Amish Latter-Day Saints? (Video)

Is there such a thing as an “Amish Latter-day Saint”? The video below tells the emotional tales of three Amish families who joined the LDS church.

Raymond Weaver. All images: KSL News/Youtube

This recently-released film recalls a similar story on “Amish Seventh-Day Adventists“.

This formulation – Amish + another denomination – is always attention-getting. Especially if you consider “Amish” to be shorthand for “Amish Christian”. In other words, a faith designation.

Can you fuse two faiths into one?

If you consider “Amish” to mean not much more than a lifestyle, or culture, I can see how it makes more sense. But I don’t think that’s how most Amish, at least, view the term.

The story starts with the Weavers, one of three families from Knox County, Ohio featured in the film.

Raymond Weaver explains how he comes across the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Later he discusses the principles in the book with a customer at his business, who gives him a copy of the Book of Mormon. Raymond reads it over three weeks and becomes engrossed by it.

He next speaks with his wife Laura about baptism, and Laura balks. In response, the narrator explains that “to help Laura understand what he now knew, Raymond taught her about the Book of Mormon, and how it enhanced their traditional Amish beliefs.”

They later meet a missionary and are baptized. Eventually Raymond helps to convert two other Amish families, the Troyers and Hochstetlers.

It’s a powerful and emotional course of events. Several people, both converts and converters, are moved to tears while telling their stories.

But as you might expect there’s not much discussion of the shunning aspect, other than it being an unpleasant thing. They don’t get into why choosing to follow a different faith path might have consequences with the church the families were baptized members in.

Much of the emotion stems from the separation the families face due to this excommunication.

Most striking is Paul and Mary Hochstetler, who have 17 children, nine of whom remained Amish. This has effectively meant, in the words of a former LDS official, that they have “basically lost all of their older kids.”

Paul and Mary are the couple in the middle below. Of the three couples, Raymond and Laura continue to dress in an Amish style, while the other two couples do not.

The film as a whole strikes me as part-inspirational, and part-recruiting film. The LDS church members in the film clearly admire aspects of Amish life.

But hints that this is a film meant for evangelization come through in comments like those of one LDS member: “I’ve always felt that if we could take the Amish culture, and the Latter-day Saint culture, and bring them together, it would be the perfect culture.”

In the end, the families seem to be in a good place. One of the men says “everything that we have faced is very well worth the sacrifice…I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

Raymond adds that “we realized at this moment that we would be able to be with our family forever. Just the feeling of almost being in heaven.”

Watch the film here:

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  1. Zombie

    Not your Typical Amish, probably, politely saying phony’s.
    The point is: Eric has made it perfectly clear, that the Amish won’t:
    Tolerate anything Modern. It therefore, takes Initiatively.

  2. Lisa Maikranz


    I don’t think the term Amish LDS should even be used – you are Amish or you are Mormon ~ they have their own bible, it is not the Amish Bible ~ they were baptized Amish then rebaptised Mormon. I think it’s sad that they were taken in by a faith that is known to be very pushy with their beliefs and believe they are the only way to heaven, I am in no way disparaging the religion only that The Amish are sheltered and can be prone to pushy outside influences.

    1. Dollie deaton

      Pushy isn't the word

      Pushy I’d putting it mildly when it comes to describing Mormons. Give them an inch and they will take a mile. They just won’t leave you alone. I’m not Amish but I know several who are. They’re wonderful people. I can see while a different religion especially one that is as pushy as Mormons are might invade a person’s beliefs. I highly recommend reading Banner Under Heaven to anyone

      1. Lora Bale

        Dollie, the Church of Jesus Christ hasn’t practices polygamy for over a century. The book you have referred to titled “Under the Banner of Heaven” is about a group of fundamentalists that broke away from the church and are, indeed, violent, dominating and horrible. They are not in any way associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Sadly, like all religions, erroneous rumors and gossip abounds but it isn’t necessarily true. We really need to check our facts before spreading more damaging rumors that are not true.

        1. Dollie deaton

          Obviously you haven’t read all the book. It’s a lot more than just that.

      2. David Talbot

        interesting story

        These families were not “pushed” into anything. If you watched the video you can hear what they shared is that they absolutely knew what they were doing and the impact it would likely have on their lives. If you watched to the end…they also shared they had no regrets. What amazing people! I wish them the best. We all have to make hard decisions in life so i appreciated see that even in the toughest of times, we can find our way out with the Lord’s help.

    2. Emma

      "...their own Bible?"

      FYI, members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have the same Bible as used in the Amish community – while not the Luther translation or in English, the KJV, it is the same “old” and “new” Testaments. The BoM is an additional Testament of the story of Jesus. It does not replace, rather it supplements, the Bible. As an Amish family, we studied the Bible every day; as members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we study both der Bible and the Book of Mormon. I find your condescending attitude that we are somehow unable to discern the truth just because we did not need electric lights or automobiles to be very insulting. These three families are not the only ones to become LDS.

