Amish Youth Sing “‘Tis Marvelous and Wonderful”

We recently heard a rendition of the song “On the Winning Side” by a New Order Amish youth group. Here’s another nice Amish singing video by P. Thomas, from that same gathering. It turns out he actually recorded a number of songs from this particular singing (which you can find on his channel). I chose this group’s rendition of “‘Tis Marvelous and Wonderful” to share with you today.

Why did I pick this particular song? It is a nice hymn in and of itself. But one thing I really like about this recording…is something others might consider to detract from the overall recording. What do I mean?

Well, throughout the song you can hear a young child or two in the background, “interrupting” the singing. It seems like the little one is either crying, babbling, or trying to sing along throughout the song. Of course this would be the child of someone in the community, perhaps the parents of one of these youth.

Image: Karleen Kuhns

The presence of young voices in this clip only reminds us that the Amish include their smallest in many events, be they church, singings, work, or other gatherings. I find that a great example of the Amish emphasis on the importance of community.

Amish children are not made the center of family life. But they are more often welcomed rather than excluded – made to feel a part of things. In this way, they learn much about being an Amish Christian without having to  be formally taught those things.

Here are the lyrics to this hymn, which is credited to Lelia M. Norris:

“Tis Marvelous and Wonderful”

1 The Savior has come in His mighty power,
And spoken peace to my soul;
And all of my life from that very hour
I’ve yielded to His control,
I’ve yielded to His control.

Wonderful, wonderful,
Marvelous and wonderful,
What He has done for my soul!
The half has never been told;
Oh, it is wonderful.
It is marvelous and wonderful,
What Jesus has done for this soul of mine!
The half has never been told.

2 ’Twas only a foretaste of joys divine
In Canaan waiting for me,
Where sweetest of honey and milk and wine
Were dripping from every tree,
Were dripping from every tree. [Refrain]

3 From glory to glory He leads me on,
From grace to grace every day;
And brighter and brighter the glory dawns,
While pressing my homeward way,
While pressing my homeward way. [Refrain]

4 If fellowship here with my Lord can be
So inexpressibly sweet,
Oh, what will it be when His face we see,
When ’round the bright throne we meet?
When ’round the bright throne we meet? [Refrain]

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  1. Skip


    Very much enjoyed listening to the Amish youth sing this hymn. I even liked the baby singing along! In heaven we will hear such music. Thank you.

  2. I really enjoyed the Amish teens singing this hymn.