Amish Raw Milk

Over the weekend, it was reported Dan Allgyer had been formally blocked from selling raw milk outside PA:

Judge Lawrence Stengel issued a permanent injunction Feb. 2 barring Amish dairyman Daniel Allgyer from sending the unpasteurized beverage across state lines to Grassfed on The Hill, a Washington, D.C.-area buying club.

“Permanent injunction” sounds like they mean business.  Raw milk has been a raw issue, with interest groups rallying on both sides of the milkpail.  Allgyer has gotten unusual national attention, no doubt some of it due to his beard and buggy (see “Amish raw milk sting” and “Amish milk smugglers“).

Amish Raw Milk BanWhen it comes to legality of buying and selling raw milk, there are a whole host of rules, and six different categories a state can find itself in (including “retail sales legal”; “legal as pet food”; and simply “raw milk sales illegal”).

Raw milk buyers and sellers have coexisted thanks to creative arrangements such as herd shares, a “cow-leasing” scheme. Allgyer was hooked up with a private group called the “Rawesome Club” (rawesome name) which distributed his milk .

One thing is for sure, Allgyer has not submissively accepted his fate:

Allgyer had urged the court to deny the summary judgment the FDA requested in December, saying his dealings with the Rawesome Club were private and not subject to FDA involvement.

Allgyer also argued that the action against him was “quasi-criminal” in nature and thus required the government to furnish probable cause and an official complaint.

The government has contended that safety is a concern, a claim many raw milk enthusiasts dismiss.  Allgyer can request to have the injunction lifted in 5 years.

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Photo credit: Sarah Gilbert/flickr

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    1. SharonR

      Raw milk issue

      This is a “sticky” situation, in that people these days are TRYING to eat healthier, and if possible staying away from chemical induced food products, like-some dairies that mass produce milk, are giving their herds, synthetic hormones, etc…..and we do not know if this is bad for us, or good…I think maybe a different approach to “raw” milk farmers, could be used, however. This is a farmer’s livelihood, and if Government would “work with him” to a compromise, it would be beneficial to all.

      With proper milking facilities and/or methods of milking and refrigeration, delivery methods to consumers, “raw” milk might be healthier. Not sure. This law has been on the “books”, since years past, when people were actually getting sick or dying from bad milk, that contained harmful pathogens and had a decreased shelf life, as well. I think nowadays, there could be better ways to “oversee” dairies, who do want to provide healthier milk, without the chemicals, or pasturization, for those who want the “un-pastruized” milk. Again, the FED Government has stepped in to protect “us”, with their laws. I try to buy “organic” or “chemical free” food items, most times, and hoping I am eating healthier — Who knows, any more?

      1. lisa kuhn

        is raw milk safe??

        hello, a few weeks ago in Time magazine, at least the european edition, it talked about things people are afraid of, and if they shd be or not. for ex., it said people were afraid of flying but it said this is actually THE safest way to travel. the article then listed things people SHOULD be afraid of but are not; high on the list was raw milk, which apparently kills/sickens a lot of people!i myself don’t like milk, but i DO eat french raw butter, which i presume wd be just as dangerous – perhaps more, as i leave it any case, raw milk products are NOT healthier; i eat raw butter because it really tastes better, but i may need to rethink this.
        certainly it wd seem that pregnant women, babies, sick people, people with weak immune systems (like me) really shouldn’t eat raw milk products. ‘natural’ is certainly not always better!

    2. SharonR

      Raw milk

      Agree also with Lisa’s comment — natural is not always better — maybe we would have a better understanding on the issue of Pastruization (whys/hows) by reading on “wikipaedia” about it., or another source online. I would also be “leary” of Raw Milk, especially not knowing the conditions of the dairy. Agree that people with weakened immune systems should shy away from raw milk, too. I, do however,buy “unpastruized” orange juice, here in Florida, though. Mainly because I know the grove it comes from, and have never had any ill effects from it — not saying that it couldn’t happen.

