Amish in Kansas: 2024 Guide (15 Communities)
Kansas has long been home to Amish people – but it has never had a very large Amish population. Kansas Amish communities are either very old (well over 100 years in age), or very young (founded in the past two decades).
Recently, however, Amish have been adding new settlements in the state. As of 2024, there are fifteen separate Amish communities in the Sunflower State. Kansas’ Amish population has in turn grown to around 2,650 people.

- Yoder (Reno County) – The Yoder/Haven settlement, the state’s oldest community, is located in central Kansas
- Labette County – This county in SE Kansas has the state’s two largest Amish communities
- Hutchinson – The Hutchinson Amish community is one of the state’s three oldest
- Garnett – The Garnett Amish in Anderson County are one of the more progressive groups
- Other Kansas Amish Communities – At least eight Amish settlements have been founded in Kansas since 2017
- Past Amish Communities – Kansas has a history of defunct Amish settlements
Yoder Amish Settlement
The village of Yoder has an interesting tale of origin. Yoder was founded by Eli M. Yoder, the son of an Amish bishop from Maryland. In the late 1800s Yoder came to the newly-minted state of Kansas to homestead in Reno County, settling in a location about a dozen miles southwest of the city of Hutchinson.
In 1886 the Missouri Pacific Rail Road constructed a track from Hutchinson to Wichita, which resulted in about 5 acres being split off from the rest of Yoder’s farm. Yoder used the separated area to construct a post office and general store, which became the nucleus of the village.

During the 1880s, Amish migrants from Shelby County, Illinois began to arrive and settle in the region, with the new village of Yoder becoming the center of the community (see GAMEO, “Yoder (Reno County, Kansas, USA)”).
Yoder was once the largest Amish settlement in Kansas, but has been overtaken by some much younger communities (see below). As of 2024, around 285 Amish live here.
The Amish at Yoder are among the most progressive when it comes to technology. They allow bulk milk tanks, rototillers, and tractors for field work (see Living Without Electricity, Stephen Scott and Kenneth Pellman).
Due to the high heat in this region of the country, some field work may even be done in the evening.

Although Yoder is the center of this community, and still maintains a post office, most Amish homes in this settlement are actually listed as Haven addresses.
Yoder is known to put on an annual Heritage Day celebrating its history. This gathering features a variety of events, including a buggy race featuring Amish buggy drivers. The Yoder/Haven community lies very close to another Amish settlement near the town of Hutchinson.
Labette County (Two Communities)
As of 2024, the state’s two largest Amish settlements can be found in Labette County. Both founded in 2006, they have grown relatively quickly to surpass much older communities in the state in size.
The community in the area of Galesburg and Parsons (also lying in neighboring Neosho County) is Kansas’ largest. , with about 860 Amish residents in four church districts (congregations). This is a settlement with Swiss Amish roots and origins in Missouri.
The settlement at Chetopa has a population of around 325. It is a relatively more progressive group, permitting solar power. Telephones are allowed in small phone shanties on the property, and Amish here hire drivers when needed (a practice not permitted everywhere).

Amish-run businesses in this community include a greenhouse, saddlery, horse supplies and horse training, a leather workshop, windows and siding, baked goods, as well as a bulk food and discount grocery store.
Hutchinson Amish Settlement
The Hutchinson Amish settlement is in fact located to the southwest of the city of 40,000, near the hamlet of Partridge.
What ended up becoming the modern-day Hutchinson settlement originated in an early community – started around Partridge by Amish arriving at the same time as those who settled near Yoder.
Only about 13 miles separate the two villages. The Hutchinson and Yoder area is home to at least two outlets retailing Amish-made furniture, among other Amish stores and businesses.
The Hutchinson Amish settlement is two congregations in size, about 140 people. Like the Yoder/Haven settlement, it has seen little growth over its 140-year history.
Garnett Amish Settlement
The Amish group at Garnett in Anderson County is the youngest of the three “old” Kansas communities, having been founded in 1903. Anderson County is located in the eastern part of the state, roughly 50 miles south of Lawrence.
Like its counterparts in Yoder and Hutchinson, the Anderson County Amish presence remains small today. It is just two church districts in size – around 200 Amish people total.

The Amish community itself is located about five miles west of Garnett. Consisting of numerous scattered farms and homes, the settlement spans about 10 miles north to south, and six miles east-west (see Meindl, “Language Use in an Old Order Amish Community in Kansas”, p. 28).
Amish at Garnett farm and have also branched out into small businesses, such as carpentry, cabinet making, dog breeding, and selling food products at markets (Meindl p. 32)
The Garnett Amish are liberal when it comes to use of technology. Like other Kansas Amish communities in Reno County, Amish at Garnett use tractors for farming. Tractors are also used for road travel when visiting town (Meindl p. 31). These are both atypical practices in Amish society, with tractors mainly being used in limited ways on the farm for their engine power.
Most Amish children in the Garnett community attend a small public school in the hamlet of Mount Ida at the southern end of the settlement. Unusual in Amish society, Sunday school is held in this community at two separate locations, as well as a summer Bible school (see Oklahoma-Kansas Directory, Yoder and Yoder).
The Garnett Amish settlement was founded by Amish from the Haven area of Reno County, Kansas. A year after the arrival of the Reno Amish, they were joined by seven families from a Mississippi Amish settlement (GAMEO, “Anderson County, Kansas Old Order Amish Settlement”).

Over the course of the next century, the Garnett settlement fluctuated in size, never growing much larger than a few dozen families.
Families moved away while others arrived from places such as Illinois, Oklahoma, Arizona, Oregon, Arkansas, Colorado, and other settlements in Kansas. A low point came in 1947 when the settlement had dwindled to five families (Meindl, p. 26) .
By 1959 the Garnett Amish community had reached a size requiring it to divide into a north and south district (Yoder and Yoder). Today the size of the community has changed little since that division, numbering about three dozen households. The Amish in Anderson County maintain ties with those in Reno County (Meindl p. 102).
Other Kansas Amish Settlements
A number of other settlements have been founded in Kansas over the past two decades.
In 2005, Amish started a community in Bourbon County near Fort Scott, which has since grown to over 250 people in size. This is a more conservative group than the Amish in Reno County or Anderson County.

A second community founded not long after, in Marshall County near Axtell and Marysville, has remained small in size.
Since 2017, several other communities have been founded, including Clay, Greenwood, Lyon, and Woodson counties, all remaining small in size. The community in Osage County (2018) is the largest of this group, at around 170 people.
Finally, the year 2023 was a big one for new Kansas Amish communities. In that year, Amish settled in three different locations – Waverly in Coffee County, Wamego in Pottawatamie County, and Independence in Montgomery County. As you’d expect, these settlements remain small at this point, each with just a handful of households.
Historical Kansas Amish Settlements
Amish began settling Kansas in the mid- to late-1800s. Communities began springing up in various locations across the southern half of the state. Some of these communities were destined to last a long while – sometimes even a few decades. Others disappeared in a matter of years.
The first Amish presence in Kansas was recorded in Lyon County, where a settlement existed from 1869 to 1894. This community eventually disbanded.
