Amish Books and Media

Judy Stavisky on In Plain View: The Daily Lives of Amish Women (Book Giveaway)

Judy Stavisky on In Plain View: The Daily Lives of Amish Women (Book Giveaway)

For years now, Judy Stavisky has been driving and accompanying Amish women on shopping trips, building friendships with them and learning firsthand about their lives. Judy has compiled her experiences and insights in a new book called In Plain View: The Daily Lives of Amish Women. Here’s the description via Herald Press: What does the life of an Amish woman really look like? Over the…

What the Amish Teach Us Book Winner & Release Today (Plus Podcast #4 on Forgiveness)

What the Amish Teach Us Book Winner & Release Today (Plus Podcast #4 on Forgiveness)

Following last week’s insightful Q-and-A with Donald Kraybill, we’ve got a winner of What the Amish Teach Us: Plain Living in a Busy World, his new book just released today. This book is unlike others Don has written – a series of 22 essays sharing things that he has learned from his friendships with Amish people and study of Amish life, spanning decades. Before we…

Donald Kraybill on What The Amish Teach Us: Q&A and Book Giveaway (plus: Podcast #3)

Donald Kraybill‘s new book What the Amish Teach Us: Plain Living in a Busy World will be out next Tuesday. What the Amish Teach Us features 22 essays on a wide array of important life topics, each drawing lessons from the Amish example. Topics include “Limits: Less Choice, More Joy”, “Parenting: Raising Sturdy Children”, “Hacking: Creative Bypasses”, “Patience: Slow Down and Listen”, and many more….

Journal of Plain Anabaptist Communities (JPAC) Issue #3

Journal of Plain Anabaptist Communities (JPAC) Issue #3

I’m happy to share that the new issue of the Journal of Plain Anabaptist Communities (JPAC) is out. Here’s journal co-editor Joe Donnermeyer on what you’ll find inside the latest edition of this freely available online publication. The third issue of the Journal of Plain Anabaptist Communities was released this past week. On the cover of Volume 2, Issue 1 is a photo showing an…

About Plain Values – The Magazine

About Plain Values – The Magazine

There was a nice article recently in the Epoch Times, a feature on the monthly publication Plain Values, which has become popular with both Amish and non-Amish alike. The publisher of the magazine is Marlin Miller, who grew up Amish. There are three main “pillars” the magazine focuses on – children with special needs, adoption, and “to highlight good works being done both at home…

Old Order Amish Author Linda Byler On Writing 39 Novels

Linda Byler is rare in the world of Amish fiction writing. She is an actual member of an Old Order Amish church in an industry dominated by non-Amish writers. That’s one reason I found this recent profile of Linda so interesting. It begins charmingly with Linda not being totally sure how many books she’s actually written since first picking up the pen in 2003: While…

Who Is Who In The Budget Volume III – Winner & Excerpt

Who Is Who In The Budget Volume III – Winner & Excerpt

We have a winner of Who is Who in The Budget Volume III following our Q&A with Budget Publisher Milo G. Miller last week. Before we get to that though, a few excerpts from the book. First, an excerpt from Milo Miller’s Introduction: This is an informative reference book solely evolved from The Budget Newspaper; which has weekly entries from hundreds of scribes who share…

Q&A with Milo Miller, Publisher of The Budget & The Diary (Book Giveaway)

Q&A with Milo Miller, Publisher of The Budget & The Diary (Book Giveaway)

Milo Miller is the Publisher of two publications widely-read in Amish circles – The Budget & The Diary. I had the pleasure of meeting Milo at his office for the first time on a visit to Sugarcreek, Ohio in 2019 (below photo). I asked Milo if he’d answer a few questions for us about The Budget and related topics, so I hope you enjoy this…

Grounded Upon God’s Word: The Life and Labors of Jakob Ammann – Book Winner & Excerpt

Grounded Upon God’s Word: The Life and Labors of Jakob Ammann – Book Winner & Excerpt

We’re back with the winner of Grounded Upon God’s Word: The Life and Labors of Jakob Ammann, a new book by authors Andrew V. Ste. Marie and Mike Atnip about the life of the early Amish leader. If you missed the Q-and-A with Andrew, you can check that out here. The book winner is at the bottom of the post. Thanks to all who entered…

Who Was Jakob Ammann? Q-and-A & Book Giveaway

Who Was Jakob Ammann? Q-and-A & Book Giveaway

Grounded Upon God’s Word: The Life and Labors of Jakob Ammann is a new book by co-authors Andrew V. Ste. Marie and Mike Atnip. Ammann was the early leader of the Amish, for whom the group is named. For many years, little was known about Ammann, though in recent decades fresh research has revealed more about Ammann’s personal life beyond the schism which created the…