    3. Forest

      Now, I’ve never met Mr. Allgyer, and never seen his operation. It might be as clean as a whistle, might be pretty dirty. I can’t say. I would say that as an adult, it should be my decision what I eat or drink or don’t eat or drink, not the government’s. If I drink raw milk, having examined the pros and cons, and then get sick, it’s my problem.

      It’s no different to me than buying produce from a farmers market; the government doesn’t regulate that, and in most cases you have no earthly idea what has been used on those veggies or baked goods you buy from that cheerful looking farmer on Saturday morning…

      In NC raw milk is sold “for pet use”. I don’t make a habit of drinking it, but will use some, from a known source, to make butter now and than, mostly to show my daughter how it’s done.

      1. lisa kuhn

        raw milk etc

        raw milk is not equal to organic produce as the latter can be washed. also, if a person gets sick it is not just ‘his problem’; there may be medical costs involved and certainly there is a loss of productivity, a loss of income with consequences, etc.
        just like if a person smokes it affects other people, the environment is changed forever; farmers grow tobacco instead of food when many are hungry


    4. Jitka Grossová

      People drunk raw milk and milk products through all agriculture history. Recent rise of milk allergies corresponds with pasteurization or use of UHT (ultra heat technology) on milk. A lot of people claims that UHT milk gives them eczema rashes or diarrhea, while raw is without any problems. It seems to me that raw milk is better metabolised, so of to nearest raw milk vending machine I go, while they are still legal here in Czech republic.

      1. Your thoughts on this are very close to mine.I have never lived on a farm but growing up in Iowa, I’ve visited plenty around five o’clock milking and that warm milk went right to the supper table.Maybe it is time from farm to table that is the issue.

        I would trust a small Amish farmer whose family is drinking that milk. Truly I have a harder time thinking about purchasing farm butchered meats. I’ve done that with no harm, too.

        I also agree with Osiah. I was taught as a child to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” whether we agreed or not. Definitely a complicated topic.

    5. Osiah Horst


      I have mixed feelings about raw milk. We have had ongoing issues in Canada as well, with wins and losses in court. Almost every plain Mennonite farm has a cow for their own milk if they are not in dairy. Those that don’t have their own cow probably get the milk from a relative or neighbor. And we don’t know of any one ever getting sick from it.

      However in Allgyer’s case, my concern is not about raw milk, but about submission to authority and non-resistance. The law may be wrong but the law is still the law, and for a person who has accepted Biblical teaching and the Dortrecht Confession of Faith, disobeying the law should only happen when the law goes against our conscience. A truly non-resistant person would not be using the arguments attributed to Allgyer, in court.

      1. Amish raw milk and submitting to the law

        As an outside observer (outside the issue and outside the culture) that is what struck me too Osiah. It sounds like he has a lot of motivated support. Perhaps he feels a duty to his customers.

        All along it has seemed a little atypical for an Amish person. Even though I believe the decision is a restriction on personal freedom I think it’s different from other public controversies we’ve seen Amish involved in (lately, SMV triangles, previously, schooling, draft, etc). Old Order people typically fight restrictions on freedom when they tread on religious beliefs and conscience. This one doesn’t seem to fit in that category.

        On the other hand there may be an argument that these types of restrictions are closer than we think to each other and that every type of regulation accepted makes it easier for government to intrude on freedoms in other areas in future (religion etc).

        I personally think the government making a health argument is a little disingenuous, when raw milk consumption is permitted in numerous states already. Were it really a serious threat I don’t know how it would be permitted in any state in any form (even for pets–puppies could get sick too 😉 )

        On the poll I would probably need a dozen buttons to fully capture the range of opinion, but we’ll count you as “none of the above”!

        1. Naomi

          I personally know that Dan’s customers are fighting this tooth and nail, and supporting him every step of the way. He represents a large group of incredibly loyal customers who purchase raw milk from a number of farmers both plain and non. The issue is not just about him and his farm, but about all the raw milk customers who live within driving distance of these farms, as well as the exploding movement towards the freedom to produce, sell, and purchase non- government regulated, real, healthy food.

