Inside A Loooow-Priced Amish Home (14 Photos)

You probably know by now that if you see “zero” bathrooms, that means this is going to be a plainer Amish abode. And that’s the case with this New York Amish home, which has a quite rustic look to it but appears cozy inside. It also comes with a rather low price tag, which we’ll get to at the end.

The community is in western New York, in Chautauqua County. The county contains several Amish settlements, the largest of which is found at Clymer (10 church districts). That is a more progressive community so probably not the one we are looking at here.

The place is listed as having five bedrooms – but we really only see photos from two main areas here – the living room and kitchen (well, three if you count the utility/canning room at the end). There are what appear to be daybeds in the living room. The house is 1,390 square feet (which seems small for its claimed five bedrooms).

The rough flooring material catches my attention here. What is that?

Light blue trim throughout this home, and the darker blue curtains.

Is that a name on the decorative glass jar? I think I can make out “Drusilla”. Lot of interesting items in this picture.

Sink without a faucet.

Now the living area. Someone has a knack for taking angled photos.

Oil lamps throughout this home. I spy three in this photo.


Looks like they do some canning and other food processing in here. The elevated stove is interesting.

Outside again. Porch view.

Barn and other structures. Is that an open-air dog shelter in the center?

Workshop. This property consists of 12 acres of land.

What’s the price of this home?

This place sold last August for $60,000. That might be the lowest-priced Amish home I’ve yet come across online.

Why the low price?

There are a few likely reasons for the low price tag. One obvious factor would be the home’s small size at under 1,400 square feet. The aforementioned lack of bathrooms has to be another. Pound for pound, the plainer Amish homes tend to be lower-priced, reflecting the greater investment needed to bring them up to “English” standards.

And a final reason might just be the location. Chautauqua County isn’t exactly off the beaten path, but it’s also not abutting a large city or metropolitan area which puts price pressure on land. Plainer Amish by their outlook can be more apt to live in more isolated places where land is cheaper (and where living costs are thus more affordable, as the plainest Amish tend to have lower incomes to begin with – due in part to greater church restrictions on tech use).

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One Comment

  1. Pete Antos-Ketcham

    Stove Question

    It would be interesting to know if these folks are burning wood or coal in their living room stove. The black glass suggests the former, but that stove is a hopper style coal stove.