Amish in Monte Vista, Colorado

Ernest Bontrager has a clip of still images taken in the Amish settlement at Monte Vista, Colorado (Rio Grande and Conejos counties).

It’s not a new video (2010), but is a nice look at the type of sights you might see in a western Amish settlement. I haven’t visited Amish further west than Iowa, so I like these looks at communities in the Mountain Time Zone.

Highlights include mud nests made by barn swallows, Amish homes on flat, mountain-backdrop terrain, hunting trophies, and log cabins built by Amish company Pro-Shed.

Ernest shared a few comments to go with this video:

Amish settlement of 30 families in Monte Vista Colorado. We saw a real shepherd and his dogs guarding sheep from coyotes and mountain lions. This area raises hay with the help of irrigation. They get around 6 inches of rain per year.

As of a year ago, Monte Vista was 2 churches in size.

Hat tip to Linda.

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  1. Juanita Cook

    Great video. Had not realized there are Amish in Colorado.

  2. Margaret

    We were just down there this past weekend, looking at all the fall color in the mountains, and the elk in their rut season out bugling. It is a beautiful area. There are a few Amish businesses, too…including a furniture store. They also have a store just west of Canon City at the Royal Gorge area, where they sell furniture, quilts, jams & jellies, and many other things, as well as models of Amish built cabins they make.

  3. Al in Ky

    Thanks for sharing; interesting pictures. Definitely different scenery and terrain than is usually thought of in Amish life.

  4. Slightly-Handled-Order-Man

    I like the subtle humour of the video.
    Is the hill/mountain not in the county where these Amish live.

  5. MaryAnn Pepe


    I have read several Christian books about the Amish migrating to Colorado which very interesting aside from reading the usual in Lancaster and Ohio!

  6. matt

    Amish Builders in Colorado

    I am looking to have a Barn built in Colorado and would love to have it built by the Amish. Anybody have ideas on if this is possible?

    1. Beverjy

      Barn also

      I’m wanting to do the same thing in san luis valley in colorado. If you get responses please contact me too.thank you .

  7. Laura ortiz


    interested in visiting the Amish cabins under construction we

  8. Henderson Terry

    Looking for a builder

    We are very interested in having a cabin built near Monte Vista and know Amish products to the work of craftsmen. Can you tell me how to locate someone who would be interested