    6. Osiah Horst

      I did not vote because I would have to say “none of the above” It is too complex to reduce to those three answers.

    7. Personal Freedom

      Ron Paul talks specifically about how it should be legal to drink raw milk (or do whatever else you want as long as you’re not hurting anyone else). It’s about personal freedom. Let’s get someone in office this time who cares about our freedoms.

    8. Roberta

      Basically, I think that I agree with Forest.

      I am over 21 and pay [big bucks] for my own health insurance so I feel that I am entitled to make informed choices about what I eat and drink.

      But I am also critical of the FDA because of the way they handle — or don’t handle — some products.

    9. Alice Aber


      I think our government over stepped it’s bounds a long time ago with all the food regulations. I wish I could buy raw milk here, I would. Yes, I am well aware there are some not so clean places out there to be weary of, but have you looked at where commercially produced milk comes from? Along with other food? As for the farmers markets not being government regulated, they are getting more and more regulated each year. It won’t be long before you won’t be able to sell your excess produce from your garden at a local market.

      Government has gotten too big for its proverbial britches as far as I am concerned.

      Blessings, Alice

    10. Stephen B.


      It’s true our actions or inactions have consequences for others. If I get sick, you might pay more.

      Still, isn’t what you’re arguing a very slippery slope? I mean, many, many of our individual actions affect others. I stayed up late reading last night and now I’m tired. Undoubtedly that decision wasn’t so good for my health and maybe it will cost me a stroke or heart attack later this week…..should the government regulate my bed time too?

      A great many individual laws passed by the liberal-minded make a good deal of sense on a certain level, but by the time we’re done regulating and legislating every bad behavior out of existence, how much freedom do we adults have for anything?

      I think the beauty of the Amish social system is that it leaves individuals and local communities to decide, rather than have huge, inflexible, state and national legal systems try to fit one size and mindset to everybody when it comes to such things and when somebody does do something illegal, they have to answer to local individuals that know the law breaker well and can better pass judgement than can our larger, English system.

      We English create rules and try to fit them to everybody, both the very large and the small and problems arise. This is especially evident in the milk and meat industries, where we try to fit the same laws meant to control what goes on in a huge Smithfield plant that slaughters 5,000 hogs a day to a custom butcher that does 200 a year.

      1. lisa kuhn

        oh dear! i think you certainly must not understand what i was saying, or at least you extrapolate to such a degree that what i said is totally is absurd to say this is a slippery slope! no one is going to tell you when to go to bed. i myself didn’t even turn off the lights last night; i was up ALL night, and i don’t hear the govt. knocking. i frankly think you must either be paranoid about the govt or hate it. there will always be stupid laws or laws we disagree with as the govt is made up of PEOPLE, and people are not perfect and they also i look over my comment i can’t understand what triggered such a responnse; i mostly quoted time mag re the dangers of raw milk yet admit i eat raw dairy anyway. where did you get the slippery slope and, horrors! the liberal minded?? i myself think the reactionary, hyperconservative sector can also pass some good laws, but so what?? pls re read what i wrote and ask yourself what triggered such an angry response; it certainly was not in my short note.
        and btw, no group has more rules than the amish – i mean, REALLY.i can’t understand where you get the idea that they just each decide how they want to do things, or just plain want to add 1/2 to the brim of their hats. they are regulated to within an inch of their lives – literally.
        i think this was made clear by saloma in her book, and by ira in his. good luck, lisa

    11. Tom

      I have drunk it for years, as did my parents and grandparents and they all have enjoyed a long productive life. Yes there is a chance of harm in raw milk, but do not kid yourself, there is potential for harm in all food products, even those imports that the FDA has declared safe, or the local purchased products.

      1. Milk or Freedom

        I personally grew up drinking raw milk because my dad grew up on a farm . His strong belief which he taught me and my siblings was how raw milk and all produce grown on a farm is organic and healthy for a young child. Honestly, to me the taste of raw milk is eclectic pleasure that can not be replicated with the taste of processed milk. I love it!!! Its texture is and flavor is similar to the taste of eggnog. Also, by blending it with berries and a 2 gram of sugar yogurt it is heaven. You folks got to get out to the Amish farms to bring it back home to your families because you will never go back to liking store bought milk again!! Honestly, it is the Omega-phenomenal!!