The settler families leaft due to poor harvests as well as (likely) over disputes regarding progressive religious ideas, such as a plan to build a meetinghouse (Amish traditionally do not build church structures, in favor of home worship).
Another noteworthy settlement was found in Ford County at Dodge City, aka the “Cowboy Capital of the World”. Amish first began arriving to the area a few miles south of Dodge City in 1906, attracted by advertisements placed in the Sugarcreek Budget newspaper.
Promoted in Amish circles by a local land agent, the settlement grew rapidly. The rough climate challenged the Amish settlers, however. Drought caused many to begin to move away, until the settlement expired in 1929.

A short-lived settlement existed near Hesston in Harvey County, today home to a large Mennonite population. The few Amish who settled here came from Pennsylvania beginning in 1885.
Historian David Luthy explains that this small group never had a resident minister, and thus attended church with Amish-Mennonites who had arrived at the same time. After a few years most of the Amish families returned to Pennsylvania, bringing this settlement to an end in 1890.
The longest-lived of presently extinct Kansas Amish settlements was found at Conway Springs in Sumner County. This community lasted from 1914 to 1951.
Other Kansas Amish communities were once found at Ness County (Arnold, 1894-1922), Meade County (Plains,1913-1923), as well as another settlement in Ford County (Bucklin, 1903-1922) (this section see Luthy, Settlements that Failed 1840-1960 pp. 123-164).
Is Kansas becoming an Amish “hot spot”?
Kansas has long attracted Amish settlers. That said, its relatively low Amish population today suggests that Amish have had some difficulty flourishing in this Great Plains state.
As of 2024, the Kansas Amish population of 2,650 people ranks at #13 out of 32 states. Like neighboring Oklahoma, Kansas has seen a fair share of Amish settlement over the years, but has seen only limited population growth.
However, that trend may be changing. Of the fifteen Amish communities currently found in the state, a dozen have been founded in the past twenty years. New groups of Amish have been drawn to settle the Sunflower State, a trend which appears to be continuing.
Even within its small population, however, Kansas Amish show diversity. This can be seen in the differences in church rules (aka Ordnung), among its communities. The state is home to some of the plainest, and some of the most progressive Amish.

For instance, the church standards of Amish in Reno and Anderson Counties are generally progressive when it comes to technology, seen in their allowance of a wide array of farm machinery, hydraulic power, as well as using tractors for field work.
On the other hand, the community at Parsons/Galesburg are more restrictive when it comes to technology. To take another example, Amish in the community at Fort Scott do not permit indoor plumbing or engines.
Differences in Ordnung also reveal differing attitudes toward permissible social behaviors. For example, while the Thayer community permits smoking, Amish in the Anderson County settlement do not (Meindl p. 100). In this case, smoking is viewed as the more “traditional” behavior, with more progressive Amish churches tending to reject the practice.
For more, see:
- “Amish Population, 2024”- Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, Elizabethtown College
- “Amish Population in the United States by State and County, 2024” – compiled by Edsel Burdge, Joseph F. Donnermeyer, and Adam Hershberger
- “Language Use in an Old Order Amish Community in Kansas”, University of Kansas PhD dissertation, Jörg Meindl
- Oklahoma-Kansas Directory: Choteau, Clarita, Garnett, Haven, and Hutchinson (2004). Enos Yoder and Freda Yoder, ed.
- The New American Almanac, Raber’s Bookstore (Baltic, Ohio), Ben J. Raber
- The Amish in America: Settlements that Failed, 1840-1960, David Luthy
- Living Without Electricity, Stephen Scott and Kenneth Pellman
- Diener, Harry A. “Yoder (Reno County, Kansas, USA).” Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 1959. Web. 20 November 2010.
- Beachy, Jonas S. “Anderson County, Kansas, Old Order Amish Settlement.” Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 1953. Web. 20 November 2010.

Wow, very interesting. The last bit of information really got me,,, an Amish order that permits smoking? I guess I never expected that at all! It also amazes me how settlements come and go. I really never thought of the Amish as being that mobile. I always thought once they settled they were there for good. But I guess just like the rest of us, we often need to move based on “job” availability. In their case, whether they can make a living in a particular area, whether it be farming or commercial. I am truly enjoying reading all the information, its quite an education. Thanks so much!
Amish in Kansas
I am writing in reference to the amish in labette county kansas, especially the one in parsons, They are a great asset to our area, providing a place to get fresh fruit an vegitables, dairy not to mention thier peacefull way of life.
I go regularly to thier store, they are kind and consitterate people.
John, I’m writing a little late here, but thanks for sharing. Labette Co is a small community but always good to see new groups doing well in an area.
How do you reach them to work for us
Hi Cindi, (Davenport?)
The post you are responding to is some 3 years old. The good news is when I was in the Parsons area back early this year they had grown to 69 Swiss Amish families. (2 by the last name of “Schrock,” and all of the others are “Schwartz.” These are the hardcore Amish that use horse power to make products.
You didn’t mention what you want them to do work wise for you, nor does the Amish directory I have state what they do for a living, so, I am going to give you 3 areas you can drive to in order to make contact. You will easily see Amish houses before and after the addressed listed below. I don’t believe these people have any phones of their own.
6400 Gray Rd, Thayer, Kansas
1802 Harper Road, Galesburg, Kansas
480 26000 Rd, Thayer, Kansas
Tom Geist
Hey Tom, I’m considering a trip through Parsons soon. This community is not in the Amish Dir. that I have, so I don’t have a map of the settlement. Could you suggest some roads where I would find the bulk of the Amish community. Any suggestions on Amish stores, etc. would be great as well. Thanks.
I know this is kind of late but driving down the road, we saw a country store and woodworking business as well as eggs for sale on 200 (or 20) road between Irving and Ford. We didn’t completely explore the area for other businesses either but we did see about 20 buggies parked in a yard and the youths were all outside playing volleyball and visiting. Some of the girls gave a friendly wave. It was a neat sight to see!
find them fast
I would suggest 2 easy ways. 1 is go to the local feed/farm store and ask. Many know which amish do what work. The other is to ask at the bank. The Amish are great and I love their work and friendship
Amish Store in Labette County
Where, exactly is the Amish store in Labette county? Is it in Dennis? I know there are several farms in the Dennis area that are Amish owned. It was fascinating to me recently to drive through the area and notice buggy tracks and “horse apples” on certain roads. Also noticed that they have a church building. Most of the stories I have read (fiction, but well informed writing) say that most don’t meet in a common building, but rather at individual farms. I have rarely seen horse and buggy traffic in or around Parsons, but occasionally in the summer I have seen an Amish farmer selling fresh vegetables along Highway 400.
delayed response
Actually, the Labette/Neosho Amish do not have a church. There is a small church near some of the original folks who settled here – which is in southern Neosho county, not Labette. But they worship in their homes, as is traditional – the church belongs to some other worship group. The store is in Neosho county – the same road as that church. It is the first e/w road in Neosho county – believe it is 20th? It is about two miles east of Gray. So you’d take Gray north (off of 400), past the bend in the road at the county line, up to the next road, turn right (east) about two miles. There is a hilled windmill out front, hard to miss. The northern labette/southern neosho Amish are a different settlement from the Chetopa Amish. The Chetopa Amish I don’t believe are Swiss, and they are stricter in some ways (according to my neighbors), but I have observed them to be far “fancier” (in dress and such) than my neighboring settlements. I believe that they also have a store – or have heard such, but don’t know where that would be located – somewhere in southern labette I would guess. Both groups grow/sell produce and also do carpentry work, both furniture and construction/building work.
