New Wilmington Amish auction

New Wilmington Amish auction

Photo man and in-the-field auction expert Rick Harrison shares his latest batch of pictures from the New Wilmington Amish auction, which took place June 6th.  This was the 20th annual benefit auction and turnout was sizable.  Rick estimated over 125 buggies on the lot.

New Wilmington Amish auction buggies
Auctions are popular among Amish.  Lancaster County holds a medical benefit auction each year to support the work of Holmes Morton at The Clinic for Special Children.  Haiti sales occur in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Illinois to benefit the impoverished island nation.  Amish schools often hold small auctions to help raise operating funds.  And then there are the famous mud sales.

New Wilmington Pennsylvania Amish auction
Rick reports that pipes are popular in this community, and true to form, “at least 95% of the men wore light blue shirts.”

Also, Rick says that “unlike Lancaster, there were no cornerball, volleyball, or football games.”  New Wilmington is one of the more conservative Amish communities, which in practice can mean more tobacco and less sports.

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  1. Bill

    Once again, great photos Rick!

    I was through New Wilmington just this past Friday morning. It was raining but I did manage to find myself a blueberry pie, my favorite.

  2. Bill

    Hey Rick,
    Can you share with us what was for sale at this auction.

    As many times as I’ve been up that way I’ve never been there on auction day.

  3. Rick

    Items for sale included lots of furniture, 86 quilts, farm machinery, some horses, 13 buggies + parts, misc household and outdoor goods, plants & hanging baskets, and loads of good food all sold & prepared by the Amish. Top of the line new buggies were $3400, quilts averaged $350ish, furniture was very reasonable. They started serving breakfast at 6 AM, auction started at 830, and it was winding down by 330. Auctions have to be the best chance to mingle that we’re going to get.

  4. Bill

    Thanks Rick,

    I don’t have a need for a horse at the moment, but the furniture and stuff will grab my interest and good food is always a bonus.

    Sounds like a nice way to spend the day. I’ll have to keep my eyes and ears open for the next auction.

  5. MA

    Just curious, are the New Wilmington Amish an affiliation or spin-off of the Nebraska Amish?

  6. Bill

    This link gives information on the New Wilmington Amish:

    The NW buggies do resemble the Nebraska white top buggies. I have no idea of how much of a connection remains with Mifflin County. Again I’m not sure but I don’t think NW is quite as conservative as the Nebraska Amish.

    Any experts on the Amish in the House?

  7. MA

    Thanks for the link, Bill. Looks like New Wilmington is in the Nebraska Amish family.

  8. Samantha

    I love these photos. I was at that sale and i have tosay their was a lot of Amish. My dad knows a few of them,but i don’t understand their beliefs. Do you know they drive buggies instead of veichals?

  9. Sam

    also i do live near New Wilmington but i never got the chance to take pictures.

  10. This group actually originates out of Big Valley and are also referred to as ‘Byler Amish’ (and there are a lot of Amish by that name in the community). It is one of the more conservative affiliations of Amish. Karen Johnson-Weiner’s book NY Amish has a good discussion of the Byler Amish. They have a daughter settlement in W. New York.

  11. Susan Tanis

    Consignment Auctions

    Hi, I am interested in all Amish Consignment auctions. Do you still have yearly consignment auctions? I would be interested in any and all in the state. Thanks