The Amish in Maine: 2024 Guide (11 Communities)

New England has historically seen little Amish settlement. Maine, however, is one exception. Amish have steadily founded new communities in the state, growing from just three settlements in 2010, to 11 communities today (2024).

  1. Smyrna – The state’s oldest Amish settlement has an unusual origin story
  2. Fort Fairfield – Maine’s largest Amish community is also one of its most conservative
  3. Sherman/Island Falls – Maine’s second-largest Amish settlement
  4. Unity – The state’s best-known and most “public” Amish settlement is home to several popular stores
  5. Whitefield – This relatively new community was started thanks to efforts of a local non-Amish couple
  6. Other Maine Amish Communities – Maine has around a dozen Amish communities today
An Amish family in a large red horse-pulled wagon goes down the road ahead
Amish at Smyrna, one of nearly a dozen communities in Maine. Photo: Andy Mooers, Mooers Realty

Maine Amish Communities

Amish can be found in four locations in Aroostook County – including long-established communities at Smyrna and Fort Fairfield, near the Waldo County town of Unity, and in five other counties in the Pine Tree State.

Smyrna Amish Settlement

The oldest Maine Amish community is located in Aroostook County in the area of Smyrna (Smyrna Mills). This settlement was profiled in a piece in the Boston Globe back in 2005.

The town of Smyrna itself is described as a “rugged town of potato farmers and loggers, notable for its fierce winters and solitary general store” and “a remote place with little allure for outsiders.” (“Putting Down Roots: Amish find a home in rugged Maine”, Boston Globe, Sarah Schweitzer, February 2, 2005).

However the area has held enough allure to keep Amish around, with families hailing from states as varied as Tennessee, Michigan, Iowa and Maryland making up the settlement.

The community remains small at one congregation in size.  In describing why they came to the area, an early settler explained: ”We wanted to be in an uncontaminated community”…”One less populated with plain people” (“Putting Down Roots”).

Three Amish women in dresses and black coats walk downhill by an asphalt road
Amish walk to church near Smyrna, Maine.  Photo: Andy Mooers, Mooers Realty

The path this group took to being considered part of the Old Order Amish today is unusual. Individuals comprising a church somewhat like the Amish (but with key differences leaving them outside the Amish fold) first came to the Smyrna area in the mid-1990s.

Following internal change, the group eventually did affiliate with the Old Order Amish in 2000, which may be considered the founding date for this settlement as an Amish community (personal correspondence Stephen Scott; see also Bryce Geiser, “The Christian Communities: A Brotherhood of Covenant and Commitment,” Old Order Notes, 321 Spring Summer 2000).

Amish in Smyrna created a range of businesses, including greenhouses, a furniture shop, bicycle center, a horse breeder, as well as more traditional farms (read more on Maine Amish furniture).

The community, along with the settlement at Unity (see below) is considered to be a part of the reformist “Michigan Circle” Amish churches. Today (2024) around 120 Amish people live here.

Fort Fairfield Amish

A second Maine Amish community can be found near the town of Fort Fairfield, also in Aroostook County. Karen Johnson-Weiner notes that a group of conservative “Joe Troyer” Swartzentruber Amish left the Heuvelton, NY Amish settlement in 2007 in order to found a settlement in Maine (see New York Amish, p. 60).

The community has grown to become the state’s largest, at an estimated 285 people in two churches as of 2024.

Amishman Noah Yoder explained that he had spent two years searching for the “ideal place” to relocate. “What drew us to the area was the beautiful scenery, availability of farmland and some of the nicest people we’ve ever met. We’ve been well-accepted here and appreciate that.” (“Fort Fairfield and Easton Welcome Amish Families to Their Communities”, Fort Fairfield Journal, David Deschesne).

A black circular saw-shaped sign describing furniture for sale in front of a red workshop
A furniture shop in a conservative Maine Amish community. Image: Julie – Keeper of My Home/YouTube

The Fort Fairfield Amish are known as Swartzentruber Amish, one of the most traditional of all groups. Amish in this very plain group supplement their farming with small businesses, including a dry goods store and furniture (“Amish in Fort Fairfield”, March 17, 2011, WLBZ2).

Members of the community harvest ice in winter for cooling, forgoing the liquid propane-powered refrigerators used by Amish in more progressive communities. Visitors to the area should also take care as this group rejects the orange slow moving vehicle triangle, as well as electric buggy lights – instead favoring reflective tape and relatively dim lanterns.

Sherman/Island Falls

The state’s second-largest Amish settlement is also found in Aroostook County, in the area of Sherman and Island Falls. This community was settled in 2011, and has grown to approximately 190 Amish residents in two congregations. In the community can be found traditional farms, produce and farm stands.

