Rules of a Godly life: Serving Christ
From Rules of a Godly Life, Part 3 “Works”. Number 8:
Be a true servant to Christ, not only by attending church services or by taking part in religious ceremonies, but throughout every area of your life, shunning all sin, and with a true obedient spirit obeying all the commandments of God. Be not satisfied with a reputation for godliness: let your character be equally good. Woe unto the man who is not pious yet wants to be considered as such.
If you’ve missed previous editions, you can read more on what this devotional is, or find all the Rules of a Godly Life we’ve covered so far, here. Or, read the devotional in full.
A good start to the morning
What a good reminder for starting the day. These are some of my favorite posts. I look forward to getting my own copy soon.
I would like to get a copy of this book but can’t find it
Lissa for $1.50 you can order In Meiner Jugend which contains this devotional and more, here:
I know you can order these from Raber’s Bookstore, if I could just remember their address.
Now, where’s Lance when you need him-he knows the other bookstore you can get these from in Indiana-
I have one, it was about $6-but it is priceless & humbling
Rules of a Godly Life is also available from:
Pathway Bookstore
2580 N. 250 W.
LaGrange, Indiana 46761
The cost is $1.00, plus $2.00 for postage. If you are an
Indiana resident, you need to add 7% sales tax to the cost
of the book.
(If you 10 copies or more, the cost is 80 cents each. And if
your order totals $25.00 or more, the postage is free.)
I was at Pathway Bookstore last week and got a copy of their
2013 catalog. I would say there are over 500 titles listed
in the catalog.
I found Rules of a Godly life on
I found the complete set of rules at no cost, as well as a lot of other information here:
This is certainly good advice for us all. Also, I believe the Old Order Amish would agree this rule is a microcosm of their faith. Reading this in relation to the Amish I am reminded of a statement by Karen Johnson-Weiner in the Amish documentary “Plain Intolerance”. Her quote, “If you’re Amish you’re Christian, and you’re literally always in church” (Amish America). Demonstrates how seriously the Amish believe in the principles of a living faith.
Amish America. (2012, October). Retrieved from
Good connection Tom. I thought Karen’s statement was very succinct and fitting. Looks like you were paying attention while watching that doc 🙂
From: "Regeln eines gottseligen Lebens"
This is the old German version: “Siehe zu, dass du ein rechtschaffener Diener Jesu Christi seist, nicht nur äußerlich in öffentlicher Versammlung bei Anhörung des Wortes Gottes, und dem Gebrauch der heiligen Handlungen des Evangeliums; sondern auch in deinem ganzen Leben mit Absagung aller Sünden, und mit einem rechten Gehorsam, nach allen Geboten Gottes zu leben. Sei nicht damit zufrieden, dass Du von andern für fromm angesehen wirst, sondern sei das in der Tat, was du scheinest zu ein. Denn wehe dem Menschen, der nicht heilig ist und doch dafür will gehalten sein.”
I love when you post these, too, Erik. “Woe unto the man who is not pious yet wants to be considered as such”…that’s pretty thought provoking because I think we all know several of those. Of course I have my own faults, so believe me, I’m not throwing stones. Thanks for sharing and have a great week ~
I’m glad these are appreciated Beth and Naomi. I’m not always comfortable posting them as I am reminded of my own shortcomings. But I guess that’s not a bad thing.
That’s why I love the Amish community even when I’ve put them on an unreal pedestal. It’s that ideal of living, breathing, abiding in God that we all strive for in our individual journeys of faith.
In Meiner Jugend
I just received my copy in the mail and am enjoying reading it.