Donald Kraybill on Simply Amish (Q-and-A & Giveaway)
Donald Kraybill is the author of over a dozen books on the Amish, and currently serves as Senior Fellow Emeritus at the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown College.
I asked Don if he’d answer some questions for us today on the Amish and his newest book, called Simply Amish: An Essential Guide from the Foremost Expert on Amish Life. From the description:
From America’s most trusted expert on Amish life comes Simply Amish, an essential guide to Amish life, culture, and faith. Why do the Amish reject technology and education or do they? Why do their young people choose to stay Amish when their beliefs and practices put them so at odds with modern society? How are they different from the Mennonites?
When it comes to learning about the Amish, it can be hard to sort out fact from fiction. Donald B. Kraybill has lived among, studied, written about, and befriended the Amish for many years, and Amish people read his books to learn more about themselves. Through stories from his friendship with the Amish and studies from his forty-year career, Kraybill takes readers on a gentle journey among a people known for their simplicity, rootedness in church and family, and commitment to peaceful living.
Win a copy of Simply Amish
You can enter to win a copy of Simply Amish courtesy of Herald Press.
To enter, simply (no pun intended) leave a comment on this post.
As usual, I’ll draw a winner at random, and post that here next week.
Donald Kraybill on Simply Amish
Below, Don answers questions about the book, the Amish in Lancaster County and in general, and his personal experience with the Amish. I hope you enjoy it.
Amish America: What is Simply Amish about, and who should read it?
Donald Kraybill: This book offers a sweeping overview of Amish faith and practice across North America. It’s for anyone who wants a quick introduction to Amish culture.
But it’s not an Amish for Dummies book. It does have steak and substance. Its price is remarkably low for a hardback.
You are a Lancaster County native. What are the big changes in the Amish community since you have lived there and have been studying the Amish?
I was born in Mount Joy about 7 miles from where I now live. Several things come to mind: widespread use of technology in barn, shop and fields; the growth of the settlement from about 20 church districts to over 220; and a huge shift from farming to business.

What makes the Lancaster Amish different from other Amish?
The Lancaster Amish are the largest of some 40 Amish tribes. Although they originate in the Lancaster area, the Lancaster tribe is also found in Central Pennsylvania and other states including Kentucky, Indiana, New York, Wisconsin and Missouri.
Have you seen any new practices recently?
Recently I spoke with an Uber driver who transports Amish people. At first I was surprised, but then realized that it fits within the widespread Amish practice of hiring English “taxi drivers.”
In fact it has the advantage of being anonymous—particularly for youth who don’t want the local regular “taxi driver” to know where they’re going, or heaven forbid, gossip about it to other Amish people.
We recently learned about motor-powered scooters being used by Amish firemen to get to the station faster. Which technologies, besides the smartphone, do you think are the most controversial or “gray area” currently among Amish?
The use of solar energy is difficult to control. Many Amish people use solar panels for producing electricity to charge batteries, operate small appliances, and office equipment such as a fax machine.
However the church generally disapproves of using large solar systems to electrify an entire home which would mimic an English house with a wide array of electric appliances and technology.
Another growing issue is the separation between the use of technology for the operation of businesses and for things at home. The growth of this indicates a shrinking of church authority to primarily the home and family, with less control over business operations.
If you had to guess, how do you think the Lancaster County settlement might look in 50 or 100 years? Will the community be significantly larger or will land prices prevent it growing so rapidly at some point?
It’s risky if not even foolish to make long-term projections. Over the past two years the collapse of milk prices has forced some Amish people out of dairy farming. I expect Amish people who continue farming will focus on small acreage and specialized produce and other goods that only require a few acres of land.
Those who want to continue general farming will likely migrate to more rural areas of the country.
The Amish are tenacious about maintaining a distinctive identity, even though their practices may change substantially in the coming decades.
Can you think of a unique practice that might emerge in the future?
Yes, it’s conceivable that sometime in the future the Amish might rent driverless electric cars. How so? It fits within their traditional practice that it’s okay to use certain technologies but not own them. For example hiring taxi drivers.
