Visiting The Amish At Whitefield, Maine

Over the past decade, we’ve seen Amish in Maine slowly expand their footprint in the state. Lately they’ve been adding a community at the rate of about one every two years. The best-known is probably the seeker-friendly Unity settlement, which features in the news fairly frequently.

But there are seven other settlements in Maine now, and last autumn, reader Jillian York had a chance to visit one of them – at Whitefield in Lincoln County. This community was started in 2017, and is still just one church district in size.

The Whitefield settlement has an interesting origin story – it was started here largely on the initiative of an English couple who “recruited” Amish from New York to move there. The Amish were welcomed by the sound of it, though there have been some buggy accidents since its founding. It sounds like this is a Swartzentruber settlement, based on where the original families came from, and the description of their buggies.

Jillian shares her visit below.

Whitefield, Maine Amish map

Last fall, I was visiting my family near Portland, Maine and decided to check out the Whitefield, Maine Amish community, which I learned about from your site. There’s a good map of the community here (map image by

There’s only a handful of businesses so far – one selling furniture, an apple cider business, and a maker of custom boat covers were spotted – but the highlight was the Troyer family’s Happy Farm, just around the corner from the Sheepscot General Store (a non-Amish business that’s been there for a long time) on ME-126.

On the day we visited, one of the family members was outside with a small stand, selling baskets, loads of food items (cinnamon rolls, fresh bread including the famed Maine Anadama bread, pickles, jams, and apple butter), candles, birdhouses, and a few other small items, as well as quilts and aprons, which were displayed on a clothesline.

I ended up purchasing a queen-sized quilt for $400, which I understand is a fantastic deal compared to what I’ve seen in Lancaster County.

The quilt was sold to me by Ms. Troyer, who had a distinctive southern accent (I’d guess Kentucky, but I’m not that good at accents). Interestingly, I recently plucked two crossed pins out from the insides of the quilt and wondered for a moment if that could be some kind of signature 🙂

Jillian also shares this: We didn’t ask where they were from (the only person we actually spoke with was Katie Troyer) but some friends of my family who bought a stove from another family said they’re all recent migrants from the South/Midwest (no more specifics I’m afraid). The products on sale were very Maine-oriented though! Anadama bread, apple butter, stuff I grew up with. Also, Katie’s dog was named Whisky, which I thought was kind of funny.

So it sounds like the settlement has attracted Amish from other regions besides New York. If you’d like to read more, here are two more articles – on its founding and growth.

Thanks to Jillian for sharing her visit with us. If you’ve visited an Amish settlement and would like to share with us too, feel free to email me (ewesner[at]gmail[dot]com). 

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  1. Kathrin Theberge

    Interested in pricing a shed

    do you have any kind price list for a storage shed to be built?

    1. Jay Pappas

      Amish in Whitefield, Maine

      I live in West Bath,Maine. About 20 miles from Whitefield. 13 years ago, my wife and I retired from Ashland, Ohio with a large Amish population around that area. I always missed seeing the Amish after leaving Ohio, but am delighted to see them again in Whitefield. We have bought items from Mrs Troyerentioned in the article and had a nice conversation. She is widowed, but told me her husband had originally been from Holmes County in Ohio which bordered Ashland County, where we lived. I hope the Whitefield area continues to attract more Amish families. My wife and I will continue to buy items from them in the future.

  2. Butch TRACY

    New Community in Mercer, Maine

    I have visited the Amish in Whitefield, Unity and Wales, Maine. We now have two families form Ohio who recently settled in Mercer. Growing numbers are also moving into Palmyra and nearby Pittsfield. I hope the word will spread that there are many great farms still around. I was stationed years ago in Berks County, PA and fell in love with the Pennsylvania Dutch culture. They remind me of the heritage I have from my German Palatine ancestors who settled in upstate New York in 1710.

  3. Sherri Ann Campbell Tremblay

    Young Amish Boy Fishing in Mercer Maine

    We have a place in Mercer Maine that we went to this week, on our way to our home we saw a young Amish boy fishing at the community boat dock, he had his horse and buggy parked on the road. I was wondering if this is the same family that makes the sheds and are involved in construction work? We heard they are very honest and does great work, we are looking for some help with our camp in Mercer Maine. Thank you in advance for the information.

    1. Butch Tracy

      New Community in Mercer, Maine

      They do some construction, but you will have to stop by in person on Elm Street to ask them about it. They usually sell baked goods at Christie’s Irving on Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons.

  4. kenneth ronald coleman
  5. Gary Metzger


    These Amish are definitely Swartzentruber Amish. We live in SC and often visit a Swartzentruber settlement in Ellenboro, NC. The bishop of the Ellenboro settlement has a cousin who is one of the Whitefield Amish, and we visited them 2 years ago to send them greetings from the bishop. In their case, they moved to Whitefield from Ethridge, TN. Thanks for your article, it was very interesting!

  6. Sherrill Hallett

    I am interested in getting quote for a new roof for my garage. I would like a metal roof. I came some see you if I know your location in Whitefield.
    I just need a quote for a loan.


    Sherrill Hallett