So you want to join the Amish

One thing that sets the Amish apart from many Mennonite groups, and for that matter most other religious bodies:  they don’t recruit.

Amish typically neither condemn nor encourage attempts to join.  They may seem a bit discouraging towards the idea.  If the subject comes up, usually you hear something like ‘if you don’t grow up Amish, it’s really hard to do it.’

Occasionally, you run into an Amish person with a name that just doesn’t ‘sound’ Amish.  That’s often a clue.

It frequently happens that non-Amish who join stick it out for a little while but leave when the novelty wears off.

I’ve only met a very few that have joined, and that’s out of literally (literally literally) thousands of families met while selling books in their communities.

I regret not having a chance to get down to the nitty-gritty about it with the joiners (What’s it like?  No, what’s it really like?  What do you miss most?).

One was a teacher.  Another works in a factory.  A third, fairly fresh convert raises and sells mums.  He supposedly fell for an Amish lass while on a visit to the community.

Asking another ‘native’ Amishman in his community about the newbie, I was told, almost wink-wink jokingly, that he seems to be doing alright (so far), as if the underlying idea was ‘is he gonna make it?’

But this guy, and the other people around him were supportive as far as I could tell.  In fact, the outsiders who have joined and ‘survived’ seem to garner a bit of extra respect.

Apparently, one way it works for interested parties is that you first come to live and get put to work for a certain length of time, just to see if you can hack it on that end.

Then there are the teachings and language to pick up.  Amish adolescents readying themselves for baptism normally attend prep courses led by church ministers.

One New Order Amish couple I met had adopted five non-Amish children.  They found a Pennsylvania Dutch tutor to teach the kids the native tongue.  I suppose that would come in handy for non-Dutch adult converts as well.

Some converts are from similar-minded faiths such as this Mennonite -background fellow, which may make it easier, but others come from different branches of Christianity.

The teacher-convert was apparently originally Catholic, as was well-known Amish historian David Luthy, whom I often mention in this blog.

616444_car_keys Apparently this teacher-convert said he found living without a car to be the most difficult.  That’s not surprising.  For me, I think car and electric would be the hardest.  Clothing, hairstyle, hard physical work I’m pretty sure I could swing.

But that might be looking at it the wrong way.  One Amishman has suggested that seekers approaching the Amish solely through the lifestyle angle–the buggies-and-beards rustic appeal of it–are missing the point.

The whole idea is not to live in a strange cultural world for it’s own sake.   By itself, that gets you nowhere.  Rather it’s all about living what the Amish feel is most important:  the words and teachings of Jesus Christ.

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    1. kevin

      i want to become amish and marry in to the life style i live in iowa

      1. sarah

        i do too 🙂

    2. That is great Kevin, I hope you are able to realize that if that’s what you really want. So what do you plan to do?

    3. Gwen

      While vacationing recently in Northern Minnesota, we saw an Amish man in his horse-drawn carriage. We were told the Amish are migrating from Kentucky and planting new roots in the St. Hilaire area. We drove past a new Amish farm and saw just one man working it. He was living in a single-wide trailer and had his horse out to pasture and his carriage in his yard. What’s with the Amish migration?

    4. Hi Gwen, there are a number of reasons the Amish start new communities, among them desire of a stricter lifestyle, desire of a less strict lifestyle, better economic prospects, more affordable farmland, to escape church troubles in another settlement, etc.

      There are not too terribly many Amish in Minnesota though a lot have migrated to Wisconsin in the past decades.

    5. Michelle

      Thank you for providing such information. My husband and I are slowly getting rid of our wordly ways, electric, cell phones, cable, tv, etc. We are praying to make the move to join an Amish church within the next five years. The only thing holdng us back now are my student loans. We want to pay them off before we join.

    6. Richard Harmon

      I want to become Amish and marry in to the life style but I live in Iowa. My Uncle and his family are Mennonite in Whitewater, Kansas. I would like to marry an Amish woman. Are you okay that I am hearing impaired. I am professional Engineering Design and CAD Technician for Metropolitan Utilities District in Omaha, Nebraska. I am interesting to become an Amish myself and be with the Lord as well. Please keep in touch. My work email address is
      and home email address is



    7. Richard Harmon

      I have another work email address for you to keep in touch with me for me to become an Amish.