A simple two wheeled cart containing baskets for sale, parked at the roadside
Amish-made baskets for sale on the roadside in the Sherman community. Photo:

Unity Amish Community

The atypical Amish settlement at cheerily-named Unity (Waldo County) was founded in 2008. Some families arrived at this location from the settlement near the town of Smyrna in Aroostook County. Other areas contributing settlers included Amish settlements in Missouri and Kentucky. Around 155 Amish people call the Unity area home as of 2024.

The Amish have cooperated with locals and have opened small businesses, including wood shops and food outlets. “We’ve been welcomed by the community. The community has been what we expected. They’ve welcomed us and helped us any way they can,” explained Ervin Hochstetler, Deacon of the Unity church, not long after their arrival. “Farmers have a lot in common, although our method of farming would be quite different than most farms.”(“Amish families reviving farms in Thorndike, Unity”, Bangor Daily News, Walter Griffin, October 23, 2009).

Since that time, the Amish have become valued neighbors and members of the general community. Over the years, the Unity community has drawn the most media attention of any Amish settlement in the state, in part due to its businesses and in part due to its relatively open nature towards outsiders.

View from behind of two Amish women in plain clothing preparing cookie dough for baking
Women prepare cookies at the Unity Community Market. Photo: Judy Stavisky

Among the community’s Amish-run businesses, the best-known of which is arguably the Community Market and Bakery (368 Thorndike Road). This mainstay features donuts twice a week (Wednesday and Saturday) which are especially popular with the locals. The market burned down in early 2022, but was rebuilt and reopened later that year.

Also well-known is Charcuterie, a gourmet cured meats and cheeses shop. The owner, Matthew Secich, is a convert to the community and a former Chicago chef.

The background of Charcuterie’s owner hints at one of the things that makes this community “atypical”. The Unity settlement has a generally different outlook towards outsiders than the typical Amish community. While most Amish do not encourage converts, the Amish at Unity are considered “seeker-friendly”, and have attracted a number of them over the years.

Another element that makes the Amish here stand out is visual: men generally do not shave their upper lips in this settlement, in sharp contrast to common Amish custom.


The area of Whitefield in Lincoln County saw its first Amish settlers in 2017. This community has an interesting origin story: A local non-Amish couple wrote a letter to Amish in New York, encouraging them to consider settling in the Whitefield area. The couple, Pat and Robin Chase, even drove overnight 10 hours to an Amish household in New York to make the point.

A yellow Amish warning sign on the roadside surrounded by early autumn foliage
A sign warns of Amish buggies on the road in the Whitefield community. Photo: Jillian York

Yellow buggy warning signs quickly went up in the Whitefield area, and a potluck meal welcomed one family’s arrival. The warm welcome and assistance has led to this Amish community growing to well over 100 people in size as of 2024.

Other Amish Settlements in Maine

Two settlements are found in Somerset County – one at Palmyra, founded in 2020, and a second near Mercer, founded in 2022. Both communities are relatively small in size.

The year 2020 also saw the founding of Amish settlements at Hiram in Oxford County, and at Wales in Androscoggin County. Both remain a small size at just a handful of Amish residences each.

Finally, a conservative Swartzentruber Amish settlement was recently established in the area of Corinth (Penobscot County). The community, which numbered just a few families in 2022, tripled in size in just a year’s time.

More Amish in Maine – and New England?

Amish have generally found a warm welcome in Maine. Harsh climate and distance likely discourage many Amish from settling in the Pine Tree State. But on the other hand, the relatively cheaper land prices, and low population are pluses for many Amish considering a new location.

Additionally, Maine is no longer the only New England state with an Amish presence, either. In 2015, Amish put down roots in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, with a second settlement founded in Vermont in 2024.

A black-and-white map with locations and descriptions of Amish-owned businesses in the Whitefield, Maine area
A map showing locations of Amish businesses in the Whitefield settlement. Via

Like in other regions, Amish settlers in the state have developed thriving small businesses, reflecting the diversity of Amish occupations in the 21st century. While some Amish continue to make a living in traditional farming, many do not.

Amish have found a ready market for their products, and for the most part (with rare exceptions), have been welcomed by the non-Amish residents of Maine.

If the current communities continue to show that New England can work for the Amish, more will likely look to the region when considering new home locations in future.

Maine Amish Video

In this video, you’ll see footage of several Amish locations in Aroostook County, Maine, including the Smyrna Mills and Fort Fairfield areas.