        God Bless

    12. Tom

      I guess I should have put Drank instead of drunk,

    13. Naomi

      The government should get out of the way

      ALL food carries some level of risk. What kind of milk did people drink through all of history until recently?? Raw milk became a dangerous beverage when cows were moved into inner city feed lots to be fed on the waste products of the brewing industry. Then, yes, children started contracting TB from drinking the milk of those cows, and pasteurization ended the problem, but kept people drinking disgusting milk that was only marginally nutritious.

      I will drink raw milk and feed it to my family, whether it is illegal or no. The harder the FDA makes it to obtain real food, the farther we will go to get it, and the more we will hide our actions from view.

      (Raw milk drinker, including during pregnancy, and mother of a four year old and a two year old who rarely catch colds, have no allergies, asthma, behavior problems or learning disabilities like most of the students my husband and I have taught in school over the years).

    14. Diane Paulson

      Um, Um Good

      Raw milk is the only kind of milk that I can ingest without a problem! It’s off the shelves now, as far as I’ve seen in California, which was a shock to me, as we are supposed to be into health out here. The natural enzymes in it allow me to drink and enjoy it immensely, it’s so good. What a dirty, rotten shame. Darn government and their connections to the “just care about our money” part of the milk industry!

      1. Christina


        Check out They list by state where you can get raw milk. California has quite a few listings! We’re moving to San Diego this summer and this was one of the first things I checked. California also has a raw milk association (CReMA–California Raw Milk Association). I bet if you contacted them, they would be able to help you find someplace near you that sells raw milk.

        Since I have switched to eating less refined sugar and artificial sweeteners (just sugar by another name), less processed foods, reduced my intake of grains (especially those with gluten) and started eating more all natural grass-fed meats, raw milk, natural coconut oil and olive oil, etc….I have lost weight, I rarely have problems with acid reflux anymore, and the athlete’s foot that I’ve been battling for years is starting to clear up. And…wait for it…I started exercising on a regular basis!!!

        About government food regulations: We just has an investigative journalist do a story on a Washington state food processing plant that was re-processing moldy applesauce (literally scraping the mold off and re-heating it and re-canning it.) The USDA inspectors brought it to the attention of their boss who basically turned a blind eye. This applesauce was sold to different manufacturers under different brand names all over the country and a majority of the production was for the National School Lunch Program! And, some of it was in baby food! So, do we really want to trust the government to tell us what is good for us? Just some food for thought:-)

        God bless and may you all live and eat well!

    15. The Government is Way Out of Line

      I raised my children on Raw milk and it produced strong bones and beautiful teeth. The government selectively picks who to prosecute and yet should have no authority at all in restricting our rights to purchase any food substance. Selling or buying Raw milk is an individual choice and there is no need for government intervention to allegedly protect us from ourselves. The Raw milk producers that I knew always went to great efforts to see that a safe product was delivered.

      1. Paul A.B.

        Freedom before vested interests

        I haven’t followed this issue too closely, but do believe that government should not be making laws that put mass-scale economics and vested interests before people’s right to eat what they please. In the case of natural or unprocessed food, so long as there aren’t actual problems happening due to sanitation or spoilage microorganisms, then government should certainly not be interfering with people’s right to produce, sell and consume such goods, given that consumers have testified on their benefits and these are known to be true. Government legislation should promote and guarantee freedom of consumer choice, so long as the product in question is not toxic or harmful. I don’t believe that raw milk is in any way harmful. Once government agencies start banning that choice – demonstrably, due to economics and vested interests – then there’s a worrying imbalance.

    16. Theresa

      Raw Milk

      the government wants to rule this country & pretty soon they’re going to tell us when we can do anything personal (I’ll leave it up to your imagination). I say enough is enough!!

