Amish Controversies

Excerpts from “Of Buggies and Blinkers”, on The Ohio Buggy Lighting Law

Excerpts from “Of Buggies and Blinkers”, on The Ohio Buggy Lighting Law

Today’s guest post is by Joe Donnermeyer of the Journal of Plain Anabaptist Communities. It is on a topic that we have covered fairly extensively over the past several years – the buggy lighting issue, particularly as it has unfolded in Ohio. The state’s 2022 law requiring flashing lights on buggies predictably brought about conflict with members of the most conservative Amish communities. Joe shares…

Amish Avoid Jail In Buggy Lights Case. But The “Solution” Might Only Escalate Things

Amish Avoid Jail In Buggy Lights Case. But The “Solution” Might Only Escalate Things

Twenty-six members of the Amish community appeared in Ashland Municipal Court Friday to address fines levied against them for refusing to comply with Ohio’s new law requiring flashing lights on animal-drawn vehicles. At a hearing in January, the judge suggested that jail time would be coming in April if the fines were not paid. Predictably, the Amish involved have not changed their stance. And it…

Amish TikTok Star Promotes “Wild” Version of Rumspringa

Amish TikTok Star Promotes “Wild” Version of Rumspringa

A new cast member on the “reality” show Return to Amish named Johnny Detweiler has been sharing his wild Rumspringa life on TikTok. He has amassed a good-sized following of over 100,000 followers (I expect that will likely double or triple as the show has just started a new season). I’m not too keen on embedding TikTok videos, but you can check out the channel…

On Amish “Dentists”

Do the Amish have their own dentists? Well, not in the sense of the certified, licensed professionals that you think of when you think “dentist”. But they do have people who provide basic dental services in some communities. This basically boils down to pulling teeth – both the ones you can see, and wisdom teeth – and some who make dentures to replace those pulled…

Thinking About Stealing From The Amish? Think Twice

Thinking About Stealing From The Amish? Think Twice

Anyone out there planning to steal from the Amish, take heed (more on that below). Now, that notice is not meant for the vast majority of people reading this. But why am I writing about this? Well first – what prompted this post. Pennsylvania state police are reporting arrests in a burglary ring which allegedly targeted Amish properties. The ring apparently consisted of five teenagers…

Amish Buggy Light Law Violators Go To Jail In April

Amish Buggy Light Law Violators Go To Jail In April

The Amish here told the judge they prefer jail to paying fines for violating Ohio’s new buggy lighting law. That might seem surprising. But it’s not, if you’ve paid attention to how these things go with Swartzentruber Amish. From Ashland Source: ASHLAND — A group of eight Amish people refused to pay their fines for their violations of Ohio’s new buggy law in a fines and…

Residents Speak Out: No Liquor Store In Shipshewana

Residents Speak Out: No Liquor Store In Shipshewana

A request to open a liquor store in the middle of Shipshewana, Indiana, the best-known town in the country’s third-largest Amish community, was rejected Thursday at a meeting of the LaGrange County Alcohol Beverage Commission. From ABC meetings are typically somewhat quiet and last in general only a few minutes, but Thursday’s meeting lasted nearly three hours as nearly 100 Shipshewana residents packed into…

Judge Discusses Prison For Amish After New Citations; Letter from Amishman Harvey Hostetler

Judge Discusses Prison For Amish After New Citations; Letter from Amishman Harvey Hostetler

Nine more Amish people in Ashland County, including two women, have been cited following citations for violating Ohio’s new flashing buggy light law. The nine pleaded “no contest” on Tuesday. Prison is already being discussed. From Judge Good said he understands the argument. But he had a question for Mahlon J. Swartzentruber, who confirmed to Good on Tuesday that he is a leader within…

Amish in Other Ohio Counties Also Rejecting Buggy Light Law. What About a Re-do?

Amish in Other Ohio Counties Also Rejecting Buggy Light Law. What About a Re-do?

Two weeks ago we learned of the first group of Amish cited for not adhering to the new Ohio buggy light law. And now, a second unsurprising report from another part of the state. Amish in two other Ohio counties have been cited for failure to comply with the law: ST. CLAIRSVILLE — A new law requiring Amish buggies and other animal-drawn vehicles to be…

As Expected: Amish Cited For Buggy Light Violations, Refuse To Pay Fines

There’s nothing surprising about this. Well, maybe it is surprising to Representatives Scott Wiggam and Darrell Kick, creators of the new law requiring flashing lights on all horse-drawn vehicles in the state of Ohio. But if they had bothered to actually dig deep into this issue regarding the group it would predictably most effect (Swartzentruber Amish), it might not be so surprising. My suspicion is…