Missouri Amish: 2024 Guide
The Missouri Amish population has seen rapid growth in recent years, in part due to Amish migration from other states. Today Missouri is home to around 17,000 Amish – in over 60 settlements across the state (see Young Center). The Missouri Amish population is North America’s seventh-largest.
Missouri Amish communities include:
- Seymour – The area near Seymour in Webster County, with a population of roughly 3,500, is home to the largest community of Amish in Missouri
- Jamesport – Jamesport is perhaps the best-known and most visitor-friendly Amish community in Missouri
- Clark – Along with Seymour and Jamesport, this community in Audrain and Randolph Counties is one of the three largest Missouri Amish settlements
- Bowling Green – The Amish settlement near Bowling Green in Pike County is Missouri’s oldest
- Other Missouri Amish Settlements – Numerous small Amish settlements are found across Missouri, with nearly two dozen founded in the last decade
Missouri’s largest Amish settlement is found near the town of Seymour in Webster County (founded 1968), and consists of 19 church districts (congregations of 25-35 families in size), totaling 3,530 Amish people at last estimate. The Amish at Seymour are a markedly conservative affiliation with ties to the Swiss Amish community in Berne, Indiana (Adams County).
Swiss Amish have specific customs, such as the use of open-top buggies, and speak a different German dialect than most Amish (read more on Swiss Amish). Common last names in the Seymour community include those typically found in Swiss Amish communities, such as Schwartz, Hilty, and Graber.

The Amish at Seymour live in the eastern half of Webster County, with most addresses at Seymour but also including the towns of Fordland and Marshfield. The Webster County Amish make a living by farming as well as in other occupations such as construction and operating small home enterprises such as produce sales.
In recent years the Amish at Seymour have come into the media spotlight on numerous occasions. An Amish fiction writer set a series of novels in the county’s Amish community. Amish here were spotlighted for their quickness to rebuild following a 2006 tornado. And a sex abuse case which occurred in this community made headlines in late 2009.
The Jamesport settlement, lying in Daviess County in the northeastern quadrant of the state, was founded in 1953.
Though it has been marketed as “Missouri’s largest Amish community”, at around 1,100 people as of 2024, the Jamesport Amish community is less than one-third the size of the settlement at Seymour.
Jamesport is perhaps the best-known Amish community in the Show-Me State, thanks in part to a fairly developed tourist industry and efforts made by local businesses to attract visitors.

Jamesport has a flourishing Amish business community, including bakers, horseshoers, furniture shops, and grocery and dry goods stores (read more on Amish furniture in Missouri).
A local map featuring Amish shops as well as numerous guided tours with stops at Amish homes, farms, and businesses testify to the community’s orientation towards visitors. The Jamesport community also features a sizable produce auction. If you’re looking for an Amish community to visit in Missouri, Jamesport would be one of the better choices.
The Amish settlement at Clark in Randolph County was founded in 1953 primarily by Iowa Amish seeking greater freedom after conflicts over education in the state (see “Clark, Missouri Old Order Amish Settlement”, GAMEO). Today Clark is one of the three largest Amish settlements in Missouri, with 10 church districts (roughly 1,650 Amish).

The Clark settlement in fact lies in both Randolph and Audrain Counties, and takes in area near the towns of Madison and Sturgeon. The Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online (GAMEO) describes the Amish families of the Clark settlement living “in a tightly knit area with Amish farms adjacent to each other for miles along its country roads”. Amish shops that sell rugs and leather, bakeries, and other businesses dot the community.
Bowling Green
The Amish settlement in Pike County near Bowling Green is the oldest Amish community in Missouri (founded 1947). Like the Amish at Seymour, the Bowling Green community originated from a Swiss Amish community, that of Jay County, Indiana (adjacent to Adams County).
This community, though being founded first, is relatively small compared to the three mentioned above, with only three church districts as of 2024 (approximately 540 Amish).
This is not unusual for the Amish. A state’s oldest communities are not always the largest, as their development can be influence by different factors, including climate, economy, and church issues, and some communities simply do not grow rapidly. Indeed, the community at Bowling Green has the same number of congregations today as it did over 15 years ago.
Other Missouri Amish communities
With over 60 Amish settlements, Missouri ranks in the top four states for total number of Amish settlements. Note: A settlement is simply a community of Amish living in a distinct location. A settlement can be just a handful of families, or have thousands of people. “Community” and “settlement” can be used interchangeably.
Besides those noted above, larger Amish communities in Missouri include:
- Spickard/Princeton in Grundy County (founded 1997; 570 Amish)
- Bowling Green in Pike County (1947; 540 Amish)
- Licking in Texas County (2009; 540 Amish)
- Stanberry in Gentry County (2000; 455 Amish)
- LaPlata in Adair County (1975; 405 Amish)
- Verona in Lawrence County (1990; 400 Amish)

Like Wisconsin, Missouri is also home to a high percentage of small Amish communities. Of the state’s roughly five dozen Amish settlements, over three dozen (37) consisted of a single church district as of 2024. Single church district communities can range from a couple dozen people in size, up to about 150 people.
Many of these communities are relatively young, having been founded in the past five to ten years (since 2014, Amish have founded nearly two dozen new communities in Missouri).
But some Amish settlements simply do not grow much, for a variety of reasons. For example, a Missouri settlement founded at roughly the same time as the sizeable Seymour and Clark communities has not seen the growth those two communities have. the community at Anabel in Macon County (founded 1957) today remains a single church district in size – as it was 15 years ago.
Like the community at Seymour, the settlement at Greentop in Schuyler County (2003, 1 district) is a Swiss Amish group, but with ties to the Swiss community in Allen County, Indiana.
“Extinct “Amish settlements in Missouri
Though the oldest settlement today was founded post-WWII, Missouri first saw Amish settlement before the Civil War. Starting in the 1850s a number of Amish communities were founded and went extinct, maintaining a sporadic Amish presence in the Show Me State into the 1930s.
Amish historian David Luthy notes that the first Amish community in Missouri came about in the mid-1850s near the town of Wheatland in Hickory County. Amish from a number of states, including Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, settled in this community.
During the Civil War, Amish in the area frequently found themselves at the mercy of both the Union and Confederate armies, who took grain and cattle and in at least one case purchased pies using counterfeit money (Settlements that Failed, Luthy, p 241). Among the Hickory County settlers was Jackson Knepp, who had joined the Amish from another faith background and eventually moved to Daviess County, Indiana, where there are dozens of Knepp households today.