      1. Dollie featon

        I don’t think the NIV or any other Bible talks about the 12 tribes and then claims there’s another list tribe that came to North America.

        1. Marilyn


          I seem to recall in the actual scriptures that there is a passage (Deuteronomy 4:2)which addresses quite specifically God’s instruction NOT to add to nor take away from His Word. What the Book of Mormon has tried to add to the divine Word of God is laughable at best and deceptive at its worst. No different from the Scientology people and their fantasy stories. I think this will all come out at the Judgement and there will be a lot of people with a lot to answer for.

          If these folks find comfort and fellowship with other believers, I hope they enjoy it on earth.

          1. Lora Bale

            Marilyn, the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ on this continent (the Western Hemisphere). The Bible takes place in the Eastern Hemisphere. But both books testify of Jesus Christ. And I think the scripture you are referring to means that the words of men cannot be added to scripture. But I would never consider questioning whether God can add to scripture. And members of the Church of Jesus Christ fervently believe that the Book of Mormon are the words of God as spoken by His prophets on this continent. There were prophets of old and members of the Church of Christ believe that God has not quit speaking to His children via His prophets in these latter days. It sounds quite logical, really. Why would God abandon His children in our modern days? Why would He not have prophets now just as He has done throughout time? And members of the Church of Christ believe that the Book of Mormon was written by ancient prophets on this continent and brought forward in the restoration of Christ’s church in in the early 1800’s. If you read the book, you will find that it is quite remarkable and includes Jewish laws and other nuances that would have been highly difficult if not impossible for a backwoods farm boy with no more than a 3rd grade education to have made up.

            1. Lisa Maikranz

              The Church

              Just bring up THE CHURCH as was talked about in the Bible to them, the one created by our Lord ~ it’s called The Orthodox Church, before the great schism where the Catholic Church split ( then all churches after that were created by men to support their own specific beliefs) so they could have a Pope and were very misguided. They (The Mormons) will become speechless because they know nothing of The Church as written in the Bible. Orthodoxy is still practiced over a 1/2 million people in Jerusalem and @ 500,000,000 worldwide. This question stumps them because they know nothing g of the history of the church that began it all and is in existence today.

            2. AJ

              So, Joseph Smith was a “prophet”? Wasn’t he the illiterate guy who followed a golden salamander into the mountains of NY state and met an angel who led him to some carved tablets that “only” Joseph Smith could interpret? If memory serves, Joseph Smith also brought “plural marriage” (as he called bigamy & adultery) into the Mormon Church, much to his wife’s understandable displeasure. I don’t know… it all sounds very bizarre. How interesting that “only” Joseph Smith could interpret the mysterious writings by using a magical stone. So much of that early Mormon teaching runs so contrarily to real scriptures! I’ve also heard a lot about the baptism by proxy. Sorry, you can NOT baptize someone who has already died! By calling a Mormon or LDS a “christian,” you risk offending those of us who believe in God the Father Almighty.

              Now… I did exactly what had been annoying me — turned an Amish America post into a LDS post.

          2. Dollie deaton

            Couldn’t said it better. Don’t forget Revelation

      2. Lisa Maikranz


        Just saying you can’t be both You are Amish or you are LDS period
        My best friends are Amish

      3. Lisa Maikranz


        Are you Amish or are you LDS? My friends are very smart but they don’t know of all the things in the world because uhhmmmm they don’t have computers or tv or electricity for that matter! So as I said ~ if you are baptized Amish and are baptized again in another faith LDS then you are LDS no longer beholden to the Amish faith and beliefs. Same goes for Amish becoming Mennonites they are no longer Amish. Quite simple.

        1. Bill Rushby

          Amish Mennonites

          The distinction between “Amish” and “Mennonite” is a matter of degree, not sharply defined, as one commenter alleged here. To illustrate, there are “Amish Mennonites” who retain much of their Amish belief system and culture but have given up the “horse culture” for “car culture.” As they move along the Amish/Mennonite continuum, they tend to give up more of their Amishness and are increasingly Mennonite in belief and culture. And there are those who remain Amish but adopt elements of Mennonite faith and practice; the “New Order” Amish for example.

          The distinction between Amish and LDS is much more “drastic”; adding the Book of Mormon to one’s canon of Scripture would take one right out of the Amish orbit! There are of course intermediate groups between the LDS and Anabaptist Christians; for instance the “Community of Christ,” formerly Reorganized Latter-Day Saints. They are now much closer IMHO to Anabaptist Christianity than to Mormonism!

      4. Kari

        Emma, thank you for your thoughtful comment.

