3 More Songs From The Singing Amish Sisters
Last week we heard two Amish sisters singing Amazing Grace, accompanied by one sister’s guitar playing. There were actually several more songs from that same after-dinner session that I wanted to share with you. It sounds like these lucky diners got a nice little concert. These songs are all a bit peppier than the slower Amazing Grace classic.
First up is “Bigger Than Any Mountain“:
Bigger Than Any Mountain
Bigger than all my problems, bigger than all my fears;
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Bigger than all my questions, bigger than anything;
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Bigger than all the shadows that fall across my path,
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
He’s bigger than all the confusion, bigger than anything;
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Bigger than all my problems, bigger than all my fears;
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Bigger than all my questions, bigger than anything;
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Bigger than all the giants of pain and unbelief;
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Bigger than any hangups, bigger than anything;
My God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Bigger than all my problems, bigger than all my fears;
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Bigger than all my questions, bigger than anything;
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Bigger than all my problems, bigger than all my fears;
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Bigger than all my questions, bigger than anything;
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see.
Credit: G. Jensen
Next, “My Ways Are Not Your Ways“:
My Ways Are Not Your Ways
Oft the way to the goal seems so weary and long,
Trials almost take away my song;
Then we sigh and we cry and we ask,
‘Father why does this life my wishes all deny?’
My ways, my child, are not your ways,
My thoughts are higher than thine.
Let me lead you each step of this long weary day,
Let me clasp thy trembling hand in mine.
It is my hearts desire to do His blessed will,
And to serve my Master every day;
But when things all go wrong and the world doubts me still,
Then, oh Lord, I can-not understand.
So I’ll leave all to Him, He has promised to share
All my load and ev’ry care to bear.
There is joy in my heart and on my lips a song,
Even tho’, Lord, I don’t understand.
Finally, “Rocky Top“, a tune with a little Southern Appalachia flavor. You can see by the lyrics this one is not a church hymn.
I do find some of the themes of this song, like the moonshine reference, unexpected especially for a New Order church, which are probably among the most “anti-alcohol” Amish groups. Still you can notice some traditional themes that might appeal to the Amish.
Rocky Top
Wish that I was on ole Rocky Top
Down in the Tennessee Hills.
Ain’t no smoggy smoke on Rocky Top,
Ain’t no telephone bills.
Once I had a girl on Rocky Top,
Half bear the other half cat;
Wild as a mink as sweet as soda pop,
I still dream about that.
Rocky Top, you’ll always be,
Home sweet home to me.
Good ole Rocky Top,
Rocky Top Tennessee.
Once two strangers climbed ole Rocky Top,
Lookin’ for a moonshine still.
Strangers ain’t come down from Rocky Top,
Reckon they never will.
Corn won’t grow at all on Rocky Top,
Dirt’s too rocky by far.
That’s why all the folks on Rocky Top,
get their corn from a jar.
Rocky Top, you’ll always be,
Home sweet home to me.
Good ole Rocky Top,
Rocky Top Tennessee.
I’ve had years of cramped up city life;
Trapped like a duck in a pen.
All I know is it’s a pity life,
Can’t be simple again.
Rocky Top, you’ll always be,
Home sweet home to me.
Good ole Rocky Top,
Rocky Top Tennessee.
Credit: Boudleaux Bryant and Felice Bryant

Thank you.
Just a short comment to say thank you for sharing these songs with us. I am a church pianist and choir director here in Canada. I have been doing a 30 to 40 minute music segment each Saturday afternoon, of mostly older Christian pieces, for our congregation and friends to watch. It has been well received during this time of the Covid virus. Keep singing His praises.
Glad you liked it, Michael. The girls have some talent and I’m sure they bring joy to their guests and whoever else they sing for. I did get one email from a reader who didn’t like the last song, though. I can see why looking more closely at the lyrics.
I want to hear you sing
Where are the songs?
Nothing to click on.
Sorry about that Debbie. I forgot to switch a setting on. They should be viewable now.
Thank you, Erik! A real treat to hear these Amish gals.
Those videos on youtube
James Wagler is the one who posted those on his channel on youtube, about 4 years ago. Those two ladies are from Charm Ohio