The Hickory County Amish settlement eventually went extinct in 1882, with numerous families moving to other settlements in Missouri. Luthy cites reasons for settlement failure including “crop failures, financial losses during the Civil War, lack of congregational growth, and rough neighbors” (Settlements that Failed, Luthy, p.243).
A half century before the present-day Clark-Madison settlement came about in Audrain and Randolph Counties, another Amish community existed near the town of Centralia in Audrain County. This community was started in 1898 by Amish from Iowa in search of cheaper land.
Luthy explains that the Amish in Audrain County encountered challenges including alternating excessively wet and dry weather. This community never grew large, and went extinct when the last two Amish families left in 1917. Luthy describes it as a “transitional group, more liberal than most Old Order Amish but more conservative than the Amish-Mennonites” (Settlements that Failed, Luthy p. 250).
Other extinct settlements were found in the southeast corner of the state, in and near the so-called “Missouri bootheel”, at Poplar Bluff in Butler County, and Sikeston in Scott County. Both were relatively short-lived settlements, lasting about a decade each during the 1920s and 30s (Settlements that Failed, Luthy pp. 250-257).
A few modern-day Missouri Amish settlements have failed as well. Communities at Licking in Texas County (founded 1995) and Downing in Schuyler County (2000) both ceased to exist in 2008 (Amish Settlements Across America:2008, Luthy).
Interestingly, the area of Licking has since re-attracted not one, but two separate Amish communities, one of which has grown to over 500 people in size. It’s not unheard of for different groups of Amish to settle in an area where other Amish previously lived. Another example of this is the Amish community at Burke’s Garden, Virginia.
Amish in Missouri Today
Amish have found Missouri especially attractive for settlement in recent years. Nearly half of Missouri’s 62 Amish settlements have been founded since the year 2010.
Over the past 15 years, Missouri’s Amish population has nearly doubled, placing it among the fastest-growing Amish states. The excess growth rate in this case is due to in-migration from Amish communities in other states.
Amish are attracted to new areas for numerous reasons, including land prices, proximity to population centers, and the presence of other Amish groups, which may compel or deter settlement. Missouri has likely attracted Amish for these and other reasons.
With larger communities in states such as Indiana, Pennsylvania and Ohio experiencing population and other pressures, rural states with accessible farmland such as Missouri, Wisconsin, and New York are likely to continue to see high rates of in-migration and growth rates above the norm.
For more information, see:
- “Amish Population, 2023” Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, Elizabethtown College
- “Amish Population in the United States by State, County, and Settlement, 2023” – compiled by Edsel Burdge, Joseph F. Donnermeyer, and Adam Hershberger
- The Amish in America: Settlements that Failed, 1840-1960, David Luthy
- The New American Almanac, Raber’s Bookstore (Baltic, Ohio), Ben J. Raber
- Yoder, Samuel L. “Clark, Missouri, Old Order Amish Settlement.” Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 1986. Web. 19 October 2010. http://www.gameo.org/encyclopedia/contents/C544.html
- Miller, Jacob J. and Samuel L. Yoder. “Bowling Green, Missouri, Old Order Amish Settlement.” Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 1986. Web. 19 October 2010. http://www.gameo.org/encyclopedia/contents/B687.html.
Photo credits: All photos by Don Burke

Dutchman's Store
Dutchman’s Store is in Iowa, but it is only 15 minutes from the Missouri line, across from Memphis, Missouri. My friends call it the “Mennonite Wal-Mart!”
You can visit here to learn more about it:
I used to live near Humansville and Dunnegan, north of Bolivar, MO. There were quite a few Amish up there. In fact, my ex and I had only one or two sets of neighbors near us that WEREN’T Amish. I did get to know a family that sold cookies and bread by the highway and they were delightful people. Great neighbors!
Amish in Clark County, MO
I will be visiting Missouri from Alaska in June. Will be in Columbia but want to go up to Clark County to visit the Amish community to see the quilts and take a tour if there is one available. I can’t find anything on the internet and I realize they don’t have internet, but is there any information available? Your help is appreciated.
Here is what I know...Clark,MO Amish
Check out this site for directions.
Not all of these are up to date. I just found out that letter “H”
TERRY’S COUNTY STORE has noit been in business for sometime now. The problem is that the Amish don’t market what they do, and so a map, like the one I listed above, gets out of date.
Also, be aware that just because a listing is on the map does not mean it is Amish that run it. I hope this helps some.
PS…JamesPort, MO and Bowling Green,MO might be fairly close Amish places to check out.
Owner Terrys country store
Hello, Terrys country store is open and has been for five years and it is a discount grocery store and just because it is not run by the amish dont mean it is not good. People should check it out. Terry
Hi Terry,
When I was in Clark I used an online map to find Amish business’s. The one I saw that listed Terrys was not there. An Amish gal that lived near where the place seemed to be told me the business had been closed for years.
I totally agree that just because a business is not Amish owned or run that that does not make it bad. For me though, I go to Clark, and other places where Amish live, to meet and shop Amish. If I wanted to just shop with English I could have stayed in my hometown.
If you list the address of where your business is I will make a point to stop in and buy something next time I am in Clark.
Tom LincNebr@hotmail.com
I see your sign on the highway and the Clark community map, but the road goes into a gravel cul-de-sac and no more signs. So I’m not sure where you are located.
Just take the road straight back to the yellow shed and that’s the store.
lady from alaska
yes ,my mom used to quilt the best thing I can tell you if you go out to the country stores and get information. I am originally from that community.
Was curious, Mahlon Lambright – any relation to Minno Lambright family of Mercer county?
Amish in Missouri
I would suggest you look for the Chamber of Commerce for the county or towns for Clark county and look at things to do as they may list something pertaining to the Amish. Also if you do a search on the internet for Amish communities in Clark county you should be able to find info.
I grew up there and left
There is no tour but you are always welcome to go up there and drive around it is a mostly quiet community and most of the people are friendly
on-line Amish
I was visiting Hannibal, Mo when I found out there was an Amish community below Bowling Green, Mo that I found on the internet. They did not introduce the site, but they were on it. It also had a hand drawn Map of the community that the residents also had and gave out. I used the on-line site to get the map and used it to find where I was able to buy a quit. I also met people and was invited to visit a home. The people were wonderful and frindly; a great place to find on-line. Lee
Making a change
I have been searching for clubs to learn how to sew an canning here are in Branson Mo can’t find any wondering if a Amish woman can teach me.If so pls leave message
Amish community around Clark mo
I’m a driver for some of the Amish the Clark community is a rather large one I found at 1 of the Amish stores they had some maps of the community so I bought me a map to help find some of the Amish stores around there. In fact I have an extra map of the Clark community since I had a couple of other Amish in another community ask me get them a map also.
