So you want to join the Amish
One thing that sets the Amish apart from many Mennonite groups, and for that matter most other religious bodies: they don’t recruit.
Amish typically neither condemn nor encourage attempts to join. They may seem a bit discouraging towards the idea. If the subject comes up, usually you hear something like ‘if you don’t grow up Amish, it’s really hard to do it.’
Occasionally, you run into an Amish person with a name that just doesn’t ‘sound’ Amish. That’s often a clue.
It frequently happens that non-Amish who join stick it out for a little while but leave when the novelty wears off.
I’ve only met a very few that have joined, and that’s out of literally (literally literally) thousands of families met while selling books in their communities.
I regret not having a chance to get down to the nitty-gritty about it with the joiners (What’s it like? No, what’s it really like? What do you miss most?).
One was a teacher. Another works in a factory. A third, fairly fresh convert raises and sells mums. He supposedly fell for an Amish lass while on a visit to the community.
Asking another ‘native’ Amishman in his community about the newbie, I was told, almost wink-wink jokingly, that he seems to be doing alright (so far), as if the underlying idea was ‘is he gonna make it?’
But this guy, and the other people around him were supportive as far as I could tell. In fact, the outsiders who have joined and ‘survived’ seem to garner a bit of extra respect.
Apparently, one way it works for interested parties is that you first come to live and get put to work for a certain length of time, just to see if you can hack it on that end.
Then there are the teachings and language to pick up. Amish adolescents readying themselves for baptism normally attend prep courses led by church ministers.
One New Order Amish couple I met had adopted five non-Amish children. They found a Pennsylvania Dutch tutor to teach the kids the native tongue. I suppose that would come in handy for non-Dutch adult converts as well.
Some converts are from similar-minded faiths such as this Mennonite -background fellow, which may make it easier, but others come from different branches of Christianity.
The teacher-convert was apparently originally Catholic, as was well-known Amish historian David Luthy, whom I often mention in this blog.
Apparently this teacher-convert said he found living without a car to be the most difficult. That’s not surprising. For me, I think car and electric would be the hardest. Clothing, hairstyle, hard physical work I’m pretty sure I could swing.
But that might be looking at it the wrong way. One Amishman has suggested that seekers approaching the Amish solely through the lifestyle angle–the buggies-and-beards rustic appeal of it–are missing the point.
The whole idea is not to live in a strange cultural world for it’s own sake. By itself, that gets you nowhere. Rather it’s all about living what the Amish feel is most important: the words and teachings of Jesus Christ.

I don’t know we’re to begin I have studied the Amish bible and have read many books, I to live a simple life no cell phone and of course I try not to use electricity an try to not use tv as much and have a small little garden that I have tried to grow food that I consume, however I would love to convert but some of the rules I see and have read I don’t think I can as much as I would love to I’m not sure we’re to begin, I’m 33 and a single mother of a little girl that loves to learn but most of all loves being in the fields and loves the dirt. I want To show my daughter a life were she can learn a life of god and that the things that most Americans take for granted I don’t want her to grow in a environment like that. If there is anything I can do to maybe start from I will.
I Agree with you...
I am in the same position with 5 kids. I want to give them a real life that in accordance with what we believe. We work hard in our family and I would like my children to grow up with good kind people. The same as I have raised are family. I don’t even know how to do something like this, I will have to do much praying and research. My family would have to wait on our Heavenly Father for help on this… I was supprised to see I am not alone. From one mom to another I hope the best for you and your daughter.
One of the problems to join an Amish community is language, as the Amish speak Pennsylvania German or a similar dialect (Swiss or Alsatian German) in every day life.
But there are also some Amish-like communities, that speak English. An good overview can be found here:
Very interesting in my view are “Caneyville Christian Community”, “Believers in Christ, Lobelville” and “Elmendorf Christian Community. “Elmendorf” has a Hutterite, not an Amish background.
Everything is possible if you put your mind to it...
I agree, that the language would be one of the obstacles. But it’s not impossible to learn.
Professor Douglas Madenford has very generously offered a series of free videos on Youtube that will teach you Pennsylvania Dutch! He authored text books on Pennsylvania Dutch. They are a great set of courses and they go very in depth. If you follow his courses, you’d be able to have small conversations (slowly albeit) within a month or two. And if you stick to it with all the videos and buy a Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary and build your vocabulary, you will be able to learn the language. All for free!
Since you said you studied the “Amish Bible” then I assume you’re talking about the Bible in German, which means you must have studied or speak German at some point. I speak German, Italian, French and Spanish – and because of the German – I found it very easy to catch on. In fact, I found the language easier than Hoch Deutsch. (Though the pronunciation definitely needs some getting used to).
Here’s the link to his first course –
The only problem is I have no one to practice with in California. And you can’t exactly Skype with an Amish person. But if you work an hour every night on it – I bet you’d be ready to have it under your belt in about 10 months.