      5. Candace Austin

        Amish/Latter Day Saints

        Well put. I grew up in Amish country in Pennsylvania, I learned to love the Amish and their honest ways. I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint 40+ years ago. I still love the Amish and do not see a problem being Plain is not a sin. One can stay plain and be LDS.

      6. Lisa

        Please think about this logically. If the Bible contains errors (as is imperative in accepting membership to the LDS church) how can you reliably discern truth? By a “burning in the bosom?” And that is sufficient because it makes you feel good? We know that Satan’s deception is strong, so strong that it would deceive the elect, if that were possible. Do you not think that this is accomplished by posing and posturing as the truth, and by messages that tickle the ears? Taking things that seem logical (Adam and Eve as a basis for eternal marriage) and things that seem pleasing (eternal families),and seeking to validate itself by merit of the Bible while simultaneously picking it apart to suit the imaginations of men is, exactly the description I’ve received of the devil himself. I cannot, in good conscience, discard the inerrant truth of the Bible, and by default, God’s ability to protect the work of the apostles who walked with and learned directly from Jesus Christ Himself.

        For the record, my husband is LDS, and all of the time I’ve spent discussing with him and missionaries, has led me straight to the Anabaptists and not at all to the LDS church. They’re cunning, and I can see how their methods of conversion can be highly affective, because they’re very well trained to apply a very high level of pressure on people to “receive a testimony” via very well disguised shaming and threats of exclusion. They smile and talk gently while using such tactics, giving the outward appearance of sheep but inwardly they’re both only interested in affirming their own faith and earning exhaustion for themselves through you. They do not care about you. It is wholly selfish, and I do not think any of them recognize or acknowledge that they are led by pride, not love. Works should be something done purely out of love and not a service rendered for payment. If your goal is to receive exaltation, rather than simply to be a servant out of love, you are not recieving the same Spirit that was in Jesus Christ.

        Please use your Bible to discern truth. Please!

    3. D. Ann

      No “Mormon Bible.”

      Lisa, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do not have “another Bible.” They use the King James Version of the Bible. In fact, this year’s Sunday School study is the Old Testament. Next year’s will probably be the New Testament. They also believe that the Book of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ, concerning God’s dealings with His children on the ancient American continent, so they study that also.

  3. Jessica

    This post makes me wonder how much in depth bible study do the Amish actually do?

    1. Lisa Maikranz


      I have it on good faith they are very firm in their bible readings ( most ) and hold steadfast to their faith but there are always a few that want to believe something else so they can leave the plain life. The Amish are wonderful, smart, caring, God Fearing, industrious people. I love the time I spend with my friends on their farm it makes me long for the simpler life without all the nonsense in the world.

  4. Weaver - Berkshire County

    The street preachers see the Amish as easy prey because they are religious. They seem to think that because the Amish are religious that they are far easier to influence and convert than it would be to try to convert atheist or non-Christians. There is a belief among some cannibalistic Christian denominations that the Amish mind is ripe for the taking. I’m not sure how well they know the Amish.

    The Amish are well aware of these people and avoid them. I spoke with an Amish guy at a farmers market about this back when I used to sell there and his definition on those people coming to Amish communities to try and and convert people was similar to calling them “interlopers”. He explained that the Amish is more than just a community for a seeker, that it is an integral part of their way of life, and that conversion to another denomination is not as simple as going from one church to another church. It would be leaving behind his identity and community.

    He also had a problem with a lot of people trying to explain to him that they knew best… that they knew the path to Heaven and that all he had to do was believe them to get there. Anyone who knows the Amish beliefs on this subject knows the Amish don’t believe in assurance in salvation. For them there is no guaranteed path to Heaven and no one has a right to play God and assure they know for a fact you’ll get to Heaven.

    1. Lisa Maikranz


      Great Comment ! I exactly Right!

    2. Dollie deaton
    3. Marilyn


      “Cannibalistic.” PERFECT description. Thank you.

  5. Vivian Furbay

    This is really sad and shows the need to pray for these people that they see the true story of salvation as in the Bible. Ephesians 2: 8 & 9


    Amish or Not

    Amish LDS is a complete contradiction in terms. They may be former Amish, now LDS. They may retain some of their Amish culture – that you can probably never remove completely. But to be Amish and at the same time LDS is not possible. They are two completely separate and completely different religions.

    1. Yoder in Ohio
  7. Amish/Mormanism - Never the Twain Shall Meet

    The two religions – Amish and Mormonism – are totally incompatible. One only has to read the “Book of Mormon” to see that the one who made up the Mormon religion was thinking obliquely from the start. The Weavers – poor souls – have been had. The “Chinese Menu” approach they utilize…one from column A one from column B, etc. doesn’t work. One does not meld the Amish religion with any other. All the Amish with whom I am a friend are the complete opposite of those Mormons with whom I am acquainted. The Mormons are highly politically motivated, opinionated and more than somewhat meretricious. Amish on the other hand are hard working God fearing people; they’re non-confrontational, friendly and loyal. The Mormons I know show their loyalty only to those they believe will help them.

