Amish Beliefs

Commenter: “Amish are NOT Christian”

Commenter: “Amish are NOT Christian”

From time to time I draw attention to the more eyebrow-raising comments we get here on the site, or on the YouTube channel. They might contain very strong and certain claims about the Amish, or shine a light on popular misconceptions. For example, there was “Utterly NOT an Amish Home!“, or “Why are the Amish using plastic packaging? I am so disappointed.” Today’s entry is…

Six Reasons Why People FAIL To Join The Amish

Six Reasons Why People FAIL To Join The Amish

After 15+ years of writing a blog on the Amish, from time to time I still hear from people who wish to become Amish. I usually advise people to take a look at what is attracting them to want to join the Amish. Often, I suspect, the real reasons have little to do with the Amish at all (more on that below). Often it seems…

5 Reasons Why People Leave the Amish

5 Reasons Why People Leave the Amish

 In this video I share five reasons people either a) decide not to join the Amish (that is, decide not to be baptized), or b) leave the Amish church after joining. I call it “leaving” in either case (and explain that at the beginning), even though the consequences are different. Not everyone who is born Amish decides to be baptized in the faith. And…

Amish Cook: Giving Thanks

With an eye to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, Amish Cook Gloria Yoder devotes this week’s column to the idea of giving thanks. An excerpt: No human being (or at least not me) is naturally filled with thankfulness. There’s a person I know who has gone through more pain than any human could ever tell and more surgeries than I can count, and that individual is…

3 Reasons Why Amish DON’T Want You To Join Them

3 Reasons Why Amish DON’T Want You To Join Them

 In the above video I explain why Amish don’t want – or maybe the better word is “need” – outsiders to join them. In a nutshell, the Amish do not typically seek converts, and there are a few reasons why. 1. The Amish don’t need converts One very practical reason that they Amish don’t want you to join them is the fact that the…

Are the Amish “born again”? (Video)

Are the Amish “born again”? (Video)

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” ~John 3:3 (KJV) This question has come up a lot over the years and has been addressed here before (see this post from 11 years ago titled Are Swartzentruber Amish “saved”?), so I did a video on it as well….

The “Secret” To Well-behaved Amish Children

The “Secret” To Well-behaved Amish Children

If you’ve spent a little time in an Amish home or around Amish families, you may have noticed the children and their behavior. Many people comment that Amish children are – generally – especially well-behaved (at least in public or in the presence of non-Amish). I’d say that is generally the case as well. I’ve seen it from two angles. First, as someone visiting Amish…

The Amish & Humility (Podcast)

The Amish & Humility (Podcast)

After a little hiatus, I’ve still got a couple more podcasts from Donald Kraybill’s “What I Learned From The Amish” series to share with you. In this eighth episode, he explores that characteristic trait espoused (and generally demonstrated) by Amish, humility. He starts with an example of why Amish don’t seek media attention – at least not the type that exalts the individual. He looks…

Nickel Mines & Amish Forgiveness. 15 Years Later (Video)

Nickel Mines & Amish Forgiveness. 15 Years Later (Video)

It was 15 years ago – October 2, 2006 – that the school shooting at the West Nickel Mines School took place. I made a video looking back at that day, but especially focusing on what came afterwards – the forgiveness shown by the Amish. The forgiveness story went around the world, covered in media far and wide. In the book Amish Grace: How Forgiveness…

Can you be friends with the Amish?

Can you be friends with the Amish?

You may have heard the Amish described as a “separate people” or “in the world, but not of it“. These kinds of descriptions can make the Amish sound like they are simply apart from everyone else – isolated somehow from the rest of us. I think this is one thing that leads to the picture in some people’s minds of the Amish living in closed…