For more, see:

  • Amish Population, 2024 Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, Elizabethtown College 
  • Amish Population in the United States by State, County, and Settlement, 2024” – compiled by Edsel Burdge, Joseph F. Donnermeyer, and Adam Hershberger
  • The New American Almanac, Raber’s Bookstore (Baltic, Ohio), Ben J. Raber
  • “Putting Down Roots: Amish find a home in rugged Maine”, Boston Globe, Sarah Schweitzer, February 2, 2005
  • “Profiles in Rural Maine”,, Ken Anderson, Vol. 1 No. 9, September 2006
  • “The Christian Communities: A Brotherhood of Covenant and Commitment” by Bryce Geiser, Old Order Notes, 321 Spring Summer 2000
  • New York Amish: Life in the Plain Communities of the Empire State by Karen Johnson-Weiner
  • “Fort Fairfield and Easton Welcome Amish Families to Their Communities”, Fort Fairfield Journal, David Deschesne
  • “Amish in Fort Fairfield”, March 17, 2011, WLBZ2
  • “Amish families reviving farms in Thorndike, Unity”, Bangor Daily News, Walter Griffin, October 23, 2009
  • “Living in Unity”, Boston Globe, Sarah Schweitzer, November 29, 2009
  • “Maine’s latest immigrants: Amish”, Morning Sentinel, David Leaming, March 17, 2010

amish cheese

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    1. Stephen B.

      Despite the fact that Aroostook County, Maine and a fair part of the other truly rural parts of Maine have stagnant to declining populations, I truly think Maine is going to enjoy a renaissance that will surprise many people, especially southern New Englanders that have long written off northern New England, northern Maine and The County (Aroostook) especially.


      Cheap land, gorgeous scenery, low cost of living (heating oil-dependent homes being the notable exception to that), the continued growth of tourism in northern New England, a warm, welcoming population that still knows how to do things for themselves with their hands, and a general need in the US (eventually) for food and timber as world oil supplies decline.) Right now timber, and the paper industry are in decline, and that’s caused many to overreact and write northern Maine off. They’re making a mistake. The world, despite what people in my native Massachusetts may think, isn’t going to be all biotech and information technology.

      I think Amish people see the value that is Northern Maine, and sooner or later it’s going to be rediscovered by others as well.

      Disclaimer: I bought a 55 acre farm (about half tillable) with a fixer-upper 3 bedroom house in Littleton, Maine this past winter myself. Price? – $95,000. My town doesn’t have any Amish yet, but given the way Amish are moving to The County, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some move in sooner or later, given that my town is but one town away from downtown Houlton, Southern Aroostook’s shiretown.

      The Maine entry in the Amish Online Encyclopedia will be growing, there is no doubt about it in my mind.

      1. Jackie Marshall

        Love To Visit The Amish People There In Maine


    2. Very interesting to hear from a Maine insider Stephen. I hope to see your prediction come true.

    3. Lindsay

      Stephen – I have a good friend from Aroostook County. I’ve always wanted to go back home with him to visit sometime, but usually it involves 2-3 flights and a very long car ride from Bangor, so he isn’t able to get back often. In particular I’ve been wanting to visit what he calls “The Valley” as it sounds like the French Canadians have an amazing sense of humor! The only thing I wouldn’t be able to deal with is the long winters…I’ve never been a fan of the cold. From what my friend has said it sounds like the Amish, though on the very conservative side, are also very friendly to boot and has helped out his family a lot in the past few years.

    4. Stephen B.

      There is an Aroostook County web site, that has a photographer, Paul Cyr, that has posted extensive galleries of his Aroostook County work along with another photographer, Ken Lamb. From wildlife, farming, landscapes, the towns, weather, aerials, and the Amish, Paul especially, has really caught the essence of what Aroostook is all about. Though the web site proper has a $12 annual fee, they have posted over 200 free photos at the Crown of Maine Facebook page as well: You all just have to take a look!

      I highly recommend Mr. Cyr’s and Mr. Lamb’s work. They are no ordinary pair of chamber of commerce photographers. Really, their stuff is really a quick, cheap portal into the heart of Aroostook.

    5. Maine's Aroostook County, A Lot To Love.

      I took the Amish images used in this blog post. All the folks in Northern Maine are hard working, family oriented, community minded and have real purpose. Maine’s 4th lowest crime state status, being 46th lowest in the country for FSSR (foreclosure, short sale, repossession affect real estate sale). I find folks that relocate, invest, retire here like the low prices, large quantity of property acreage, wildlife, scenery. Many can bring their jobs with them and telecommute. Farmers here produce our local dairy milk, crops, raise beef and along with woods industry, vacation tourism create an economy not driven by lots of cash. Local folks don’t get depressed, bored or have to resort to retain temporary therapy. Aroostook County is no longer a sleeping giant. The Internet has made our images, videos, blog posts spread the world. It is not as dire, bleak as some comments hint, suggest.

      1. Maine Images Of Amish, Other Northern Area

        For More Maine Images, More Than Ones We Provided For The Smyrna Maine Amish Settlement, copy and paste and enjoy at or this link at See Northern Maine One Photo At A Time.

    6. Michael J Denis

      Friendly Aroostook

      I’m not at all surprised that the Amish are finding a warm welcome in Maine, and especially in Aroostook County. Being a born and bred Mainer for 62 years, I noticed that the further north one travels in Maine, the friendlier the people are. The stereotype of the dour Yankee is just that. Mainers do not like “flatlanders” coming in and changing things — we do not want Maine to be a colder version of MA, CT or NJ. But if you come in and EMBRACE the Maine lifestyle, you will be welcome. Amish values are very similar in many ways to Maine values, at least outside the cities.