Would you want to visit Kalona, Iowa? They have tours. See kalonaiowa.org. Or you could phone Kalona Historical Tours, 319-656-2519.
On Missouri Amish
Would like to see if there are any plain Mennonites or Beachy in the area.. Have thought about moving back to Missouri.. Susie
Susie , we live at Renick Mo. We live just 7 miles from the Amish community . I go there often as there are several stores out there. I have in the past seen the name Beachey on some mail boxes. There are several Yoders . If my memory serves me right I read that this Amish community is the second largest in MO. I noticed that you said miditnite (Spelled wrong )Im not much of a speller.I do know that there is a difference,as the Amish use horse and buggy for transporation. There is some minitnites and a church down around the Madison Mo. community. That is 10 miles east of Moberly.We live 4 miles from Moberly ,so the two communitys are located pretty togeather. Hope this has help you in some way. I would just love to see more of your kind of people to come in to our area. Mrs Verna Hendren
I used to live there...
I used to live in that area. I was raised in Southeast Missouri where Mennonite communities have in recent years been growing and growing, I am so glad to hear. But then as a young adult, I moved to Branson and in my travels all across the southern hills and mountains of southern Missouri, I would see the farms… the horse manure on the shoulders…. :o) and sometimes I would get lucky enough to see a buggy on the shoulder of the highway. I long to go back to my home state as I have been far away for a long time. I know there are more Mennonites in Northern Arkansas. I have always wanted to live in that way, but never thought I actually would. Maybe I was not brought up that way, but once you know, then you know. I am accountable now. Lord give me the strength.
I need a barn built. I heard that the Amish do a wonderful job. Could anyone direct me to anyone who would be interested in doing this?
Thank you!
barn built
Mose Gingrich is an ex-amish and has a construction company. He lives in Columbia, Missouri. See his website here:
Mennonite Barn Builders
Harlan’s Steel Buildings in Excelsor, MO. Owned/Operated by Harlan Zimmerman. They built an exquisite 50’X30′ all metal barn on our property in Versailles, MO in September 2011. Everone was great. Took them slightly kess than 2 full days..Friday & Saturday. I shopped around for 5 years getting prices for wood & steel “poles”. Theirs was the best qquality & best price. I have referred them to many people.
Amish built log cabin
I am looking for a competent Amish builder(s) to construct an authenic Amish log cabin in or near central Arkansas. I am looking at various log cabin kits but would like to have the cabin assembled by qualified Amish craftsmen. Also, I would like Amish input on the type of logs to use and maybe even a referral to a particular supplier of kits. Would like to have simple cabin plan with “dog trot” design with fireplace or wood burning stove. Will not be primary residence – Just a getaway.
Haven’t purchase lot yet and probably won’t until I settle on plan and builder. Thanks, Bob Morris, Conway, AR 72034, 501-450-7532(H), 501-472-5749(M). MUST HAVE REFERENCES AS TO YOUR ABILITY AS SKILLED IN THIS TRADE.
Bob, I was down in Conway this week, offering to help with the disaster relief after the EF4+ tornado came through the region. Hope your building needs are because of damage from that storm.
I’m just curious: What exactly is an authentic Amish log cabin. I’ve been to a handful of different Amish communities, and I don’t remember seeing one of those.
Good luck on your build — just keep ‘er out of the tornado alley. (ha)
Licking, MO Amish
Last time I checked, there were quite a few Amish around the Licking area.
Looking for a Amish Bed and Breakfast
I have also heard that about there are Amish around the Licking area..I live in Edgar Springs,Mo.I have been in the Seymour,Mo and have enjoyed seeing the amish and thier buggies driving along the road.. I have always wanted to visit a Amish nome or a B&B and stay .. Can anyone help find one for my husband and I.
Amish B&B?
That brings up a good question. Do any of the Amish groups have bed and breakfast type places? I could guess that some new order Amish or Mennonite might, but Old Order?
And gee, what would that look like if it was an old order place. Would they ban electronics, or say you could only use them out near the road?
Like others, I too would kind of like to see what it would be like to stay in an Amish home for a night. I get the feeling this is like when people want to go out and do some real camping, you know, really rough it. Could we handle it? I suppose we all have the power to do that in our own places now. Shut off the power to your house, turn the phone down on silent ring and put it in your garage. Go to bed with the sun and get up with it, or before.
I think it would be fun to have an Amish dude ranch, or whatever, where you go to stay for several days and do what they do. Wear what they do, work like they do.
Ah, dreams.
Amish-run B&B's
Tom they’re not too common but yes some Amish do operate Bed and Breakfast accommodations, mostly in the bigger communities (in OH, PA etc). I haven’t heard of any in Missouri though. I don’t know if they’d be hooked up to some sort of electric power, but I don’t think anyone running that sort of establishment would ban electronics (as an example I sometimes bring electronic items into Amish friends’ homes, though not the kind I’d have to plug in).
Eric, that makes me wonder what is acceptable to bring in around Amish people. I most often have a MP3 player to listen to and when not in use I drape the earplugs over my shoulder. I feel like I shouldn’t even have them in sight when I am around the Amish. When the car radio is going and I pull up to where Amish are gathered I shut it off ahead of time. My cell phone doesn’t come out either. It just doesn’t seem right. What do Amish people think of English using these things around them? (maybe this is a better topic for somewhere else)
Cell Phone
I had a Amiash Lady that owns a store in the area of clark, mo. ask me if I would loan her my cell phone so that she could call in a order for her store. At that time I dident own a cell phone ,but I do now.
Amish lodging - motel
Jamesport MO has two Amish very small motel like places. It is a fun place.
Jamesport Web Site
I have worked on a new web site for Jamesport over the past year. http://www.Jamesport.net. /
Jamesport Web Site
Ron L, listed above, ( http://www.jamesport.net/ ) has done a LOT to help English people get to know Amish people better, as well as promote both Amish and English business’s in Jamesport,Missouri. Check out the website if you might be heading to Missouri.
Horse Training
I would like to find Amish Family to train my horse to drive buggy
and cart.
Can anyone send me contact info for this
can also emial to marsha@firmin.com or marshablanchard@gmail.com
Amish horse trainer in Missouri
If you need help training horses to drive, call the Jamesport Harness Shop, 21776 St Hwy 190, Jamesport, MO 64648 … (660) 684-6775 . This is an Amish business, so they will not answer the phone. Leave a message and they will call you back. There are other Amish in the area who train miniature horses to pull pony carts for the kids.
We own a small company in Grand Junction CO. We are looking for someone that can make leather straps (halters, headstalls), make breast collars and cinches, reins.
Appreciate information.