As to the fellow who is/was interested in being a driver, I don’t have any contacts in the southern group. But if you write me at [email removed] I can give you some contact info for the Swiss group that are my neighbors. Sara
Nice people and hard workers! They have done work for us.
How do you get ahold of Amish Kansas I’m needing so work done?
Hi Randy,
Can you tell me/us where in Kansas you are and what kind of work you are looking to have done?
From Baxter springs, Ks, looking to have a new roof put on just need a estimate right now.
It appears Randy that you are way down in South Eastern Kansas. By closest distance, you can find Amish in Chetopa, KS, which is about 20 miles from you and Welch, Oklahoma about 30 miles. After that Oswego, Ks is 66 miles, Chouteau and Inola, OK, 74-87 miles from you.
If you write to me directly I will give you some names and phone numbers of Amish people in those areas you might call to ask. I am getting these names/numbers from an Amish directory and don’t know any of the people directly. They might also know people in other communities able to travel.
PS If it takes me a couple of days to get back with you please forgive me. We just had a buggy/car crash in Pawnee City Nebraska that killed a Amish boy and injured his sister really bad. I know the family and have plans to go to the wake and trying to be supportive of the family as they are in Lincoln at the hospital.
Hey Tom,
I’ve tried to email you several times and I can’t get it to go through says invalid email. could you just text me the numbers? @1-417-317-2875
Hi Randy….(and everyone else reading this…sorry…hard to keep this private)
I don’t use text messaging. The email address is current and I’ve used it for maybe 15 years. You could use all upper case lettering or lower and it still should go to me. Try copy and paste.
OR, try posting your email address for me to try and send to.
Tom <—don't include this in the email address
Kansas Amish Settlements
Greetings, I’m interested in the Amish and Old Order Mennonites in Kansas. Do you have a publication or listing where they are located—generally, as in near a recognizable town?
I write non-fiction books about my experiences with plain people, and have considered travel to MO and KS. Do you write?
Richard Dawley
Need a house built
Hi my friend was devestated by the April 2014 tornado in Baxter Springs. She would like to have a new home built. The builders in the area are asking more than she is willing to spend. She would like to have a 1500 squart foot home, not fancy for about 60-65000. Is this something the Chetopa Amish could do. You can contact me at 9185336239. Thank you, Heather
Hi Heather,
Sorry to hear that your friend is struggling.
I’m not sure who you are aiming your request towards as this is not a website that the Amish use to pass around messages, they will not see what you are asking for. I have a Amish directory for the area and might be able to find you a few people that do construction but I have no idea if they charge more or less than English people do. If you want to email me I can pass along some names and numbers you can pass along to your friend.
Tom in Lincoln
Get a hold of Midwest Metals 620-226-3660they are great amish workers and can help as well as put you in contact with builders
Looking for someone who repairs wagon wheels
Hi Yvonne D,
You left out some crucial information. Where are you located?
I might be able to find a place in my Amish directory that you could call.
You read so many different things about the Amish…How can you tell what is true
Visit an Amish community and befriend them. They are wonderful people. Buy their eggs, milk, produce.
Sadly, a lot (if not most) of the “mobility” of the Amish is caused by disagreements in the community, caused largely by differences in opinions about the church’s standards or Ordnung. Totally understandable, beings that they come diverse communities and families.
Yes Mary, you are right, it certainly can come from disagreements but I also see some as an area that would not support their life style financially, either by poor farming or commercial business.
Cleone, it can be difficult to tell what is true and what is not. I think a lot might have to do with where the information comes from and making sure it is a reliable source. I believe Erik makes every effort to make sure what is posted here is reliable and true. 🙂
Amish views on smoking and tobacco
Good questions, smoking and tobacco are things most of us don’t immediately connect with Amish.
In fact you do see smoking in certain communities, and also tobacco cultivation, particularly in Lancaster County and its daughter settlements (some good friends of mine in Lancaster farm tobacco in addition to milking cows; tobacco is considered a helpful cash crop in the face of high land prices and also seen as an element of “family time” as the whole family participates in hand-stripping and sorting the leaves together in the fall/winter).
Some Amish criticize tobacco production and use as detrimental to their own and others’ health. Across Amish society tobacco growers and users are definitely a minority.
Ironically it is typically more “conservative” groups, those that allow lower levels of technology, that tend to be more open to tobacco use. A group that people often think of as progressive, the New Order Amish, is among the most anti-tobacco (and alcohol, for that matter).
A few posts that might be of interest:
A good book that comes to mind is Richard Stevick’s Growing Up Amish: The Teenage Years. He addresses tobacco and alcohol use in a number of places in the book, among both youth and adults.
2 questions
I am an average american that finds the Amish wonderful. What do I need to do to become Amish and also how do you accept people that are born a certin way like GAY into your community?
Craig Burge
Hi Craig, I am not Amish myself, but Amish consider homosexuality a sin and it is not openly accepted. As far as joining the Amish, there is a good post and comment thread linked in the sidebar, “So you want to join the Amish”.
Would you email me please have a few questions my email is Thank you
If it’s a general question please just post it here in the comment section. Others will see it too and may be able to help/benefit.
Horse breaking
I’m looking for someone in the Amish community that I can pay to break a horse. My email is
Amish move-a lot
One thing that I continue to be impressed by is how mobile Amish are (and have been historically). We tend to think of Amish as staying glued to one spot (and certainly this is the case with many, where family and occupational ties keep people in home communities, just like anywhere else), but in general they in fact do move and for a number of reasons, definitely including what you get at here Mary, probably more than we’d think.
If you read Amish historian David Luthy’s book Settlements that Failed 1840-1960, you frequently see communities going defunct many times at least in part to differences over church standards (and many of the groups disappearing in the 2nd half of 1800s were due to the influence of progressive religious movements as well).
I have learned a lot over the last few months reading this blog as well as a few books. It peaks my interest even more. I suppose we all have some pre-conceived ideas until we start researching more facts.
And that holds true with just about anything in life.
I’ll check out those posts too Erik. Thanks so much!!
