Do Amish people hunt?
Amish believe in nonresistance, which prevents them from using force against others. This principle means that Amish people do not serve in the military or on police forces. However, Amish do use firearms for hunting, and other purposes.
Hunting is a popular sport for many Amish
Not all Amish people hunt, but many do. Some Amish will visit local hunting lands when deer season comes around. Others hunt birds and larger game. Amish use both firearms, and weapons such as crossbows when hunting.

Some Amish own their own piece of hunting ground, located within or outside of the community. Still other Amish may make hunting trips to more distant areas.
Avid Amish hunters may even go on trips to hunt big game in Western states. They typically hire a driver for these trips. The Amish have even made the news for their hunting, as in 2006 when an Amish bow hunter killed an enormous whitetail buck. In addition to sport hunting, Amish also use firearms for pest control on their farms.

Why do the Amish accept hunting?
Many Amish like hunting because it involves spending time in nature and the outdoors. Additionally, the animals killed can serve a practical purpose, providing meats such as venison for the family. Some Amish like to bring home and display trophies. Amish taxidermists can be found in many of the larger Amish communities.

Not all Amish agree with the practice of hunting. Some Amish consider hunting for sport and fun as frivolous and wasteful. Hunting in order to acquire a trophy may be considered prideful by some Amish people. Others find fault with Amish hunters who purchase expensive hunting equipment.
Nonetheless, hunting remains a popular sport among Amish. Hunting allows Amish to enjoy God’s creations while at least ostensibly fulfilling a practical need for food.
For more, see:
- Do Amish use guns?
- The Amish & Nonresistance
- The Amish & hunting with guns
- What do Amish people do for fun?
- Do Amish play sports?
- Amish Church Rules
- Are the Amish rich?
- “The Amish Buck”, (

My husband drives and works with an Amish crew , the only days they took off this year was the first week of gun season in Ohio ! He’s even taken hunting trips to Maine for bear !!
They are also a bunch of pouchers!
I agree they shoot anything that moves, if your looking for an area with big bucks don’t go to Lancaster pa
amish/mennonite man
I live by amish/mennoniteman. You must set limits for them, they have absolutely none. The cute littleboy you granted permisson to fish, may bring his school to swarm youre pond. If you give any access to youre property they may assume all other liberties have been granted fishing, hunting, woodcutting, gathering of mushrooms, berries, herbs, and everything you havent heard of yet. Many of them have a remembering dissability, whatever you agreed upon with a handshake and a warm smile is forgotten next week.
You’re going to bash people without even checking that you spelled the insult correctly? Lovely.
Don’t they have to have a license too hunt?
amish communities
hi sharyn,
i noticed that you said your husband works with some amish people. i am writing my university on amish communities and wondered if it were at all possible if he could possibly answer some questions. or if he could put me in contact with an amish person who may be willing to talk to me. i would really appreciate any help.
if willing to, you can email me on
**university dissertation**
Amish hunters
I was talking to an Amish gentleman, about 60 years old, asking about how they celebrate Christmas. He told me they do a big meal and exchange gifts, but he would rather be out hunting.
I have an Amish friend who spent $900 on a bow. I was shocked that he spent so much money on this.
That's A Lot!
I think that might be a little bit of an overkill. I don’t know why anyone would need a $900 Bow.
do Amish hunt?
Some do hunt. I work with many Amish people in Maryland. One Amish man said he would rather be hunting on Christmas Day instead of celebrating that day. In one Amish house, they keep a rifle by the door near their garden. Another household has a shotgun by the front door. While an Amish man was eating a sandwich I asked him what he had between the slices of bread, and he was eating a deer bologna sandwich. They hunt and eat what they kill.
Do Amish Hunt?
I have hunted with a lot of amish around logan county Ohio. Mostly coon hunting.
Wonderful hunting
Wonderful hunting imagery and a great story. Hunting has been a traditional activity in my family.
Amish Hunting
Ohhh sounds great, I love Amish Hunting. GREAT POST, I enjoyed reading
deer hunting
We have a Amish neighbor that said he needs 8 deer yrly. to provide for his family. A few yrs. ago be was sited/fined for not wearing orange(it cost him $ 130.00 🙁
What about licenses??
I thought you had to have one to hunt and fish?
One thing I want to tell you, that you are amazing for the things you wrote in this article I will never forget.