Barn Built
I apologize if someone already corrected this.
Lee mentioned that Moses Gingerich Construction builds things. Lee’s post indicated the website to check out as:
If you go to the site it says that he shut the business down in August, 2010. He sells cars now, among some other ventures.
Tom G…Mister Groszfeelich
Carrollton Missouri Amish
I was pleasantly surprised to find an Amish community between Jamesport,Mo and Columbia,Mo for me to stop at. I did not read about it here, so maybe it can can be added.(?) It’s in Carrollton, Mo. I stopped at 2 of the business’s there and was told there are 2 districts in Carrollton. The Amish have been there about 20 years. Mast Candy Kitchen is a place to stop if you have a sweet tooth. (seasonal) They also have some antique items as well. They are just North of Carrollton a few miles, on Hwy 65, just North of County Road 310.
Another new Amish store which opened there about 3 weeks ago is the Rose Valley Grocery. It’s a little ways North of Mast Candy.
Tom G Mr Groszfeelich—Lincoln, Nebraska
Thanks Tom–good addition. We’ll update all of these in 2013, and so these comments are a help.
A “Candy Kitchen” would have been a dream come true when I was 6 or so (okay and maybe today as well).
Tear down houses for material
We have bought some land at church and need someone to tear down houses for material. We can be contacted at First Assembly of God 600 w. main. Branson Missouri 65616. or 417-334-3803
Looking fo 2013 auction date
In May of 2012 we accidentally discovered what we were told was an Amish community auction [near Bowling Green]. I have been trying to find the date for this year’s auction. I believe last May it was Mother’s Day weekend [Saturday]. Any help is appreicated – thanks!
We were in Bowling Green a few days ago. While visiting with an Amish man in his woodworking business, he told us their auction this year will be May 11.
want to visit jamesport
Hey Guys
I am planning to visit Jamesport this summer. I would like to talk to a few of them about their religion, and it’s history. I am a scholar and I am interested in studying history of religions. Do you think they might help me ? Is there someone who can help me in that ?
I’ve been going to Jamesport a number of times this last year to learn more about the Amish. I would suggest going into any of the Amish stores and asking if they might suggest their bishop or ministers that you might ask questions of.
What I’ve wanted to see is how the individual Amish person actually lives/acts day to day. That requires being around them enough that they might open up more.
Tom…. LincNebr@hotmail.com
Tom, I just noticed your post/question from a year ago. If you are still looking for a place to see how the Amish live day-to-day, I would suggest a place that my wife and I have stayed a couple of times over the past couple of summers. The place is called The Farmstead, located in Mt. Hope, OH. I don’t have the contact info. handy (but could get it from my wife if you need it), but they do have a phone and you can call for information/reservation. It is an operating diary farm, run by the Miller (?) family, and they have a small annex on the main house that they rent out by the night. Totally wonderful family, and they allow those that stay there access to the various goings-on on the farm. It is in a high buggy-traffic area, so you can sit out in the yard and watch the Amish world come to you. Guest can also enjoy a meal with the family (for a fee), and just visit and ask questions and whatever. Super folks!
Thanks for the idea Don. Last fall I did do some Amish seeking as far out as Holmes County Ohio, hitting many many Amish communities along the way. What has really helped me get to know some Amish was a bad buggy/car accident back in July 2013 down in Pawnee City Nebraska. I got to know several Amish families pretty well over time, which was the goal.
I’m sure the information you have about the place you can stay would benefit many others too!
Tom…Lincoln, Ne LincNebr@hotmail.com
Jamesport Amish will talk to English
Jamesport is unique among Amish settlements in Missouri. The Amish are integrated so well in this community that there is very little they will not discuss with curious visitors. The best place to get candid conversation is at the many Amish businesses here. The Amish business owners here are used to dealing with curious tourists and have developed a very friendly and candid public face.
Check out this blog by a local Amish (not sanctioned by the bishop).
Hi Qayaya. I am just now seeing your post from a year ago. I hope you enjoyed your visit to Jamesport — my first trip there was about a year ago, and I’ve now made 4 visits (as a freelance photographer), and hope to make some more in the near future.
If you are interested in the religious history of the Amish, you might consider visiting the Behalt Amish Mennonite Heritage Center in Berlin, OH. As a pastor and “perpetual student” (incl. recent doctoral studies), I too am quite interested in the Amish beliefs. I have found that many of the Amish are not too open with discussing religion — it tends to lead to controversy, and they will avoid that. But there are some that will share their beliefs — esp. among those in the more tourist-friendly areas that have come to understand that that is just a part of the tourist curiosity. You can find some books that may help in some of the Amish stores.
If I can be of any other help please do not hesitate to ask.
Licking Amish
There is a fairly large community on AT Highway of N Hwy. Just talked to some of them, they said that they moved to Licking in 2009.
Talked to a Amish couple
I was at the Town and Country market in Licking and I chatted with a couple that was just getting ready to leave… I asked if it was possible to come and visit/see their place.. They said sure.. I have always been interested in seeing a Amish place. I would love to find a Amish B&B to stay at as well.. I see them driving their buggies down Hwy 60 and always say I have a lot of respect for them to choose to live that life..
Currently living in central Illinois, near the Amish community of Cuba, Illinois. Tired of the climate (cold winters), I’m looking to relocate near an Amish community…. for the fact…that I’ve become comfortable having them as neighbors and friends. I also drive for them and would like to continue the practice. Southern Missouri would be my choice of relocation.
Thank you,
David Monnier
Karen Monnier
David Monnier - Property in S MO near Amish
I have property in S MO that is not too far from Amish communities in Seymour and Mansfield – Amish put the roof on my house. Mennonites from Byler’s in Seymour put up my barn.
Property is still pretty affordable in the area – do you have job requirements though? Because employment opportunities are pretty bad in the area. Schools are pretty bad too.
Mennonite builders from Seymour
Could you recommend the Mennonite builders, and if so, give me a contact? I’m interested in a Byler’s barn. Thanks
Missouri Family Directory Needed
Missouri has a statewide Amish directory that comes out every 5 years. The last one came out 3 years ago and I am on the hunt to find someone/someplace that has one I might purchase. I would be willing to pay twice the price that it originally went for in order to get one.
The reason I would like one is to make it easier to find the places in Missouri to go visit. I purchased one of the Central Plains while I was in Kansas an it was a big help.
Any know of one I might get?
Tom LincNebr@hotmail.com
Family directories
I know that I have seen these directories at the “quilt shop” in Windsor MO and I believe they may have them at both of the Amish country stores here as well.
