New Song From Amish Couple Ben & Rose: “The Little Mountain Church House”

Right after I got caught up this week with a post on their cover of Dolly Parton’s “Circle of Love”, Amish country music couple Ben & Rose have released another video.

The song is “Little Mountain Church House”, and we immediately see (or rather, hear) a couple of differences in this one.

For one, Ben has the more prominent singing voice in this one, with Rose lower in the mix as more of a supporting vocal.

Another difference: Ben has switched out his guitar for a mandolin, which in my opinion is one of the loveliest-sounding instruments.

The Little Mountain Church House” is another cover song, this one written by Carl Jackson and Jim Rushing. The song seems like quite a fitting choice, as the studio they record this in is located in an old church dating to 1871.

One more comment: on a previous video, someone asked about Ben’s “mustache“. I didn’t see a mustache here – I saw a bit of scruff or five-o-clock shadow.

It’s not uncommon among young men in the Lancaster County group for one. I figured Ben might have shown up for the shoot a little scruffy, to give it more of a rough-around-the-edges country feel.

Anyway, enjoy this one. What do you think?

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  1. Al Cantwell

    More of Ben and Rose, please! That was just beautiful, like all their music.

    1. Erik Wesner

      Agreed – if they keep making songs, I’ll keep sharing them!

  2. Ben and Rose singing

    I enjoy listening to their singing and reading about the Amish lifestyle.

  3. K.D.

    Ben & Rose country music

    While I enjoy music as much as
    the next person, would you please
    consider getting back to the sort of
    stories you normally post/blog about?
    Thanks for your consideration.

    1. Leana

      Warm up the buggy!

      No, no, no!
      He’s gotta put up as many of these as come out!
      Looks like you’re rolling along with one too many cranks in that wheel…


    Your right again!

    If you have a mandolin and a fiddle you don’t need anything else. Excellent! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Leana

    Song birds

    Absolutely beautiful!!!
    Don’t know why anyone would not totally love this!
    Right on, and keep them coming!
    : )

  6. Eva Moore

    BenAnd Rose

    I really enjoy listening to them sing.They have perfect harmony together

  7. Dellasigler


    Lovely voices.i too love mandalins.a refreshing an unique sound. Blessings to u both.