Gloria Yoder Writes On Loss Of Husband Daniel
Gloria Yoder opens up in the new Amish Cook column today about the loss of her husband Daniel. I know a lot of readers have been following this story and will want to know what Gloria has to share in this time of great loss. It has now been two weeks since Daniel died in a backyard accident. Here’s the first part of Gloria’s latest column in which she explains more on what happened:
Surely, Daniel, the father of my six little children, was the love of my life and much more deeply so than I could ever tell. Never in a hundred years would I have chosen to not have him.
I admit, there were times I wondered what God had in store for him. Like the times he would so fondly speak of heaven, and how he couldn’t wait to grow older, so he’d get closer to heaven.
Then there were those times where he said, ”I want to stay here to care for you all, but if God would take me home, He would most certainly take care of you all! There’s no doubt, I know He would take care of you!”
Still, I didn’t know, he didn’t know; certainly, for the deep love he had for each of us, he would’ve done all in his power to stay with us.
There are so many things I’d like to share with you all this morning, but for a lack of space, I’ll pick several aspects, then next week I’ll be sharing more of the actual events of that one and only Monday.
You know how passionate he was about family and doing all he could for his family in future years. Thus, his vision of planting over 1,000 chestnut trees was born.
Last fall was an all-time blast as we all worked together as a family. Now, this spring when Daniel purchased a big track hoe, it was to all of our delight, especially to the little boys.
After several weeks of working on clearing the edge of our 85-acre woods, definite progress could be seen. He was getting ready for his little family to help him plant more chestnuts.
But while working on removing trees with his backhoe and chainsaw, there was a freak accident, causing him to be pinched between a giant tree and the hoe.
Gloria also shares about their last “date night” together and about his words at their Sunday hymn singing. She closes with Daniel’s favorite recipe, one called Underground Ham Casserole. You can read the column here in full. And if you’d like to send a card or financial support to Gloria and her family, there is more on that here.

God will see you through
MAy the Lord comfort you with is Love we lost our 19 year old grandson to death he took his young life over a girlfriend awful pray for us we will pray for you we could not make it without his guidance I love all you Amish and respect you
Remove my name please
I just found out about Daniel’s death today, Mar.20,2023. I have not been reading the local newspaper on a regular basis so I didn’t know that this happened last April. I am very saddened by your loss. In the past, I did get a newspaper often and have enjoyed your column quite a bit. I started reading the column when Elizabeth was writing it. I hope and pray that God will help you in every way possible to continue raising your beautiful family. Sincerely, V.Hudson