Inside an Amish Home

Inside an Amish Home: Musical Clock

Inside an Amish Home: Musical Clock

What do you find on the walls of Amish homes?  As we discussed in a previous post on Amish wall decor, these items tend toward the practical–things like decorative calendars or zip code charts. Even the ostensibly “non-practical” pieces are practical in their own, higher-purpose way–a framed inspirational saying or Biblical verse, for example, daily reminders of where to set one’s heart and head. One…

Inside An Amish Home: Washing Machine & Basement

Inside An Amish Home: Washing Machine & Basement

Mary Brandenburg shares photos of a basement and washing machine from an Ohio Old Order Amish home. Basements in Amish homes typically have cinder block walls and cement floors.  You’ll have a sink and an area to process food.  You’ll also have a stove of some sort piping heat throughout the house in winter. Card tables for summer lunches and games like ping pong are…

Inside an Amish Home: Attitude Adjustors

How do Amish folks maintain such a calm demeanor?  Well, while poking around my friend’s library, I think I came across the secret.  Attitude Adjustors: This innocent box just happened to be lying there on the shelf (within easy reach of a work desk, a stack of bills and other scary-looking papers, I might add). It seems Attitude Adjustors come standard in Amish homes.  The…

Inside An Amish Home: Three rockers

Over the past few weeks we’ve tried to show the diverse interiors of Amish homes, from the plainer to the more progressive. I hope you enjoy this shot today from a more conservative Swartzentruber Amish home: What do you spy on that dresser? Hanging around: Special thanks to Karen Johnson-Weiner (author of New York Amish: Life in the Plain Communities of the Empire State) for sharing…

Inside An Amish Home: Michigan Amish Relaxation Room

You might remember a photo a couple weeks back, of an Amish kitchen that some people found a bit on the fancy side? Today we have a shot of another room in the same Michigan home: This place looks like it has some nice spots for taking a nap.  Just as long as those clocks aren’t too noisy.  A close-up: Another Amish wall decoration: Special…


Inside an Amish…Outhouse

Another photo today, of an inspirational wall decoration from an outhouse at an Amish school (thanks again to Karen Johnson-Weiner). If there is any place that could use a little livening up, I guess it is the outhouse.  And why not include an uplifting message?  Actually I guess this is more of a lesson in humble sharing: Outhouses have been in the news lately.  USA…

Inside an Amish Home: Swartzentruber Amish Kitchen

Inside an Amish Home: Swartzentruber Amish Kitchen

Following up last week’s photo of a Michigan Amish kitchen, we have another shot courtesy of Karen Johnson-Weiner.  I think you’ll notice quite a difference between this week’s and last week’s photos. This one was taken in a Swartzentruber Amish kitchen.  Swartzentruber Amish are among the plainest and most conservative Amish groups: I’ve zoomed in on a couple of bits.  The utensils: And the stove:…