Fun stuff

What do Amish people do for fun?

Though they’re known to put in long hours, Amish life is not all work. Today’s question for Pennsylvania Amishman John Stoltzfus: What kind of things do Amish do for fun?  John’s answer follows.  Do you enjoy any of these pastimes? This is a very interesting question, however first I needed to look up the description of “fun” -enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure. Entertainment or amusements…

Name that Amish community (quiz #3)

Al in KY recently reminded me of the photo quiz posts we did last year (wait, I guess I mean 2011, not quite last year anymore). He is right, it’s a nice time to do another. Below you’ll find three photos from three different Amish communities.  Your clues: 1) Each is from a different geographical region of America 2) None is from the three largest Amish-population…

An Amish Rodeo

An Amish Rodeo

I’m calling it “Amish” in the title, though that’s not totally accurate. More of the participants were probably non-Amish, though there were quite a few Amish riders as well, and a heavily Amish crowd. Riders perform each Monday in the spring and summer, but as I understood it the August 27 event at Hill Brook Farm Arena was the highlight show of the season.  I…

Dropped something

I’ve just gotten back from Lancaster County after what felt like 2 days in the car driving home yesterday (trucks can be bumpy on highways). I’m going to catch up on comments now and will be sharing more as I settle back into English America for a couple days here before the next trip begins. This photo of a friend of mine was taken a…

Groundhog Day’s Pennsylvania German Connection

Happy Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil apparently saw his shadow this morning, so batten down the hatches for another 6 weeks of chilly weather. This annual tradition has a couple of connections to the Penn. Dutch.  First, there happens to be a sizable Amish settlement in Clearfield County in the vicinity of Punxsutawney, PA (1,000+ people).  I don’t know of any groundhog-related customs associated with this…

Halloween Questions

I went trick-or-treating as a kid, as did pretty much all my friends.  It was seen as a harmless chance to dress up as your favorite superhero or ghost or whatever, and bring home a huge haul of sweets.   I rememember how my brother and I would come home at the end of the evening and dump out kilos of candy on the family…


Amish races in Ohio

If you’re near Hicksville, Ohio, tomorrow, you might want to drop in on the Defiance County fair for one of America’s rarest sporting events: I picked this flyer up at the Topeka auction house here in Indiana.  I found the terms of the race pretty interesting–“a limit of five horses per race”;  “all drivers must wear a helmet”;  “any type of cart or buggy may…