Amish Furniture in Clark
I visited Clark, MO, for the first time yesterday. My wife and I had the most delightful time visiting a few stores, and buying furniture (our main goal). It is unfortunate that the Amish do not advertise as the quality and price of their furniture are excellent. We bought an armoire and chairs at Yoder’s Oak Furniture on 171 near Y and US-22. Sam Yoder was very friendly and a skilled craftsman. The furniture is a bit heavy as it’s made of real wood and not MDF. I am telling my friends and family about his store. Do be prepared to use the outhouse if you need the facilities.
amish store
looking for a amish store around owensville mo as i am looking for ceertain foods and know I can find them in an amish store
Amish store
The closest one to you that I know of is in Jamesport. The one near me is west of Modena on hwy D. Go west on route D right before you get to Princeton.
Mary, it depends exactly what you are looking for. Windsor Mo has an Amish store. As I remember it, Sedalia has a English store that sells some Amish items. North of Columbia you have Clark, Mo which has a number of Amish business’s and above that are some other Amish communities. Bowling Green is also somewhat near.
I don’t have the time now to check my Missouri Amish listing but I know there are other places closer.
thanks Tom lokking for watermelon rind preserves, and some other can goods that I found in an amish store when in eureka springs ar
I see that there is an Amish settlement in Dixon Mo, but I can’t see if there are any Amish stores there. They must get things somewhere. The Amish settlements I find per the Missouri Amish directory are in the following Missouri towns:
Bowling Green
El Dorado Springs
La Plata
Monroe City
Mount Vernon
Mountain Grove
I know this list is not complete because, as Becky above mentioned, and I can attest to, Modena, Mo has an Amish store. My list is from a 2010 directory.
I would suggest a trip to one of the bigger Amish communities and check.
Amish stores
Windsor MO actually has 2 Amish stores now.
With thanks to http://www.discoverbulk.com
these bulk food stores should be within 100 miles of Owensville, MO. Some of these stores may be Amish-influenced or Mennonite. Is it important to you to see Amish people and buggies, or do you just want to buy Amish-type products? You could call to see if they have what you are looking for. These cities do not match very well with Tom’s list of Amish cities in Missouri, but some of these cities are listed in The Budget newspaper index: Buffalo, Farmington, Licking, Linn, Versailles.
Deutsches Heim LLC
101 Hwy Cc
Linn, MO 65051
573 897-9942
Shirk’s Country Market
345 Hwy 50 & Rt U Junction
Centertown, MO 65023
573 584-3650
Country Cupboard**
217 N Hwy 63
Licking, MO 65542
573 674-4404
Ole Tyme Pantry
5200 Hwy D
Farmington, MO 63640
573 747-1761
Weaver’s Country Market
13920 Market Rd
Versailles, MO 65084
573 378-4672
Hoover’s Bulk Food Store
9376 Hwy 52
Versailles, MO 65084
573 378-6699
Dutch Bakery And Bulk Foods
709 W Hwy 50
Tipton, MO 65081
660 433-2865 x2916
Shetlers Discount Grocery
200 Industrial Park Rd
Cabool, MO 65689
417 962-2255
Miller’s Country Store
3294 Us Hwy 73
Buffalo, MO 65622
417 345-5100
There is also a Shetlers in Seymour along with Bylers for bulk food purchases. Mail me if you are coming to the area.
Hey Joe….
Maybe I just missed it…but where is your email address listed?
I went to Seymour once but want to go back sometime and hit some of their business’s.
Thanks…. Tom in Lincoln, Ne
Seymour Map?
Hey Tom, do you know of a map of the Amish community in Seymour? I’ve been through there a couple of times, but really didn’t see anything other than a few not-so-well-kept-up farms, a schoolhouse, and seems like a small store. If there is more to the area I would sure like to know about it in case I’m back through the area.
I don’t know how you could miss the Amish farms! Did you have your eyes closed or what?
There are 2 distinct communities; the A highway group and the C highway group. Drive North off of 60 on either highway (and side roads) and you will see hundreds of farms.
Between the 2 traffic lights on 60 is Skyline/Division. Take it North and explore the side roads. I buy all of my milk, eggs, and butter in this area. There is ever a very reasonable Amish butcher: Joe Z Schwartz.
J&L custom butchering
1258 Winningham Rd.
Seymour MO 65746
Yeah, Joe, that’s me — driving around the countryside looking for the sights and hoping to snap a few pictures…, and all the while keeping my eyes wide *shut*. (And I think if you’ll re-read my original question you see that “farms” were what I said that I did notice.)
But that aside, thanks for the general description of the area. However, I would still like a map with Amish-related sites (schools, stores, farms, etc.) marked on it. I’ve seen such for several other Amish communities, and I was just asking if anyone knew if there was one for the Seymour area.
If you drive around you will see small business signs.
I know of no such map for Seymour. Perhaps I should think about producing one. 😛
Do you have any links to any of the maps that you spoke of?
I would like to see what others have done.
Okay, that’s probably part of the problem. I was in Seymour during the cold months, and maybe that community is like a lot of others with many of the home businesses shutting down at that time of year.
Here is an online map of the Amish community in Clark, MO:
From Jamesport, MO, featuring some Amish businesses but not the schools (understandably):
A particularly helpful map of the Bowling Green, MO, Amish area:
This is the kind of thing I hoping to have access to for the Seymour area.
Hi Don,
I got lucky and have an impromptu vacation, leaving tomorrow, to hit some Amish settlements in Kansas and Oklahoma. I would have to look back in my notes of my trip to Seymour, but I think Joe is up on more of it than I am.
Joe, did J&L custom butchering recently add a store to it? About a year ago when I was down that way a boy and girl were cutting some trees along the road leading to their place. They said there was a butcher shop there and that they were adding some store too.
Another Amish map online from Clark, Mo:
These maps really help the Amish get outside business. Some do not list specific address’s, which make it tougher for people like me that use GPS’s. (Although to be fair, some of these back roads are unlisted on my Tom-Tom GPS. *grrr*
Tom in Lincoln
Thank Tom. Correct me if I’m missing something, but the two maps (the one you mentioned and the one I mentioned earlier) look to be identical — only located at different URL’s. But thanks anyway.
I would say something about ‘you lucky dog’ related to the impromptu vacation…, but it looks like I’m headed off on one here soon myself. Plan to pass through Clark for maybe some 2-3 hrs on the way to Jamesport (MO). There’s a guy in Jamesport wanting me to do some photography for a project that he’s working on — and hey, can’t pass up an opportunity to go to Amish country. (ha)
Good luck on your trip. If you takes pictures that you share somewhere online, I’d love to have a chance to see them.