      1. Jackie

        Ridgecrest, Ca 93556

        I would love to visit Maine state again one day, if I can ever afford trip! A lovely State!

    7. Ro Haywood

      Amish Store in Unity, ME

      My husband and I are from Phila, PA and last month (Sept.) we visited with some close friends in Lincolnville, ME. We took a day trip around Maine and came upon the Amish Country Store in Unity, ME. We were delighted to see an Amish community up there. In fact, I bought a beautiful glider rocking chair made of white cedar for an extremely great price. We were very impressed with the variety of supplies they sold in the store and also bought some other items also. Now we are waiting for our friends to bring the chair down to Philly in their van next month!

    8. Joan Sheldon

      Unity Amish

      The Old Order Community in Unity is still growing. They had another family move in today from Virginia. Unity is an offshoot of the Smyrna Community which is now looking at options to start a third community in Maine, tho’ they haven’t settled on a location yet.
      I am privileged to be friends with several of them, and do some driving for some of them, too. I have also been welcomed at their church services and singings.

      1. Joan and Ro thanks for taking the time to keep us updated about Unity. Always love to hear from these more off-the-beaten path places.

    9. Natalie King

      Amish are welcome

      I am a member of Aroostook County in a neighboring town to Fort Fairfield. We personally welcome the Amish to the area. I have been enjoying buying the great veggies they grow, breads and bake goods, and especially enjoy the friendliness of the people! I hope the community will grow. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

    10. kacie poage

      I am interested in expiencing the amish lifestyle for a week with my two kids ages 10 and 9. I am having difficulty finding this opportunity and would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.

      Kacie Poage

    11. Kathy Baker

      Schwartzentruber Amish here now, too!

      I’m very happy to report the fact that the Schwartzentruber Amish have settled here in Patten and Sherman, Maine. As expected, they are very friendly also.
      My family had the privelege of attending a couple Church services with the Amish here at Smyrna. Wonderful people. They have just started another community over in Hodgden. They should be moving there this summer sometime. So happy to see them prospering.

      1. Joan Sheldon

        reply to Kathy

        Kathy- I think you will find that the Amish in Smyrna and soon to be in Hodgden are Old Order, just like they are in Unity. Smyrna is the parent group and the other 2 are daughter communities.
        I have been told that the group in Fort Fairfield is Schwartzentruber.

        1. Kathy Baker

          Yes, Joan. Our Amish friend named America (the wife’s first name), are one of the first to move from the Smyrna community to Hodgdon this summer.
          Haven’t met the Fort Fairfield group as we live in Patten.

    12. Joan Sheldon


      Kathy- And my very good friends Louella and Isaac Kulp currently in Unity will move there too as he is to be the minister for Hodgdon. They lived in Smyrna before moving to Unity as he was needed to be a minister here for these past 2 years. I will miss them.

    13. nelson

      joining? Joan,,,

      have you ever thought of wanting to join them???/

    14. Joan Sheldon

      reply to Nelson

      No, I would not make a good Amish person. I am way too fond of my computer email, car, microwave, telephone, electric lights, and oil heat and am way too old to adapt. I much prefer to be a driver for them, to attend their services (the ones in English), singings, some weddings, and Bible study with some. I also read their Pathway Publications, and Beside Still Waters daily with the Scripture that goes with it, and have learned a lot.

    15. Bonnie Boisvert

      Visiting Amish in Smyrna, Maine

      How do I go about finding out if our son and I could visit the Amish for a day or weekend?

      1. wendy

        spending a day

        i went with a friend in smyrna to church with the amish people the let us spend the day with them and lunch afterwards very nice people it was different but very interesting

    16. Joan Sheldon

      answer to Bonnie

      You need to go to the community and be friendly and respectful to maybe a shop or farm stand lady. I would suggest reading all you can beforehand so you won’t offend them. No photos. Short visits are the best unless someone up there has a bed and breakfast (which I doubt). There is a very nice community market in Smyrna, maybe a good place to start.

      1. Ryan

        Amish Friends Easton/ Fort Fairfield

        I’ve made great friends with the Amish since they have moved to town. Having them for neighbors and seeing there way of life is priceless. Hope you all can see someday what I see everyday.

    17. brendan

      Hello, I have a question

      Hello, My name is Brendan. I am looking to contact an Amish family in massachusetts. Do you know how I could possibly contact Amish families in massachusetts? I am looking to attend church to find out more from them. I want to find out if I can and would like to join their community. Thank you very much. -Brendan

      1. Linda

        Brendan, I don’t know of any Amish in Massachusetts, but I do know of a plain Nationwide Mennonite Fellowship in Russell, Massachusetts.