    17. Richard from Amish Stories

      I'm a little confused to the message the government is trying to send us!

      I really dont know very much about raw milk Erik and I’ve never had any before, so i know I’ve posted a comment last year on Amish America “saying that i thought it might not be totally safe to drink”. But now I’m starting to wonder if raw milk was so bad wouldn’t the government pass a law making it illegal so sell it across the board in every state, and why just stop making it illegal crossing another states line? I see signs around Lancaster/Lebanon counties advertising raw milk so I’m really confused at what message the government is trying to send! Another good topic though and something most of us living in the country can relate to. Richard

      1. State by state map of raw milk laws

        That’s about what I thought too Richard. There is an interesting map at the link below showing raw milk laws in each state.

        PA looks to be in the most liberal category when it comes to raw milk sales, but it borders 4 states in the most restrictive category (no sales allowed)– NJ, MD, DE, WV.

    18. Slightly-handled-Order-man

      I got nothing on Raw Milk in Ontario, there is an activist here but he’s been quiet of late. Sometimes I’ve seen him on television and he looks a little Old Order in his black vest, white shirt and straw hat.

      I mostly wanted to wish everyone associated with and who visits Amish America a happy Valentines’ Day.

    19. OldKat

      Count me as a skeptic of the governments case

      The real reason milk is pasteurized has every thing to do with economics and realistically little to do with public health. Don’t believe me? Then why is it that the process of heating & straining cream to preserve it was known in the 1770’s, the reason the process worked explained by Pasteur in the 1860’s and widespread pasteurization of milk (and cream) in the US did not occur until around the World War II and later era (1940’s and ‘50’s)? It is because diary companies moved away from buying milk on “the cream line” about that time and cream began to have less value as a stand alone product. Instead it was homogenized back into the milk, which was sold in standardized butter fat content units. However, when that happened the anti-bodies in the cream which delayed spoilage in raw milk were spread over too much surface area in the milk and it began to spoil quickly. No problem; simply pasteurize it and the problem goes away. We studied this issue in a dairy science class that I took in college about 35 years ago, and it was old news then.
      According to the article that I found just now on Wikipedia about pasteurization; “the diseases that pasteurization can prevent (their word, not mine) include tuberculosis, brucellosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and Q-fever; it also kills the harmful bacteria Salmonella, Listeria, Yersinia, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli among others”. Can it reduce the incidence of these diseases? No doubt. Can these diseases still be borne in milk, even milk that is pasteurized? No doubt. Post pasteurization contamination can and does occur in all sorts of food products, milk included.
      That said, I buy and drink raw whole milk from a dairy framer relatively near by through a milk co-op in my community. We take turns going to his farm to pick up the milk, cheese, etc that the members purchase. On farm raw milk sales are legal in my state and have been since about 2003. I enjoy the taste of it, it pasteurized milk doesn’t even come close in taste or texture on your palate. My wife likes what it adds to baked items that she uses it in. Oh, and incidentally, the few times that we have bought pasteurized milk a day or so before buying raw milk the store bought milk goes bad LONG before the raw milk does. BTW: Bob and Darlene, the dairy farmers that we buy from told me that the only thing that has kept them in business is the raw milk sales. I really like that aspect of it.
      Furthermore, I reject the idea that anyone is responsible or harmed if I get sick drinking raw milk, because I reject the idea that “government” at any level is responsible for my well being. The problem we have in this country is that we have a state / federal government bureaucracy that seeks to control and dictate every aspect of our very existence in the guise of “protecting” us. The problem Mr. Allgyer has is that he has run afoul of that bureaucracy. I suspect that crossing state lines is what has allowed the strong arm of the feds to hammer down on him, but that is their jurisdiction and the law is what the law is. Hopefully, the citizens of that area can work to get the law changed so that someone (and it may not be Mr. Allgyer) can service that willing market.

    20. OldKat

      Oh and one other thing ...