My bad Don, I didn’t see that you posted that map. =)
Now here is something I am going to suggest that might not work for you. This last week I took a trip from Lincoln, Nebraska down to Tulsa Oklahoma, hitting Amish communities going and coming back. I stopped in Parsons Kansas and meet some of the conservative Swiss Amish.
Sidebar: Since starting to move there in 2006 they now have some 69 families. Only 2 of the families have the last name of Schrock, all of the rest are Schwartz!
I met a lady that writes for the Amish newspaper Budget. She actually sold me a directory of the Amish there. ($3) There was not a map but there were address’s. People could then point out when places sold items. They have 3 districts and so you could kind of see which places might be closer to the others. Not a map to be sure but. I understand Seymour should have this type of directory there as well that might be useful in finding places to go.
I think I saw some of your pictures on Flikr Don. If that’s you I think Seymour would be a nice contrast to other Amish settlements. The color of clothing they wear… their houses that have shingles for the sides of the house… horse power to run equipment and other things they do make the regular Amish look like New Order Amish!
Pictures of Seymour MO -- Requesting Insight and Feedback
Joe, Tom, Erik…, and anyone else with insight/feedback you’d like to share…..
Yesterday I took the long way back home from a trip to AR, and made a quick pass through Seymour, MO. I was rushed, it was bad overcast and getting a bit late in the day (both making for poorer lighting — and poorer pictures), and a host of other reasons that combined to give me an almost embarrassing set of pictures (quality-wise). But until I get back and do better, these are the best I have.
I’ve worked the pics up, and uploaded them to a hidden folder on my flickr account. Before I make this open to the general public, I would really appreciate you guys/gals that know the area or Amish in general better than I do to have a look-see at the pics and give me feedback. On a number of the images I have made comments, and I would greatly appreciate anyone that would like to confirm or correct the content of these. And as always, any other feedback is more than welcome.
So, here’s the link to the folder:
Thanks to anyone that can take a minute or two to look at them and help me make sure my stuff is in order.
Seymour (Webster County) Amish community
Don, interesting photos as always. What caught my eye:
-Pioneer Equipment “authorized dealer” sign hanging under the very plain Schwartz Horseshoe sign. The Pioneer company is one of the most innovative Amish businesses I know, and one of the larger ones out there (30+ emps last time I checked). It was an interesting juxtaposition seeing the two signs combined of what are two probably pretty different in certain ways businesses.
-Very plain-appearing community as you note. They are of Swiss Amish background with Adams County IN ties, I am not sure how much back and forth there is between the two communities but have always wondered. The two largest and best known Swiss communities, Adams Co and Allen Co, Indiana, bear certain things in common but the contrast in appearance can be stark. Allen County Swiss homes appear quite wealth and even fancy by Amish standards, with many built of brick. Adams County homes are much plainer and classically “Amish-looking”. These are closer to what you see in Adams Co. in general plainness though the shingles material seems more common here looking through your photos (though I believe I recall seeing it in Adams as well).
-The barn you wondered about, could that be some other variety of (quieter) poultry? I am not going to be of much help on this one 🙂
-The photo of the shed made of something like 8 different colors/types of metal material might be my favorite of all 🙂 Would catch my eye if driving down the road in Webster County.
Thanks Erik for the feedback.
One thing that just now comes to mind is the possibility that the buildings were in fact poultry houses (chicken or otherwise), but that it’s just a seasonal business for the Amish. With their limited use of technology, I have to wonder if maintaining a proper heating in the houses during the winter is too difficult; and what with the late winter here in the state they might not have taken on a the spring crop yet. But just speculating.
About the shed-of-many-colors, if you’ll send me the pixel dimensions of your computer I can make you a background/wallpaper of that shot if you like.
Hey Joe (or others), now that I’ve been back through Seymour (very briefly), I have a better idea of the place and some of the layout, etc. I’m trying to map out the area so that I have a better game plans next time I’m that way. As I understand it, my best bet is to explore Hwys A, C, and Skyline Rd (and side roads off of them), all going north from Hwy 60. What is the northernmost boundry for the Amish communities? Anything further north than say P Hwy?
Joe, can you tell me how far north of Seymour that the Amish communities extend? It’s been my experience that while the Amish don’t normally live in town, they also don’t leave too far out of town either — like maybe 5-6 miles. That would allow them a round trip with a horse of 10-12 miles — which is a pretty typical max. distance without resting (I’m told).
I know of one family, Anna and Sam Hilty that are 7 miles North on division. Not sure how many are further north.
Many are hiring rides to go shopping and of course to go to work if they work off farm.
I imagine that they could live most anywhere because there church group is local and they could share the cost of hiring a ride to go get groceries, go to the doctor, etc…. they have to hire rides to get to a dentist as none are close enough for horse and buggy.
Thanks, Joe.
Wright County and Texas County
Joe, we just moved to just east of Mountain Grove and really have got interested in the Amish due to Peter Santenello on YouTube. He did a documentary on various Amish and wow to find out they are right here is a blessing. I knew very little about the Amish and I’m sure there is much to learn. They seem like some of the most pure, kind loving people in the world. I totally respect their will to continue such a great religious following without being corrupted by the English people. Unfortunately the non traditional are slipping away further and further. It’s sad to see honestly. I do believe it’s their right as a human though to make a choice. From the English person outside view, it’s sure nice to see you can live off the land, raise a nice family, raise honest hard working people who’s reward is being with your family at the end of the day thanks to God.
Do you know any other areas of Amish in Wright or Texas Counties? I saw a US census sheet that said there are a good amount in Mountain Grove, Norwood, Hartville and Ava.
We went to the discount grocer in Cabool and saw a few Amish as well as the Walmart in Mountain Grove, so I know their near.
It’s joe AT tittiger DOT com
looking for flowers
Hi We have a retail store Emporium St.Louis our facebook we saw some hanging baskets at the Kirkwood Farmers Market, they said they came from the Amish, years ago we bought from them and trying to find a new supplier for our store 314-494-7222
Versailles MO
I live just a few miles from a large and expanding Mennonite community with all types of businesses, many of them plant and produce. I have shopped with them many years and have always experienced a friendly while conservative atmosphere.
Want to buy plants from Amish
I would like to purchase my plants from the Amish. I need to find the closest place that has plants for yard too that is near Sedalia, Mo or Marshall, Mo. Can anyone help me or guide me on where I can buy these plants? I have been searching for 2 weeks. It is quite a drive for me so I need to be sure they have the plants before I go there. If someone could email me with help or send me a message on facebook, that would be very kind. Thank you so kindly, Michelle Marbut
Amish store
There’s a new Amish store that opened in Middletown Mo.
