Breaking Amish on TLC
A month back I wrote about the upcoming TLC series “Breaking Amish”.
After viewing a promo and reading some coverage, I felt it sounded like an “Amish in the City” rehash, but with the obnoxious dial cranked to 11:
Just when I think “Amish TV” might be cooling down, a new show pops up. I imagine at some point we’ll be seeing a full-fledged network sitcom or drama series. For now there is another cable reality program on deck to premiere next month.
In a few weeks the TLC network will be rolling out “Breaking Amish”, which basically looks to be an “Amish in the City” redux. The show flips coasts with four Amish and one Mennonite going to New York City (Amish in the City was set in LA). Even the show’s promo copy recalls the hook of the 2004 series: “Ultimately, they will make the biggest decision of their lives — to remain Amish and Mennonite or become “English” — and face the consequence of being shunned by those closest to them.”
The tension in that idea was problematic for a couple of reasons. Dirk Eitzen discusses some of the issues in “Hollywood Rumspringa: Amish in the City” in The Amish and the Media. For one there’s no hard and reality-show-friendly deadline for joining the church. Also, if you decide to go on television for a show like this, how likely are you to join anyway? I guess if we ignore, or don’t understand the first concept, and suspend disbelief enough to let the second operate, you can gin up some sort of dramatic tension over the course of a series.
Eitzen observes that though people protested over Amish in the City, fearing it would be degrading and exploitative, in the end the Amish actually come off looking quite good (as he writes: “the Amish kids are open-minded, resourceful, and adaptable throughout. The city kids are the ones who seem parochial.” p. 141)
I’m not sure how this new show will stack up in that department. From what I’ve seen it does seem edgier. By early accounts “Breaking Amish” includes the expected fish-out-of-water scenarios (Amish girl struggling with elevator; Amish kids getting stared at on street) with a fair bit of rude behavior mixed in. Hopefully no one does anything so embarrassing that they won’t be able to look back five years from now without cringing. After watching the show’s promo trailer I am afraid that may be a lot to hope for.
I occasionally hear from people interested in filming programs on the Amish. But in the past few weeks I’ve had a relative flurry of emails on potential shows spanning a range of Amish-related topics. Coincidence or a sign of things to come?
The show premiered last night. Anyone who saw it, what did you think? Predictable? Were there any redeeming qualities? Pleasant surprises? I’ll end up viewing an episode or two, but in the meantime interested to hear what you thought.

First episode lacked direction, organization, order, and introduction. It was hard to come away with an understanding of what it means to leave the Amish. Personal narrative was hard to follow. My wife and I will give them 1 more episode, maybe 2. Teaser was big disappointment. Grade D-
This series is nothing short of exploitation. We live in a heavily populated Amish county in Ohio,and the overall sadness and dysfunction of the young adults in this series is not reflected in the Amish we know or see. The people in this series would be troubled no matter what culture they were a part of. They seem ignorant,rebellious,misquided,immature,and frankly,very lost. Truthfully,they are a better representation of the Appalachian culture my family came from,(i.e.”hillbillies”),than the Amish culture. Tragic.
I did view the first episode last night. I received the impression that the producers of this series are only interested in creating over dramatized, sensationalistic story lines for the participants being covered. There is no sense that the producers are even trying to show a balanced story or the real accounts that an Amish man or woman may experience in NYC. Instead it appears to be heavily edited and produced to appeal to the tween demographic. This is simply the 2012 TLC Amish equivalent of the MTV show Real World of the 1990’s. Horrible and I will not watch again.
self correction- teen not tween
I’m wondering if the whole this is scripted and faked. Just too many “hick-ups” that make me wonder. I’m just not believing it …
Meant “the whole THING” sorry, fingers moving too quickly! 🙂
It was nice to see a little more into the Amish world, but I kind of felt the show corrupting good people just for the entertainment of viewers. On the other hand it does let this people experience what life is like outside of Amish gives them the chance to decide what they want. At least they won’t have to ever wonder what if and give them a peace that they did try it.
It may have a spec of truth in it but it was sensationalized too much. How did they find these young people that all wanted to go to New York. It must be a re-inactment to dramatize the story of some that are already in New York. Sad— story.
Breaking Amish on TLC
I saw most of it last night, but I had to take my dog for a walk during part of it. If they are real Amish children, I bet they were problems before the TV show. I am not Amish, but I would be upset if I had children and they had a camera crew outside. I can think of a lot better programs they could come up with about the Amish than this one.