I have wondered and tried to imagine what it would be like to live life as a convert. I think to live without electricity, cars, cell phones, tv and the internet would not be as hard as some people make it out to be. I would probably go broke buying books though because I’m an avid reader. But there is the Library. And the language is not insurmountable. I think that you would have to live in a community who lives the same lifestyle because everyone is so dependent on each other. Even an Ordnung doesn’t scare me. Rules create an atmosphere and opportunities of creativity for me.
I think the hard part would be the “submission” part that the women are supposed to accept. That’s a deal breaker for me and I could never choose that. I will always prefer a generous partnership and two-way compromises on issues. But it is a choice that some women are able to live with – and express themselves with their Faith through submission. But I only submit to God and His Son. So the point of my pondering the life of a convert is moot.
Judith, I think you are taking the submission issue in a different way than it is actually practiced. Keep in mind any marriage has its own unique “way” of being, and there is more a tendency for the extremely conservative and the extremely liberal groups to put more emphasis on submission. The lower Amish see it more as tradition and a faith-duty, the more liberal New Orders see it more as a biblical teaching. In many mainline Old Order groups marriage IS seen as a partnership and there IS compromise.
My wife and I have joint savings and checking accounts, but also have separate “disposable income” accounts for the many little purchases and expenses that go with running a home. We decide our budget & finances together and neither of us makes big purchase decisions without discussing it and agreeing (or compromising) on it before hand. My wife might tell a business or salesman “I want to talk to my husband first,” but I do the same. The same goes for decisions about our children and social activities. I don’t see it as she “has to submit” to me so much as I become sort of the spokesman for us as a couple and for our family. It takes a pretty demanding husband to be the “dictator” and I don’t want to be in that position — far better for us to make big decisions as a couple. The same goes for so many other areas… my wife has often kept me from making bad decisions or whatever by giving me her honest input and I value her opinion. If she tells me “That is maybe not a good idea,” I am going to listen to her thoughts because I trust her judgment and respect it. I’d like to think it goes the other way, too.
The one area we might not make decisions as a couple is the inside of our home and our barn stuff. I don’t give a lot of input into things like rearranging the furniture or the color of paint on the walls, etc. even though I’m often asked “Is this okay? What do you think?” To be frank, I don’t really have an opinion there. On the other hand, she doesn’t really care how I arrange things in the barn or if I’m buying hay, etc., but we do discuss sick animals, buying a new horse, etc. together.
I don’t know if that makes sense or not… but that’s how I see it.
Good explanation. I hear so many people, all women say that is the one thing they dislike about the Amish. I can’t seem to explain it so they understand. I am not Amish and I was married to a man whose family believed in submissiveness of wives in the wrong way for 6 years. To them it meant all the negative things people think about Amish. 10 years later I married a man who lived a life with me of equality and Christian submission much like you described you and your wife do. That is what marriage should be.
That makes total sense. I was hoping that the “submission” thing was not as literal and widespread as I thought. But then I read an Amish magazine article. I’m sure you read the article in the November issue (I think Nov.) of Family Life magazine called “The Submissive Bride”. It made my hair stand on end. The thought of a husband telling me what ingredients I could buy, or not buy, made me realize – man, oh man this submissive thing is real – and it’s not good.
But it’s so good to hear that most Old Order marriages are, like yours, beautiful Christ-like partnerships. That consulting is not “asking permission”. That opinions are valued and a wife’s dignity remains intact with the binding of love and respect. I like that each of you have your own domain and still make decisions on big ticket items together. I’m even okay with the husband being the “spokesman” so to speak.
But wow, that article in Family Life. It shocked me, and then it really saddened me. Because I don’t think that God wants women to sacrifice their free will to men. And the more that article tried to disguise that – the more it looked like lipstick on a pig.
Phew! Good to know that’s not the story across the board for the Old Order. 🙂 Thanks!
Judith, interesting comments. I’m trying to put my thoughts in order on the Family Life magazine… We get the Pathway papers, but there are many Amish who do not get them. (I have no idea what the actual figures are, I’m just going by discussions with friends, family, neighbors and so on.) The papers are printed in Aylmer, Ont., which we covered not long ago. That community is somewhat different from many Old Order communities. They have put a lot of effort into very “clean” standards, and I’m only saying clean because I can’t think how to express it otherwise. In my personal opinion, their publications represent an “idealized” view of how life SHOULD be. Their stories and articles might well represent the Aylmer view, but don’t necessarily reflect real life in most other communities. I’ve seen that change a bit in the last 20 years or so, as though the publishers are becoming more aware of what Amish people in other communities are dealing with or facing. It reminds me of the old Dick & Jane reading books — a very clean, proper view where everything is at it SHOULD be.
I don’t know of anyone that would discuss purchases like that in the article, unless it’s newlyweds on a tight budget. 🙂 We went through that stage, but it was not so much me giving permission as the two of us deciding what we wanted & could afford — and yes, that could get a little bit “tense” as in, “I can do without real butter, but I really want my raisin-bran…” Those first few tight years were good for us in a way. Now a more common conversation is more like, “I’m going to Troyers today. Do you want anything?” Mark’s reply: “Get fig-bars and pretzels!” As far as that goes, since I pass the grocery store every day, Mrs. Mark will sometimes ask me to pick up a few things in-between our usual shopping trips. I’d be surprised and a little confused if I was asked permission to buy something.