Would like to invite to sell at our Fall Festival
I am not sure who to contact, but I would like to invite someone from the Bowling Green, MO area to sell bake goods, or other Amish goods at our upcoming Fall Festival on October 5th in Winfield, MO. I feel that you would be most welcome and a wonderful addition to our event. Please email me if interested. Thank you and blessings to you. Karen
It looks like Karen that Bowling Green is about 45 miles from you. I might not have much time to look to see if I have any phone numbers for the Amish in Bowling Green but I will try. I assume they will want to know:
How many years has this Fall Festival run?
How many people do you expect?
Is there a cost to sell there?
How much area will they get?
Do they need to bring their own tables?
Can you list an email address for someone to write you to get a phone number for the Amish to call if they are interested? (I didn’t think you might want to list your number here directly)
Tom…Lincoln Nebraska…. LincNebr@hotmail.com
I could not find the Amish directory info for Bowling Green but below you can find a site for Bowling Green which includes some Amish business’s. I think you could call the contact person listed and she could give you specific phone numbers. Direct inquiries to Margie Vogel at 573-324-3149
Good luck Karen!
Tom–Lincoln, NE LincNebr@hotmail.com
Amish Near Columbia
My husband and I are looking for an Amish community near Columbia to purchase fruits and veggies and milk. I have heard from many people that they are close by and see them around town yet the internet isn’t giving me very good info on where they are located. Any help would be appreiated
Hi Rebecca,
Maybe someone closer to you can give you a better answer than mine here.
Clark Missouri ‘may’ be your answer. Depending where you live in Columbia, you might be 30-40 miles away. Two links:
(this map is not up to date…but)
Another backup plan, but about 60+ miles away:
Extra credit info:
Good luck… Tom Lincoln, Nebraska LincNebr@hotmail.com
Amish near Columbia
There is also an Amish community in Prairie Home
My wife and I are looking for a amish to help build a 40 x 40 pole barn, near Marshfield, Elkland, Mo area
Hi Ken,
Seymour might be your best bet. The Missouri Amish Directory I have usually lists the occupation of the people listed in it but they don’t for Seymour. Maybe someone else can help you, or you might just drive to Seymour and ask around.
J & A Country Store 4854 St Hwy C <–might not be 100% correct
Zooks Store 931 Winningham Rd
Thursdays you 'may' find some of the stores are closed.
Good luck…. Tom LincNebr@hotmail.com
Hi Tom,
Thank you for that information, I will go out there this weekend.
I really appreciate it.
Terrys country store
Hello I just wanted to let you know Terrys country store in clark mo is open and it is a discount grocery store that is really good and has a lot of bargins. Just because it is not Amish dont mean you should not go there.
Hi Terry,
Please post the address for your store so people can find it.
Thanks… Tom
Thanks the address is take hwy Y to Audrain county rd 118 and the store is at the end of the road.They have all kinds of good discount groceries. People should check it out. The hours are monday-Friday 8:00 to 5:00
Amish publication information
I am looking for the publication information for amish newspapers, journals, newsletters ect… Also I am looking for the directory to Thank you Kris
There are several to choose from Kris.
The Connection Magazine
Family Life Magazine
The Budget Newspaper
There are more to read about if you read the articles that I left links for.
Tom LincNebr@hotmail.com
Drats! Sorry for the double post. If there was a way to edit or delete out the first one I would have.
Kris, you asked about a Amish Directory as well. I have looked high and low for a Missouri Amish directory but they have all been sold out. (even the place that publishes it) The good news is a new one should be coming out toward the end of 2014. If you are looking for a specific place now post it and maybe someone can help you.
Any info on local communities, familial history, relations
Hello’ My name is GLAAB, I’m German, Pennsylvania, Dutch. I’ve always been curious about our common heritage.
I live close to Joplin, Mo. Now finding out there’s Amish living in Missouri, if anyone knows local family or communities or anything the might be interesting feel free to contact me with suggestions, advice, or just information.
Spencer Joe GLAAB’
I am not an authority on where the Amish are around you, but I can tell you there should be some in Missouri.
Lamar, Mo….about 42 miles from Joplin
Mount Vernon, Mo….about 42 miles
Verona, Mo….about 12 miles
You are near Kansas and there are some Amish there as well, but I have not mapped out ones near you.
Tom in Lincoln….. LincNebr@hotmail.com
Anyone know any Amish around cassville missouri that builds barns?
Missouri barns
Mel, there are Amish in Rocky Comfort, Mount Vernon, and Verona, Missouri. Maybe if you visit those settlements and ask around, someone could help you. Did you mean the big barns or mini-barns? Here is the information for two Beachy Amish barn builders:
Interstate Pole Buildings. Darrell Knepp
10103 Lawrence 1010 Sarcoxie, MO 64862
(417) 246-6818
Built-Rite Buildings, Buildings Builtrite
28760 Norway Rd
Stark City, MO 64866
(417) 632-4675
Jon Miller
Are there Amish around Licking Missouri?
I was driving down Missouri Highway 32 between Success and Licking and saw a road sigh along the highway showing a horse and an Amish buggy that said, “Share the road”. I didn’t see any Amish but the highway department had to have a reason to put the sign up.
Does anyone know if there are Amish living around Licking Missouri. That part of the country seem ideal for the type of lives they lead.
Yes there is a small community in Texas County in the area of Licking. You can find a list of settlements in Missouri and other states here: http://kb.osu.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1811/57700/JAPAS_Donnermeyer_Luthy_vol1-issue2_pp107-129.pdf?sequence=1
How new is the Amish Community at Licking?
I have Hunted Deer around Licking for 35 to 40 years or so, I never saw an Amish person or any indication of Amish presence until 2014. I was just wondering how new the community around Licking was?
Looks like it started in 2009, according to that document I linked. That could have just been a few families at first, and may not have grown to the point that you noticed it until recently.
Looks like a good area for Amish
The area around Licking, Missouri is a Very Rural area. On the Northwest there are Mark Twain National Forrest, and a very large State Park (Paddy Creek) Oddly there are not much farming to the North or West side of Licking but there are a lot of old farm sites scattered throughout the area and even in the forest and Park. A lot of those farm sites look like they have been abandoned years ago and they are laying fallow.
The fields (most are overgrown with grasses and underbrush) looks like they should be Ideal for farming.
Most of the area in Texas County are Cattle Farms or Cattle Ranches some, rather large.
The pace around the Texas County area is typically slow with a lot of , if not most of the population living around the Licking but working in Rolla (which is about 30+ miles away from Licking) or A Missouri Prison located outside of L:icking. I saw a new Sawmill outside of Licking, and I wondered as I drove by if it were operated by Amish.