    8. Michelle I hope it works out and you are successful at whatever you end up doing.

      Richard, the same to you and thanks for reading!


    9. Ashley

      Ive always wanted to become amish,as long as i could remember, but my thing is not only how to go about it but do u think an amish family would be willing to open their home to “foster” as you would put it be willing to do something like that? I know that they would like u to live amongst them and learn the dialect and everything so i just thought that would be the easiest way. Moving where they live wouldnt be a problem but to live alone as a young woman i dont think would be a good thing.

    10. Ashley

      also how would i go about contacting and who to join a specific amish group?

      1. Read, Read, Read, and study…there are MANY groups with differnt Ordnung’s some more strict than others. You will find the Amish group I joined in Indiana (Adams County) is rather strict. No top buggy’s, all open, NO button’s all hook and eye, no use of any type of machines on the farms, where as the Lancaster PA Amish allow some kinds of do your research. You will ALSO find the PA Amish LESS willing to talk to you than say the Indiana or MO. Amish. PA has been so flooded with tourist and people that just want to “Try” the lifestyle, that they have been burnt a number of times. Just FYI.

    11. Live with Amish before considering joining

      Ashley it’s quite possible, probably moreso in the larger and more progressive settlements. I don’t know how much contact you’ve had, but before considering joining, I would first of all make the acquaintance of some Amish families and consider living amongst them for a shorter period of time to get a better idea of what Amish life entails, in real terms.

      I would recommend trying the larger settlements (Holmes County, northern Indiana) as you would be more likely to find groups that are more outwardly open to outsiders…there is really no ‘official’ body outside of each individual church’s ministry (bishop, ministers, deacon) that would deal with an outsider wishing to join.

      But again, first of all I’d get to know some Amish if you haven’t already, before anything else, and to make sure you have the right reasons for wanting to join (something I imagine you’ve considered).

      Best to you and thanks for reading!


    12. James Simmons

      I moved to Holmes County, Ohio about a year and a half ago because I wanted to be Old Order Amish. First of all, I have to say I wasn’t welcomed with open arms exactly. I was told by most of the people that I should find another church because it was next to impossible to join. Actually, it was difficult and there were a lot of people that didn’t like me or trust me because I was an “Englishman”. Furthermore, none of them could understand why I would willingly leave a life of modernity and convenience to milk cows in the dark, ect. The original suspicions were that I was a criminal hiding from the mob or FBI. Others thought that I was secretly investigating their society. With the stress of adapting and all of the suspicions I found it too difficult to transition. If a person wants to do this he or she must pray earnestly for the grace of God and the patience it will take. It can be done but it is not easy in any way at all! I value the friendships I made in Ohio and the lessons I learned while there. God has a way of teaching us that if He is not our primary focus nothing else works. I think that the Old Order Amish are wonderful people but my focus was on learning the ways to please the elders and uphold the traditions of man. I am not saying that God is not with the Amish. I’m just saying that if a person’s intentions on joining the Amish are rooted in “novelty” or any other thing besides the genuine desire to please God, they will fail. The failure is inevitable because who can that person turn to when the church makes him or her feel like an outsider? Who will that person have confidence in when he or she finds out that Amish are sinners too? Just some things for the “seekers” to think about.

    13. Adam Brennan

      I have been interested in the Amish for a long time and not because of the attention they get from the outside. I think that they follow the scriptures very literally. No, it’s not for everyone to be Anabaptist but it’s been on my mind for a long time. I gather it’s not exactly easy by the comment James Simmons made in the above article and to him I would like to say;
      why don’t you give it another try brother? It sounds like you were sincere but turned back when things got too hard. No offence. God must have put it on your heart to convert for a reason and if you go against that you are rejecting God’s sovereignity.” As for me, I’m joining soon after I pay some bills off. It’s not about trying to fit into a click. It’s about being a real disciple of Christ Jesus. I hope that nobody takes this the wrong way. I’m not judging other denominations or sects of Christianity. Just my opinion. Think about it James!! God bless.

    14. jacqueline

      I want to joing the amish i have read 20 books on them and i would love to live that life stiel. pleas help me mom of 7.

      1. And what 20 books did you read?

        I’m just curious, hoping they were maybe by John Hostetler, or Merle Goode, and not just Amish love stories. There seem to be a lot of those available at various online Christian book stores. NOT a good source of information.