Troyer's Run
Yes, in fact – in the article they were newly weds – but there were no compromises made. It was just “no”. But I see what you mean about Family Life and the idealized Amish view. I get it. But still, that article creeped me out. I’m glad it’s idealized (which somehow does not seem so “ideal” for women).
Fig bars and pretzels, yum…that sounds good. Can you ask Mrs. Mark to pick up some fig bars and pretzels for me too? 😉
I can try. 🙂 But even better than just the fig-bars are Troyer’s blueberry & fig bars made with whole wheat. I always have a container of those in my desk drawer.
Joining the Amish
I’m solely interested due to the way of life. It’s the way God would want us to live. And I want to live w others as closely to the Bible as possible. I am willing to give up everything to serve God In his fullest
I was in tears the other day as I drove past the Amish family life for the first time! I pulled my car over and cried. I said Lord this is the life I want
I’m tired of living secular and I want to be with others who feel one in connection w God. I’m so willing to try this life. I be always wanted to live simple but w simplistic life comes hard work and I’m willing to do that. I saw the young man plowing the fields w horses .. no not pretty show horses. But true strong and beautiful WORK horses. My goodness
Want to spend sometime with Amish
I’m looking for an Amish community. If this ad is coming from an Amish community, I’ll appreciate if you can get me in touch with them. My German friends (and may be me as well) want to spend some time volunteering in their community and hopefully learning finer and important things in life
I am a 16 year old girl , and I would like to join a beachey amish or new order amish communitie when I graduate. I would like to find out how. please help.ive thought about it since I was eleven and I want my children to grow up in a Christian environment with morals.thanks PLEASE REPLY!!
There is a website that provides information about the Beachy Amish, just search on it on any search engine. That website has some info about joining and where the churches are located. There is a contact to help you further there too.
You might also consider Charity Ministries as they are a similar kind of church. Just search on that too.
Mark Curtis’ info is in these comments. He is part of a New Order Amish church and probably would be glad to help you find what you need.
God Bless
I would also like to join an Amish community- and particularly start a family in one- after I graduate! I was wondering if we could stay in contact and support each other as we look for options? I think it would be easier than figuring it all out alone! My school email is
If you wish to join
My name is Lester Beachy and I am amish. I would be glad to answer any questions for those who desire to join an amish community. I work at the Amish and Mennonite Information Center in Holmes Co Oh. I would encourage anyone to visit our center here. You will find out a lot about us here.My home address is 3468 TR 166 Sugarcreek Oh 44681
White Italian wishing to join!
Greetings, my name is Tito Altimari, I’m 34 years old, I watched movies based on the Amish lifestyle in my teenage years and I found very interesting your way of life!it’s a simple life living off the fruits of hard labor in the countryside parts of the U.S! I’m a hardworking man, I have already experience in working in farms with crops and farm animals!
I don’t mind the lack of technology, I love nature, animals and the silence of green pastures.
I’m a believer in God and Jesus and I follow his commends, I would like to be a voluntary in any Amish community that are in need of extra hands to do the hard work, I only ask shelter and food in exchange of my services and of course the great company of my future brothers and sisters!
Thank you so much for your time and attention, I will be waiting for your reply..
Help in finding an Amish Mennonite church to go too.
Abigail, I would suggest you contact Woodlawn Beachy Amish Church which is near Millersburg Indiana. Elmer Miller is a retired minister from Woodlawn but he would be very helpful to you in your quest. He will probably also offer prayer with you. He is a very wonderful man.
Amish Bishops in Shipshewana, IN
I am a 14 year old girl who has wanted to become amish ever since I was 5. I live in shipshewana, indiana. I would like to contact the Bishop of the district regarding if I am able to stay with an amish family until I am baptized at the age of 16. My parents are in full support and agreement. If you know of any amish bishops addresses to contact them please let me know! Thanks so much! God bless you!
My prayers go with you on your journey!
I see that no one has answered your post. I hope you checked for email notification of replies. I’m not Amish, but I am also form Indiana’s Amish country, and although I am not from Shipshewana, I worked there many years ago and am quite familiar with the town. It occurs to me that perhaps you could write a short letter explaining your interest and your parents’ support. Give your address. Then, go to one of the Amish-run businesses (of which, as you know, there are many nearby!) and ask an Amishman or -woman if they could give your letter to the Bishop. This may help you make some progress.
If that does not work, pray that God will lead you to where He wants you, and be patient. He works in His time, not in ours!
Reply to Trish in Indiana
Thanks so much Trish I will try to do that next time I go into Shipshewana. God Bless You!
~ Mary
I hope if you do go, you will get online to let us know before you leave your parents’ house to stay with your Amish foster family.