Jeremiah is my cousin, he hasn’t been Amish in over 10 years. He’s divorced with3 children. The “home place” wasn’t where he was raised, I’m told it was filmed in a completely different state.
whole thing is faked
NONE of the cast every joined the amish or mennonite churches. jeremiah is a truck driver, divorced with kids. rebecca and abe already have a child out of
wedlock and sabrina is has a tangled domestic life. the whole show is fake.
Didn’t and won’t watch it!
Whether it was authentic or not those kids don’t know what they are throwing away. The English world is not that terriffic. In fact it is cruel and uncaring and getting worse everyday. I would give anything to trade places with them and have what they are walking away from.
I’m not Amish but I did record the first episode after seeing two of the girls on the “Today Show”. I’M afraid to go to New York because of all the people, noise, crime and lack of natural landscape; I can’t imagine going “to the city” and having New York being my first experience. People ARE cruel, life has become too fast paced and I often long for the days from my childhood (I’m 48)when people were kinder, technology hadn’t taken the place of family time and people still cared about other people than just themselves. I have a daughter that just graduated from high school and I shutter thinking about the world my grandchildren will grow up in.
I have to admit that I don’t have much knowledge about the Amish laws and rules; I know they’re very religious, hardworking people who support their community like no other and I admire that so much. So many of us out here take for granted everything God has blessed us with, including our families. I try to remember to thank God everyday for all that he has blessed me with; the sounds of the birds chirping, the sunshine on my face, the daughter he hand picked for me and me alone and helped me know what true love was the day she was born among so many other things. This is where I have questions…
I ask this with the highest respect (and I’ve only gathered this information from the episode of “Breaking Amish” and the 3 or 4 episodes of “Amish: Out of Order” that I’ve seen)but, why is it wrong to show emotion and why do the Amish seem to judge so harshly when life isn’t followed exactly the way they say it should be? Again, I’m asking only out of respectful curiosity, with an open ear and mind so that I may understand. I know that those kids packed their bible when they were leaving; am I assuming correctly that their bible is different from ours and if so, how drastic of a difference is it? I’ve always been taught that we are God’s children and that he’s a loving God. I guess I’ve always just thought that it was God’s place to judge, not ours.
I would be very upset if my daughter was just going to “up and leave” for New York but I thought that (and maybe it differs from one Amish community to another) Amish children, when they become adults, have the choice to spend a year in the English world to decide of they truly want to live in the Amish community. It’s obviously not the case with all so am I under the misconception that this is true? I was also thinking that maybe if they were exposed to some of the English life at a younger age along with the education of the consequences that come from making certain choices, they would truly appreciate the life they have and not feel the need to “eat the forbidden fruit” so to speak. Again, I’m just throwing an idea out there; I obviously know very little about the Amish ways and differences among the separate types of communities which is why I ask.
Bottom line, I feel sorry for those young people who have sacrificed everything in the name of making TLC a profit. When TLC is done, these young people will still be lost. They could have helped guide them instead of throwing them into the lions den but that wouldn’t make good TV I guess; it’s sad.
Thank you 🙂
Reply to Sara
I grew up Amish. The only difference in the bibles the amish have is language. The most common and traditional being the High German,”Martin Luther” version. A Pennslyvania German version which is relatively new is gaining popularity among many Amish as it is their native dialect. The English,”King James” version is also not uncommon. This will of course vary among different communities and/or families.When I was growing up we always had a High German and an English Bible.
I live just outside Lancaster County Pa. I have been exposed to the amish my entire life.
Amish kids do through a time of rumspringa. Many own cars, and some even abuse alcohol. Parents try to look the other way, all the while hoping their child will return to the familiar ways of Amish life. I’ve seen Amish girls in Victoria’s Secret, which always makee me smile.
I’ve never known the amish to repress emotions. I, too, saw that on Amish:Out of Order, but that is not the way of the amish I know. They are kind, gentle people. My husband is a fireman and there are several amish in the fire company. They are generous with their time and always willing to help wherever they are needed. They are quite sociable and blend well with the other fireman. In my experience, the mennonites are much more judgemental of those that don’t believe the way they do, than are the amish.
Breaking Amish
This series raises many questions. We travel to the Berlin, Ohio area a couple of times a year and to Bird-in-Hand a couple of times a year. We also have several Amish families that live not two miles from us. There are many in the Chautauqua, Cattaraugus counties of NY.