    18. Julie

      Mennonite in Brunswick?

      I was just at the Brunswick farmer’s market, when I noticed a Mennonite vendor there with his 2 children. The young girl was in a black/dark brown dress and dark prayer kapp. I think they were Mennonite because of the van they had extra produce in. I so wanted to find out more about them, but didn’t want to be rude. Does anyone know of any Mennonites in the southern Maine region?

    19. Joan Sheldon

      reply to Julie

      The people at the Brunswick farmer’s market were my friend John and 2 of his 7 children. The van belongs to his driver. John is part of the Old Order Amish community in Unity. I took him to the market in Bangor today.

    20. T

      Metal roofing

      Does anyone know the number to the Amish Metal roofing Company in Untiy????

      1. Joan Sheldon

        Amish metal roofing co in Unity

        The phone number for the Amish metal roofing co in Unity is 948-4174. You will have to leave a message most of the time as the phone is in a shed, not in the store. It is also the number for the Community store.

    21. T

      Metal roofing

      need roofing soon and would love to buy it from them just looking for a number or some information on the Amish Metal Rooking place in Untiy.

    22. Valerie

      Metal Roofing

      Try Calling Kaufmann Metals in Smyrna (their other Amish community) 207-757-7122-
      Also, Sturdi-Built 207-757-7877

      Both those business in Smyrna would know the #.

      However, they are closed on Thursdays (both businesses)

    23. Valerie


      Thats Kauffman Metals, not Kaufmann, sorry

    24. Annmarie

      Thanks Erik fr this post because I have always wanted to go to Maine. I always like to go to different states and knowing there in an Amish Community to visit is always the highlight(for me anyways 🙂 ) . There are such great comments on ths thread…really sounds like a great place to visit!

      1. Thanks Annmarie. If you visit I hope you’ll share a few thoughts on how your trip went! These are small communities though there are some businesses to visit.

    25. Joan Sheldon

      new community in Maine

      Erik, you need to update this info. There is a new community in Hodgdon, 18 miles east of Smyrna. It currently has 6 families.

      1. Joan, yes…given how much the Amish move, I could probably be updating something every week 🙂 I’ll be doing a full update of all states next year (2013). In the meantime the comments sections have been a useful place for readers like yourself to share on new communities. I do appreciate you sharing this.

        1. JOHN

          EASTON ME


        2. Erik... How About The Photo Credit?

          Erik… Love To Help Round Out The Maine Section Of Amish Settlements, But The Photo Credit Promised…I Know You Are A Man Of Your Word….Will Be Looking For Acknowledgement. Thank You!

          1. Photo credit

            Hi Andrew, I’ve had the credit listed in the “resources” section at bottom of this post since Day 1 🙂 You can see it in the “For further information, see:” section–

            “Photo credit: all Maine Amish photos by Andy Mooers of Mooers Realty”

            I can put it right under the photo as well–actually I just did that as well. Thanks again for letting them be used. And you’ve got some great photos in your other collections–Maine looks like it has some beautiful places.

    26. Rhetta Edgar

      Amish Roofing

      My husband and I will be needing a roof done this coming summer/fall. My husband was told of the Amish roofing from someone where he works. How does one go about getting a quote. Do the Amish come to our home and measure? We live in Bangor and don’t believe there is an Amish community near to us.

    27. MLY


      I am planning a trip to ME and I thought it would be nice to visit an Amish community. I live in CT and this seems to be the closest place. Dose anyone have any recommendations? I know it would be great to see the alternate way of life, the way Amish people live. How could I arrange a trip like this? And could you have a pen-pal with someone who is Amish? I would like it if my 13 year old girl could have a pen-pal. Thanks

    28. Valerie

      Visit Smyrna Mills ME Amish

      Hi MLY,
      A very open/friendly to visitors Old Order Amish community in Smyrna Mills Maine would be a great visit. They get outsider visitors and also have their church service in English.
      They are in northern Maine-do a google on Smyrna Mills Maine Amish-

    29. nelson

      Amish Funeral

      there is a funeral in Smyrna Amish community tomorrow.. the funeral will be on Highway 2 just east of Smyrna mills…
      man had sinus infection and didn’t do anything about it , except not really buy herbs and it traveled to the brain…

    30. nelson

      I am sorry he used herbs instead of doctors…… was only 49 years old

    31. Kathy

      Oh no! Does anyone know his name? We just moved from there and may have known him!

    32. Joan Sheldon

      relpy to Kathy

      I finally got the name today of the man who had the funeral last Friday. It is Dewayne Kauffman from Smyrna. Hope this helps.

    33. Patricia O'Brien


      Do the Amish follow their own laws, or are they required to follow state/federal law within their own communities? I’ve seen some videos that seem to denote them having their own system of judgment, and punishment. Not sure if this is true, or just tv hype.

      1. TheWordGuy

        In response to Patricia/Laws


        I live among the Amish and work with them daily, in a professional capacity.