Also, it occurs to me that it would be good if everything is set up legally so that your Amish “parents” have your birthparents’ permission to make decisions for you, like authorizing medical care if you would happen to get sick.
May God be with you on your journey, wherever He may lead you.
Belated Advice
Have you visited the Beach Amish website, The website advises those wanting to join a conservative Amish community to join the Beachy’s first, then the more conservative church. (That way, you will not be so much of an ‘outsider.’ Also, the Beachy’s adopt English children in a missionary effort.)
If you still have access to the Internet, come visit my new blog: It is a blog that I hope I and Christian ladies will use to give other sisters, and even non-sisters, Godly encouragement.
I’d be glad to hear your how your Walk with God is going!
In Christ,
KJV/ Ada
Mary in Shipshewana
I don’t have an exact answer for you but a good Bishop for you to talk to would be Casper Hostetler in Shipshewana, he owns Wanna Cabinets on the edge of town. South of you near Topeka there is a convert named Steve Jones. Steve was originally from Iowa and was episcopal but is now Amish, in fact, he is now a Bishop. He is very good with counseling with other Amish and especially the youth.
I want to join the Amish
Hi, I’m 19 and I love the idea of living a simple god filled life with the Amish.
I’ve always wished I could live in the 18-19th century and not have to live in such a modern world.
Of you know of any Amish communities or bishops that would allow me to join please let me know.
Don't be discouraged
There is a whole number, depending on your location, of Amish communities, of varying strictness to consider, Elizabeth. Not all will be stereotype Plain, as people imagine all Amish to be, but none the less they all can be spiritually fruitful for you.
Good advice in these replies has been, essentially, to make friends with the Amish, live their way, and attend church, and work toward full membership. Don’t nag the Bishop, necessarily, but through your changes in your life, the plainness you adopt, show EVERYONE in the community that you can adjust to the culture of being Amish, whichever rendition of it is Amish in your area.
The Amish stand out, so perhaps, anyone can correct me if I’m wrong, its better to be quiet and reserved about learning to be Amish, it probably is a good idea to not go about shouting to the rooftops “I’m joining the Amish, I am going Plain”, make an effort to fit in according to the dress code of your nearest community as you can so that if you do travel among an Amish community, someone outside would probably nor be able to point you out and say “ah ha, she’s English” (they probably could do it anyway depending on your mastery of the language spoken by the Amish in your area), but, that being said, the thread about the Amish Ice Harvesting shows illustrations that suggests that the Amish don’t always look Amish themselves, you’ll notice that one of the gentlemen has a leather jacket and wool toque on, which, aside from his believers’ beard, doesn’t make him look particularly Amish.
Amish America is “littered” with stories of Englishers trying to be Amish, some succeed, Mark Curtis for one, others don’t, even some born and raised Amish leave being Amish for various reasons as we’ve discovered – sometimes the Amish can’t take being Amish
A good “Ordnug” for an English person wanting to join the Amish is the “Rules of a Godly Life” that Amish America shared over a series of posts within the last year or so, most people who read the blog agree that it is a good set of ground rules for people regardless if they desire to join the Amish or not, there are probably less wordy things out there to read about how to be Amish, for instance, the Amish might tell you that the basics of any given Ordnug may just be the Ten Commandments of Moses (I’m thinking Exodus and to a lesser degree the more law book version enshrined in Deuteronomy) and the edition of those laws espoused by Jesus in the Book of Matthew, for one.
I may be way off base, but I think the origin of the idea of “English” Seeker teenagers joining the Amish might be rooted in two things. Amish and Mennonite families adopting English children for various reasons and being raised in an Old Order atmosphere, which certainly does happen, one of the Richards that used to reply, had a lovely blog where he’s share installments of the experiences of a New York State OO Mennonite family who adopted some English children whose English parents were unable to safely raise them themselves, as an example. Another influence in the idea is likely the practice of the eighteenth and nineteenth century Shakers who would, communally adopt and raise children during and just after the widespread Industrial Revolution, indoctrinating them into their faith and version of separateness from the world. The Shakers did this openly and I think invited it is they did not typically marry each other and did not sexually produce born and raised children of their own into their society as Men and Women where perhaps 90 percent separated from each other in their communities, which explains why there are scads more Amish and Mennonites than there are Shakers in the year 2013-14.
The Amish as it probably has been noted, would rather you be family oriented, as they are, and would, unless your parents or other relatives are abusive, would like you to remain a part of your own family, people do apply the Ban or become Shunned for various church and cultural originated reasons among the Amish, but generally, you’re more likely to see them be very family focused, so, unless you’ve spent your young life in an abusive family, don’t break the bonds of family-hood, any Amish person would probably discourage you from doing so, but if you have to, and you strive to join the Amish, they would insist you forgive the other person
All of this said, please don’t be discouraged, what you are after, besides being Amish is a relationship with God and you want to find it in the Amish manner, which is great and respectable, but those of us who are following that path toward becoming Amish should perhaps take it slow and not dive right in, we ought to pray long and hard and make Amish friends, or friends of other similar orders depending on where we live, and quietly be the same way if it truly speaks to our spirit, apply what you believe to your life, say at 14 and at 54 it will have grown, it will sustain you; life’s a journey and so is being plain.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
I too want to join the Amish.