    Given enough time, the Weavers just might see that they were wrong in their choice to follow such an alien religion such as Mormonism.

    1. Yoder in Ohio

      Very well said Ken!! As a member of the Amish church I agree — these three families are no longer Amish. They may be of Amish heritage or Amish background but you are Amish or you are not. My sincere prayer is that you are right and these families may soon come to understand how they have been deceived.

  8. Lora Bale

    People Who Say They Are Christians

    If you want to know about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you don’t learn about it by reading anti-LDS literature. Ask a member of the faith what they believe in and how they live. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ are devout, faithful, loyal, hardworking, love and serve God, put their families first (second only to God) and believe in the Atonement of Jesus Christ. They are absolutely sincere in their beliefs and want to share the joy they feel in the Gospel with others. Saying that the missionaries are seeking out “prey” is absolutely not true and smacks of a judgmental, hard heart…something the Lord would not approve of. They are happy, industrious and God-fearing people. They are honest, true, law-abiding and humble in their beliefs. In fact, I’m not surprised that Amish people might be drawn to the Church of Jesus Christ simply because there are so many parallels to both religions. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ absolutely believe in the Bible as far as it is translated correctly. But anyone who would criticize the Book of Mormon maybe ought to read it for themselves with an open heart and see what is so amazing about that book. Regardless, I can’t help thinking that with that judgment we judge others, so shall we be judged. And the vehement and hard-hearted nature we have toward others comes back to us in full. There are good and bad people in any religion but anyone who really gets to know a good member of the Church of Jesus Christ knows what amazing, wonderful, loving people they truly are. Maybe we each should get to know some of these people and ask them what and why they believe as they do rather than reading “hate” books that have been about them, which can be found for all religions. We might be surprised to find loving, amazing people who want only to emulate the Savior and return to Him at the end of this life. And frankly, I don’t believe in a Savior who would spurn hearts that seek only to serve Him. Not the loving Christ that I have come to know and adore. I don’t believe that people who believe otherwise really understand the Atonement at all. I’m always fascinated by people who say they are Christians, yet come across as filled with absolute hate for others.

    1. Mormonism

      In answer to Lora Bale’s false praise of Mormonism, I believe the musical “The Book of Mormon” sums it up nicely!

      1. Lora Bale

        We are all entitled to our opinion

        Ken, it’s obvious you have very harsh feelings toward members of the Church of Jesus Christ. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. That’s the beauty of living in this great nation of ours. I just happen to disagree with you.

      2. Dollie deaton

        I never saw it. Please tell me some things.

    2. Pastor/Congregational Leader


      Joseph Smith had an encounter from a false spirit; this angel of light was nothing more than a demon. 2nd Cor. 11:14-15 says “And no wonder. For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.”

      You are a woman answering not only myself on this forum, but also several other men. You are in error of the scriptures. 1st Timothy 2:12 says “And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” I have taught the Word of God for 40 years. Where is your husband? If you are not married, you still have no authority to teach over men and are answering men (elders at that) on this forum.

      In one of your posts Lora, you wrote that everyone is entitled to their opinion. In this case your opinion is the same as “The Corrupt Church”, as described in Revelation chapter 2, like the church in Thyatira. Opinions of people that pull us away from the bible and lead us into compromise do not matter. My opinion does not matter. The only thing that matters is The Bible; The Word of God; The one and only True Word of God.

      Furthermore, Revelation Chapter 2:20-23 says “….Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts.” (The words teach and seduce here, means false religions and false doctrines and doctrines of demons that are being taught by those under the control of the Jezebel spirit. Mormonism is false teaching with cultic practices that seduces God’s servants.)

      When I say cultic practices, I mean that because Mormonism or anyone who uses another book or The book of Mormon with or without the Bible, or alongside of the bible, is definitely against God’s Holy Word.

      Mormonism also teaches the man-child doctrine. The church is not a he or a man, it is a her. Jesus does not have a Groom, He has a Bride and She is the only true church of Jesus Christ. A judgment will come for all those who teach another gospel and another Jesus, which Mormonism does. It is a counterfeit teaching. You cannot follow another Jesus, which the Latter Day Saints do and expect that your name is written in the Lambs book of life.

      1st Corinthians 11 states that a woman should have her head covered. The Mormon church does not teach 1st Corinthians Chapter 11.

      Almost every Mormon that I have ever met and talked with does not know the Bible;the Word of God. In Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus spoke with the Disciples and warned them “Pray that you be not deceived.”

      Pastor Matthew Ben Joseph

      1. David Talbot

        Pastor Joseph,

        I find your comments absolutely condescending towards Lora and women in general. It is a sad day if a man can’t learn something from a women.

    3. Lee Annette Natarelli

      Thank you Laura!