This looks like an Ideal location for an good, large Amish Community.
Excursion to NE MO Amish
I’m considering a short trip through three Amish communities in NE Missouri — Monroe City, Kahoka, and Canton. Does anyone have recommendations of places or people to see while passing through any of these? I am especially interested in Amish businesses and anything of special interest or insights that might make any of these communities a bit unique. Any feedback is welcome.
Amish auction Missouri
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Schwartz Retirement Auction
LaPlata, Missouri
Farm machinery, buggy, tools, Glass Hen-on-Nest collection
Amish auction Bowling Green, Missouri
Bowling Green, MO
Community School Consignment Auction
Profits benefit the Amish schools
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Bowling Green, MO
Girod and Eicher Relocating auction
Harness, horse-drawn farm equipment, antiques, household, tools
Amish bakery in Jamesport,Mo
We stopped yesterday at Anna’s Bake Shoppe in Jamesport,MO. It is located several houses to the right of Country Cupboard Restaurant. There is a sign on the highway, but the bakery is located on the street behind. It is owned by an Amish woman and her two daughters. Both of the daughters have MS. Our purchase of pies and rolls were delicious!!!! The only regret is that we live too far away to stop often.
Hi Mary,
I have stopped at Anna’s store a few times but I usually go out to the other bakery, Countryside Bakery, which carries many more baked items than Anna’s. Countryside is next to the H&M Amish store, 21910 MO-190. Have you been there before?
Jamesport is a nice place to go meet some Amish folks.
Tom in Lincoln
Mary, while I’m more likely to go by Irma’s (Countryside) Bakery while I’m visiting Jamesport (it’s on the road as I’m coming into town), I’ve bought from Anna’s on a number of occasions as well. And they do make some good stuff there, I agree. I don’t know the ladies all the well, but I understood that it was the mother and daughter that have MS — but I could be wrong.
Yes, we have stopped at Countryside Bakery several times, but found Anna’s this time. It is the 2 daughters who have MS. Their Dad died from it.
La Plata benefit for Amish boy
Schwartz Benefit Supper & Auction
“The English and Amish friends of the Schwartz family have organized a benefit supper and auction that will be held at the La Plata American Legion Building on Friday, August 7 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.”
(La Plata community holding benefit for Amish boy injured in farm accident)
want to buy Amish dining room set
I am for Amish made furniture. If you have someone you would recommend, I would appreciate it very much! Thanks.
want to buy Amish dining room set
I am looking for Amish made furniture. If you have someone you would recommend, I would appreciate it very much! Thanks.
I have not kept up with this site but just wanted to announce that we have and are expecting an influx of PA dutch. My friend is driving for a few of the families and they say that a lot more are on the way in the next few years.
amish influx...
We were over in Hartville and saw a couple amish families at different times at Caseys. Both in buggy and a group of men returning from a day of working, they headed north in Hwy 5. We also saw that they have installed a couple of horse & buggy signs on Hwy Z. Does anyone have ny information about this new group? I think I will ask at shetlers the next time I get up that way.
Amish in Hartville
They were likely the PA dutch that have come to the Hartville area.
Didn’t you see the covered buggies? 🙂
Much more progressive than the Amish here in Seymour.
One of them is a welder that works for himself.
A friend was running them to farmers markets in Ava for a while
but they did not make enough to continue.
By now the Hartville/Grovespring Amish have become well known in this area. They are a hard working and friendly group of Amish. Next time you see them in the stores stop and get to know them. Some are shyer than others but you will be blessed.
I will be in the Seymour area in October. Are there any places to buy authentic handmade Amish quilts?
No quilts
I know of no one that makes quilts here in Seymour. Many local Amish seem content working for others rather than for themselves. Very much unlike the PA Dutch up in Hartville.
Amish community in Licking
Just wanted to say that the Amish in Licking on AT are thriving. I hired to girls to clean my house every two weeks and they do a great job. They are not aware of the group in Hartville.
Camel Milk
I am looking for camel milk here in MO. I am in Chesterfield. I know there is a farm in Arbela about 2 hours away (The Zimmermans). There are two others listed on the Desert Farms web site but I can’t find them on the web (both are Amish Farms but was hopeful).Does anyone know where they might be located?
Thank you for any help!
Dog breeding
I heard there are a lot of Amish dog breeders in Missouri. Wondering what areas/communities and sects do this. When did they branch off into this venture? Seems a line of business that would not be typical, since I see a lot of furniture building, barn building, quilt making, and baked goods ventures.
Dog breeders
I have never seen a single dog breeder here in Seymour Angela.
Amish neighbor!
I have an Amish neighbor in Ohio, they are good and I love them. Thank you for the thoughts for Amish community.
Jamesport Amish tour (Step Back in Time or other)
Does anyone have any positive or negative reviews of tours of the Jamesport Amish community? I am specifically interested in the Step Back in Time tour, but information on any would be great. My family would like to take a tour but of the couple of companies offering tours, we haven’t found many (or any) reviews online to even be able to determine if these are legitimate businesses.
Jamesport Tour
Jennifer, sorry to be so late in responding, but I just now saw your question. My wife and I have taken the Step Back in Time tour, but that was some 5 years ago. It was originally started by Jim Smith, who grew up with many of the Amish there in Jamesport (before the Amish had separate schools). As Jim’s health declined and he eventually passed away another gentleman in the area helped with the tours (he is the one who my wife and I took the tour with), but now he has moved out of the area. A pastor friend of mine then lead the tour, but he too is now gone. Last I heard Jim’s wife was still running the business, but I don’t know if they are still up and going, nor who would be giving the tours if they are. The tour that my wife and I were given was really good, and I’m confident that the other guides I’ve known there gave equally good tours as well. But I don’t know where things stand at the present time.
Harness Makers
I’m looking for craftsmen to make Biothane and leather horse equipment wholesale for Kansas City tack and equipment shop.
harness makers
There are several harness makers here in Seymour.
I know one of them personally and could make enquiries if you give me more details.
They are having a serious family emergency so it may be a few weeks until that would be advisable.
Send me some details in the meantime.
Harness Makers
We cater to the smaller horse breeds like the Arabian and Morgan, we also make equipment for ponies and mini horses as well as draft horses. Equipment such as halters in biothane and leather, working/training equipment such as headstalls, double bridles, martingales and breastplates of all types, cruppers & turnbacks, harness whole, and pieces, reins cavessons and special order equipment. We also have a need for fine leather bridle work as well.
This got my interest as I am not very familiar with the Amish community so learning more about them would definitely help in understanding their traditions and customs better.