I am a 40 year old woman of faith and I have wanted to join for years but never have. I believe now is the time to join. This world makes me sick with it’s immorality and ungodliness and it is time for me to walk away from it and all these sinners that love it. Any information will be greatly
The last time I sent an email to a post like this, I got put on numerous spam lists, overloading my spam filter. That person was a spam email address phisher. Not calling you that now, but post on here for a while so that we can all be more comfortable that you are who you say you are.
Hey Erik, how about a post counter that prevents email address from being seen until the person shows themselves to be serious. Being phished is not fun.
Did that happen on this site? If so let me know so I can remove that email.
But since no email addresses are ever shown here, unless commenters choose to place them in the body of the comment, I’m not sure how that would work.
Even if it did I think your approach of discretion when emailing unknown people online is a wise one.
The anti-spam software I run here does a pretty good job of keeping spam off, and I catch the occasional ones that do get through.
Yes, from a email in a comment in this topic.
PM sent with details.
Thanks Lance, I took care of it, comment/mail deleted.
I want to join an amish church
I want to spend the rest of my days becoming closer to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Although I’m a Christian I dont believe its where I’m supposed to be I want fellowship & a community of those closer to Christ. I want to experience what Our Lord Jesus Christ intended for me in this cruel world & I don’t enjoy this enviorment one would call civilization. So can you help ms find what I am seeking? I am 47 years old & have suffered much in my life, unfortunately it took this long to seek salvation but yet here I am. If you want to contact me by phone my number is 917-500-3440. Yes I can live without tecnology. Besides Jesus did it…
Cathy Flaherty
Sadly, I imagine that there are a lot of wolves in sheep’s clothing in a site with an atmosphere and community like Amish America
Did anyone contact Daisy??
I just wondered since we seem to be exercising caution with emailing folks, yet I hate to leave her hanging as she seemed to be seeking someone to help her-
Did anyone contact her or is there a safe way to do so without possibly messing up your computer? Would it make a difference on a smart phone? (which i don’t have one!)
Just wondering. I realize we have to check that we are not a spammer but, gee-would a spammer be honest about that or not?
becoming amish
I am a 61 year old single female looking for a Christian group to be a part of. I was raised in an abusive home and still in my heart want a family. I am a Christian and want the example of a true christian family. I put God first and try and live biblically in a worldly world. I value putting God first then family. I am wondering if an Amish community would be a good place for me? I already live simply and want to even live more simple. I still desire being part of a stable Christian home..any advice for me here? I am a humble, quiet, reflective woman and choose to now in my life draw closer to God and do His will..That is my true heart!
There are entries here on Amish America about joining the Amish after a certain age.
We even have a gentleman who replies to Erik’s posts with inspiring and insightful anecdotes about his son who is a 50+ Amish convert. I’d suggest, if you have the time to search through and see what Don Curtis has to say, they are peppered through the site, it might involve a lot of scrolling.
Of course there is a range of interesting articles and blog entries all over this sight. Keep reading, you will find things of interest to you here.
Seriously wanting to convert, need answers to my questions
I’ve been thinking lately, why do I want to live in this world? I mean, technology is nice, but I feel like the Amish life is the life for me. To live your life for the most important things, faith and family. It seems great. I’m 18, I’m from Florida, there are not many Amish communities at all in my area, so I know I’ll have to move up north. However I’m looking for answers to my questions. How should I approach a suitable community? How much money should I save? Will I ever be able to own a farm? Like how much should I save to get a fresh start, and be able to transition into the community? I want a big family, and a home to raise them in.. I just need help obtaining information. I plan to convert around age 23-25, is that too old? Will I not be able to find a wife? Should I go to college and get a degree while I’m saving money and researching the Amish ways? How important is it that I learn Pennsylvania Dutch? I’m curious.. Please email me at “”
I read your kind comment to my son, Mark. He gave me permission to invite you to write to him if you’d care to. He’d be glad to hear from you.
Here is his address:
Mark S. Curtis
9417 County Road 101
Belle Center, OH 43310-9589
Don thank you, your a legend.
I take it he is an active member of an Amish community?
Yes, my son joined the Amish community of Belle Center, Ohio when he retired from teaching public school. He is now 61 and has been Amish almost 12 years. His community is a horse and buggy, non-electric, horse farming community. By-the-way, as my son is 61, I’m no spring chicken either. I’m 91.
Oh my, thank you very much!
This is great, I am really excited about getting answers to my questions. Also, god bless you guys for being so helpful and polite to me. Thank you very much.
Don, you may not be a spring chicken measured by years but you have the comment output of a spring chicken, which as you know is much appreciated here 🙂 Tell Mark I said hello and hope to see you both in person next time in Ohio.