Kansas Amish
I’m looking for writers for my 9th non-fiction book on the Amish, Mennonites
And Hutterites. First hand experiences required. Richard lee Dawley,
New Berlin, Wi
Interesting that Kansas has so few settlements. There are quiet a few Mennonites down there…I wonder if a lot of the original Amish settlers moved onto Mennonite churches instead of moving away. Not that the communities didn’t thrive necessarily, they just shifted to another Anabaptist group.
i am commenting particularly about the amish around yoder. i live near there and can say that although they are completely accepted in the area, there is little respect given to thier ways. yoder sits on a major highway connecting hutchinson and wichita, with the workforce shortcut going right through town. for them to travel they have to deal with 65 and 70 mph speed zones just to get into town. more than once there has been major fatalities due to this. people just don’t give enough consideration to the fact they are not also driving 75. also the stores and restaraunts are owned by non-amish who exploit them for capital gains. such as the dutch kitchen, where they use the horse and buggy theme to attract customers to an over priced previously frozen meal. people wanting out of wichita are buying up thier land at outrageous prices, and driving up the land values at ridiculous amounts. no wonder they want to leave!
empathy for the Amish/ yoder ,ks
I’m staying in Yoder, at the RV park, and it’s to bad the road going into Hutchison is 65mph. You would think, that particular road could be 55mph, just for the safety of the Amish people. The road is named, “Yoder” Where is the consideration for them? If business our making money from being in a Amish community wouldn’t it be in everybody’s best entrust to have one road be 55mph for these kind people. I have seen them driving there tractors to Wal-Mart in Hutchison. They are kind, hard working people that deserve one road into Hutchison where traffic isn’t moving so fast.
Lindsay that is right, that has happened in Kansas. Most of the remaining horse and buggy groups are pretty progressive on most fronts as well.
Hello, I am 19 years old and very interested in Amish society and living. I was hoping to get in touch with an Amish family for whom I could work and live with during my spring break from March 19 through 28. I have farm and manual labor experience and would apply myself very well. I was wondering how I might go about doing this or if you could put me in contact with someone. Thanks very much and God Bless!
Hi Nathanael, apologies I’m a bit late responding, but you might try this:
@Linsay & Erik; I grew up as a Mennonite in Kansas near Newton and we had several members in our church that had decended from Swiss-Amish that had settled in the area. The older ones did have a distinctive apperence, bowl hair cut,straw hat,vests, etc. but I didn’t really ponder on it at the time as “different” their children didn’t have distinctive dress but their surname were more typical “Amish”: Stoltzfuss, Hotstetler, Beiler, Yoder, Miller, Herschberger etc. I guess they got sick of just having church with the same 4 or 5 families and decided to worship in a larger setting, who knows?
About smoking it was more frowned on for younger men. Howevere, many old guys smoked pipes(never cigarettes or cigars) as just a relaxation not a habit and I knew of one man who made hand carved meershaum pipes for sale via mail. My grandfather smoked Prince Albert from a handmade corncob pipe but not in the house!
Hi Ivan, a big thanks for sharing this. I always enjoy reading perspectives from folks who would know these communities inside and out. Kansas is a place I’d love to visit (actually I have, but not Amish) and hope I’ll have the chance. I’m guessing there could be a variey of reasons why they or their predecessors might have left. I wonder did you all speak Deitsch?
Amish Deli
Hello I have an established Amish products deli in Lawrence, KS and was wondering if you would know of an family that would want to take it over. It’s been in business for nearly 8 years. My wife and I are aiming to retire gradually.
Thank you.
Joe Voth
Mein Grutfod unn Grutmutta rades dis, ja. Mie? och waut, soo ess daut, nijcht. (my grandparents did speak Plautdeitsch, yes. Me? not so much.) For them it was a first language, my grandmother was born in 1903 and she taught in the community schoolhouse until she married, she had a highschool diploma which was rare for the Menno women at the time. She knew “Hochklass” German too and really could read the bible, I don’t think my Grandfater could though. I was born in the 60s when a lot of the Mennonite & Breatheren churches influenced by the Mennonite World Conference were trying to phase out Plautdeitch for eccumenical and political reasons, they wanted everyone conversant with each other and with other protestant denominations. Also I speculate that a lot of the men who were objectors during WWII who served in the Civilian Public Service, felt conflicted about speaking a Germanic language. I only learned Deitsch as a way of spying on older family members because they used it when they wanted to discuss “grown-up” things.
Kansas farming
Hi Ivan ,
Would a Mennonite family consider
Farming land outside the immediate
Community. We have a farm north of
Ft. Scott, and interested in having a family
Help start an interesting farm operation .
Thanks jay
Ivan, I just saw your reply finally! Many of my friends from school went to Hesston College, and yes up in the area I’m from you see a lot of Herschbergers, Schwartzendrubers, etc. My best friend was a Roth, and I remember when her grandma went on a trip to Switzerland to see the family castle they descended from (though I’m not so sure about the castle part 😉 Though to be honest the Mennonites in my area were by and large very progressive, and I had never heard them speak any German dialect nor dress or live plain lives.
kansas amish communities
Erik, I am intrested in moving to Kansas near an Amish settlement. I am an Amish Driver by trade and wish to continue doing this. I would love to be near Kiowa KS or Burlington OK. Can you tell me which one would be the closest. And if I could get in touch with The Bishop from there. My E-mail is
Thanks, John
Hi John I am sorry I am not able to get you in touch with bishops in KS but you might be able to do so yourself in person. For the closest community, probably the best bet would be to check your possible destinations with the locations listed on this page via Google Maps or something similar. Hope it goes well for you.
Amish store
I live east of Hutchinson/Yoder. Can you tell me where the Amish store is that is over there. I would love to go there. I am very interested in thier way of life. We visited Pennsylvania and went to a couple of stores there. They have such wonderful foods and I liked the idea of buying in bulk. As I have been cooking from scratch for along time, I would like somewhere that I can find good food and baking supplies.
I used to locate
HUTCHINSON, KS 67501-9024
Hand Crafted Amish Goods?
I am originally from Pa and lived w/in 30 minutes of homeade baked goods, bulk stores, greenhouses, etc. All from the Amish community, and often when we needed a contractor that was excellent at his craft and fair priced we also relied on the Amish.
I live in Kansas City now and really want to find a local store carrying Amish crafted furniture like I would back home. SO reasonably priced and solidly crafted.. I’m not having any luck!!
Anywhere in KC or w/in an hour I could go to find such things w/out getting ripped off?? REALLY miss this great assett from back home and our Amish neighbors.
My email is and I would LOVE to hear from someone who has a resource for me?
Amish Furniture
There is a furniture store in Richmond, KS, just an hour south of KC that has all Amish handcrafted furniture. The furniture is beautiful, and you can choose from many designs, woods, and finishes.
Frontier Furniture
601 E Sunshine Dr.
Richmond, KS 66080
Christine, you might have more success looking on the Missouri side of Kansas City. Erik has compiled a list of Amish furniture stores in Missouri at It lists Country Heritage Furniture, with a website at, in Jamesport, MO, a horse-and-buggy Amish community.
If you desire bulk foods, baked goods and a deli, there is a store in Maysville, MO, run by “car Amish” or Beachy Amish. They dress much like the Amish, but drive cars.
The Old Cookstove
119 SE Rosa Rd.
Maysville, MO 64469
Phone 816-449-2285
Thanks so much! For some reason the links when I clicked on them wouldn’t work. I had to search by the names.. I have now spoken to he older gentleman that runs the place in Jamesport and hopefully will be making the hour and a half trip north soon! 🙂 Thanks so much!
Christine, you may also want to explore southern Missouri, specifically Seymour MO area where there is an Amish community as well. Erik could probably tell you more about them.
Here is a little bit more on the Amish settlement at Seymour, Missouri, which Carolyn mentions:
This community was recently in the news as well, with an Amishman appearing on a local TV station concerning buggy safety:
dress fabric ?