The Amish have always accepted the use of electricity from batteries. So a driverless electric car would seem to fit within their traditional practices, which is an important criteria for what they are willing to accept.
What is one of the most common misconceptions about the Amish you’ve encountered?
That they don’t pay taxes is a long-standing myth of outsiders who don’t live near Amish communities.
What’s the most interesting or unusual Amish experience you’ve had?
About five years ago, seeing my first 3D printer (actually a bank of 8 of them) in an Amish lantern shop. And receiving my first explanation of how 3D printers work from a young 25-year-old Amishman in that shop.
What are you up to lately?
I’m cleaning up old projects: trashing, filing, and transporting papers and correspondence etc. to the archives of Elizabethtown College where they will be available to scholars.
I’m also drafting a short book on things I’ve learned from the Amish, which a publisher has solicited. As time permits, I’d like to revise The Riddle of Amish Culture for a 3rd edition. There’s been so much change 15 years since the 2nd edition was published.
And finally, what’s your favorite Amish food?
Schnitz pie (dried apple) often served for lunch after a church service and eaten by hand without utensils.
Thanks to Don for taking the time to share with us. Check back next week for the winner. In the meantime, you can find Simply Amish at Amazon among other places.
Update: Simply Amish Book Winner (Plus: Excerpt on Amish Marriage & Family)
Simply Amish is Donald Kraybill’s latest book, described as “an essential guide to Amish life, culture, and faith.” We’ve got a winner today of last week’s giveaway contest. But first, an excerpt from Simply Amish, on Amish marriage and family.
Marriage and Family
Donald B. Kraybill
Excerpted from newly released Simply Amish: An Essential Guide from the Foremost Expert on Amish Life by Donald B. Kraybill. (Herald Press, 2018). All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Church and family are the primary social units of Amish society. Young people move into adulthood early and usually marry by their early twenties. Marriages are not prearranged, but both bride and groom must be baptized members of the Amish church before marriage. They usually come from subgroups with similar practices but typically are not from the same church district. In rare cases a bride or groom may have grown up English and joined the Amish. Since divorce is forbidden, marriage is permanent.
Daylong weddings are festive moments of celebration in Amish society. The ceremony follows a lengthy church service, held on a weekday at the home of the bride or a close relative. Several hundred guests join the festivities, which often include a lunch and an evening meal.
Amish couples, on the average, have about seven children, and in the most traditional groups, ten or more. Most families do not use artificial birth control unless advised by a physician for health reasons; however, some do use natural methods of family planning. Some babies are born in hospitals, but most greet the world in a birthing clinic or at home, under the supervision of a physician or a midwife.
Amish families reflect traditional gender roles, in which the man serves as the spiritual head of the home. He is seen as responsible for its spiritual welfare and matters related to the church and the outside world. Women often hold considerable sway in family and parenting matters. Quipped one husband, “I’m more afraid of my wife than my bishop.” Another man described marital roles in this way: “The wife is not a servant; she is the queen, and the husband is the king.”
As in most families, gender roles in Amish marriages vary by personality. When husbands work at home, spouses often share some roles. Women assist in the barn, shop, or field; men help in the garden, greenhouse, or around the house. Wives rarely hold full-time jobs outside the family when their children are young, although some operate small businesses from their home.
Networks of extended families provide a strong sense of identity in Amish society. The extended family system is muscular and significant. The typical Amish person has more than two dozen aunts and uncles and more than seventy-five first cousins, many of whom live nearby. The family provides a dense web of social support from cradle to grave. For instance, two or three relatives often assist a family during the arrival of a new baby. Adult sisters may gather once a month for a “sisters’ day,” a work frolic that blends chores and fun while women harvest vegetables, clean house, or make quilts. Family members help each other during a crisis or difficulty such as a fire, flood, or death.
Because families are so large and names are similar, many people have a nickname related to a special trait, or one that shows their family connection. “Horseradish Jake” may refer to someone who raises horseradish, or who eats a lot of it. A person named Sara may be known as “Ben’s Hannah’s Sara,” referring to her grandfather and mother. The large Amish community near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, has more than one hundred women named Mary Stoltzfus and at least ninety Katie Stoltzfuses.
