Bizarre Buggy Hit-and-Run In Michigan
You might read this post title and assume that an unfortunate Amish buggy driver was the victim in this accident. And I wouldn’t blame you. That’s usually the case.
But in this instance the tables were turned, when a non-Amish woman was hit by a buggy seemingly “out of nowhere.”
Victoria Ulrick was driving in Gladwin County, Michigan, home to two Amish settlements, when a passing buggy veered into her lane, “running right into and on top of her car.”
“The hoof, if it would have been an inch lower, I think it would have came through the window and probably squashed my head and left my son alone in the back,” Ulrick says. “I had some stuff in the backseat. It flew over onto him from the impact and it was very loud and very scary.”
As quickly as it happened, the buggy and whoever was driving it was gone.
“I started bawling instantly,” Ulrick says. “It was terrifying.”
Ulrick is 22 weeks pregnant. You can see the damage to the car and hear her describe the incident in this video. Her description of the horse coming over the car is truly frightening to imagine: (video removed)
While the Amish are usually on the short end of the stick when it comes to road incidents, sometimes Amish horses and buggies are themselves the cause of accidents .
This incident occurred on New Year’s Day. According to a follow-up report, investigators have been in touch with the man driving the buggy, who says that once he got his horse under control, Ulrick was nowhere to be fond.
“God was definitely with us and protected us from what could have happened,” said Ulrick.

Drunk driving
A few years ago the Michigan they pulled over a buggy for drunk driving.The nearest city was Lakeview Michigan. Dee and I head out to the Cheese factory all the time, the have some killer cheese out there
Re: Hit and Run
A friend and I sometimes go to Lakeview to the Cheese Factory. We love it! There was one time I was in the Clare area when I almost hit a buggy. Good thing I was driving slow and realized in time that he was making a left hand turn. I have respect for the Amish people. People need to be watching out for the “other guy”. I hate reading about any Amish Accidents especially when the horses are put down.
Out of control
I have said this before… it is entirely possible for a horse to be completely out of control and causes accidents.. sure not the first time.. but I wonder did he go back & call the police and report it.. which would have been the proper thing to do whether he could find the victim of the hit & run or not..
I wonder how the horse fared in the long run. My heart goes out to them.. they take a lot of abuse. Maybe not deliberately.. but it happens anyways.
Buggy Accident
Kim, you are right. some times the horse dose his own thing. Our horses did back when we we’re kids out on the family farm back in the 40’s.
Horse and buggy vs car
I know that intersection well; it is dangerous! Cars go whizzing by on M61. Hope that horse is okay, as well as the humans. Many people in that area complain about the Amish on the roads. They’re in such a hurry they can’t slow down and just appreciate how convenient their lives are compared to the Amish. I love seeing them, although I feel sorry for the horses, who often look underfed and are all sweaty, pulling these families up and down a steep hill! That area is hilly in some spots.
Buggy Accident
We have the same problem here in Michigan. People will not slow down on M 91 the Greenville road.