6 Lehman’s Products Used By The Amish

As we learned in last year’s post on 5 interesting facts about Lehman’s, the customer makeup of this simple products retailer is more English than Amish (by a factor of 4 to 1). And the product line reflects this to some extent.

The company has a wide array of products fitting the “old-fashioned/off-grid” concept. But a decent chunk of them would not be typical for Amish to purchase (for example, some of the decor or textile products).

At the same time, Lehman’s does carry quite a few items which would appeal to Amish buyers and be found in their homes. So here are six of them that I came across while perusing their website (product images this page via Lehman’s).

For the record, I don’t have any sort of deal with Lehman’s (at least not yet:)). I just thought a post like this might be of interest to you all, as people seem to enjoy the idea behind this store (Lehman’s has seen a spike in popularity in recent months).

6 Lehman’s Products Found In Amish Homes

1. Sad Iron – An old-fashioned iron which is heated on the stove. I had a rough time using one of these once. Lehman’s description explains why they are called “sad”:

These flat irons have a long history that dates back to the 1800s. During that time, the word sad meant heavy, which was a fitting name for these irons. While they were compact, they were heavier with their solid iron bodies.

You have to be careful because of course these get really hot, and the exposed side surface means it is easier to singe yourself (which I did). Kind of makes you appreciate the convenience of the plug-in electric model, doesn’t it?

2. Canning Jars – This staple is a must in Amish homes with large gardens (which is just about every Amish home).

One study found that the most prolific Amish canners put away over 1000 quarts of vegetables, fruit and meat each year.

3. Pulley Clothesline Kit – The long clothesline laden with dark trousers and solid-colored dresses is another one of those sights which immediately signifies “Amish”.

The pulley clothesline works best if you set it up correctly:

Helpful Hint: Make drying clothes even easier! Install the clothesline between your house and the barn or your house and a tall tree. Set the far end about 6′ to 8′ above the end mounted on the house. When it comes time to unload the line, the clothes will feed back to you by their own weight and you don’t even have to move!

4. Wind Chimes – Wind chimes create natural “music” that makes a day’s work outside more pleasant.

I’m actually not sure if the plainer groups permit wind chimes or not. If they do, a model like the one pictured here would seem a bit on the fancy side. But more materially progressive Amish do have this kind at their homes.

5. Board Games – Board games have enjoyed a general resurgence in popularity among non-Amish in recent years. With more limited entertainment options, board games have long been a natural fit in Plain homes.

This is Farm-opoly, a farm-themed Monopoly-style game. I wouldn’t call it the most engrossing of board games, but a good one for children.

6. Stainless Steel Hair Pins – Designed to be sturdy and durable, a necessity for Amish women who have a lot of hair.

These are made by an Amish manufacturer in Pennsylvania. A Lancaster Amish acquaintance of mine named Daniel Fisher has or had an operation making these (I’m not sure if Daniel is Lehman’s supplier or not). Here is a look at his basement “pin mill”:

amish basement workshop

While these might be everyday must-haves for Amish women, Lehman’s text on this product points out special uses for English customers:

  • Create gorgeous up-dos for special events
  • Also perfect for dancers and other high-impact performers who need their hair to stay in place

These pins have two reviews, both positive. Writes one reviewer: “Finding good long hair pins that stay in place is a challenge. These are perfect, hold my hair in place, don’t slip and exactly what I was hoping for.”

amish cheese

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  1. Pat Monti

    Pulley Clothesline System

    We’ve seen a few of these in our area (central, IL)—quite ingenious!

    1. This is one of my favorite sights – driving around an Amish community when all the pulley clotheslines are out on a fresh sunny day.