First of all, I don’t know why any of the Amish would consent to doing this type of program. Are they being paid a lot for doing this? They are very careful of being prideful, having pictures taken and they are very private with deep religious lives and I can’t understand that they would even be interested in doing this. The show makes me very uncomfortable and its hard to believe that these people are even Amish. They sure aren’t anything like the Amish I know.
I was thinking the same thing...
they aren’t anything like the Amish I know either!
I haven’t watched it yet but I have it on the DVR, but it always strikes me as just bonkers when they take them and don’t put them in a normal family’s house and doing normal banking and shopping, etc. They always take them to the most extreme places. When my kids were upper teens, two of them went on a vacation to NYC with their aunt and it’s overwhelming coming from a normal “English” background, so it just makes me mad that they put them in the most “out there” kind of place, like watching and waiting for them to become overwhelmed and mess up.
It was evident from the comments of the participants that leaving had been on their minds for some time. The bishop’s daughter, who was arrested for DUI, was extremely savvy. She knew the “English” world very well. I think the young Mennonite girl is especially vulnerable and worry what she will face. I WISH the show did not exist, frankly, because it not only skews the Amish kids’ experience, but gives many wrong impressions about Plain life for MOST Amish and Mennonites. These kids are being used, although they may think they are getting a trip “to the big city” out of their participation. The downside for them is HUGE, not so much for the producers of the show. Big surprise there….
Haven't seen it, YET...
…I’ll take a look at it sometime soon, just to see how bad it really is. I know that some of the New Order Amish aren’t opposed to picture-taking, but are they really “into” videotaping? If it’s a true “how to” guide to say, quilting or plowing with horses or something “practical”, perhaps, but to be “used” the way it sounds they are is disturbing.
I am curious to see Denise’s cousin,Jeremiah, and I hope she fills us in on other things that weren’t accurate in the filming. Sounds pretty fishy—maybe we should let TLC know we don’t appreciate their “stretching” the “truth” with this program (not that it would matter to them…?)
Alice Mary
Breaking Amish
FAKE…FAKE…FAKE….He took the cameras into to meet his family and for dinner?? I see the next episode, they come to NYC to talk to him. It reeked of farce and fakery.
TLC sucks its all fake don’t believe it they are not Amish all bull
The Lame Channel
I no longer watch anything on The Lame Channel so I have no comment or opinion. Well, other than the preceding one.
Breaking Amish on TLC
The Bishop’s daughter puzzled me. She obviously had known for a long time that she was not happy and would be leaving the Amish and her family. How did she get the money to travel to south Florida? She sure didn’t drive a horse and buggy. I was so surprised to see her in south Florida. She ended up very close to where I live and there are NO Amish here on the east coast. She said they were friends so I have to wonder how she knew these people? There are Amish on the west coast (Sarasota) but most are older and retired Amish. The court scenes appeared to be real but why did she remain in her Amish clothes if she wanted to leave the faith? Film crews have tons of equipment and lots of people so they can’t hide. The families of those featured on the show had to have known and seen the filming many times. You know there were many retakes done so this would all take time so how did these young people get their chores done, etc. I am sure most adults in these families would have stopped the filming the first time they saw a camera. I don’t believe the Bishop’s wife witnessed the filming accidentally. That had to be planned or they were being very careless filming where anyone going on the road could see the camera crew. How are these people paying for their trip to NY and how could they live there with no income? The show stated these people were being thrown out of their homes so you know the parents did not provide them with money and they sure don’t have credit cards. I will watch it again to see if any of my questions are answered, but as of now, it seems scripted and fake.
I saw it and felt it was very scripted, very staged. Not sure I believe it all. How can the adults of these teens be okay with the film crew? The one teen in Holmes county sees the bishops wife watching and immediately goes inside his home, packs a bag and leaves! The one guy had the film crew in his home with his mother, sister and brother there – clearly feeling uneasy – but they were filming nonetheless! And how do they get to NYC? There were just too many times when it just didn’t feel right. I’ll watch next weeks show and if I feel the same, I’ll stop watching.
breaking amish
I watched the show last night, and was actually sad, because its true, most amish/mennonite that I know do not live this way. It was sad to hear them say,”I wish I was adopted into a normal family not amish or mennonite”. These people chose you, and to them you were special. I was surpised at how close up with filming in the families they actually got..I would think it would have been frowned upon in their communities. I don’t know if I will continue to watch the series.