    15. Emily

      I’ve been researching the Amish for quite a while, and have given some thought to joining the church. But it’s quite difficult to grasp how a single woman would be able to join. It seems quite impossible, unless I was able to be “fostered” by a willing family, or find a husband very quickly! This is disheartening, since the more I learn and the more contact I have with Amish folks the more lead I am to join their faith and be lead to salvation. Any advice? It seems much easier for a man to join than a woman.

    16. Ben Althauser

      I think the Amish have it right. We are slowly destroying our planet and becoming more and more decietful, yet we call it “advancement”. If I had a car, I’d try and take a trip to a community myself just to see what it is like there.

    17. alyssa

      i am 14 years old. i am really considering joining the new order amish in holmes county OH. i have studied the role of women in the home and i feel o.k. about it. my sister thinks i am nuts and i will miss all moderen conviences but i feel personally that i have never really fit in with the modern world. and one of my career things that i wanted before i had even heard of the amish was to have 12 kids, have a farm and please Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Ultimate Guide. i also wanted to become a pastor but i can give that up.

    18. Maranda Hazel

      I am 12 years old and ever since i can remember Ive always wanted to join the Amish. I have already made sacrafices in to being Amish Ive given up tv and cell phone and learned to nit and cook. Ive been researching the old order Amish culture and language for a couple months now. But i have one problem I live in michigan and the nearest old order Amish community is hours away. Ive never wanted anything more than to just live a happy life as an amish girl. I feel really bad when people tell me Ill never stick with it and that Ill quit just weeks after joining. I dont want to wait till Im an adult to be amish I want to be amish now. Im really frustrated becuase I dont know what i should do to join. I dont want to sound like some dork and skrew everything up. how should I approach them in knowing i want to be amish just go up to them and say hey i want to be amish and then boom there ya have it Im amish? I dont think its going to be that simple. But it will be a big sacrafice should i go and leave my family,friends and modern life for what Ive always wanted and dreamed of being. Any advice here?

    19. alyssa

      to miranda. Typically a kid such as young as we are will have difficulty joining. that and since we are women/girls. it is better to wait until you are married and you and your husband can join together. i am like you. i would join the amish right now if i could. But since we are Englishers we must wait until we are adults to join. it is easier that way and not as difficult because you would a legal adult and legally able to make your own decisions with no problems attached. Good luck!!

    20. Maranda HAzel

      yea I guess you have a point on waiting till Im older but I plan to marry an amish man instead. But I figured that as young as I am it would be easyier to be adopted into an amish family. I know they speak PA Dutch and I can only say a couple things “Gain chup en da greek”= “go jump in the creek” and “Fel mos dangy”= thanks very much and lastly “sendi spala”=see ya later

    21. alyssa

      to miranda beverly lewis is an excellent author on the amish–that’s where i learned all the PA dutch that i “denki” is thank you and “gut” is good. she’s a pretty neat author. that’s how i got ‘amish crazy it the first place!!

    22. Maranda Hazel

      oh ok thanks I look into it well I talked to my parents about joining and at firdt they laughed and then when they relized I was serious we had about an hour talk and next summer we are going to look into finding me an amish family that will be willing to adopt me. I am soooo exited but yet not. I dont want to leave my friends and family but I DO want to live my life long dream and become amish. I really dont know what to do. sometimes I feel like giving up on becoming amish but then I think of on how far Ive come to achieve my goal and I cant let people bring me down when I feel like a shining star. so what I say to all the people who want to be amish dont ever give up in what you believe in! 🙂

      1. Ravhel

        Hey, I hope all goes well with you joining the Amish! The best way to do it is definetely to live with a family for a period of time. That’s what I’m doing this summer. I’m 15 and have wanted to be Amish my whole life. It’s actually good that you have some doubts, that means you are considering the reality of the situation and that can help you in the long run if you actually join. It shows people that you know it is hard so they will take you more seriously. Lots of Amish people are really nice and even if they are hesitant, if you are truly serious they will open up. Good luck!

    23. kristine

      To Miranda: The Amish have a newspaper that is widely circulated among them. I can t remember the name of it right now. But the best way to find a family that would be willing to adopt you is to place an advertisement there.