        While it is true that many social issues that occur among the Amish are handled “internally,” through the church leadership, they are subject to the same laws that you and I are. Witness the recent convictions in federal court of the ex-Amish “Sam Mullet” conspirators.

        From your question, I am guessing you may be referencing the “Amish Mafia” TV show. Please know that this show is 100 percent scripted, and absolutely FALSE. Whereas they normally don’t care what Hollywood says about them, the Amish are aware of this show and quite upset about it.

        If any TV network tried to do a show about any other religious group that contained such blatant falsehoods, it would never make it on the air. This show is presenting false information about a core tenet of the Amish faith: the notion that folks have to go to some “enforcer” for things the church can’t/won’t handle is absurd, and completely false.

    34. Nelson

      another funeral

      There was another funeral today of a man who committed suicide in that area,
      His name was Peter Smith,,,,,and his wife and two remaining children are there in Smyrna , too,

      1. Kathy Baker

        Peter Smith death

        We knew Peter and his family. His wife, Susan, and son Stephen. Can’t remember daughter’s name right now. We are very sad at this news.

        1. Joan Jardine Sheldon

          reply to Kathy and Nelson

          Updated news on Susan Smith from Smyrna and her youth Stephen and Liz. Stephen is getting married 28 May 2015 in the community in Unity and Liz is in a friendship with a man from Unity.

    35. Nelson

      yes, Kathy

      I knew them well,,,,,,,he was in my house several years ago..
      email me

    36. Nelson

      all of them were in my house,,,,, sorry

    37. John Amey

      Welcome to New England

      While I never expect to be Amish, my wife and I were visiting last evening and she asked, “where would you live if you could go anywhere in the world”? I replied, “next to an Amish farm”. I asked her the same question and she replied, ” Near a rocky coastline”. This morning I checked on-line to see where in Maine the Amish communities were located. ( I had know there were Amish in Maine but was not sure where)
      As full time organic dairy farmers, we often think of the Amish and remind ourselves of their frugal ways and beautiful farms. We have attended the MOFG A fair in Unity but did not notice and an Amish presence. I think it may have been before they arrived.
      Dont be surprised if we spend a weekend trip in Unity and Camden.
      John and (Cindy-Lou) Amey

    38. Brian G

      Pennsylvania Amish in Maine

      We just moved from central PA, where we had many Amish neighbors, to southern Maine. Shortly before we decided to move we purchased a huge Amish-built swing set for our two kids. After we decided to move we were really bummed out that we might have to leave it behind.

      The guys broke it down and stored it on their property for the spring (their busy season) and drove it up here to Maine today. They are in my new backyard as I write this putting it back together!

      Great people. Though Aroostook County is hours away, I’m comforted to hear there are thriving Amish communities in the state.

    39. Jay B

      Farmland for Amish Community

      I am friends with Noah Yoder, founder of the Fort Fairfield A mish Community. I have over 600 acres of woodlots and tillable acreage for a new Amish community to settle on. We operated a dairy/potato farm since 1861. We would love to see the Amish take it over and continue the farming tradition on thid beautiful land. Located in Perham just 11 miles from Caribou. Respond by email if interested.

      1. deborah smith


        i have been intoduced to amish community. interested in purchasing 600 acres to use in farming continued on property. how much are you asking for the 600 acres and is their lease with option to purchase it. or owner financing?

    40. Anonymous Mainer

      Blind to many eyes

      I do not want to be made out here as a negative nilly, but I do not respect the Amish as much as all of you do. I stopped by the Smyrna store, and I too was very drawn in. They had an Adirondack chair for sale. Wanted to buy, but didn’t fit in my vehicle, Not one of the Amish men or boys there offered me any assistance. As I was placing it back I noticed that it was manufactured in California, I think the Smyrna group bought the kit, put it together and took credit for making it.

      I know they do work hard, especially the women (this I was told by friends of they Easton group) but if they would like me to buy anything from them, well, cleanliness is important. If anyone of you would go to McD’s or any other fast food joint, wouldn’t you want the people serving you to smell appropriate. I know they don’t believe in most modern essentials, but underarm deodorant is cheep and if they smelled better, well maybe I would be more apt buy.

      And lastly, it is said they dress the way they do because they do not want to draw attention to themselves, but let me ask. 100 people walk into a room, one of them is Amish, who will be looked at first?

      If I offended anyone I am sorry, but this is just my opinion.

      1. Stephen B

        While I agree that many folks in the US insist on deoderant, it really is a modern expectation. When I was a kid in the 60s, only “pretty” people used it. That and there are longstanding health concerns with its use, especially the ones containing aluminium. I own some, but only use it for dress up occasions.

        As for not helping you load, I quite agree. I bought some metal roofing next door at Kaufman two years ago and I had to pick it up off the cutting table myself. The late teen wouldn’t even carry it to the door, never mind my trailer. He just stood there after saying “There you are.”. This seems quite common. I wonder if the regulars here would care to comment?

