Checking in on the kero-net from Lancaster County
Hi everyone, and thanks for all the feedback on the semi-controversial book video. I meant to post something from here in Lancaster County much sooner, but funny thing, every Amish home I visit claims their Wi-Fi connection is down. Frustrating.
As I’m on some dodgy illicit kerosene-powered land line tucked away in a tobacco barn right now, and I don’t know how much longer it will hold out, I’ll make this one quick.
Attended a church service this morning; as usual I understood about three lines of it (Psalm 23 was quoted in English, and one or two more), but could sort of follow along by the names I recognized (Judas–or “Yudas” as it’s pronounced, etc). Today was the Easter service in the district I attended in, with the appropriate Scripture readings. Since Amish church occurs every two weeks, “Easter” was held this weekend.
As I entered with the older men I attempted to sit in the 2nd row, but the wiry bishop leaned over and shooed me to the back. I think this was so I could have a wall to rest my back against; as benches are backless, you really exercise your back muscles unless you are fortunate enough to have a chair or a wall to slouch against. At least I think that is what he had in mind.
Church was held in the home, a farmhouse. We all crammed in. It was a bit on the tight side, at least compared to services I’ve been in held in larger shops.
Amish church services are long. Preachers have different styles. My friend informs me the first preacher, though less dramatic stylistically, made some very moving points. The second preacher, who gave the hour-long sermon, had a much more robust voice, which he alternated with quiet tones for great effect.
One thing you notice while in a service (particularly if you don’t understand Pennsylvania Dutch) are the secondary noises. The shuffling of feet, the clearing of throats, a baby’s cry. The world roaring by outside in the form of a 10-ton tractor-trailer passing just a couple dozen feet outside the front door.
I wasn’t the only guest today; a conservative Mennonite friend of one of the congregants attended as well. What I assumed were his daughters were present too, very distinct in their vibrant floral patterns.
Lunch of course was a highlight, with Amish peanut butter, Snitz pie, and a lot of laughter. I sat in the jokiest corner, from what I could tell.
I’d like to try to remember what some of the more belly-busting ones were, but am off to a youth singing right now, and I believe I’m quite late. Apologies for the truncated post, and warm wishes from Lancaster County.

Enjoy my friend!
Have a gret time, wish I was there with you.
Have a great time, wish I was there with you.
the kero-net That’s hilarious.
I love (and miss) Amish peanut butter.
You crack me up. Love your post.
AHHH! Simplicity! Enjoy!
Glad you all liked it!