Don I know I saw a lot of people asking about pen pals but I would really like one. I would really like to know more about if and be a friend. Does your don know any woman who are willing to write back in forth in letters. There us no Amish here. They are four hours up north. I made it up there and did a scenic tour but it was a Sunday so I finding get to buy any goods or meet anyone. Just let me know thanks
Seriously wanting to convert, need answers to my questions
I’ve been thinking lately, why do I want to live in this world? I mean, technology is nice, but I feel like the Amish life is the life for me. To live your life for the most important things, faith and family. It seems great. I’m 18, I’m from Florida, there are not many Amish communities at all in my area, so I know I’ll have to move up north. However I’m looking for answers to my questions. How should I approach a suitable community? How much money should I save? Will I ever be able to own a farm? Like how much should I save to get a fresh start, and be able to transition into the community? I want a big family, and a home to raise them in.. I just need help obtaining information. I plan to convert around age 23-25, is that too old? Will I not be able to find a wife? Should I go to college and get a degree while I’m saving money and researching the Amish ways? How important is it that I learn Pennsylvania Dutch? I’m curious.. Please email me at “”
I´m Brazilian
I want to be bachelor for the rest of my life, I don´t have financial condition to go to USA and live at Amish community but at least I´d like to have the Amish prayer book and the ausbund book how can I get it?Can you help me out? I´m 48 years old; Thanks for your time and understanding.Peace,ligth,and love always.FREDERICO SCANONI CALDAS
Brazilian Beachy Amish
Hi Frederico,
Did you know that there is a congregation of conservative Mennonite/Beachy Amish in Brazil?
You can visit this link and contact them through the page. They are located about 75 km west of Rio de Janeiro I think.
Obrigado, Miguel
Oops, forgot the link.
HI, I’m on this thread because I’d like to contact families who are genuinely interested in joining a plain Mennonite community.
I’m a producer with a television company in England. we have made several series with Amish / Mennonite communities in the USA for TV here in the UK, and have maintained good relations with the churches we filmed.
Our new filmed project is looking to document the authentic experience of work and life in a plain church community, by following a family joining the community. We have partnered with a good sized church in Kentucky who will welcome the newcomers and help them to integrate and to live plain. We have arranged for them to use a house in the community, for a set time.
Its a great opportunity for a family that is open to taking part in a program like this. Of course the family may end up staying beyond our short filming period, if it all works out as everyone hopes.
We want to find people who are genuine in their faith and who have some real skills to bring – perhaps in carpentry or farming or similar. The offer is open only to families, not individuals.
If you and your loved ones are interested to know more then please let me know by putting a post here on Erik’s site.
Thanks , MATT
Join the community!
Dear Matt!
How great to read about your plans. I am a young actress located in L.A. and at the moment I am working passionate on a Feature Screenplay about the Amish Youth. When are you shooting in Kentucky?
And is it possible to cooperate or be part of the programm?
Please let me know more:
Would be wonderful to here from you!
Hi Matt-
I am a 14 year old girl who really wants to become amish I live near Kentucky. I have decided to become amish but I don’t know how to get there. Your post was like a blessing from God! My family is in full support of me becoming Amish and I would like to know a little bit more about your television opportunity. Thanks so much!
In Jesus name, God bless you
Please contact me soon through reply. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY!
Hi Rebecca.
How nice to hear from you. I’m pleased to know that your family is backing you, and hope that you can realise your dream.
Because of your age this particular opportunity may be unsuitable for you. We need to find adult family members to be involved – with younger members.
If you still would like to know more please post your email address here and I can put my associate in the US in contact with you.
Best wishes
Family of 5
Matt we are a family of 5 adults are 27 yrs old and kids are 10-5-1 we are located in Indianapolis in and are willing to give this a try if you are interested I can be contacted at thanks
Learning Amish
I am interested and am a believer. I have three boys 14, 13,20 and two adults. Love the way they live and the way they live God.
I would love to live with an Amish family for a few weeks or even a month. I just don’t know how my family would feel about it. I’ve never expressed my interest in the Amish to them and try to keep it hidden, as I think they might look at it oddly or think it weird to like a different culture and group of people that are so very different from the English world. They might think it impossible for me to want to live with an Amish family or would discourage me from it. I love my electronics, so they would probably scoff and say I wouldn’t make it past a week.
My main reason for wanting to live with an Amish family would be to get an idea of what they really do everyday and to try and get closer to God. Right now, it’s kind of hard for me to believe in God, but I think I would learn to more if I had believers all around and that’s who they live for. I want to be able to understand more of where my sister is coming from, as she has become a Christian in the last five years and is really passionate about God and Theology.
I’m 20 years old and in have just ended my first year of college, so I guess my time to have the opportunity to live with the Amish is drawing to a close (age wise).
You should read on here about the New Order Amish and the Beachy Amish. I’ve asked here (there is Erik, who is familiar with some Amish, and other Amish people on this website) and have been told/referred to websites ( that say that these branches are more open to higher education.