        1. Stephen B

          I’d also add that the loading concern is quite real. Working on my house as I have been, I frequent SW Collins in Houlton quite a bit, sometimes buying heavy stuff. Now with a pickup and trailer, I don’t need delivery all that much, but a little help when I order 25 bags of concrete, for example, is appreciated. And when I do request delivery (12 miles away), it’s free. Of all businesses, building trade suppliers are the last place I would expect to find such literal cash and carry service.
          I have yet to return there. Even Lowe’s in Presque Isle does a better job asking if I’d like assistance.

    41. Mark - Holmes Co.

      The Amish is Smyrna are unlikely to come across this comment, but it would be good if they could. If my employees were coming across as unhelpful or unclean, I would want to know it. Same for the chair. In our business we try to be very upfront about what is locally made and what is not. We like to put signs up explaining a bit about who made what for two reasons: #1 it clearly shows what is made in our community and states clearly it is locally made and #2 we find many products simply sell better when the buyer knows a bit about the “story” behind it. I guess that makes it self-serving in some ways, but when I’m the one shopping, I like to know it more about what I am buying. We also carry some items that are definitely not local or Amish made, but we are up-front about that and have those more or less displayed in one section as more “souvenir” type things.
      Cleanliness is important. It also varies a lot from not only community to community but within church groups. There are Amish groups who do not allow deodorant and more conservative Amish groups who do not have indoor plumbing are known to not bathe as often as those of us who can easily shower daily. In our business some of us bike to work and we bring a set of clean clothes to change into after washing up at work. I realize I probably don’t look or smell too clean after putting in wood or a day spent working outside at home, but I don’t go away in public without washing up, just like anyone else who has put in a day of yard work on their day off. I’m embarrassed when I run into lower Amish in public who smell unclean, but to be fair, they are maybe embarrassed that I smell like “perfume.”
      The unhelpfulness of employees would concern me as an employer. I can’t see what would be wrong with sharing these observations with the store owners. I know I’d want to know it if it was happening here! It might be they would be happy to help if asked, but the customer should not really have to ask, or so I’d feel.
      On the clothing, I don’t think it’s a matter or not wanting to be noticed. Anytime I appear in public, it’s obvious I’m Amish. It’s more a matter of simplicity, modesty, and non-conformity. An Amish family in their home community will look like they belong but an Amish family at the Cleveland Zoo very clearly stands out. 🙂

      1. amish4real?

        If you are amish, why are you online? The fact that you have the very thing that amish shun and alao that which makes amish, amish, means that you are not amish but instead Mennonite (or maybe not even that strict? lol). Do not tarnish the amish by claiming to be something you are not. Either you are amish (and dont care to be online at ALL, let alone reply to comments for that matter) ot you are NOT and you DO reply (such as you are now).

        1. Natalie King

          You are rude amish4real?....

          I cannot help but say your are very rude amish4real?. Have you looked at this website at all? Try reading this page, Erik does not claim to be Amish. You owe him an apology. Who is Erik?

          I’m not Amish, but for 10 years now, I’ve been fortunate to learn about Amish life firsthand. Back in 2004, I met the Amish in an odd way–by accident, selling books door-to-door (some call it “Human Spam”) in the middle of Illinois.

          1. Thanks, Natalie, but I think it was directed to Mark, I responded below.

        2. To "amish4real?"

          Mark, don’t worry about responding to this rude comment. I thought about deleting but I’ll just leave it. I am at least a bit entertained when we get people who are so sure they know more about who the Amish are than actual Amish people, and then decide to pop up with comments like this 🙂

          To this commenter, whoever you are, probably wasting my time, but if you had cared to do a little more research you wouldn’t leave comments like this. There are good books and other resources that explain that there are a lot of different ways to be Amish, and that some Amish do use different technologies including the computer (at a non-Amish-owned workplace, for instance) and are still 100% Amish. If you want resources about this, email me at and I’ll be glad to share them, but I guess I’m not holding my breath here 🙂

          1. Mark - Holmes Co.

            Okay, Erik. I won’t bother responding. Thank you. You wrote a good response.

        3. Kate


          I’ll overlook the poor grammar and spelling here, but this person’s assumptions and responses are not only rude, but uninformed. Good answer, Erik!

          1. Amish girl - Rebecca

            I still don’t get it , why there’s an outsider who thinks he has the right to tell true, dedicated Amish men like Mark if they’re REAL Amish or not. Mark is as REAL as they get. I personally know his bishop and he would vouch for Mark, too. And, yes, we are all old order. I don’t really care does he think I’m Amish or not. What matters is do we live for God ?

            1. Mark - Holmes Co.

              I appreciate your comments, Rebecca. I’m with you — I’ll never understand how anyone not a part of a particular group would feel qualified to judge those who are as being real or not.