Extended family undergirds the elderly. The Amish do not operate retirement homes. The elderly normally live in a Grossdawdy Haus, a small adjacent “grandfather” house, or apartment, at the home of one of their children. Some grandparents have more than eighty grandchildren and two hundred great-grandchildren. Esteemed for their wisdom, the elderly find meaning and dignity as they assist their adult children. And surrounded by droves of grandchildren, they pass on the wisdom of Amish ways to the rising generation. Amish people typically die at home. More progressive communities accept hospice service from outside caregivers.
Donald B. Kraybill is internationally recognized for his scholarship on Anabaptist groups. His books, research, and commentary have been featured in national and worldwide media, including the New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, NPR, CNN, and NBC. He is distinguished college professor and senior fellow emeritus at the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown College. Kraybill is the author, coauthor, or editor of many books, including Amish Grace, The Amish Way, Renegade Amish, and The Riddle of Amish Culture.
Simply Amish Book Winner
I chose a winner using Congrats to Carol (comment #139), you’re the winner. Send me your shipping info (ewesner[at]gmail[dot]com), and I’ll pass that along to the publisher.
If you didn’t win, you can pick up Simply Amish at Amazon among other places.

Schnitzel Pie
I think Schnitzel pie ranks up. here among my favorite Amish pastries also.
The Amish life and living what they believe continues to be a reminder to strive for this in my own life.
I agree I was just thinking of how nice it would be to achieve the “simple life”
Thank you for sharing your experiences!
I really enjoy reading about them!
Simply Amish
I’m a huge(!) fan of D. Kraybill’s other books and own several. I work at a library and often recommended his books to patrons who express interest in (or misunderstandings about) our local Amish community. Very excited to hear about a new title– Keep them coming!
I have loved the Amish since I was a little girl and visit Amish country in PA often!
Thank you
Thank you for offering a book for a give-a-way. I have read several of your books and know of your reputation so you are my go-to author for accurate information (realizing there are a couple other men who can also be counted on for accurate information).
Enjoy your retirement, although it sounds as though you are finding plenty to keep busy!
Technology in the Amish Community
I find it very interesting to follow how technology aids the Amish in all they do.
What’s to like...
Very interesting q & a! One thing I (among many) I like about the Amish is the thoughtful and disciplined way they adopt technology—or don’t. They are in control. We Non-Amish are, conversely, driven by and to technology and frequently become the victim of it.
My husband has been driving the Amish here for awhile so I love reading An learning about ! We where invited to a wedding this summer really enjoyed it even tho I do not speak German! So love these people and their old time ways hope they do not become to mordern! It takes me back to my childhood An it is refreshing being around them!
Thank you
I appreciate the Q&A and the offer of a giveaway of the book. It sounds interesting!
Love Kraybill's honest and respective approach to the Amish
I love reading about the Amish (both fiction and nonfiction). I enjoy Mr. Kraybill’s work and would love to visit the Lancaster Amish someday!
Simply Amish
I am intrigued with the Amish customs. We have an Amish settlement locally. I love the information and a chance to get this book.
Very interesting!
Makes me want to read the book!
Thank you, Dr. Kraybill, for your wonderfully informative books. Love the story of the 3-D printer.
3-D Printer story
I very much enjoyed the 3-D printer story. I do hope he didn’t feel too far out of touch, having an Amish-man explain the new-fangled gadget! Very amusing story.
thank you
I made a comment this morning and it did not seem to go through. I’ve looked over all the names and do not see mine so I am submitting again, not trying to get a double entry. It didn’t show me at the time that it had posted….but sure would love to have this Donald Kraybill book.
I really enjoy reading about the Amish and their way of life. I recently visited Holmes County Ohio and it was interesting visiting Amish Country and we really liked the hand pies.