Come visit my blog:
I am a Christian, very interested and open to living Plain. I started the blog for moral support/advice and to help others, Christian or not. It’s a small blog, and the people on there are friendly 🙂
I’d be glad to have you there, and hope that it will help! And by the way, it is my belief you don’t have to be Amish to be close to God. All you need is Christ. (Read the “Salvation” page on the main menu, right under the title of “Plain Pathway to Him.”) To have Christ, you don’t need to have money or be a “good” person, since there is no such thing as a good person. The Bible says that there is “no respect of persons with God.” I’d keep going, but this would be a REALLY long post, so please, read “Salvation,” and if you have a question/comment, I’ll answer/respond as best as I can 🙂
Thanks so much. I will check it out soon.
living with Amish
I live in Florida and would love to stay with an Amish family for a week or two. How would I go about finding information on doing this?
Stay with Amish family
Debby, you may have to go to Messiah College in Pennsylvania! Rich Stevick wrote: “This week, I just finished teaching our Amish Cross-cultural Studies class for the umpteenth time. My colleague, John Bechtold, and I, started this year’s class on May 22 at Messiah, placed students for six days with Lancaster County Amish families, returned to class for debriefing and more class work, then went to Ohio where our students lived with Holmes County families—to find out, to their surprise, that not all Amish do things just like the Lancaster Amish. Of course, among other things, that’s what we wanted them to learn.”
Or read:
want to give it a shot
I am currently 43 years old and Without getting into my reasons How can I visit and “try out” a community?
I don’t know which group you’d like to join, but I’d START with the Beachy Amish. Go to “” and look around. They say that they are a good place to start, because they are the most open to newcomers. They “adopt” also (I don’t know if they’d adopt 43 year olds, but they have lists of churches and you won’t know till you ask!). That way, you can become familiar with the customs. That’s what the website says, it sounds like good advice.
While you are “in waiting,” remember that you can also become familiar with the customs/religion, to some degree, yourself (I’m taking it that you are a woman)- plain modest dress, veiling, reading your Bible, etc. As always, lots of prayers to God for guidance helps and is a must! 🙂
I hope it goes well for you. If you need a source about veiling, come visit my blog:
I am not yet Plain, but I have wondered/am praying about veiling. One Beachy Amish lady left a link that she said explained veiling wonderfully. You can find it under “Great Help: From Ada and the readers” right under the title. It’ll be by something like “Christian Light.”
I hope this helps and pray that God may lead you! And by the way, Erik is a good help with this, as he’s around Amish communities all the time! 🙂
In Christ,
Advice for seekers
Ada, thank you for your helpful comments and your desire to reach out to others. There are so many seekers on this comment thread, it has been weighing heavily on my mind. Perhaps I can suggest to everyone some resources. I you are merely looking for a certain lifestyle, please don’t try to join the Amish. Go ahead and dress plain, grow a garden and preserve food, live with less, find like-minded friends and support each other in your endeavors.
If you are seeking to be closer to God, or to be a better Christian, perhaps these links will help you. There are many sermons available online by conservative Mennonite and Amish Mennonite preachers. Yes, they drive cars, but they are close spiritual cousins to the Amish.
First, google John D. Martin “The Gospel of the Kingdom” This is a video.
John Martin preaches at Shippensburg Christian Fellowship. If you google that church name, you will be able to find many good sermons if you click on “messages.”
Pilgrim Christian Fellowship is a Beachy Amish Mennonite church that has many sermons available online. I’m sure there are others, but this is the one I am familiar with.
Also, for a really in-depth look at current conservative Anabaptist culture and concerns, look up “Anabaptist Identity Conference.” You will find the most talks under the years 2010, 2011, and 2012, if my memory serves. Some are more sermon-like, most are lectures. There are a few personal testimonies by men who were living in “the world” when they came to conservative Anabaptist Christian life. These recordings offer a really wide spectrum of thought, ideas, and concerns, and you will understand the culture so much better after listening to them.
I hope this blesses you in some way.
In Jesus’ name.
Calvary Messenger
If you want to learn more about the teaching and events in Beachy, circles, I would suggest you subscribe to their newsletter, The Calvary Messenger. Circulation Mgr. is Enos D. Stutzman, 7498 Woods West Avenue, London OH 43140. 1yr individual subscription is $8.50 if you are not part of a congregation getting it as a group. It lists things like the regional youth fellowship meetings July 25-27 and church news.
Thanks so much for your “Advice for seekers” comment. I will definitely check out those websites and videos. Mainly, I just want to understand more of where my sister, Carrie, is coming from. She recently (a few years ago) became a devout Christian and believes in God, prays to Him, goes to church when she can, and reads the Bible. She’s had theology classes in college this past year and loves it. I mainly want to know how I can get into that mindset of believing in God and starting to pray to Him more, and not have my mind be wrapped up in things “all about me and my family.”
I think living with the Amish (for a week) would be a great way to do that, as I would surrounded by believers 24/7 (not just my sister and mom) and they could teach me lessons and perhaps help me better understand. I know they take a literal view of the Bible and are not like modern Christians in anyway, which is kind of hard. I would love to have a saving experience, but I know that the Amish frown upon that.