      Milk produced on a farm where the primary source of protein that is in the cows’ diet comes from grass will be much higher in Omega-3’s than milk from cows that are kept in stanchions and fed a diet high in grain. Our dairy farmer(s),a husband and wife team, run a graze only operation. They supplemented during last years horrific drought by feeding hay, but they feed no supplemental grain. This is the reason I started buying from them in the first place.

    21. Too many laws....

      A friend of mine summed it all up: “If we didn’t have so many laws, we wouldm’t have so many outlaws.” Now, I’m not sure if he made that up, but I think it’s so true.
      Also, many people around the world in third world countries feel really blessed to have a cow or goat to milk.
      Just my two cents 🙂

    22. Susan F.


      I agree 100% with OldKat. We also get raw whole milk from Amish farmers. We’ve visited their dairy and it is very clean. And yes, this milk last longer than store bought milk.

      The problem with the PA farmer is a national problem – crossing the state lines with certain products, including milk, is forbidden due to the Interstate Commerce Law. It is a federal law and would have to be repealed at a federal level.

    23. Tom

      The KY legislator is in secession and are debating to allow farm sales, which will be interesting.

    24. Tom

      session not secession

      1. OldKat

        Too funny

        That had me literally laughing out loud. Maybe that is what we need, more state legislatures in secession and less in session …

    25. Lattice

      Our tax dollars could be better spent. I am increasingly considering the question, “Who is more conniving and scheming, the Devil or the FDA?”

    26. Lee Ann

      I drank raw milk at my uncles while growing up. His whole family drank raw milk. I went with them to purchase it and I see no problem with drinking it. Wish I could find some here in AZ. None of us have gotten health problems due to drinking raw milk.

      The Government is going to far here. They complain there are not enough farmers to get us the food we need, but they come in a force people out of farming and dairy with all the laws.

      Its a person’s right to choose what goes in their bodies and what they do, not the governments!

    27. Alice Aber


      I think the debate on whether raw milk is good for you will continue on until the end of time. Right along with the debate as to whether the federal government is passing too many laws and regulations concerning the food we eat. I am sure we can come up with many other debates regarding our governments mandates as well.

      As for me I am happy to have found a place where I can buy raw milk not too awful far from me, about an hour and a half drive each way. I will be gathering up my glass gallon jugs and making a trip in the near future.

      Today I am making home made butter from 2 cases of organic (raw) heavy cream that was given to me and freezing it. There are many who would not think that is such a good thing to do but to each their own. I know I feel and am healthier when I eat natural raised foods with little to no processing, altering or chemicals involved. So I will continue to do what is best for me.

      Blessings, Alice

      1. Freedom and health arguments of raw milk

        Alice you are right, whenever the issue comes up, it seems like there are 2 arguments happening at once–the health argument and the freedom argument. Seems like one is more empirical and the other more ideological, though they are related. I am always impressed by the strong response this gets, and I can understand especially in the context of the freedom argument.

        On the health issue it seems like we’d be hearing more firsthand cautionary stories of illness if raw milk was the threat it is made out to be. However I can believe and accept there might be a threat to it if for no other reason than that there is a conceivable theoretical threat to just about any product we consume.

        That conceded I think it comes down to measuring the degree of risk of consuming raw milk, and if it is not extraordinary, then making an informed decision on whether to purchase and drink it. I can understand why gov’t would ban something that has a 50% chance of killing you but I don’t get the sense that with raw milk it is even in say the tenth of a tenth of a percent range. The body count would be too high given the amount of raw milk consumed every day in America.

      2. By the way Alice I forgot to ask if you are getting your raw milk in Arthur. By the map I posted above it looks like Illinois is a “farm sales legal” state.

    28. Alice Aber


      Greetings Erik,

      I have known many folks raised on raw milk that are in perfect health and never had a problem. As a kid we drank raw milk until the local farmer retired when I was in grade school. I was pretty healthy until shortly after that. Now I am not saying it was due to the change to regular store bought milk that caused my chronic illnesses but I do believe the more natural ingredients I consumed, raw milk included, made for a stronger immune system in me. That is just my opinion of course, but I have been on a quest for years to get back to more natural foods as much as possible.