Learning from the Amish
Do you have a projected date for publication of the book about what you have learned from the Amish? I look forward to that book. Just about every year we take a trip to Lancaster to enjoy not only the Amish quality crafts, to purchase local produce, and to savor the peaceful life these people live. They truly are an inspiration.
So Interesting
I find the Amish so interesting and try to emulate as many of their simple lifestyle choices into my own life.
Odd appellation
Having been involved with many plain people going back several years I never heard the Amish referred to as belonging to “tribes” As I suggest in the title of my comment submission: “it certainly is an odd appellation. Amish, Church member, Plain people…yes all of the foregoing and maybe a few more, but never tribe.” I’m just curious why Donald Kraybill chose it.
Love the Amish
I have read almost every book about the Amish and would love to read yours.
It would be great to have this book. Would LOVE it!
valuable Insights
I enjoyed your comments, especially about new technologies, and their possible acceptance.
Favorite Amish Pastry...
It is really hard to pick just one favorite!
However, here in western PA…..Amish glazed donuts are a really big hit! They are also huge!!
simply amish
Mr. Kraybill is probably the #1 authority on the amish
Simply Amish Giveaway
Besides having a sizeable Amish population in my area, I have also traveled to Ohio Amish country. I really love learning about the Amish, and have done so ever since I attended the Kutztown Folk Festival when I was 9 years old (I am 45 now). I’d love to win a copy of your book.
Amish in the future
When he asked Mr. Kraybill the question about what the Amish would look like in a hundred years, images of Amish in their ‘simple’ clothing flying in space ships (that they don’t own:) and tilling the ‘earth’ on other planets came unbidden to my mind……. 🙂
Amish 3D Printing?
I’m surprised to hear Amish use 3D printers. That is quite new technology that many people don’t yet own. Though my brother does have one and they are really cool technology. He can make just about anything. What are the Amish doing with them? Are they printing stuff to sell? Parts they can use? Do they go online to find patterns or build/draw their own designs?
I’m really interested in more info about this, if anyone has any.
Amish 3D Printing
I don’t think my comment posted…. so trying again 🙂
I am surprised the Amish are using 3D printers, seeing as how it is such new technology. My brother has a 3D printer and prints all kinds of things. But it’s still a really new technology that many people don’t have. What are the Amish using it for? Are they making things to sell? Making parts of things for around home? Do they get their patterns online or use the software to draw their own plans?
I’m very interested in hearing more about this, if anyone knows.
great lifestyle
I thoroughly enjoy reading about and meeting Amish folk. They have always been so kind and pleasurable. I am looking forward to reading Simply Amish.
Having visited Lancaster County for over 40 years, there have been changes and adaptations to the area, but there is still the same peaceful feeling that comes from seeing the Amish and this beautiful area. The hope is that the young people of the Amish will carry on the morals and traditions of their people.
I read everything about the Amish people and ways that I can...
My family went to the Lancaster area when I was young, and I have been fascinated with their way of living ever since.
I have read everything I can find, and have enjoyed Donald Kraybill’s writings– My husband’s family name was Kraycar— I have often wondered if there is any relation, his family having come from north-eastern Pennsylvania…
My favourite books are the recipe books– my family enjoys every meal, and my children are eager to learn the recipes for themselves!!
I would be very happy to receive a copy of Donald’s book!!
Sounds interesting and always looking for a new book to read.
From Italy
Nice book, it would be interesting to read it here in Italy, there are few studies on amish here, unfortunately, excepting the good work of Andrea Borrella.
Simply Amish (Q-and-A)
I have been intrigued by the Amish Community for quite a few decades now. I share a strong connection with GOD and actually believe I would have no problem living their minimalistic lifestyle, actually the way our country is going I would like nothing more then to live apart from the disarray and crime that is taking over our towns and cities. I subscribe to a couple Amish emails and very much enjoy the stories and absolutely love their recipes.
Simply Amish
Thanks for answering some of the questions. I’m sure it will be quite an interesting read. Blessings, Carol
Differences and Similarities
We live in the middle of an Amish settlement in Virginia. We couldn’t ask for better friends and neighbors! We’ve learned so much about them (and from them!) and, in so doing, we have learned much about our own selves! While some things are uniquely “Amish” and the same -or similar -from group to group, a great many things vary as each Ordnung is created for that particular group.