If you’re interested to learn more about me and what I’m trying to explain by posting here, feel free to email me at You, too, Ada/KJV Conservative! Also, try to find some more of my posts on this page. I think I’ve commented once or twice this past year, so look in this year, as I know there are A TON of comments to this post.
Hope my little spiel makes sense. Thanks again!
God bless,
— Jess 🙂
Join the Amish
I put a lot of thought in this and I’d really like to join the Amish to live a plain and Godly life.
I’m 26 yo, I was born in Eastern Europe, lived in London UK for 7 and now in Chicago USA.
If anyone out there can help me get in touch with a church leader or a good family that is willing to help me adapt and learn everything about the Amish culture, please get back to me at
Distance is not a problem as I’m willing to leave everything behind and start a new life in Jesus Christ.
God Bless you all!
Start with the above Amish State Guide. There no Amish next door to Chicago, but there are quite a few that are within a single gas tank full drive from there. Visit a few, buy “1001 Q & A on the Christian Life” and “In Meiner Jugend” from a book store in one of the communities and read them. If you still agree with all you read, find and talk to a bishop about how to join the community you like best and do what he tells you to do. Talking will best give you an idea if you like the vibe of the community.
A Amish bishop told me about joining “If it is not of faith, it will not work”. If you don’t believe it all, those parts you disagree with will be a wall to your success. Its up to you change your mind, they won’t.
I have a lot more opinions and facts about joining the Amish in my comments of this topic. Just use your browser’s find feature and search on my name beginning on page 4 of the comments and going forward.
Good luck, you will need a lot of it and a lot of determination. Then you have to become the quiet, humble bottom of the opinion totem.
life is to fast and not what I ever wanted please help.
Help I’m 20 I’ve had my fun I’ve been a member of society but it’s not what iversion ever wanted out of life people today move to fast I want an out I want to find something better willing to give my life to this idea and have been debating since I was 14 I come from a broken home I look for acceptance everywhere but nowhere do I find what I’m looking for. Please help.
Help line
I have no idea where you live, so cannot point you toward a specific church that would extend a helping hand. However, there is an option I thought of. Have you noticed billboards along the Interstate highways with gospel messages? An Anabaptist organization called Christian Aid Ministries has been placing these messages for the last few years, with a phone number for those seeking help. The number is 855-FOR-TRUTH. They have tele-counselors from Plain Churches who answer the phone, although if they are busy with another call, etc, you may get an answering machine. Try again later if you get a recorded message. They will be very glad to give you personal advice or point you to a local Plain congregation if you happen to live close to one. Mike
I think your life style is so interesting and that believe in god so do I I BELIEVE IN GOD! I like to write letters! AND ITS SEEMS TO BE A LOST ART THESE DAYS WITH TECHNOLOGY! I ONLY HAVE A COMPUTER BECAUSE SOME one GAVE IT TO ME! Iam a single lady I am 54 years old never been married don’t care to noW! like to read like dolphins and whales and horses and music LOVE TO SING AT CHURCH!
Original Post
Erik, I wonder if you ever foresaw what the response to this post would be back when you posted it! What is it, 7 years later, and still getting replies! 🙂
I had no idea at the time Ashley. Almost 8 years later and 800 replies and counting. Many of us yearn for something more and some see it in the Amish.
Some Amish communities are more open to outsiders than others
There are Amish communities, that are more open to outsiders than others, for example, the so-called “Michigan churches” of the Amish.
One of the communities of the “Michigan churches” emerged from one of the a Christian Communities of Elmo Stoll, a former Amish bishop, who founded a new church, that was more open to outsiders, while keeping much of the Amish way.
Some of the Old Order Mennonites, like the Noah Hoover Mennonites, are more open to outsiders too. In many aspects the Noah Hoovers are more Amish than most Amish.
How to become Amish
Hi i live in South Africa and i would like to move over into your community and become Amish , is this possible ,i am totally Christian ,i am 58 yrs old male
Thanking you
Sad, the Catholic fall away, when much of Amish culture is merely borrowed from Catholic teaching and culture, minus the heretical and non-biblical Anabaptist beliefs
Hi all...
Hello and God blees! I am a Christian dedicated to God and I was born in Europe in a country called Bulgaria. How can I become amish and live amidst? Is there any data on how I can connect with them, I know they do not use modern technology and I’m interested in how I can join this community. Thanks in advance!
So you want to join the Amish
Why people still use to read news papers when in this technological
globe everything is available on net?
Amish in Venice/Sarasota
I am interested in meeting someone Amish in the local area.
You may contact me at
I would like to perhaps slowly get to a stage I would join the group/or a group.
Venice/sarasota area.
I would love to try this out I grew up on a farm and always felt close to the Amish community
I would like more information on joining the Amish.
I live near Sarasota.
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I preferred your page as it tells exhaustively about Men’s rights in divorce in Canada.