Motorcyle Strikes Turning Buggy, Killing Driver and Injuring 4 Amish

From the Associated Press:

MIDDLEFIELD, Ohio — Authorities say a motorcycle has struck an Amish buggy in Ohio, killing the man driving the motorcycle and injuring all four people in the horse-drawn vehicle.

A State Highway Patrol release says 26-year-old Brandon Lee, of Middlefield, died at the scene of the crash that occurred around 5 p.m. Tuesday in Geauga County’s Parkman Township.

Troopers say the buggy was turning left into a private drive off southbound State Route 528 when it was struck by the southbound motorcycle.

The patrol says those injured include two children. Troopers say one child received life-threatening injuries, another had what appeared to be minor injuries and the other two people were seriously injured.

You don’t often hear of motorcycles being involved in buggy accidents.

Going by the nature of the accident – the buggy making a left turn and then being struck – I wonder if the buggy driver did not see the motorcycle and turned into its path. UPDATE: City Slicker comments below that the article suggests both were traveling southbound, so more likely a case of the motorcycle driver attempting to pass the buggy from behind.  

Another report says that it is unclear whether drugs or alcohol were involved, and that the accident is under investigation. No other details seem to be available online at this time.

The Geauga County area is home to the fourth-largest Amish community, with around 19,000 Amish residents.

In December it was announced that a $14 million investment will go towards making local roads safer. That project is slated for 2020-2023.

State Route 528, the road where this accident occurred, appears repeatedly as an area of priority in an ODOT document outlining potential safety improvements.

Prayers for the motorcycle driver who lost his life, and for the recovery of the Amish passengers. This was a bad accident.

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  1. City Slicker


    Prayers for all involved in this tragedy.

    From the article, it appears both the buggy and the motorcycle were traveling south.

    If as stated the buggy was turning left, I’d think it likely that the biker was trying to pass the buggy when the collision occurred.

    Whether the buggy driver unexpectedly turned in front of the cyclist, or whether the cyclist was driving too fast too be able to brake in time, or whether there was a bend or hill in the road that blocked one or the other driver’s vision, or whether the weather was a factor is immaterial.

    1. Ah, sounds like that is likely the case. I read over that detail without catching it. Will update the post, thanks CS.

  2. Motomo2000

    Buggy Lane

    The area where the accident occurred has a dedicated buggy lane. Traffic flows past it. The buggy turned left in front of the motorcycle. Apparently they did not see him.