      Thank you Laura for being a voice of reason! I was getting a bit depressed with all of this negativity towards Mormons. The judging in this comments section is sad.

    4. Lisa Maikranz


      I have asked many times what their beliefs are and they do NOT line up with THE Bible, their bible maybe but not THE Bible. I asked them once if they were familiar with THE Church that the Bible mentions which was organized on the day of Pentecost they have no clue ~ LDS came from a man, not from the church the apostles worshipped in through their teachings from Jesus.

  9. Amish Latter-Day Saints true or false?

    To Raymond Weaver and other families who converted from Amish to Mormonism LDS: Is this wrong? Yes. Why? Let me explain. In 1986, I worked with a man who was Mormon (him and his whole family). I ministered to him for one year. One day, I asked the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal to me the counterfeit within this Mormon teaching. He did. The Lord said “Ask the man if he believes that Jesus Christ is the one and only begotten Son of God?” He said “Yes”. Then, the Lord told me to ask him “If that is true, then why does your book of Mormon say that Jesus Christ and Satan are brothers? The man was shocked. He had no idea that was written in the book of Mormon. I showed him where it was written and he began to cry. He repented immediately and he and all of his families left the Mormon church. Yes, there needs to be renewal and awakening in the Amish communities, but this needs to be done according to the Word of God, in love. You may write to me @ Congregational Leader, Matthew Ben Joseph

    1. Lora Bale

      Lucifer is Jesus’ brother... so are we

      Matthew, you are right…Lucifer is Jesus’ brother. So are you. He is all our elder brother. However, the only begotten son is Jesus. He was born of flesh on earth of Mary and God is his literal father of both flesh and spirit. That’s what it means to be “begotten.” Lucifer is not a begotten son as he has never had a body of flesh and blood. I’m not sure why your friend left his faith over that issue. Something sounds very off about that.

  10. Lester Beachy

    Are Mormons Christian?

    I work at the Amish and Mennonite Heritage Center here in Holmes County, OH and have met many Mormons. Wanting to know more about their religion I did some research. What I have discovered, has led me to conclude that they are not christians, according to the Bible. They use some of the same terminology we christians use, but they understand it totally different. They do not worship the same Jesus as we do.
    Let me clarify a few things. They do not believe that God was always God. They believe he progressed to where He then became God. No where in the Bible do we read anything like that. In fact the Scriptures are very clear that God has always been God. Search the Scriptures and that is what you will find. Psalm 90 verse 2 is just one example.
    Also if we study the life that Jesus lived and taught, and compare it to the violent life and death of Joseph Smith, we soon see that there is no connection. Joseph Smith did not live a holy non-violent life. At his death he had a gun and tried to defend himself. Totally opposite of what Jesus taught and modeled.
    The Mormons also teach that we can become God. They have a saying that goes like this “As we are, God was, as God is we can become”. Again we do not find anything like this in the Bible. As a member in an Amish church it is my desire that all Mormons can get to know Jesus and have a personal relationship with him. Jesus wants to dwell in our hearts and to make us new persons. The Bible message is that God who has always been, sent his Son Jesus to redeem us from our sins and to indwell within us and to guide and direct our life.

    1. Pastor/Congregational Leader

      Brother Lester,

      Good post, I met you when I came to the Heritage Center day after Thanksgiving. Also came back in Feb. 27. I gave some letters to three ladies that was working there,dated Feb.22 called the Noah Event,regarding Floods for America. My wife and I saw the Amish-LDS video. We were shocked at the number of people falling away from the faith.

      We are praying for renewal of the studying of the Word of God among all Gods people so they can know the truth. We are also praying for increase of daily meetings to get the truth out. Joel chapter 2 is very important. We have alot of good friends like Ora Miller. We talk about the problems happening in America.

      Congregational Leader,
      Matthew Ben Joseph

  11. Pastor/Congregational Leader

    I never said that Satan is Jesus Brother. Lucifer is a fallen Angel. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son and there is none other. James is Jesus earthly brother. But there is no Begotten Son of God except God Almighty. Hope this helps you. You are a lady and should not try to teach anyone other then women. I have been teaching the Word of God for 40 years. Do not turn words around.

    Pastor Matthew Ben Joseph

  12. Pastor/Congregational Leader

    Lora Bale,

    Joseph Smith was in great deception like all Mormons. Joseph Smith encountered demons and was taken by an Angel of light.(another demon). Your Mormon temples are temples of demons, they are not of God Almighty. Yes, Mormons are nice and good people. But that will not get you to heaven.

    You Mormons teach about the Church being the man child. The Church is a her. Jesus Christ has a bride not a groom. The Church in the bible is referred to as a her not a he-man child. You Mormons say you follow the bible; every Mormon I have ever met hardly even knows the bible. If you did, you wouldn’t follow Mormonism.

