Amish Facts

5 Things Amish Schoolchildren Learn (Besides Book Subjects)

5 Things Amish Schoolchildren Learn (Besides Book Subjects)

School starts tomorrow for Rebecca Miller, teacher at an Amish school in Holmes County, Ohio, and recently a regular contributor here at Amish America. That means we’ll be hearing less from her, since she won’t be working a job with regular computer access. However, I’ve still got several posts she has written to share with you. Rebecca also says she’ll still be able to check in occasionally…

5 New States Where Amish May Settle

5 New States Where Amish May Settle

We recently had news of a few Amish families moving to Vermont, a place with no other Amish presence. If that attempt succeeds, it will make 31 total states where Amish live. Which other new states might Amish settle in the coming years? After thinking about it, I see a few possibilities. Read on to find out which five I chose, and why. Five States Where…

5 Things Decorating The Walls Of Amish Homes

5 Things Decorating The Walls Of Amish Homes

How do Amish decorate their walls? Artwork and other items typical in English homes are generally not found in Amish homes. That doesn’t mean that Amish don’t display nice things, however. No matter your culture, people still like to fill their houses with eye-pleasing items. The general rule for the Amish is that things with a practical purpose are most acceptable. You’ll see what I mean below. As…

5 Non-Amish People Who Amish Depend Upon

5 Non-Amish People Who Amish Depend Upon

The Amish, contrary to popular belief, are not self-sufficient. In one of our previous “Ask an Amish Person” posts, PA Amishman John Stoltzfus addressed this topic. John noted that “we are very dependent on the outside world, far from self-sufficient, all of us are intertwined…” It’s easy to see why some might think Amish live in a bubble. They’ve been called “a people apart,” and sometimes described as “closed” and suspicious…

5 Ways Amish Women Are Different

5 Ways Amish Women Are Different

How is the average Amish woman different from her non-Amish counterpart? This article was inspired by a reader request. This list shouldn’t be read as a critique. As I note below, these differences reflect realities of Amish culture and community. And of course, I’m necessarily generalizing here–both about “modern” women, and the Amish. That noted, on to the list. 5 Ways Amish Women Differ From Non-Amish…

5 Tips When Visiting Amish Country

5 Tips When Visiting Amish Country

Are you planning to visit an Amish community? What are some things to keep in mind when you go? In today’s post we look at five tips that you might find helpful. I realize people are in different situations–some of us have visited Amish communities many times, while others have not but may be planning to. This post assumes you are visiting as an outsider without…

The 5 Best Things About Living With The Amish

The 5 Best Things About Living With The Amish

I’ve been fortunate to spend up to two months at a time living in Amish homes. In my “regular life”, I don’t live anything like an Amish lifestyle. So that comes with both its challenges and blessings. Last week I wrote about the hardest things about living with the Amish. This week, as promised, let’s have a look at the five best things. The Five Best…

The 5 Hardest Things About Living With The Amish

The 5 Hardest Things About Living With The Amish

One of the great kindnesses I’ve received from Amish friends has been regular hospitality when I visit. I don’t have to worry about a place to stay, which I know I can do in a number of homes. Usually it’s a shorter time of around a week, though the longest I’ve lived with Amish friends is about a two-month stretch. Obviously, as an English person you…

5 Common Amish Church Practices (Uncommon In Other Churches)

5 Common Amish Church Practices (Uncommon In Other Churches)

What are some characteristic Amish church practices? Amish do a number of things which make them different from most other Christian churches. Here are five religious customs common to the Amish, which you won’t see much of elsewhere. Five Common Amish Church Practices (Uncommon Elsewhere) 1. Home Worship With the exception of a very small minority (here is one example), Old Order Amish do not build churches…

5 Southern Amish Communities

5 Southern Amish Communities

The South has been the fastest-growing region in America in recent years, thanks in large part to transplants from other parts of the country. But Amish, despite their willingness to move, aren’t heading south in quite the same numbers. However, you’ll still find a number of Amish places in the region. Below, a look at five Amish communities in our Southern states. 5 Amish Communities in the South…