17 Amish Periodicals

Earlier this week I let you know about the Journal of Plain Anabaptist Communities (JPAC), a new open-source scholarly publication. But what about publications produced by the Amish?

While scholarly journals provide a different and valuable perspective, it’s also nice to read writings direct from Amish writers. And there is a wide and growing range of such periodicals. Some of these are pretty well-known, while others are focused on niche subjects and groups.

The Young Center Amish Studies website features a list of 17 such Amish publications. Several on the list I’ve featured here on the site before, including The Connection, Rainbows & Sunshine, Family Life, and Life’s Special Sunbeams.  These periodicals are generally published weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Some of them might be of interest to non-Amish readers looking for wholesome Christian-based reading material.

You’ll find the full list and contact info for them at the link. I’ve selected a half-dozen from their list of 17 to share with you below:

Plain Interests. A monthly magazine featuring short articles on farming, health practices, life experiences, and spiritual reflections. Its perspective is slanted toward organic farming and alternative medicine. Most writers are Amish, but Old Order Mennonites write occasionally. There is also a “Letters to the Editor” section, where reader can respond to articles. (420 Weaver Road, Millersburg, OH 17061)

Little Red Hen News. A quarterly woman’s magazine written and edited by Amish women with some Old Order Mennonite women contributors. It features short articles–often in the form of letters from readers–on household tips, gardening, and childrearing, as well as short stories and poetry. (606 Butter Road, Marion, KY 42064)

Plain Communities Business Exchange. A monthly newspaper for Old Order businesses with articles, ads, and a calendar of business-related events. (420 Weaver Road Millersburg, PA 17061; 717-692-2499; plaincommunities.com)

Life’s Special Sunbeams. A monthly magazine featuring stories by parents of special needs children, as well as a regular questions-and-answers column and a Teacher’s Reflections section. Also available in a Braille edition. (850 S. Custer Ave., New Holland, PA 17557)

The Diary. A monthly correspondent magazine with reports from scribes in many Amish settlements as well as sections on weddings, births, deaths, and accidents and other special columns. (P.O. Box 88, Kirkwood, PA 17536)

Pilgrim’s Pathway. A New Order Amish bimonthly publication promoting biblical standards for home, church, and school. (Heritage Publishers, 2991 CR 114, Sugarcreek, OH 44681)

Find the full list here.

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  1. Brenda

    What are the costs?

    Erik, Thank you for all the great information about these Amish newspapers. Do you know the cost for them and will they accept checks or credit card? I would love to subscribe to The Budget and The Diary and possibly others.

    1. Hi Brenda, sure – I can say they are typically in the range of $1-4/issue depending on the publication. Family Life is on the lower end of that – I think recent subscription cost was sth like $13/year. The nicer Amish monthlies like The Connection and Ladies Journal tend to come out towards the higher end of that range. A Budget subscription is in the range of I believe about $50 annually depending on the edition (Local or National with the scribes). I don’t know the current cost of the Diary but I would guess in the range of $2-3/issue. All of them accept checks; some might do credit cards but that would be the more progressive/modern ones. You can always call the ones which provide phone numbers and for those that don’t, you can over-estimate a bit on the check and ask them to return any additional money to you. Some of these you should be able to find online as well – here is the Budget FB page, I couldn’t find the exact cost but didn’t look extremely hard: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TheBudgetNewspaper/about/?ref=page_internal

      1. Brenda

        Thank you

        Thank you, Erik, for the information. I appreciate it.

    2. Beth S.

      Last I checked, the Diary is $30 per year. It’s a great publication with hundreds of interesting reports from Old Order people all over North America. Some funny, some sad, but always with an uplifting and hopeful tone. There’s a children’s section that makes for an amusing read as well. Highly recommend for insights into Amish life.

      1. Brenda

        Thank you

        Thank you, Beth for the information. Does it give obituaries also? I am thinking that subscribing to one of these might also help me with my genealogy.