    Judgment will fall upon all those who follow another Jesus who’s names are not written in the Lambs book of life.

    The Church of Thyatira is the Corrupt Church
    In Revelation 2:20-23 ….”Jezebel calls herself a prophetess to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality,and eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality she did not repent.Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know I am He who searches the minds and hearts”. (The word to teach and seduce here is false teachings, like Mormons or anything that is not bible).

    You Babylonian women and your leaders teach others to break the Holy Scriptures even in the New Testament. You don’t even wear a head covering. I Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a women to teach or to have authority over man, but to be in silence. Its seems you are trying to teach men on this forum. We are elders.

    There is no other books in the world that takes the place of the bible or should be use along side the bible. Your Book of Mormon is clearly based on many cultic passages. Jesus said because you have not a love for the truth, I will turn you over to a strong delusion. Jesus Christ is truth and His Word is truth and there is none other.

    Lora, in one of your posts, you said everyone should have their own opinion. The word opinion in this case is the same as compromise. Your opinion or mine does not really matter.The only thing that matters is the bible. If you are not using only the bible I am sorry you are being misled.

    Pastor Matthew Ben Joseph

  13. Pastor/Congregational Leader

    Lora Bale Amish- LDS Video

    Joseph Smith had an encounter from a false spirit; this angel of light was nothing more than a demon. 2nd Cor. 11:14-15 says “And no wonder. For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.”

    You are a woman answering not only myself on this forum, but also several other men. You are in error of the scriptures. 1st Timothy 2:12 says “And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” I have taught the Word of God for 40 years. Where is your husband? If you are not married, you still have no authority to teach over men and are answering men (elders at that) on this forum.

    In one of your posts Lora, you wrote that everyone is entitled to their opinion. In this case your opinion is the same as “The Corrupt Church”, as described in Revelation chapter 2, like the church in Thyatira. Opinions of people that pull us away from the bible and lead us into compromise do not matter. My opinion does not matter. The only thing that matters is The Bible; The Word of God; The one and only True Word of God.

    Furthermore, Revelation Chapter 2:20-23 says “….Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts.” (The words teach and seduce here, means false religions and false doctrines and doctrines of demons that are being taught by those under the control of the Jezebel spirit. Mormonism is false teaching with cultic practices that seduces God’s servants.)

    When I say cultic practices, I mean that because Mormonism or anyone who uses another book or The book of Mormon with or without the Bible, or alongside of the bible, is definitely against God’s Holy Word.

    Mormonism also teaches the man-child doctrine. The church is not a he or a man, it is a her. Jesus does not have a Groom, He has a Bride and She is the only true church of Jesus Christ. A judgment will come for all those who teach another gospel and another Jesus, which Mormonism does. It is a counterfeit teaching. You cannot follow another Jesus, which the Latter Day Saints do and expect that your name is written in the Lambs book of life.

    1st Corinthians 11 states that a woman should have her head covered. The Mormon church does not teach 1st Corinthians Chapter 11.

    Almost every Mormon that I have ever met and talked with does not know the Bible;the Word of God. In Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus spoke with the Disciples and warned them “Pray that you be not deceived.”

    Pastor Matthew Ben Joseph

  14. Mormonism is Counterfeit!

    Joseph Smith had an encounter from a false spirit; this angel of light was nothing more than a demon. 2nd Cor. 11:14-15 says “And no wonder. For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.”

    Lora,You are a woman answering not only myself on this forum, but also several other men. You are in error of the scriptures. 1st Timothy 2:12 says “And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” I have taught the Word of God for 40 years. Where is your husband? If you are not married, you still have no authority to teach over men and are answering men (elders at that) on this forum.

    In one of your posts Lora, you wrote that everyone is entitled to their opinion. In this case your opinion is the same as “The Corrupt Church”, as described in Revelation chapter 2, like the church in Thyatira. Opinions of people that pull us away from the bible and lead us into compromise do not matter. My opinion does not matter. The only thing that matters is The Bible; The Word of God; The one and only True Word of God.

    Furthermore, Revelation Chapter 2:20-23 says “….Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts.” (The words teach and seduce here, means false religions and false doctrines and doctrines of demons that are being taught by those under the control of the Jezebel spirit. Mormonism is false teaching with cultic practices that seduces God’s servants.)

    When I say cultic practices, I mean that because Mormonism or anyone who uses another book or The book of Mormon with or without the Bible, or alongside of the bible, is definitely against God’s Holy Word. As I said before you Mormons teach Lucifer is Jesus Christ brother this is a flat out lie. Lucifer is a fallen Angelknown as satan. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son, there is none other.

    Mormonism also teaches the man-child doctrine. The church is not a he or a man, it is a her. Jesus does not have a Groom, He has a Bride and She is the only true church of Jesus Christ. A judgment will come for all those who teach another gospel and another Jesus, which Mormonism does. It is a counterfeit teaching. You cannot follow another Jesus, which the Latter Day Saints do and expect that your name is written in the Lambs book of life.

