Driver In Amish Buggy “Hit-Skip” Crash Found, Arrested

A “hit-skip” accident, which is what it is called in this article, is what I’ve always known as a “hit-and-run”. Maybe that is a regional expression. In any case, three weeks ago an Amish buggy in north-central Ohio was struck by a driver who failed to stop. That missing driver was located earlier this week, thanks to a tip. From News 5 Cleveland:

ASHLAND, Ohio — A man from Mansfield was arrested by the Ashland County Sheriff’s Office Wednesday for a hit-skip crash involving an Amish buggy on Oct. 27.

It happened around 8 p.m. on U.S. Route 42 between U.S. Route 250 and C.R. 1302.

Authorities said the buggy was heading south on 42 when it was hit by a vehicle that didn’t stop and drove off.

The buggy’s occupants, a 43-year-old man and an 8-year-old, were transported to a nearby hospital. They were both treated for minor injuries and released, authorities said. The horse also sustained minor injuries and received medical care.

After receiving a tip, deputies went to the man’s place of work, questioned him and arrested him.

Photo: Ashland County Pictures

I guess we could call this a “happy ending” case (I know, not the best term), where injuries were only minor, including to the horse, and the person who tried to dodge responsibility is going to have to account for what happened.

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One Comment

  1. Beverly B

    Hit skip

    Legal terminology used by Law enforcement is indeed “Hit and Run”
    Never heard of “Hit and Skip”!
    Glad to know the peep was arrested and everyone including the horse survived!