    24. Maranda

      oh really I wonder how I can find an amish newspaper wow thanks I look into it 🙂

    25. Chelsea

      Miranda: The Amish newspaper is The Budget, the website is http://www.thebudget… There is also the Amish and Mennonite Info Center in OH, the website is If you don’t mind my asking, where in Michigan are you? I’m about 40 miles north of Detroit. I love the Amish and have been wanting to join the Amish church for a while now.

    26. Joanna

      I just want to encourage all young people to whom God has put a desire in their hearts to join the Amish. You did not make this up; it was given you for a reason and not only for yourself, but for your descendants. You have been given this gift of this desire to deliver yourself and generations which will come from you from this wicked world. The Bible says to “come out from among them and be ye separate.”. You know in your hearts what to come out from and what to separate yourselves from and why. This is why you have and will have such terrible opposition.It is a spiritual battle; are you strong enough for it? You are if you realize what you will have and not what you will give up.Do not listen to the arguers and discouragers with their stories of individual Amish who are not living by church rules; step back and look at hundreds of yrs. of a way of life that works. This way of life can be your own family to come. Your children will grow up this way and never know anything else,they will not have this choice to make if you make it now and stick to it
      and dont let anyone or anything stop you. Keep praying and He will guide you to the right people, times and places. If you are very young,study your Bible,be good and obedient and WAIT, the time will pass quickly. When you are finally there, at first you may feel like an outsider, be lonely, and tempted to run back to what is familiar and comfortable.But if you will persevere and sacrifice your tempporary comfort for the goal in sight; eventually you will make good and true friends, feel at home and never want to go back.The Amish are so reserved and seemingly unemotional to outsiders that you may think they dont care; but they are praying for you and hope you will stay. It is so much easier for a young single person to join. Men have an easier time; but divorced single mothers have a harder time and that is sad, because the children need it. Keep the faith!!! From a Grandma who knows. Joanna

    27. Peter

      I am a 56 year old man who for much my life embraced the Catholic faith. I have become estranged from that faith due to scandals involving its leadership and my wife of 27 years leaving me for another. I have spent the last two years in sin and have been rewarded for it by my new partner plunging me into obscenly high debt levels of I have only just discovered. I need hard work, fellowhip, and focus on God in everything I do. I believe that a community such as yours can help me find my way to to a life that is God centered and not of this world. My life to date has proved to me that I will fail on my own. I pray that this outline reaches an understandindg community willing to allow me chance to restore my life a bible center focus on God’s gift of life.
      Sincerly Peter Morris

    28. alyssa

      to miranda: do you mean to say that your family is givin you up for adoption or will you just live with one amish family for jsut a year?? i am not sure that it is entirely legal for a family just to give up their kid–not if they are a well stable family at least in ohio it is like that. I ain’t sure about michigan though. i am lucky. i live in northeast ohio and am right by Holmes County– which is the biggest amish settlement in the world!
      my email is cutekitty0130@yahoomail.comwe can chat some time about amish and the like.

    29. alyssa

      to joanna: i am 14 can i join the amish as a young single woman and still find a godly Amishman to marry?

    30. Maranda HAzel

      oh thank you sooo much and I live about a half hour away from lansing a little town Grand Ledge

    31. Maranda HAzel

      oh thank you sooo much and I live about a half hour away from lansing a little town Grand Ledge

    32. Chelsea

      Your welcome. I don’t know what order of Amish you are looking for or if you even want to stay in Michigan, but there are a few Amish communities in Michigan. One is in Marlette, I believe it’s an Old Order community. There’s also one in St. Joseph area, one in the southwestern part of the state and a few in the upper lower penninsula. Apparantly there is one in Ann Arbor area, but I don’t know exactly where. You are truly blessed that your parents are open to this, mine would never be.

    33. Michael S.

      When I was 14 I made an almost 40 mile round trip bike ride to a New Order Amish community in Michigan. I expressed my desires to learn their ways and possibly one day join the church. The family I contacted happened to be one of the districts bishops which was not planned but I think God made that happen. Over a course of about 4 years I got to know the family and their ways of life. I didn’t end up following through with baptism which to this day I sometimes think was a mistake but I was able to meet some truly wonderful people and they helped me on my quest to get to know my true self.

    34. Chelsea

      Where’s the New Order Community at? I didn’t know Michigan had New Order, I’ve only heard of Old Order Communities.

    35. Gina Nelson

      I am sick of this life style I want the simple life,, how could I become amish?