    1st Corinthians 11 states that a woman should have her head covered. The Mormon church does not teach 1st Corinthians Chapter 11.

    Almost every Mormon that I have ever met and talked with does not know the Bible;the Word of God. In Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus spoke with the Disciples and warned them “Pray that you be not deceived.”

    Pastor/Congregational Leader

    Matthew Ben Joseph

  15. Robert Berryhill

    Pastor/Congregational Leader? Really?

    Pastor Matthew. I’m confused. You claim to have been teaching the word of god for 40 years but I believe you are missing the simplest of concepts. How do you explain Psalms 82:6 “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.“ or Hosea 1:10 “¶ ​Yet the ​​​number​ of the children of Israel shall be as the ​​​sand​ of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, ​that​ in the place where it was said unto them, Ye ​are​ not my people, ​there​ it shall be said unto them, ​Ye are​ the ​​​sons​ of the ​​​living God​.”. Aren’t we all children of god?

    Additionally who were these other sheep that in John 10:16 Jesus speaks about? “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd”

    It’s a very sad day when a proclaimed man of god disparages one of the daughters of god. You truly should be ashamed.

    1. Reply to Robert Amish- LDS

      it is you who should be ashamed twisting the word of God Almighty. The First thing is you say you are in confusion.Confusion is not from God.
      When one is confused he is double minded.James 1:8 said that your confusion double mindedness brings a state of being unstable in all your ways. Also James 3 talks about Confusion. Robert if you come against truth that is being spoken, it tell me you have some form of bitter envy in your heart like James 3:4 states.

      James 3:16 For where envy and self seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. So we will pray for you that you may be set free. Robert it sound you have had alot of rejection even from your Dad I will pray for your healing.

      To answer the scripture you have quoted Psalm 82:6 lets take a look at the passage of that scripture in Context of what it is saying this way there is no twisting the word of God. Like so many like to do. Psalm 82 God Almighty stands in the congregation of the mighty; He Judges among the gods. How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? You want to be god just like satan wants to be like God in Isaiah 14 and he fell read the rest of Psalm 82 and Isaiah 14 if think you are god or a god you are not the one and only True God. He the only one I will follow. So don’t use that ye god thing like all Mormons like to do.Psalm 82:7 “But you shall die like men,and fall like one of the princes.” Just like Lucifer did and he is in hell. Is.14 little gods get you no where. When we come out of our self and trust only Jesus Christ and not Joseph Smith who had a whole of demons then we will see truth.

      Please Robert you need help. Let us help you back to truth. We will pray for you Jesus Christ died for you. When anyone falls to other teaching other then the bible that tells me they are on the wrong path. We don’t need other books like the book of Mormon only the Bible. I hope for your shake there is repentance in your heart.

      Ref. you said Hosea 1:10 which does not apply to what we were talking about. But to settle this scripture and give understanding first Hosea here married a harlot like the Church in America today most of the Church in America are harlots. This shows us this by there actions according to the word of God. He was stating that the harlot was not His people and He was not there God. What He states in Hosea 1:10 Is the number of the Children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, it dose say Mormons shall be as the sand of the sea.? Please don’t twist the word of God for your liken. Paul covers this very well What in Romans chapter 9 read both of these book Hosea and Romans and you will get a better understanding what is being said.

      In John 10:16 that you have quoted does not apply. Where does apply is that Jesus Christ is the only true shepherd and all those who are written in the Lambs book of life follow Him not the voice of a stranger like Joseph Smith who misled so many into Mormons. I am sorry you have fallen into Mormonism. It is clear right hear in John chapter 10 please read the whole chapter it is clear that Jesus has a flock. His flock it all over the world. All those who are of that flock follow the voice of Him only. They that follow only use the bible only. Please Robert take the Bible and see what it states then look at the book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon does not bare witness. It states things against the Bible. The Book of Mormon is in great error. So you get on your knees and seek Jesus Christ go through repentance and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to show you the truth. Don’t ask someone in the Mormon church. Seek God and His word only, the Bible. Jesus said they hear His voice not Joseph Smith or those in the Mormon Church.

      If you really want to know truth then seek it out for your self.

      Love Pastor Matthew

      1. Yoder in Ohio

        This was very thought-provoking, well thought out and stated. Thank you for sharing this with us all!

  16. Yoder in Ohio

    God was not always God? Apparently the god the LDS have is not the same God I have. The God I serve always HAS been, always IS, and always SHALL be God! My heart sinks even further to think of the deception those families fell for…

  17. Dollie deaton

    Couldn’t said it better

  18. Billly Palmer

    This is very sad!!!

