Amish Photos

Bill Coleman 1925-2014

Photographer of the Amish Bill Coleman passed away last week at the age of 88. From the Centre Daily Times: Bill Coleman, who died Tuesday at 88 of complications from a heart attack, went on to befriend Amish families who invited him into their lives, granting the local photographer rare access to scenes outsiders seldom glimpse. He became known internationally for his Amish images: buggies…

Amish people waiting for a ride…

Taken in Wayne County, Ohio.  Many Amish hire “taxis”; some, when available, ride buses or trains. There is, of course, a third transport option for Amish: they feed you, you drive them.  I have been participating in this for some time now.  But I only recently learned the (un)official name of this Amish-English program: “Meals for Wheels”. This photo reminds me of waiting on a…

Bill Coleman’s Amish Autumn (15 Photos)

Bill Coleman’s Amish Autumn (15 Photos)

Autumn used to be my favorite season. I once pitied the folks who lived in areas of the country which don’t really have a legitimate autumn. Since moving to a place with severe winters, I’ve lost a little enthusiasm for the fall (knowing what’s right around the corner – four months of frigid air, ice and darkness – prevents you from enjoying it as much)….

10 views of northern Indiana Amish

After yesterday’s Arthur Amish photos, here’s another ten–from the northern Indiana Amish of Elkhart and Lagrange Counties. I’ll be taking all next week off from posting (family vacation), but will return to a regular blogging schedule Monday Sep. 19.  In the meantime, we’re doing a little contest. I’ve got a few back issues of Amish magazine The Connection to give away (The Connection is headquartered…