Hi, would anyone know where in Kansas I can find a dress fabric store. thank you
kitchen Cabinets
I am looking for a cabinet maker to make kitchen cabinets. Can someone help me with this matter? contact me at
Amish raised chicken
I live in KS and looking to buy chicken / beef from Amish farm for consumption. Any one knows of any Amish person sells them fresh?
Moving away from Amish in Leadmine,Mo
My wife and I are moving to Topeka Kansas, Please tell me these fine folks are up there,Everything we eat come from the Garden or the Amish.
Hi Eric, I live in La Cygne Kansas. (Linn County) Where is the nearest Amish store? I have not come across on one of your stores. Can you tell me where is the closes store I can visit?
Michael you’re about an hour from the community at Garnett (Anderson County). I’m not sure what kind of store you are looking for–the Anderson County community is small but long-established, so I’d think there’s a decent chance there are some businesses there such as a dry goods store.
Fulton Ks. Mule farm / dairy
Guys I visited 10 yrs ago and can’t find ?
Meat and Material in Yoder
I was passing through Yoder last week and saw ads for the quilting fabric store (which of course could be used for dresses) and saw the Yoder Meats store near the Yoder exit for the highway between Wichita and Hutchinson (96??). I believe you leave your car outside of the downtown area and walk in if you do not have a buggy, but I did not investigate further myself.
Hi Jane,
I was just in Yoder yesterday and visited the downtown section. You can drive the main street in Yoder. Neat looking little stores downtown, though most, if not all, are none Amish run. (some may be run by Mennonites)
I may be wrong, but it appears that there are only a few actually Amish run business’s around Yoder/Haven.
I went to the Amish Country Store (5805 E Red Rock Rd, Haven,KS) and spoke with Anna Borntrager who has run the store for 32 years. Essentially it’s a house with a basement and a add on room that all have sale items in them. Anna was very friendly.
Yoder Wood Products (10409 S Yoder Rd) was another Amish business I went to. Amish owner Leroy Keim was busy but still took some time to talk with me. They make most of the items they sell there versus getting them in from Ohio or such. My small car refused to let me buy anything more than a little item.
Just like is listed at the top of the page, these people seem to use tractors to get around in town, rather then a horse and buggy. Horses just cannot take the heat of the Kansas summer work. Out on a few roads I could see some horse manure but never did see a horse and buggy.
I was distraught because there were no Amish bakeries for me to check out. Anna B told me that a number of Amish make food items and take them to the Farmers Market in both Hutchinson KS(referred by many as just “Hutch”) and also Wichita KS. Yoder also has a Farmers Market on Friday, but I didn’t get an address for it.
No you don’t have to leave your car. you can drive in the town of Yoder. Their is a wonderful grocery store down town, and the Lumber yard store has old oil lanterns, that are so beautiful. You will be missing out if you don’t stop in there.
Marshall County Kansas--Beattie,KS
On my Kansas trip, this long holiday weekend, I stopped at the Amish Granite Road Greenhouse–2014 Granite Rd, Beattie, KS. It was raining outside but the greenhouse was dry. Anna Mary Kramer was as nice as can be as I asked her about other Amish business’s in the area and plants.
She tells me there is one Amish guy that makes gazebos (Martin Bontrager—2242 Limestone Rd–Beattie,KS) but that the rest, if they sell anything, seem to take it to farmer markets around the area.
At the Haven KS Country Store I purchased a “Central Plains Directory” that lists the Amish in South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas. It lists all of the members of the families, their address’s and what occupation they have. I figure this will help me find those business’s that don’t advertise.
At any rate, if you are in the area, stop in to the Greenhouse. It’s a good size and they might just have some veggies/fruits you can buy as well.
Address Book for KS
Was the book published by Abana?
Sorry, I loaned the book to my friends in Jamesport, Mo for a couple of weeks. I think it is made my a different company Abana, but can’t say for sure right now.
Abana directory
Thanks for your confirmation. Best wishes, Richard Dawley
Finally got my Amish directory back from the Amish friends.
The Central Plains Directory was made by Enos & Freda Yoder—9621 W 600 Rd— Inola, OK 74036
I live in Abilene, Kansas and we visit Yoder frequently. I am originally from Germany. So I like visiting Yoder to listen to the Amish and their dialect, since I can understand them and brings me closer to home. But it is true that every time we go and visit Yoder, more Non-Amish people are taking over. I love their craftsmanship and I wish we had Amish people live close by. I am also grateful for Tom and his travel guide. I will definately check out Beattie,Kansas
German Dialect in KS
I’m in WI and taking a German language class and would be interested in your experiences with the language aspect of the Amish in your area. I write non-fiction books about my experiences with the plain people over the past 23 years. Do you write?
Richard Dawley
2249 S. Calhoun Rd.
New Berlin, WI 53151
German Dialect in KS
Dear Richard,
The Amish dialect is what we call in Germany alemannisch, it is an oral dialect from Alsace, Baden, South Baden Wuerttemberg and Switzerland. Many of the Amish still speak that dialect today.
The skilled jobs like carpenter, butcher and baker, etc. I know this jobs are taught and learned through apprenticeship in the Amish Community. The same is in Germany. But is also the simple life which I grew up on.
How long have you been taking the German language class?
Add to German Dialect
Dear Richard,
My first encounter with the Amish Community was in Indiana about 20 years ago. I think it was called Amish Acres. They had an exhibit about the Amish. I looked and read a passage from the bible. It was the last supper. It was written in old German Writing. One of the ladies asked me if I understood this passage and I said yes. But I think my German accent gave it away. I bought a cookbook there, which is called Amish Cooking and many recipes from this book I was familiar with.
We moved to Kansas from Germany about 10 years ago. When I found out there was Amish in Yoder. We had to visit. I went in one of those Antique store, which was run by an elderly couple. When they start talking to each other. I was caught of guard, because their accent sounded like my friends from Alsace. But also when my parents visit a few years back and we went to Yoder, the Amish would stop and listen. My Mom was talking to one of the butcher in Yoder Meat and he was telling her, that they learn the trade by apprentice ship. And that he visited Germany.
As I write in my comment before, I also like the simple life of the Amish. I grew up in a small village between Stuttgart and Wuerzburg. Family and neighbors came first. Also we lived by our faith. My neighbor still plowed his field with the horse and milked his cows by hand. That is where my family got milk. And I know some of the manual tools I need for my farm, I have buy from the Amish.
I hope this answers your question better.
Good Luck with your book and class,
Add to German Dialect
Beatrice B.,
Thanks for your reply and wonderful discription of your interaction with the plain folks. I wish that I could have spent time in the Alsace/Lorraine region. I’d like to have your permission to consider printing your note above in a handout or my 9th book. My email is open to you; The lower case letters are my initials–Richard Lee Dawley
Rie. Add to German Dialect
Dear Richard,
That is fine. I give you permission to print my notes. Where are your books sold? Could you let me know, when this book may be published, so I can get me a copy.
Many thanks,
New Amish Book
The new book is in progress and won’t be completed for a year. I’m soliciting essays from anyone who describes their experiences with any of the Anabaptists. It’s book #9 and the forward part of the book is nearly ready. Now it’s receiving essays from interested writers—-and we are all writers. Some just need more than one proofing by the writer and then another person with suggestions, etc.