I also believe it to be fake and scripted. You could tell they weren’t acting naturally. Makes you wonder if they are who they say they are. I have met and know Amish and Mennonites and they are very good people. As far as their Bible, they use the same Bible (God’s Word) as we do. How did the film crew find these people if indeed they are Amish/Mennonite? Who bailed the girl out of jail after her arrest? Too much left out. It seems that all of these shows only show the negative side. Last year, our farming area was devastated by tornadoes. A group of 18 Amish men in several buggies came to our aid. It probably took them an hour or longer to get here and I happen to know that some of them got out and walked to save the horses. They helped us with our destroyed barns so we could feed our animals. They helped us when English people didn’t. I just wish there could be a positive documentary about the Amish. I won’t be watching Breaking Amish.
Thanks for sharing
What a touching story, Dede, thank you for sharing. The Amish are humble & don’t publicize their good works-it takes people like you sharing about this so that other’s might realize they are not so closed community to the english that they won’t help in time of need outside their community. I remember some Maine Amish going to help a public school in when a roof collapsed-went to go help a friend of mine cut his wood for the winter, in Maine too-an act of kindness-they heard of his need, got a drive & showed up to be a helping hand.
After watching the trailer, I told someone that only ex-Amish will know how absolutely fake the whole thing is!
None of the mens’ haircuts looked like the ‘normal’ Amish cut. I wonder if the guys had already been out for a while.
Breaking Amish brings The Learning Channel (TLC) high ratings
Well, not too many positives here…kind of what I expected 🙂
Apparently a lot of people watched this premiere:
I watched the show, and will probably watch again – though I shouldn’t! – but curiosity will get the better of me. I, too, wondered about the haircuts on the men – not Amish at all! And I wondered how the cameras were in the homes. It seemed very scripted. I feel sorry for the individuals leaving, if, indeed, they are truly who they say they are. They are leaving a lot of good behind, and probably (from previews of the next show) encouraged to engage in behaviour they may live to regret. TLC will end up with a lot of money, and these individuals will likely end up with broken lives.
Erik, are you going to watch the show? I think we’d all like to hear your thoughts!
Before I even watched it I expected it to be just another venture for TLC…just a show that would totally trash what we all love about the Amish. It definitely lived up to my expectations for sure! I probably won’t be watching it again, but that’s just me…
Didn’t watch, because I thought it was on the nat.geo channel and it wasn’t, so I didn’t think to check TLC….hope they rerun it tho. I do enjoy watching these shows about the Amish , but feel like they are scripted too…..
Wished you had reminded us Erik that it was on last nite and on the TLC channel…..instead of nat. geo….that’s where the last ones were…..
So did you watch it Erik, and what were your views ?????
Lot of swearing in #2. The dentures thing was a little too personal. (But it did explain her speech pattern a touch.) The wine? I’m having difficulty in the muddled line between setup, reality and editing…..
When was all of this filmed? Could anyone tell by the signs in Times Square to get a relative year?
Disappointed in this show, got to see the first one also this week (reruns) lots of them….but last nite’s show, a bit too much….liked the HUTTERITES show much,much better. I thought the hotel was expensive and who is paying for all this… whole hr. of nothing……$50.00 for a breakfast….be real…..I’m sure there was a McDonald or cheaper restaurant down the street, he could have found a cheaper breakfast…..I’m assuming the producers are paying for all of this….some of them didn’t have enough money to pay for their groceries…..or should I say junk food…..this show is not what I was expecting…..
Hmmmm pt. 2
I’m sure TLC is paying for a lot. I thought they would put them in an apartment or something. (i.e. The Real World)The hotel thing is too cramped. (9 weeks?) I’m wondering how much is arranged for them to do. I’d love to see the extra footage and behind the scenes. Editors can twist a story any way they want. I wonder what the cast thought of the final outcome?
Did anyone else notice 1. The girls have shorter hair than what you would expect 2. Kate was wearing a Victoria’s Secret shirt when she found Rebecca’s teeth. She must have had that previously….makes you wonder.
Is there any truth to Rebecca and Abe having a child? If so, this was either exceptional acting; as if they didn’t know each other OR this was filmed awhile ago. There is a lot of fuzzy stuff I would like to have sorted out.
comment on Breaking Amish
I have watched the first two episodes. It seems to be that these kids are being exploited simply for TV value. While they may have wanted to leave their communities and explore the world that they have been kept from, the whole concept seems silly.