    42. Judith Theocles

      Amish Barn Restorers

      Does anyone know if there are Amish Old Barn Restorers who would restore a barn in Western MA?

    43. Mike Caron

      Free long distance ride between Amish communities

      I am driving from Lawrence, Kansas to Holmes County, Ohio stopping there to visit my brother in Millersburg before driving on to Freedom, Maine, which is beside the new Amish communities in Thorndike and Unity. I am not asking any monetary compensation, and would be willing to drive a bit out of my way to pick up as many as three passengers for any leg of the trip or return. My departure date from Kansas is Wednesday January 28th and I will be leaving Maine on February 9th. Of course severe weather could slightly delay or modify those plans. Anyone in a position to pass on this invitation to Amish communities generally along this route or who have suggestions about how I might make this offer available to interested Amish who would like to travel to any of the communities generall between these destinations please respond and I will share contact information and character reference if desired. This is being posted in several state listings between Maine and Kansas.

    44. pilgrim

      There is an Amish man who operates a large so-called wellness center on 201 near Fredricksburg Ohio, called Gileads Balm and some Amish come from a long ways to get so called healing,,,while other Amish from the local area would rather die than go there…..
      yes , even the people from Smyrna ,Maine go to that questionable place,,,,

      wonder if others???

      1. Mark - Holmes Co.

        To N.M. — hey what a coincidence! The same people from Smyrna, ME, who saw you earlier today stopped in here as I was reading this, so I was able to show this comment to them. 🙂 Talk about amazing timing!

    45. Mark - Holmes Co.

      So it sounds like there must be a variety of opinions about health care…

    46. Jim D


      Does anyone know the address and phone number for the amish metal roofing in Easton ?

      1. Natalie-John King

        regarding metal roofing

        We are headed that way tomorrow and will be visiting some Amish friends. I will see if they know the address and if they have a phone there. I do know the road is Route 1A Main Road, Fort Fairfield. You can’t miss the place if you drive up the road because they do have a sign out and you will see the big building and lots of buggies around it during the day.

        1. Jim D

          metal roofing

          ok thanks Natalie,,,, hope you post back on this site.

          1. Natalie King

            metal roof

            Perhaps you could send me your name and phone number and address and I can give it to them for you and have the contact you. my email is

        2. Natalie King

          I have the name of Metal works

          For anyone interested in the Metal works, it is Miller’s Metal Sales.They are approx. 5 miles south from fort Fairfield on Rt 1A or 4.6 miles north from Easton Center on Rt. 1A. They have authorized off-site salles reps Bill & Nan Neal. the phone is 207.416.8541 or you can email them at Hope this helps any of you looking for the metal people between Fort Fairfield and Easton.

    47. Timothy miller

      buggy wheel repair or purchase in Unity?

      Hello. I am in need of 4 new wheels for a small buggy. Are there any buggy coach repair shops around Unity or elsewhere in Maine? Thank you.

      1. Joan Sheldon

        buggy wheel repair in Unity

        There is no shop specifically for this in Unity, but some of the men there might know how to get what you need. You might also try looking on line, like a google search.

      2. Natalie King

        You may want to try this on the web.

    48. Joseph Barnett


      I stayed in a nice tiny cabin. The owner said it was made by Amish north of Bangor. Anyone know where and if I can get one made?

      1. Cabins

        Joe Swartzentruber’s son in Fort Fairfield on the Houlton Rd. make buildings for sale. I can try and get his mailing address for you if you want.

      2. Jason

        Cabins, Tiny Homes, and Sheds

        There are at least three Amish shed builders in Maine with which I am familiar. In addition to J&J which was already mentioned, there are at least two others, and perhaps a couple home shops of which I am unaware.

        The oldest (or “original”) shed company is Sturdi-Bilt Storage Buildings, LLC located in Smyrna. They do primarily custom work, and are often booked several weeks ahead. It varies, but plan on around a two month wait time. Bangor Daily News did an article on them in the Fall of 2017. (Here is the link:

        You can contact Jonas, Jon, or Jonathan at 207.757.7877 They are open MTWF 7:30-4:30, closed Thurs and Sun. Not sure about Sat hours. They are located at 2836 US Rt. 2, Smyrna Mills, ME 04780 Snail mail is the best way to contact them, since they have no email, texting, or voicemail capabilities. If you call, they will mail you a brochure if you request it.

        The second company is Backyard Buildings in Unity, ME. You can contact Joas at 207.948.1960. He has voicemail and relies on it heavily. Count on leaving him a message, and he will call you back. His mailing address is 50 Leelynn Dr. Unity ME 04988.

    49. Cabins

      Joseph Barnett, The name of Joes son’s business is J & J Cabins & Mini Barns, 748 Houlton Road, Easton, ME 04740. He does have brochures that list the prices and what is available. I will scan one and email it to you if you are interested. Just email me.

    50. reggie boober