Alsace region
I would enjoy hearing more about this region and Lorraine history. Do you have photos of the region?
Alsace Region
I have pictures of Alsace, but not many of Lorraine. I will make copies of them and send them to you as soon as I can. But most of our stuff is in boxes, because we are in in the middle of renovating our house.
Alsace region
There is no rush sending the photos if there are no copyright restrictions. I’m trying to find a group of writers to write their experiences with the Amish, Mennonites, or Hutterites for my non-fiction book # 9 and would like to add your photos/photo of Alsace. I’ve been to Zwibrucken region and St. Marie aux Mines.
alsace region
Greetings Beatrice,
I have found Wuertzburg on my German map—in Baden (or Hessen?) somewhere along Hwy 81??? On my map it is spelled Wurtzburg—umblot over the letter “u”.
You may know already that there are no more Amish in Europe, but there are Mennonitens, Mennonite. Do you know of any?
My friends are in Muchen where I stayed for the Octoberfest there many years ago.
You are welcome to use my email address. It will be easier for me. The web site is hard to follow.
Alsace region
Dear Richard,
I know there are no more Amish in Germany. There are a few Mennonites in the Bayreuth, Bavaria Area, which I know of. But never had personal contact with them.
Also, my Dad will scan the Alsace pictures for me and I will forward them to you via email
Thanks for your help with the photos. And I found a Mennoite settlement that I visited many years ago near Kaiserslautern west of Manheim. The curator there is from the Dakotas in US.
Mennonites in Germany
If you want to find out more about the Mennonites in Germany, they have a website:
This website shows you, where the Mennonites are located in Germany as well.
In Mid-April Hutchison holds at the fair grounds the Mennonite Relief Sale. Do they have something like this in Wisconsin?
Yoder Heritage Days
REceived your package about “Ike”. Thanks.Also for the Mennonitien site. I’ll have my German friends transcribe the Deutsch language.
WE in Milwaukee are starting to have Octoberfests again. Great folks and gumetlichite (Spelling ?).
alsace Region Photos
About the photos, can you scan them and email them to me ( in small size? Or were you having prints made at a camera store or Walgreens? If so, let me know what it costs and I will reimburse you. My email address first letters are RLD but in lower case. Some folks mistake the L for an i.
Richard Lee Dawley
2249 S. Calhoun Road
New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151-2219
Yoder Heritage Days
It is Gemütlichkeit.
Thanks for the proofreading…even authors need help! Is the “lich” in Gemut-lich-keit a gutteral or clearing the throat sound? Like, ich.
Yoder Heritage Day
Hello Beatrice,
I’ve been searching my small map of Kansas and find Abilene, but not Yoder. The Eisenhower museum is in your town. He is a hero of mine as Commander of the Normandy invasion and President, and I hope someday I can visit his library. I’m 78 and time is running out… I was at Ft. Riley in 1959 for two weeks preparing me for a two year tour as a lieutenant in Seattle at two defensive missile sites. Our daughter was born in Seattle.
Yoder Heritage Days
Good Evening Richard,
Yes, we have the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene. His Burial Site is at the Eisenhower Center, too.
Yoder is about 6-7 Miles south of Hutchinson. About an hour south west of Abilene. Many people take I-70 west from Kansas City, then go south on I-35 to Wichita. On I-35 take the Hutchinson Exit. Maybe someone has a better suggestion.
Yoder Heritage Days
Thanks for the directions. I copied it to my “Notes” in my Mac. I’ve heard some Amish folks refer to Hutchison—now I know where it is ! ! !
Abilene? Neat! I’m from near there. I know there used to be a community, or maybe just one Amish family near Durham KS which isn’t too far away from Abilene. I have no idea if there are any Amish families still living in that area, though. That’s what I was trying to find out here 🙂 But I do know there are a lot of Holderman Mennonites in the area and a lot of them speak German. I work with a Holderman gentleman, and though he never uses German words around me, he definitely has the accent.
Though, I did take German for three years in high school. I wish he would speak it at work and then it’d give me more practice! : )
I have lived in the Abilene Area for about 7 years now. I have never seen an Amish community in this area. Some one said, that there is a community in Longford, which is in Clay county and about 20 minutes north west from Abilene. In the summer, there is a Mennonite lady selling bread at the farmer’s market and she is from Marion. There is a large Mennonite Community in the Newton Area. Goessel has a Mennonite Heritage Museum. And on Highway 15 is the Alexanderwohl Mennonite church, which is a Kansas Historical Marker. The nearest Amish Community I know of, close to Abilene is Yoder.
Recent visit to Kansas
Last week we visited the Yoder area and did not find much Amish commerce. We had recently visited Etheridge, Tn and failed to find similar community in Yoder. We did see evidence of horse and buggy travel on roads but no buggies (other than one for sale in front of a house). Seems they more commonly travel the roads on tractors, which we did witness. Some tractors were parked together at the gift shop with small shade covers and makeshift wind shields. Tried to find produce but the one house we found with a sign had no evidence of produce or honor box and no one materialized when we got out so we left.
appreciate an honest, truthful 'amish' article.
Hey everyone, I’ve been reading this article and the comments and I just wanted to say I’m an Amish girl born and raised in Yoder and I loved this! It’s really annoying when people think that we’re more of a ‘species’ (ha-ha) than people who just don’t find it necessary to keep up with technology and other ‘worldly’ things that may distract us from living for Christ, which is the sole reason we’re here on this earth. I know some of you will find it terribly ironic that I’ve even seen this page, but I am not a member of the Amish church, and I have a job as a secretary so I have access to the internet there as well as having an iPhone, which I love! 🙂 My parents are Amish and I live at home, but they generously allow me the freedom to live my own life, which I genuinely appreciate and love them for.
Erik and Tom Geist, I love that you take the time to research what you write and do not stereotype and believe everything you read, something that happens a lot, not just with Amish beliefs, but with anything the general media publishes. Gossip, rumors, and assumptions drive me crazy, probably because of my Christian upbringing, and it is so good to see people who really care about being truthful and not just bringing attention to themselves. Tom, I personally know the stores and store owners that you mentioned.. places like those are what keeps our community going!
Scott, the place you mentioned that you stopped at could very well have been my parents’- we have a produce sign by the road. We try to be available when we get customers, but we do seem to always have a lot of things going on so we’re not always home. Please try again next time you’re in town!
My parents have a small petting zoo/produce patch that they enjoy maintaining and they love getting customers, especially first-time ones! They have a website set up, which no, they do not maintain, (I don’t believe my dad has ever even seen it), but it seems everything has to be online these days so they set it up through a local business owner who oversees the Yoder, KS website in hopes to give their only-a-couple-years-old business a chance of surviving. The link is Check it out! 🙂
Also, come check out Yoder Heritage Day! It’s coming up pretty soon on the 4th Saturday in August. It’s a crazy time of year for us, and a very important one for all the local merchants! There’s always a lot going on, so be sure and check it out if possible!
Thanks again for publishing an article worth reading!