Kraybill Amish Book
I have always had an interest in the Amish way of life. I have read many books about them. We have some Amish familes here in east central Wisconsin that I visit for their produce and yummy treats! I’d love another Amish author’s facts and perspective!
Thank you for all you do to teach us more about the Amish culture. I have read many of your books and enjoyed them each time. It has always been my deepest desire to visit the Amish in the US as I am from Canada. We are planning a family summer vacation next year there. Where would you suggest the best place to visit where we can truly get a deeper connection and understanding of this way of life? Lastly do you know of any farms that actually allow you to stay there and learn more of there life on a more hands on way? Thank you!!
Fingers crossed!
I’d love to win a copy of this book! I buy most books on Plain groups b/c my library has only a very few.
Book sounds fascinating
Fascinated with the Amish, since I was a child. Looking forward reading this book, surely will be a very interesting read. Love reading everything about the Amish, especially from someone so knowledgeable.
Thank you for your hard work resulting in a terrific resource
I have enjoyed reading other Donald Kraybill books and would absolutely love to win a copy of his latest book!
" Driver"
Hello! I’m a retired Auditor from a major Truck Stop Giant. Since retirement I started my own “Amish Taxi’
I’m also writing a book simply called “Driver” It’s all about how I came o be a Amish Taxi Driver and the the Amish friends and the stories about are travels together. I hope to have it out by early in 2019.
I love the Amish people and their culture . Especially their discipline with their Faith!
Thank you
Rod Miller
Driverless cars?
Interesting thought that the Amish might someday rent driverless cars. As the good professor pointed out, it fits with how they use technology, but it does seem strange that something that high-tech would fit.
Simply Amish
My great grandfather/grandmother Hostetler were Amish-Mennonite, from Missouri. My roots go back to Jacob Hochstetler family (spelling?) who entered the USA on “The Charming Nancy”.
I have enjoyed the Northkill book series by Irvin Stutzman, and would love to learn more!
We will be traveling to Boston, then south into the greater Lancaster area in October. What area would you recommend to avoid the tourism, and see the authentic farm areas, and hopefully visit with some people along the way? Our trip will be short…and a once in a lifetime trip for us from the Pacific Northwest.
I would like to visit the Info Centers also,local roadside stands, family farm businesses, possible fundraising auctions, mud sales, etc. Wish I would’ve been more interested in all of this when I was young, and my parents were still alive! 🙁
Would love to read your new book, too! Thank you for sharing your expertise!
Any info you can share will be greatly appreciated…..from you, or also from Eric W. or local residents. Hoping for some replies.
Blessings ~ c
Kraybill Book
Would enjoy reading your book as I use am Amish blacksmith for my horses.
Now I Know Why
My ancestors came to this country from Wales and settled in Harrisburg. A generation or so later, they moved to Gold Hill, NC. As I grew up, whenever we had apple “fried pies”, my Daddy would often comment that his Granny always called them “schnitz” pies. He didn’t know why. Now I do!
Australian Amish Afficinado
I have been facinated by all things Amish for about 20 years and have my own ‘Amish Library’. When friends and family visit they check to see what is new in the ‘library’. Occasionally I lend to a very trusted friend who I know will look after my book and will return it. It is very difficult if not impossible to buy anything in Australia about the subject so I source secondhand books in the US. I’m hoping when I retire in the next 3 years that my husband and I can visit some communities in Pennsylvannia and Ohio and experience it all first hand. I would love to add your book to my collection of your other texts. I enjoy your books because they give a very balanced view of the subject without romancitisation that you find in some books.
Thank You
I just wanted to tell you how I have appreciated the information you have put forth regarding the Amish. So interesting and captivating. Hardly anyone I talk to knows the truths about the Amish Culture so by reading your books and articles I am able to inform them of what the real truths are.
Thank you again, don’t ever stop what you are doing.
Diane White
Springfield, MO 65809