First of all, NYC can be intimidating to all sorts of people who are not used to the hustle and bustle. Secondly, while most of the country probably pays more for goods and services than in and around the Amish communities, the prices in NYC are more elevated than in most places. So, this makes a bigger impact on these kids who don’t recognize that fact.
I agree with someone earlier that said it didn’t seem reasonable to have these kids in hotel rooms. It seems that it would be much better in a small, furnished apartment. They came from a place where there was all sorts of open spaces and individual bedrooms and stick them in small hotel rooms in a very congested city with little green space.
I think the concept of the show is interesting. However, the details of the choices the producers have made seems excessively ridiculous.
Where did the money come from?
I would love to know where the money came from. Plane Tickets, Room Service, Grocertes and lots of wine. I am sure clothes shopping is coming up. (wonder if there is a WalMart nearby)I don’t think I will be watching this show anymore. I agree with the rest of the comments that believe this is set up by TLC and a waste of time.
The money comes from the production company. The cast members get paid a sum of money for participating, and the production co pays for travel (plane, train, cabs), hotel, food, and any activities or purchases that happen on camera. For example, the bit about Rebecca and Abe being short on cash at the grocery store was probably staged, as there was certainly a production assistant nearby who could pay for it.
Katie Ann is my wife’s niece and her father is my cousin, she had left home a while ago, therefore it’s not like she left her parents house and went to New York. Katie Ann’s parents live in the Lebanon County Amish settlement and her father is a Minister not a Bishop as she mentions in her interview for TLC.
I just seen a few short interviews and wouldn’t want to watch the entire show, for the reason that it is biased towards the kids doing the right thing. The big question is; how are they going to cope once the money is all gone and their dreams come crashing down to reality, would seem to be a lot of loneliness in the future. Katie is very charming and probably the sharpest of the five, however the DUI does put a dark spot towards that.
It is their life,
May God still Bless them
My husband having grown up in Lebanon Co. I’m wondering who Katie Ann’s parents are?
Her Dad’s name is Reuben, now who is your husband?
If Katie Ann is a Fisher then her Dad, Reuben Fisher was a close friend to my husband R. Kauffman years ago. So what is your last name? Also from Lebanon?
Is their language real?
I was taken back by several things. One being the use of language..when I heard an Amish girl saying awsome, or freakin out..I just don’t know..seems like they would not have exposure to such terms..I remember, from my many visits to Lancaster that the Amish had a bit of a German, the English is clear..I feel it was phone, staged and a bit ridiculous. The Amish and Mennonites just didn’t seem to be as upset or out of place as I would imagine them to be..for people who never drank, they held their booze pretty well..they seemed to make the jump to city life rather easily..but the language was what made me really think..where did they learn this without any interaction with the outside world..?????
Is there some cultural significance to the name of the program “Breaking Amish”? I don’t understand why the program is has that title, so I was wondering if there is something missing that I don’t know about since I watch so little TV.
I think it’s a play on that show Breaking Bad. Never seen it though.
Is ANY of this real?
I thought this was fake from the first few minutes of the first episode. The men were not wearing traditional Amish haircuts and Jeremiah appeared to have pierced ears. Also, the break-up scene b/w Jeremia and his “girlfriend” was obviously staged. The second episode only added more suspicion. Now that I’ve seen the evidence on several websits and facebook pages, I wonder if ANY of it is real. Does Rebecca really wear dentures, and do they stay in her kapp overnight? Did Kate really get a DUI? (I wouldn’t be surprised if the courtroom scene was staged.)
I hope the producers and/or actors make some sort of comment about the show.
I think the denture thing is real. I saw the pic of her and Abe with the baby and her hair is shorter and her teeth are definately different. (Not to mention Englisher clothes…eye roll…)
I’m on the fence about the court thing. I’d love to see the outtakes and such….
Now I did see something posted that I had a red flag up about. When they show the Bishop’s wife on the scooter AND they also show Kate on the scooter, it all looks very similar… Hmmmmmm…. Setup?
The DUI is real. If you google Palm Beach County Sheriff arrest search you can find her mug shot and charge info. Use search dates from Jan 1, 2012 – todays date. Her name is Katie Stoltzfus
house of cards
Is it just me, or is the show’s “reality” falling apart like a house of cards? I’d love to know when this was filmed. It could play a lot into understanding the timeline of everything.
The Kate’s last name is Stoltzfus, Elam G’s Ruebens Rueben, Not Fisher
Erik, in case you haven’t seen this, thought you might find it interesting.
That article needs a little more research and tweaking done.