      As for where I am getting the raw milk when I finally go. I found the nearest place to me was a small family run farm in Chatsworth, IL. I have not found anyone in Arthur willing to sell me raw milk as of yet. But then with all that has gone on in my life recently I have not had time to seriously look either. Chatsworth is actually north-east of me where Arthur is south-east from me. It would be nice to find a place in Arthur as I like to do other shopping there as well. If you hear of any please let me know.

      At one time not too many years ago you could not buy raw milk in Illinois at all, so we seem to be coming up in the world so to speak, LOL.

      Blessings, Alice

    29. Susan F.


      One thing that I point out to those who say raw milk is unsafe to drink and that it shouldn’t be sold. I remind them of the known and frequent real dangers offered by store eggs (salmonella), meat(e-coli,BSE or Mad Cow and more), cigarettes (emphysema, heart disease, lung Ca), alcohol (liver disease, addiction, drunk driving deaths, rage, ETOH poisoning) and no doubt there are more. These products are way more dangerous than raw milk, but are still sold everywhere. Raw Milk causes relatively few cases of illness.
      I’ve seen the statistics before, and the number is very, very, low. Pasteurized kills the good bacteria and allows the bad that are more difficult to kill to thrive without the balance of the good to destroy them.

      Also, when the enzymes are destroyed by the heating process, the millions of people who have lactose intolerance climbs by the year. This wouldn’t happen very often at all if people were raised on God given raw milk. Inspect the dairy. You’d be surprised how filthy some commercial dairies can be.

      1. Paul A.B.

        Well said Susan. The inconsistencies you point out are systemically passed over in favor of special interests and expediency. I would say this happens in many areas, certainly not only in the realm of food.

    30. Linda

      Did you ever squirt warm milk from the cow directly into a glass and drink it? It was a treat to us as children. Recently a dairy farmer was asked if he would drink raw, warm milk straight from the cow and he said, “Never!”

    31. Vev

      "Standing Together"

      We as a caring people regardless to color and belief, must Stand Together’. The FDA is really demonic and all these people want to do is control, control, control. When did they become our fathers and mothers telling us what is good for us? What happen to free speech? This is not about the quality of the milk and other foods, it’s about control and a future genocide. It’s bad enough they dictate about our children and schools, our jobs, social security, taxes and now our food. It’s ok for a man to poison himself with alcohol but raw milk is bad. How about this one. How many times have a person been jailed or given a breathalyzer test for raw milk? HUH? How many times has it been reported that a person who drunk raw milk killed someone in a car crash? HUH? I mean, spoiled milk still don’t have the effect alcohol do. It’s all about control people.

    32. Government can regulate, but not prohibit raw milk

      The Supreme Court of Nevada said:

      “In order to prohibit the prosecution of the trade altogether, the injury to the public which furnishes the justification for such a law must proceed from the inherent character of the business. … [I]f the business is not harmful, the prosecution of it cannot rightfully be prohibited to one who will conduct the business in a proper and circumspect manner. … It has also been maintained, and I think satisfactorily established, that no trade can be prohibited altogether, unless the evil is inherent in the character of the trade. … The government, under the guise of regulation, cannot prohibit or destroy.” Marymont v. Banking Board, 33 Nev. 333, 351-352 (1910).

      This applies to federal and state government when exercising a police power to prohibit raw milk. Since a threat to public health is not inherent in the character of raw milk, government cannot prohibit it. See

      Disobedience is the lawful remedy to unjust laws; I am interested in helping the Amish, if they want to lawfully disobey. Can someone provide contact information?

      See the video “How to Disobey Unjust Laws” –

    33. Kaylee

      Milk and Freedom

      People used to have always the choice for raw milk. Mostly now, it’s all pasteurized. If people want to take the chance by drinking raw milk, let them. It’s their health they are risking, not yours.

    34. T. Ruth

      Raw Milk

      We have been drinking raw A2 milk from our Amish neighbors for yrs. It’s only $ 1.50 a gallon. That’s amazing for 2022 🙂