyle of the Amish here is a bit more in tune with the non-Amish world, in part due to the influence of the RV factory lifestyle. You will see that reflected in their homes.

Here’s the home description via Zillow (hat-tip to Jim Halverson for noticing this home):

Take a look at this one of kind property located just outside of Middlebury on 12 beautiful, rolling country acres. The large walk out ranch home has 5 bedrooms and 4 baths and has a large deck that looks out over your own large private pond which comes with nice pavilion and beach area.

The multiple outbuildings are perfect for those needing storage for those larger toys or those with livestock or horses. The property is currently owned by an Amish family with the electricity not being utilized but most if not all of it would still be in place. If you are looking for a country property in Middlebury you are going to want to check this one out!

This home is really beautifully-photographed as you’ll see in these shots.


What a nice breakfast view this would be (although, if the males of the household work in RVs, odds are they’re out of the house well before sunrise). Great spot to eat meals with your family. This table has seating just for four, but that table can be easily expanded and they have the room for it in this bay window area.

Two calendars in view in this shot as well. You’ll be hard-pressed to find an Amish home without at least one or two of these nature-scene calendars displayed somewhere.

Kitchen area showing the hanging battery light below the heat shield. Smoke detector as well. According to the description, it sounds like this was built first as a wired, non-Amish home.

Refrigerators in more progressive Amish homes run on propane or natural gas. I like the peek at the hat and dress rack in the next room. What else do you notice here?

Living area

Lots of comfy spaces for the family to plop down, relax, read, and catch up. Grandfather clocks are another standard item in Amish homes as well.

Here you’ve got an office area with covered desk space, and sewing area in probably the best place in the house for it – tucked into another little bay window area. I like the greenery they have in here too.


The home has five bedrooms. This is the fanciest one among the provided photos. Furniture in Amish homes is often high-quality. Many Amish are involved in furniture-making and you’ll see an appreciation for well-made “heirloom quality” pieces.

This child’s bedroom has a plainer, more classically “Amish” look to it.


One of the bathroom photos. Juxtaposition of the fancy-ish looking tub installation on the left, and the old-fashioned oil lamp on the right.

I would guess this space on the lower level is where the family hosts church service.

Oh yea, and here’s the lovely pond included in the deal.


This is a really nice, roughly 3500-square-foot home on a 12-acre lot in one of the largest Amish communities. So you know the price isn’t going to be low. Here’s the property outline from above.

So how much is this place?

This property is currently up for sale at $697,500, represented by Jesse Riegsecker of Bright Star Real Estate. That sounds about like what you’d expect for something this size in this high-population Amish area.

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  1. Connie Jacobs

    Was that a telephone stuck on the side of the refrigerator??

    1. K.D.

      Indiana Amish Home

      Hi, Connie,
      I never guessed a cell phone. I though maybe a baby monitor,
      but you might be right about that. Great observation!

  2. K.D.

    Indiana Amish Home

    Hey, Erik . . .

    I noticed many dark colored little bottles near the kitchen stove.
    At first I thought, “Could they be bottles of essential oils to cover up
    certain offensive kitchen odors?” but now I’m not so sure. Also saw
    a car garage but then the obvious sign of a horse having been in the
    driveway, so I assume the family keep a buggy or pony cart, etc. in the
    garage?? Finally, in the outline of the property it seems there are two homes
    built on it. Is it just the one house for sale or . . . ?? Thanks for showing us
    this lovely home. Wish it were mine. Lol. Have a wonderful day.

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    Hello. Please email me so I can respond privately regarding a matter which may be of interest to you–actually to anyone of the amish faith.