Thank you b.l.y. Sounds like you’ve got a great community and family. I am sure some would be surprised to learn how you posted this, but maybe not as surprised as they’d have been a few years ago 🙂
I realized that other than the above mention, we’ve never had a post here about Yoder Heritage Day. If you or someone from the community would like to do a guest post, we might be able to share that here as a way of letting people know about the upcoming event. Feel free to drop me an email at .
Yoder Heritage Day
Great idea about a post for Yoder Days activity. Thanks. Great to meet you at the Elizabethtown College Conference.
Yoder Heritage Day
I AM blessed with an awesome family and community. I fail to recognize how truely blessed I am sometimes. 🙁
Are you familiar with Yoder Heritage Day? If so, you know that it is not neccessarily an Amish-oriented event, although you can plan on seeing almost every member of our community, Amish and non-Amish alike, in town for the festivities. Thousands more come to town to partake in the fun and games. There is food, a parade, live Christian music, horse events, a fireworks show, and much more! It’s the one of the biggest days of the year for the town of Yoder, merchants especially! Here’s a link to a website with the schedule of events…
The public is very welcome so come help us celebrate our town’s heritage on August 24!
Yoder Heritage Day
To Erik and BLY,
Do you know of Anabaptist families that provide housing on Yoder Days, August 24th? I’m in Wisconsin and wonder if you know of any Amish who are from Yoder now living in WI? I’d consider coming down if I could be welcomed for a day or more to learn about the area Amish (and Mennonites?). I could provide a reputable recommendation from one of my Amish friends in WI.
Yoder Heritage Day
You can view 126 photos of Yoder Heritage Day 2011, from the Carriage Crossing Restaurant facebook, plus 100 photos from Yoder Heritage Day 2012. It’s also in a Facebook Album.
Yoder Heritage Days
I hope you don’t mind if I copy the web site. I’d like to credit them and use the photos if I can lift them for my slide programs I use in my talks on the Anabaptists.
Richard Dawley
New Berlin, WI
special door
Hi Erik, I am just checking to see if Amish furniture makers make special doors. I am trying to enclose a my porch but the entry door is shorter the normal door size.
Yoder Heritage Day 2013. 127 photos. Yoder, Kansas. From Carriage Crossing Restaurant.
I find it really interesting that the Amish have had a hard time flourishing around here considering the quite large Holderman, MCUSA and MennoBrethren communities in Kansas. I myself am Mennonite Brethren. Seems kinda crazy that the Amish are having a hard time here.
One question, I didn’t see any communities in the Marion/McPherson/Dickinson county area listed. I know there was at least one Amish family north of Durham that was involved in a tragic house fire several years ago. I personally never met them or saw any other Amish families, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Would it be typical for an Amish family to just move somewhere on their own?
Lis thank you for sharing. It is more likely that two or a handful of families would initially plan to move to an area, however a single family may move to an area first, and then plans for others to follow may not pan out.
An Amish existence depends on having others of the faith in proximity in order to hold church, and it is essential to get to a point where there is ministry in the new settlement, either by someone moving there, or ordination. If a minister does not move with the first families, a community may be visited by ministry from another settlement in order to hold church services.
Mennonite Brethren
I’m curious about your church, Mennonite Brethren. Are you Holdeman Brethren?
Is there a directory of them, and are they in communities like the Amish and Hutterites?
I try to write non-fiction books about my experiences with the Anabaptists, and I see many are still in circulation on I’ve sold out 8,500 copies, self-published and have only archival copies left.
Sorry I am so late in responding to you! Hopefully you see this.
I’m Mennonite Brethren, I work with a Holdeman Mennonite and there’s several Holdeman communities in my area. I don’t know about any directories, but you could try checking with the Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies on the campus of Tabor College. And I know several of the Holdeman churches are listed in the phonebook. And you could probably contact the folks who run the website for more information on where churches and communities are.
I’ve even seen Holdemans of Hispanic origin around here in Marion/McPherson county area, but I am not sure if the folks I’ve seen have their own Spanish-speaking church or if they’re connected with one of the many congregations around.
I too have enjoyed reading about the Ammish and plan to continue reading in the future. Thank you to all posters…
Hochfeld Kansas
Does anyone know more about the town of Hochfeld, Kansas. Actually the signs are located on Highway 15 toward Newton. The only thing I know about it that it used to be a community belonging to Mennonite/Amish.Maybe.
But the community is no longer there.
Many thanks,
I know you say the Amish/Mennonite are no longer there but is the town still there? If so, can you recheck the spelling of it? I can’t find it on the map.
Tom .
the town is not more there. The spelling is correct. The town used to be close to Goessel, Kansas. I just wonder, if anyone knew the history and why it vanished. I think the sign read, established 1864.
On a another note, if I remember correctly, did you visit the Amish community by Marysville last year. Do you know if this community is growing? We stop in Hanover a lot and I just would like to see what they have. I think you mentioned a store.
Many thanks,
I went through Marshall County Kansas which includes Marysville. My Amish directory didn’t show me any Amish that lived right in Marysville so I didn’t stop. Having said that, Jerry Schrock writes for the Amish newspaper “Die Botschaft” and he lists “Marysville” as where he reports from, although my book says he lives in Frankfort, Ks. The towns I see Amish listed in are Axtell, Beattie & Frankfort Kansas. Eleven families as of 2012.
I went to a Greenhouse in Beattie. 2014 Granite Rd Beattie,Ks. This would be a good time to go there to stock up on plants/veggies.
There is a one other business that makes gazebos in Beattie, but I didn’t stop there.
I know where these towns are. I will go and visit them.
Many thanks,
Hochfeld, Kansas
A Google search of Hochfeld, Kansas, brought up some interesting history.
Hochfeld means “up field” or “high field.”
“The village of Hochfeld, located in the Menno Township of Marion County, Kansas, was settled in 1874 by German Mennonites on land purchased from the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company.”
“As with many communities, the arrival of the automobile in rural Kansas changed everything.”
It sounds like Hochfeld village was part of the larger Alexanderwohl community network. “The Alexanderwhol community … consisted of eight villages in all.”
“A sign is staked at each end of the village of Hochfeld, a Mennonite community settled around 1874. The tree rows from when it was an active village are still visible. Villages lasted about three years before residents dispersed to their own farms.”
I did not even think of checking Goggle. But it is very interesting history. So I guess the Alexanderwohl Mennonite church was part of these communities. Which is still active today.
Many thanks for the information,
Parsons Kansas
On a short vacation this last week I hit several Amish settlements in Kansas and Oklahoma. The one that stands out to me the most is Parsons Kansas. These are Swiss Amish living there.
Sidebar: They started to move there in May of 2006 from mainly Seymour Missouri they now have some 69 families, 3 church districts. Only 2 of the families have the last name of Schrock, all of the rest are Schwartz!
What stands out to me is that they don’t uses engines at all, but rather horse power to make furniture. They places I saw hauled water into the house for uses and had the outhouses. You notice their houses are made with the outside walls covered with shingles.
The people I met were nice, though some seem leery of strangers. I told one guy that I was trying to meet the person that wrote for The Budget, and Amish newspaper, and was looking for directions how to get there. I explained that I was not writing a book or a government person. He asked why if I was not a government person that my license had “Gov” on the place. I laughed and said “It does not!” We walked over to the car…and sure enough…the state of Nebraska to get people to go to it’s website listed (at the bottom of the plate) “Nebraska.Gov” OMGosh. I tried to explain the internet to this guy but you could see he wasn’t buying it.
