Where Amish buggies come from

Where do Amish buggies come from?  Most established Amish settlements have at least one full-time buggy maker, but those that don’t usually acquire their vehicles in larger settlements.

Amish buggy makers rarely make a buggy from top to bottom.  Parts such as the wheels or undercarriage may come from other Amish shops.

One buggy shop owner acquaintance produces one new vehicle per week.  Stephen Scott writes in Plain Buggies of a Lancaster buggy maker who estimates 100 man hours of work per vehicle, not counting wheels or top, which are done elsewhere.

Buggy making may be a side project for some.  I recall a Daviess County, Indiana Amishman constructing a buggy in his garage as an after work project.  Buggy makers meet at annual trade meetings, to share ideas and boost morale.

These photographs are from a buggy maker and repair shop in Big Valley, Pennsylvania.

Amish buggy wheels
A used set of wheels.  Most brake systems are hydraulic, rather than the bicycle-style friction brake, once more common.

Amish buggy springs
Elliptic springs, or the buggy ‘suspension’.

Amish buggy chassis

This particular buggy is a challenge to ride.

Amish buggy box

The box and top framework.

Amish buggy interior
The interior.  Flowers optional.

Amish buggy lights

Accessories:  lights and reflectors…

Amish buggy SMV

And the all-important SMV (slow-moving vehicle) triangle.

Yellow Amish buggies big valley

Stick to the instruction manual, and the end-product should come out looking like these.

amish cheese

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  1. Rick

    Good post & pix. I am kind of surprised at the Weavertown Coach Shop calendar (from an advertising aspect), but I guess that’s one way of getting a content-approved calendar.

  2. Thanks Rick, this was a fun post, and yes those Weavertown calendars are everywhere, some other Amish businesses produce them too.

  3. Janice

    This was really interesting to watch the progression of how the buggies are made/assembled. What surprised me was the fabric used in the interior — kind of a cross between a pimp-mobile and a psychedelic hearse. Guess I was expecting something much plainer … go figure..

  4. jack thomason

    i am looking for an amash wagon maker to build a civil war medicine wagon will you help Thanks jack

  5. Donald Hausmann


    I would like to get my hands on an instruction manual for building carrages, can anyone please help me?

  6. Donald Hausmann

    Also where to buy the individual parts.

  7. We’re trying to build a horseless carriage and need a source for elliptical springs…can you help?

  8. dana

    amish buggy

    I have bought a property that had this amish buggy in the barn, its nice and rear, however i looking for more info about this, its much wanted for sale however i dont know its value.

  9. Jimmy Keele


    I am trying to find a used Amish buckboard wagon. I was told there is an auction for this type of wagon in Beeville. Is this true and can someone give me more info?

  10. Jim Williams

    Buggy question

    The article above said “Stick to the instruction manual, and the end-product should come out looking like these.” Where can one purchase a “construction” manual for one of these.

    The site is very interesting. I have several other questions but will
    look for an Amish community here my area. There are probibly many such old world skills that are lost to most of us that would be of interest to many.


  11. Eric Hector

    Buggy shops in Eastern NY or ME?

    I’m looking to buy a used Amish buggy. I heard there is a church around Whitehall, NY. Also, some new church’s in ME. I am in NH. Thanks for any help.