How fake is TLC’s “Breaking Amish”? Go to……..
Find out the truth!
Amish Farce
These people are not amish! I live in a State next to New York City but had never visited N.Y.C until I was 19 – and I didn’t have a clue on how to ride a subway, flag down a cab, find my way around, or how to pick a hotel and check in! These Amish though had no problem doing any of those things! And since when are Amish children taught to make fun of people, to talk about one another and put one another down, to use words like “skank”?!! Had they been true Amish, they would have been very quiet,reserved,polite and would have required a guide to assist them. They would not have functioned so easily as was portrayed. You’re going to convince me that kids who yesterday only got around on horse-drawn carts,had never seen or had a television,never had electricity,a phone,or indoor flush toilets could overnight be exposed to these things and have no problem with them??? And they would have thrown up during their first car ride! This show is one big farce! No Amish kids would ever speak as these do or even dream of behaving as these phony portrayed surrogrates do! This show will have a quick death for sure!!!
Kara…these kids were all ex-Amish. One had actually left 14 yrs. ago already, is divorced and has 3 kids. They spoke the Pa. Dutch dialect several times on the show, (which I speak and understand too). We know who the parents of Katie are, as my husband grew up in the same community. But, as you wrote, “the show is one big farce”!
This is bad… A new low in reality tv. These people are more “Jersey Shore” than “Amish in the City”.
1. Where did Sabrina disappear to? (Get edited out.)
2. The hairy gorilla comment cracked me up. Along with Rebecca’s description on the model rep/ “chihuahua”.
3. Anyone notice Kate and Rebecca’s hair length? Hmmmmmm……
4. The three people that mean something on Jere’s tattoo are probably his kids…
I did think the interaction/ respect Abe had for his “mom” was good though.
I’m interested in the denture story. I’m watching but realizing it’s TLC…..
Breaking Amish on TLC
My cousin and I were just talking about this program over the weekend. She couldn’t remember which channel it was on so now I know. She wasn’t as impreesed with that program as she was with “Amish Out of Order” on Nat Geo.
I’ll have to get a handle on the time and day and then I’ll comment on it.
I happened on this program last night and thought it was awful. Although I was somewhat moved by the girl whose teeth had ALL been pulled when she was 19 and had the full set of dentures that had to be replaced ( and that experience would make her wanting to leave the Amish make sense)…I was highly skeptical of most of it. Is the premise of the show that these young people are right off the Amish farm? All of them speak fluent modern American California teenage/TV cliche without a trace of hesitation or of that Pennsylvania Dutch accent. Like, totally, dude. Awesome. Oh my God! Like, something here doesn’t, like, add up, dude. Totally.
Most Amish don’t have a problem with going to the doctor, dentist etc…
follow up
1. Checked out Katie’s arrest post…interesting. Google Earth the address….nice gated apartment complex…. Her mood swings kinda scare me a touch….
2. Sabrina and the hoop earrings. Pierced ears?Hmmmmmm…..
3. Do you think TLC paid for Rebecca’s teeth? The dentist said she would do them for free but it is TV and TLC… and the whole thing about how she had them out…ehhhh, I’m not buying it. Why?
4. I wonder if Sabrina’s husband minded her kissing Jere?
5. I do think Rebecca and Abe are cute together… 🙂
Kate's Arrest in Florida
I had to kind of laugh at an earlier comment about the “nice gated apartment complex” where Kate was arrested in Florida.
I googled the address (23000 Post Gardens Way Boca Raton, FL) like the earlier poster suggested… and wasn’t overly impressed. I have seen a lot of seemingly decent complexes that have gates in front. That doesn’t really mean too much, and the buildings didn’t look too outstanding to me.
I then googled the reviews of the place… Tuscany Pointe Apartments in Boca Raton, FL… I think that it will then become more apparent that these are not the greatest apartments.
I don’t think that Kate was hanging out in the classiest places during her trip to Florida.
I think she was listed as living in Texas at one point.
Jezebel Crushes the Hypocricy
Fair secular disection of this trash………
TUC: The UnLearning Channel
Dave beat me to it. I came to this thread for the express purpose of posting that link from you will see in his post above. Worth the read.
Saw the preview for next week. And they all get waxed for???????
Fiction...I"m okay with that
Hey, do like I do and just think of it as interesting fiction. Beacuse that is really all it is. I want to see the ending. 🙂
I’ll go along with that. I think there is some truth in it but it has been hyped up or edited to the nth degree……