These are the hard core Amish, which make the other Amish seem like New Order. I want to go back and visit some more.
Tom Geist
Parsons Amish
Tom, Just last week I was in the Parsons area and discovered the location of the Amish community there. I saw that different farms had dairy cows and some had rabbits. I would be interested in purchasing fresh milk and some meat rabbits. How is the best way to approach them? Do I just pull up to their home and ask? I really don’t want to offend anyone and I’m just not sure how to start. Any advice you have would be helpful!
Hi Callie,
I found the Swiss Amish very approachable and you have the right answer…just stop at any of the places and ask where you can but those items. If they don’t sell them they will know who does.
Good luck!
unvaccinated Amish?
I’m sorry that I don’t have time to investigate your articles or I might find the answer to my question. Do the Amish vaccinate their children and if not, do they experience lower rates of regressive autism than the general population?
On our way back from Wichita yesterday, we stopped at Yoder. Before we went into town, we visited Anna Borntrager’s Country Store as Tom Geist recommended. The store carries mostly supplies for quilting. But she does have some odds and ends. I found 3 books which I purchased. One was a children book, the other one was Christenpflicht (christian duty) and Liedersammlung (Collection of songs). She asked me, if I spoke German and I told her yes.
We were talking about the different dialects. She told me, that she has sometimes difficulties to understand Plattdeutsch. I agreed with her for me, too. I told her I have a Pennsylvania Deutsch/Deitsch Bible and that must be in Plattdeutsch , because I have to read it over and over again to understand it. But then at the same token if I spoke my Swabian dialect, probably it would take people a while to understand me.
I told her it is odd, that she belongs to Haven and not Yoder. She informed me, that Haven does the rural route. But Yoder only has P.O boxes.
After visiting with Anna Borntrager, we went to Yoder. I guess it has been longer than I thought when I visit Yoder last. A few of the stores are closed. We visit Yoder Meat and the Hardware store.
There is a Rose Bakery, but they are only open on Fridays.
Many thanks Tom for recommending Anna’s store.
If anyone knows a mill or a lumberyard in Kansas , which carries hemlock. Please posted it.
Many thanks,
Beatrice thanks for this report from your visit, sounds like it was a good one. I’ll share the link to Tom’s post for anyone interested in seeing where you were:
Amish in Longford/Oak Hill - Clay County
Today I visit the Farmer’s Market in Abilene.
There was a gentlemen and his son selling bread, wooden birdhouses and produce. They looked Amish to me so I bought some bread and started talking to them. Yes, they were Amish and came from Oak Hill, which is a few miles north of Longford and about 12 miles west of Clay Center.
They are called the River Brothers. Their settlement have been in this area about 20 years. Which surprised me! But their was only a few families. It has grown in the last four years. Now they have three communities. Two of them are horse and buggy communities and the other one is the car/tractor community. I told him that I know Yoder and they used to have horses and buggies. But now you see them a lot commute with tractors. He told me that they only use their buggies on Sundays.
He informed me, that they are connected with the Amish in Yoder, because their settlement came from there. But they baptize their people into dunking them into the water like the Amish in Garnett. He also told me that he does not speak much German, but his wife does. I told him that I visit Yoder last month and got some German Amish books at the Country Variety Store and also met Anna Borntrager. He told me that he knows Anna pretty well.
I thanked him for the information and wished him a good day.
I knew there was a settlement around Longford. But did not realize it was that big and their settlement has been there that long.
Clay County, Kansas
Very interesting account Beatrice. It sounds to me like this group might not technically be Old Order Amish though they might have origins and a number of other things in common. The method of baptism is unusual for Amish as is the lack of German knowledge (I’m assuming you meant PA German).
There is an Old Order Amish Group in Garnett. My cousins live there and they are all Old Order. They moved there from Yoder/Haven a while back.
We learned of a produce auction in the Parsons area and attended it last week. It was a wonderful experience, not only wonderful produce, but a great time to observe the Amish families. We found it interesting that most were barefoot, and they also were dressed in matching color clothing. We are in Garnett often and had never seen this there.
The Amish in Thayer County Kansas (Parsons) are Swiss Amish that moved from the Seymour Missouri area, most in the last 6 years. (originally they came from Berne/Geneva, Indiana area) The Swiss are wonderful people who only use kerosene for lighting, no engines, no indoor plumbing, other than the water they catch off of the roof to wash with. (they haul clean well water inside the house) Horses are used to produce power to make things with. You might have noticed that the siding on their houses are made of shingles. When I was there about 2 years ago there were 69 families in that area…two with the last name of Schrock and all of the rest were Schwartz!
Tom in Lincoln
We noticed the houses looked alike, but weren’t close enough to see the shingles. We didn’t hear any names, the produce was marked by seller number, that is interesting that so many have the same name! We were most surprised that they were barefoot, and the clothing being almost all the same bright blue and black. There were one or two men with brown or grey shirts.
Nice People
I grew up near the community in parsons and they are wonderful people. I frequently visited the store and bought produce from them. They often travel to Chanute and sell baked goods and produce on the weekend in the bowling alley parking lot on Santa Fe street across from Taco Johns. There store is located on 10th Rd near Harper Rd.
Marilyn, when and where exactly was the produce auction? I’ve heard it’s in Dennis but I’d like some specifics so I can attend myself.
Thanks! Callie
Callie, it is in the Galesburg area. 7305 20th Rd. Monday 1:00 Friday 10:00
Wonderful. Thank you! After driving through the area again, this is about where I expected it to be. The times are especially helpful! 🙂
Southeast Kansas Produce Auction
Here’s a link for JSN Auctioneering, listing the Southeast Kansas Produce Auction in Galesburg, KS.
Contract workd
We are looking to build a meat market in Fort Scott KS and have been told to reach out to the Yoders for the work. They are very fast and skilled and honest workers. I am not sure what type of work they do but we need complete construction. Concrete, plumbing lines, red steel post frame building erected etc. Anyone with information please pass along to
Closest Amish / Mennonite Community nearest Kansas City, Missouri
I am looking for the nearest communities where to move.
Thank You !
Repost: Closest KS. Amish / Mennonite Communities nearest Kansas City, MO.
I would like to remain living in Kansas.
Thank You !
Hello, I would like to know if you can handle A full roofing replacement AND, before we proceed i would like to know if you charge for estimates and take credit cards for payments?
Amish Store
Are there any Amish stores to buy meat and produce near KCK.
Amish deli is at 2311 Wakarusa, Lawrence KS.
Amish in Kansas
About 2 years ago the Amish came to rural Wakefield,Ks. So far there have been 4 houses constructed around me. Curious as to how many more houses will go up, where they are from & the total of people that will be coming. My area has a lot of campers & hunters. So the traffic is usually quite heavy here. My concern is the horse & buggies. We have street signs up but no one seems to be slowing down. I am afraid it is just a matter of time before someone gets hit. If anyone has any information about the Wakefield Amish, I would very much appreciate a reply. Thank you, Victoria