      Help me!!!

    36. Marcia

      Hi everyone – I am beginning to do some research on people converting to the Amish. Anybody that would like to share their story as to “why” they feel they would like to become Amish and/or anybody that has/knows somebody that already converted – please feel free to email me at

    37. Eric

      I am currently building a home and the Amish are framing it. They seem like hard workers and polite people. I immediately googled them(I couldnt have, had I been amish) and I feel that there “CHURCH” is more of a cultural thing than a seperate denomination. They SEEM to be bible based, but I am suspicios of the “SHUNNING” idea. As a christian I can find no biblical support for this. NO, Paul did NOT teach shunning. Also, as a REGISTERED NURSE I worry about the children recieving proper medical care and vaccinations. I would NOT classify them as a cult, but as a group that has maintained a past history and culture. However, as a BELIEVER In Yahshua(JESUS) I seem to remember that the bible states we are to be in the world, just not part of it. Also, unless I am missing something, how do Amish follow biblical admonition of proclaiming the Gospel? Except with their own families?? I must say I admire their conviction and work ethics and regard them as brothers and sisters in Christ, if they truly believe. They should be glad they live in America, a country that protects their religios rights. They seem like very nice people. The real question comes down to them as individuals and wether or not they have recieved Christ gift of salvation. I must admit I admire them. Eric S.

    38. Marcia

      Eric – I am learning a lot about the Amish via Internet research, this blog, and reading books that have been reviewed/author interviews also posted on this blog. House Calls and Hitching Posts is a book about true experiences of a doctor that treated the Amish. Seems they received good medical care from that doctor. Rumspringa gave insight on the teens and their individual family relationships as well as some history. I am getting ready to read Amish Grace which, from what I’m told, will take the reader into the core of Amish beliefs and their faith. This blog creator, Erik, is a top notch resource for any questions you may have.

    39. Jerome Bollman

      Are you are still interested in the Ohio New Order Amish? I am friends with several families from there, and have stayed with one family several times. We correspond through the mail and sometimes by telephone. If you are still interested, respond on this site and I will post my email, since it has been several months since the last post of anybody on here. then you could email me if you want and I could give you some info, or maybe even contact them for you. Also for anybody else on this site that would be interested in how I came into contact with this family(interesting leap of faith, on my behalf), let me know and I will post.

      1. Jacquie

        I would be very intrested in hearing how u befriended this family. This january I plan on taking a trip to ohio and I want to see about living with a family for at least a couple of months! Maybe more. My email is please email me…would love to talk with u! Thanks again…jacquie

    40. Brian

      Hi. I’m currently a senior in high school and I got accepted into Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio, which is right next to Holmes County. As a career I’m planning to become a police officer, preferably in Holmes County or another area with an Amish community. My question is, during college, what are my chances of meeting Amish acquatances, and two, as a police officer, would Amish be more inclined to talk to you or would they be more non recpetive to you?

    41. Brian

      Oh Jerome, I read what you just wrote. Yeah, I’m very interested in the Amish and how you got to know them. How’d you do it?

    42. Debra

      There seem to be quite a few young people here who are in love with a romantic idea, rather than wanting to know God. I do admire the Amish for separating themselves from the world, but I also see issues in scripture that conflict with choosing to live in such a way that puts one nearly completely out of contact with all other Christians, and with sinners in order to bring them to a knowledge of salvation. The body of Christ is the invisible church, not the visible church. Also, spreading the gospel to the world is important; sinners need to hear the plan of salvation in order to come to know Christ as savior, but if believers hide within a particular community too much, how will this be accomplished? I have served the Lord for almost forty years, and know well the challenges of living in the world as a believer; there are persecutions in both small and large ways for those of us who serve Jesus Christ. I have been beaten, assaulted (both physically and verbally), and denied employment and other opportunities, as well as being rejected by my family and friends for my faith. I suppose in an Amish community there would be much protection from persecution and temptations. But Christ never promises us protection from such. If one is truly in Christ and is guided by the Holy Spirit; one is able to live a life apart from the world, even in the world. Being whiteness to those who don’t know the Lord, as Savior is very important. I live a very simple life, and though I live in the world, I am not of the world. If one seeks a life style or particular culture, rather than the author and finisher of our salvation, than that individual will only find the way of men, whoever righteous and romantic is may seem. Seek the God of the Bible first. Know your maker through His Word, believe that Jesus Christ came to us as a sinless man, died for our sins and rose again. Then allow the Holy Spirit to direct your steps. Christ fulfilled all the righteous requirements of the Law of Moses (which was given to the Jews), yet we are not lawless in this dispensation; we live under the new covenant, the Law of Messiah. Seek Him first, read the Bible, seek doctrinally correct fellowship, and the Holy Spirit will teach you how to live a life separate from the world, though you live in the world. I respect the Amish, but if an Amish man or woman does not have the faith required by God’s Word in Jesus Christ, then that life style of simplicity is a failure.

