Amish America in the Wall Street Journal

Two quick bits of good news:

One more tech snag has been overcome-I hope(!)

It seems the size of the blog has gotten a bit large, and that’s complicated email or feed reader delivery over the past couple weeks.  For reader/email subscribers to Amish America, you’ll now be getting just a short snippet of each post, and you can simply click on the post title link and read it straight from the blog.

Amish Builders Wall Street Journal

photo:  Seth Teter/Ohio Farm Bureau

And: the blog has gotten a mention in this past Friday’s Wall Street Journal, in an article on Amish homebuilders. “From Barn Raisings to Home Building” is a nice look at the Amish construction industry, by Weekend Section journalist Nancy Keates.

amish cheese

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  1. Hi gyakusetsu,

    You know what, I would actually love to do that. I wanted to ask you, do you perhaps have any advice on how? My issue is reducing my feed size to below 512k. Unfortunately I spent a long time trying to find a solution through the feedburner site, but to no avail–it seems to be quite difficult to find solutions that work on the feedburner site, at least in this circumstance.

    They seem to be more geared towards blogger, which would make sense as they are a part of google now. I have tried a few things that were suggested in feedburner’s help site, including altering my max-results value, but none have seemed to work–and judging by some of the commentary on their site, it seems I’m not the only one. Anyway, if you could offer any advice, I’d love to hear!



  2. gyakusetsu

    I’d appreciate it if you could resume full feeds.

  3. gyakusetsu

    Ah, I see the difficult situation you are in. I’ll look around for options, too (apart from switching software, etc.).

  4. Did you get this issue resolved, Erik? The solution is to limit the number of items in the feed. Here is a link that might help:

  5. Actually, I think I did Genevieve, but thanks for passing that along.