Inside A $575,000 Amish Home (26 Photos)
Last week we saw an Amish home in the Gladwin, Michigan community shared by reader Seth, whose uncle had just sold the property. This week we have another home in the same community. This one is on 40 acres of property and has a price tag of $575,000, no doubt reflecting both the substantial acreage and the quality of the home.
It’s described as a 5,000-square-foot farm home with 10 bedrooms (though confusingly, in another section it’s listed as having nine bedrooms, no matter, it’s got a lot of bedrooms!). Via
A horse lover’s dream! Once in a lifetime opportunity to own 40 acres of an Amazing Amish Farm, Complete with a 10 Bedroom Home that features vaulted ceilings, White Oak floors, trim and cabinetry throughout the entire home surrounded by large, wrap around porches. The New 36×62 -10 Stall Stables with 2 18′ lean tos are immaculate. There is also a 60×120 Barn with a 30×62 insulated wing with a 10 ft porch on the property. The beautiful landscape includes a beautiful pasture, a huge garden, large pond and wooded area. There hasn’t been any pesticides in 10 years. So many opportunities in this property!!! Partial Electric, HVAC & Plumbing.
As a reminder this is a conservative community, though this property has one of the nicest Amish interiors I’ve ever seen, and appears to be downright fancy in some respects, which you’ll see in the photos below.
As a sign of the more conservative Ordnung here, you can note the pressurized lantern which makes an appearance in many of the photos to light up the rooms. I believe this burns naphtha or possibly another fuel. No Dewalt battery lights or other more progressive forms of lighting visible here.
Also, unlike last week’s property in the same community, it does say there is one first-floor bathroom here, though I don’t see any photos of it. Perhaps that has just recently been added to encourage a sale.
Let’s have a look at some of those bedrooms first:
Very colorful.
This next room strikes me as the fanciest of the bunch. I don’t believe I’ve seen too many wind chimes inside a bedroom. I bet when those windows are open though you hear some nice chiming.
A place to hang your hat.
Lots of neat details in these rooms. I got a hickory rocker like this one for my father years ago, from an Amishman in Ohio. We’ve always used it as an outdoor porch seat, but I like the indoor usage.
This IS a big family.
Well that’s eight of the bedrooms at least. On to other areas of the home.
Downstairs in the large main open kitchen/dining/general room.
Living room with a very nice-looking grandfather clock.
Looks like a second kitchen area.
I’m getting a little confused as to which rooms I’m in. On some of these I can’t tell if it’s a new room or just a different angle. It’s a big place.
Cozy stove. This home is so neat and tidy.
At least two grandfather clocks in this home.
Back outside on the porch lounging area.
Really a nice property. The agent for this property is James Diedrich of Ayre Rhinehart Bay Realtors. I’ll close by zooming out with a couple of sky shots:

that hornets' nest
Beautiful place, but I’m wondering if that hornets nest in the bedroom is included in the price?
Also, is there some Amish resistance to large area rugs? I don’t recall seeing one in any of the homes you have shown us over the years.
And, come to think of it, since wall-to-wall carpeting is cheaper than hardwood flooring, why do we never see carpeting?
Wall to wall carpeting is not allowed.
No carpet because no vacuum , the rugs have to be taken outside and beaten, the larger rugs are too hard to handle
Nice house!!
That is one BIG house, and never have I seen one of that quality in the settlements that we visit. One would need roller skates to work in those big rooms! Wasted space is probably not the right word to use, but why so big? Having church certainly would not be a problem.
Erik, in the opening paragraph trim is mentioned to be through out the house, and it is! How nice to see the rooms finished! There are the two kitchen ranges, is there another heat source?
No pic’s of the basement and why is that? No bathroom seen either. Never the less, it is a top notch home. Seems almost too fancy for being Amish. Prideful as the Amish say.
Grace and blessings to you,
Yes indeed this home does look quite finished compared to the previous week’s one where several rooms were still in progress.
As for the basement there may well have been pics there but I did not include, I can’t recall. I don’t always include them.
I would guess with 9-10 bedrooms suggesting quite a few people living here, that space is put to use 🙂
The House
I think carpeting would be a little impractical in a farm house with kids of various ages running around plus I’m thinking the very large, sparsely furnished living room might be used for church so there would be a lot of people coming in with shoes on. The ordnung might frown on wall to wall carpeting anyway. The windows almost always have one curtain panel as I think that might be part of the ordnung. What I noticed is that there are few, if any, paintings, pictures, artwork etc. on the walls. Clocks yes which is great, but artwork no.
Why I think the Amish don’t have wall to wall carpeting
After contemplating this question previously, I came to the conclusion that carpeting and rugs are challenging to clean. Without an electricity powered vacuum, the only way to clean carpet is an old-fashioned carpet sweeper or carrying them outside to beat over a clothesline. I can see beating a rug, but modern wall to wall carpeting would obviously be impossible. I have used a carpet sweeper, and although it will pick up sone dirt, it will never give a deep clean. We live on a farm, and when we first moved here, I was shocked by how remarkably dirtier our floors quickly become in comparison to our previous suburban or city homes. We remove shoes at the door, brush off our clothes before coming in, etc…but the reality is that a working farm family just brings in more dirt. A quick sweep is fast and easy. So, I think the Amish have rug-less floors as much for cleanliness and simplicity as for any other reason. Just my guess!
Too mundane
I especially think that carpeting in the Amish spirit must mostly look too mundane. We must not forget that the watchword is humility, modesty and simplicity.
But indeed, cleaning a carpet or a very large rug without a vacuum cleaner, it can’t be easy.
Erik, keep an eye on your SPAM box, I sent you a message on December 6th and that’s certainly where you’ll find it as always.
Sure thing will check it out and get back to you
I made a mistake in translation, I meant luxurious by mundane
Surprised at the bows and ruffles on the table coverings.
I noticed a few things that seemed, well, different. All the colorful glassware that was being collected, the beautiful quilted pieces on the furniture, a guitar, and a Billy Bass. It also looks like someone sold Tupperware.