    43. Richard Harmon

      I would like to join Amish group. I am from Omaha, Nebraska. Can you please share with me where shall I meet Amish group in Nebraska or Iowa? I am interesting in meeting and relationship with Amish girl. I really like Amish style as simple life. Please keep in touch.



    44. My name is Sergio

      I’m a public school teacher in a large city. I’m single and I’m a Christian and I’m middle aged. I am very much attracted to your ways of living and worship for many reasons. For a long time I have been longing for a community similar to yours. I’m going to investigate your culture further because in many ways, I find it ideal and inspiring.

    45. to miranda;who wants to be adopted by the amish,once youjoin the church you will have no contact with your birth family,doesnt that break your heart?why would they so willingly give you up?i have been raised with the amish,my family all went to an amish school,we haul the amish daily sometimes 12+ hrs per day i fit in with them like family as i have known them since a baby.i am now 34 yrs old and have 6 grandmother had 18 kids.i would love to turn amish,my children dress amish and we go to funerals weddings etc we dont associatewith any english friends or family only our “amish family”we are with them almost 365 days a year minus most sundays.i can tell you almost anyting you want to know about amish.our amish are the strictest sect living we are in new wilmington pa they are the true old order amish.they are really all we have and love them dearly,but i would never adopt out one of my children to them i love them way to much.
      they work very hard and have a beautiful life but its very hard to get accepted into their church.good luck,god bless

    46. Hello, again.

      I think it’s wonderful that anyone would give up the self loving ways and follow what their hearts lead them to do. That is something I’ve been struggling with for some time now.

      It seems the Amish are truly happy, peaceful people and that is worth more than all the tvs, cars and internet connections in the world.

      My question about joining is, has anyone become Amish who was married and had children? Is it possible for a small family to convert?

      Thanks again!

    47. Miranda

      I know a lot of people are asking why would a 12 year old girl want to join the Amish but its actually a difficult question for me to answer. See my parents don’t want me to go and they aren’t giving me up for adoption. I just want to live with an Amish family until i know for sure that, that is what i want to do. I’m really confused because i dont know what to do. Should i leave my family and friends for the dream I’ve always had or follow my heart? What do you think i should do. I have never wanted anything more in my entire life than just to live a plain and simple life.

    48. Chelsea Colbert

      As I’ve understood it, if you join the Amish and have “English” family, you are not required to shun them, that it’s only if you are baptized Amish and then leave the faith you are shunned by the Amish family, is this true? I’ve considered joining the Amish church for some time now and actually have information to attend a Wisler Mennonite Church about 1.5 hours from my home which I may, but I don’t think I could join the church if I would have to shun my family, they mean too much to me. I know the Mennonites are different than the Amish, but I feel it’s the closest I can get to the Amish right now.

    49. Quaker Mary

      I enjoyed reading all of these posts, and I think that you all have such a genuine interest. Another avenue that you may look into and consider is the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers. There are liberal groups and conservative groups. I happen to live in Pennsylvania and visit Lancaster quite often. I truly love it there, being amongst the Plain people. I am a “convinced Friend” which means I am not a birth-right Quaker, what some may call a convert. The Quakers do not convert or recruit. Seekers seem to be drawn to their beliefs which are deeply rooted in Simplicity, Equality, Peace, Community and Integrity. Visit for more information, but this may be a way of having your simplictic desires in a modern society. I personally may be liberal in thinking, but Plain in dress, so there is no right or wrong, just a deep desire for Simplicity. Many Blessings to all seekers!

    50. alyssa

      to jerome, yes i am interrested in the amish and living with a family soyunds like fun;i still need direction in life though,so maybe.I am still trying to figure out my life yet.