    As a new person to Conservative Anabaptist teaching and applications of the New Testament teaching, and a twice ex-Mormon I find this very sad that a group of people who have the Truth fall for the lies of the LDS church. I suggest that anyone interested in the Morman teaching read the book “No Man Knows My History : The Life of Joseph Smith” by Fawn M. Brodie (Everything to she presents is back up with references that the reader can go to the location and read for themselves), and the LDS church has fought hard and long to discredit her book and research, to get an honest understanding of Joesph Smith who was not only a womanizer, of pedophile and an out an out lier,
    among other character defects. They use the name of Jesus who is a totally different person the Jesus of the New Testament, they say HE is Lucifers brother, Lucifer being another name for Satan, aka the Devil. Beware of wolves in sheep ‘s clothing…..for the book at Amazon here is the link. This book in on the LDS list forbidden for members to read. . I offer this in love and warning as one who not only fell for their lies once but twice. “May the Grace of the Lord Jesus, the Love of GOD the Father, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

    1. Robert Berryhill

      Very sad


      Yes indeed it is very sad that you have been deceived by the myriads of antimormon literature that twist reality to cast the Curch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in a bad light

      Fawn Brodie treatise of Amir Mormon propoganda has been refuted by numerous lds and non lds scholars. She cherry picked her sources ignoring. Sources that contradicted her arguments and assertions.

      Remember “by their fruits shall the know them”. The lds is full and good men and women and is one of the largest charitable organizations out there always giving back to those in need.

      Please do not be deceived by wolfs in sheep clothing thwhos goal it is to tear down the Lds church

      1. Billly Palmer

        deceived NOT

        Not deceived, set free, by the power of a loving GOD, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, which can lead you to freedom also……

      2. Billy

        Very Sad

        Not deceived, set free, by the power of a loving GOD, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, which can lead you to freedom also……

        1. Yoder in Ohio

          So happy for you, Billy!

      3. Yoder in Ohio

        Wolves in sheep’s clothing…

      4. Lisa Maikranz


        Dearest Robert
        If you are truly seeking the truth, start at th beginning – The Church, the one created on the day of Pentecost. Every church after that was created by A MAN one who concocted his own rules and own set of beliefs.
        Do you even know the First Church? It is still alive and well.

    2. Paula

      Why this happens

      When I was young, I had a friend who went SDA. And I read all the literature and having had good teaching, I just could not buy the mixture of gospel and OT law. I was grateful for the good foundation I was given growing up.
      My husband, child and I also came 20+ years ago from evangelical non-Anabaptist background into a conservative Mennonite congregation. We were fortunate to have good teaching as Protestant goes, and we studied all the doctrine and checked out all the Bible verses given as support so we knew what we were joining. But I can’t help thinking people get picked off like these three families because for the most part the plain churches don’t have good Bible teaching. There is alot of applicational teaching on anger or modesty or marriage roles or whatever, but there is no exegesis which would give people a sense of how the Bible hangs together.
      How anybody could accept some of the strange doctrines LDS teaches is beyond me.

  19. Robert Berryhill

    Deceived NOT


    It makes my heart swell that you are a believer in our Lord and Master Jesus Christ and will be counted amongst those that will be saved. I would just hope that all believers in Christ will honor and respect the beliefs of others who follow Christ. As the apostle John taught “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in Him should not perish, but have eternal life”.

    As a word of caution, please do not be deceived by the Anti-mormon or for that matter anti-religionpr anti-christian materials that Satan would have the world believe.

  20. Steph Berkey

    Yes, you can be Amish and belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

    The term Amish Latter Day Saints doesn’t just refer to religion, but also to culture. I have many ancestors who were Amish generations ago, and I still retain and appreciate many of their ways. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints doesn’t teach us to be pushy with our beliefs and we believe there are many levels of heaven, light, and love. The Book of Mormon is the word of God to Ancient Americans and the world today. The fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is found in following its teachings. Congratulations to these families who were inspired cherish it.

  21. Stephanie Berkey

    Both terms Amish & LDS

    Both terms Amish and Latter-Day Saints are used because they refer to culture as well as religion. I have many Amish ancestors but was born a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The term LDS shouldn’t really be used however, because it doesn’t accurately describe us. We are followers of Jesus Christ in His only true church. We do however, believe in many different level of heaven, light, and love. The Book of Mormon is true and contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m so happy for the families in this video who were led to cherish it!

  22. Stephanie Berkey

    Both terms Amish & LDS

    Both terms Amish and Latter-Day Saints are used because they refer to cultures as well as religions. I have many Amish ancestors and still retain some of the culture, but was born a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The term LDS shouldn’t really be used however, because it doesn’t accurately describe us. We are followers of Jesus Christ in His only true church. We do however, believe in many different level of heaven, light, and love.

    The Book of Mormon is true and contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m so happy for the families in this video who were led to cherish it!