Success Made Simple book update
Have just recently been finalizing page proofs for Success Made Simple.
If you’re wondering, this is the part where the text of the book is placed in the proper font and style and fitted to the page, so it actually looks like the page of a book, as opposed to a Word document, which is what we’ve been using up til now.
You work from a pdf file, and changes need to be minor at this stage. I do like the font and design that has been selected for the text and headings, it seems nice, simple and crisp.
We’ve also been finalizing the book jacket, what endorsements go where, author photo, and things like that. As this is my first book, I’ve been amazed at how much work goes into the process, outside of the writing itself–from editing to creative design to marketing and publicity. Am grateful to have some good people helping out.
And, just found out that the book is going to be available in a downloadable audio version. Don’t know who is going to do the reading (Hey Morgan Freeman, what are you doing next Thursday?) but thought that was pretty neat to hear.

I’m happy for you, Erik. It’s taken a lot of work to get this far.
Thank you Kate!
As you know I already have this on pre-order with Amazon. I should get it somewhere around my birthday. I’m really looking forward to it. You have worked so hard on this and I hope it will be the success it deserves to be 🙂
I like the “New Wilmington blue” you chose for the cover! 🙂