Mississippi Amish

Mississippi is home to a single Amish community

mississippi amish mapThe Deep South has seen only sporadic Amish settlement.  Today, a single Amish community is found in Pontotoc County, Mississippi, near the town of Randolph.

The Randolph group is the only existing Amish settlement in Mississippi, and in the entire Deep South region.

mississippi amish business
Amish near Randolph, Mississippi, run a variety of home businessess. Mud Rugs sold mud-free

Randolph, Pontotoc County Amish settlement

The Randolph Amish settlement, in Pontotoc County in northeastern Mississippi, was founded in 1995 mainly by settlers from the Ethridge, Tennessee Amish community.   The Randolph settlement is a very conservative Swartzentruber Amish affiliation.

Swartzentruber Amish are noted for their restricted use of technology, lack of SMV triangle emblems on buggies, and particularly plain lifestyle.  As is common for Swartzentruber Amish, those in the Randolph community permit only metal rims on buggies, and do not allow propane or gas lights.

The Randolph community is a single church district in size.  A recent report by a local scribe to the Sugarcreek Budget newspaper estimated around two-dozen households in this community.  In addition to the Ethridge settlement, the Randolph community also has ties to a Kentucky Amish settlement.  A spin-off settlement of the Randolph community was recently founded in Tennessee.

randolph mississippi amish
An Amish home near Randolph in Pontotoc County, Mississippi

Amish in the Randolph community make a living in a variety of ways.  As the only Amish community in the region, the Amish here receive a fair share of non-Amish visitors and tourist traffic, as evidenced by the plentiful signs advertising home businesses throughout the community.

mississippi amish produce
Produce is sold in Randolph-area venues and direct from Amish homes

Some operate furniture companies or other small enterprises, such as produce and food sales.  Foods common in this community include cheese, butter, boiled peanuts, jellies, jams, baked goods, and sorghum molasses.

Handicrafts such as rugs, candles, handmade baskets, and leather goods are also common.  Other Amish farm or work in local non-Amish lumber mills, or operate their own mills.

Historic Amish settlements in Mississippi

Of all the states of the Deep South, Amish have most frequently settled in Mississippi.  A number of settlements existed in Mississippi in the first half of the 20th century.

amish mississippi pontotoc county
Pontotoc County, MS Amish make a living through cottage industry and farming

As David Luthy describes in The Amish in America: Settlements that Failed 1840-1960, Mississippi’s first Amish community was actually founded in 1896, not far from today’s Pontotoc County settlement, in nearby Monroe County, near the town of Gibson.  Amish who founded this settlement came from states including Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, and Virginia.

Amish in this former plantation region first began with typical northern crops such as oats, but soon learned to farm cotton.  In addition to farming, a few small enterprises were founded in this community, which arose to serve both the needs of the Amish community and their non-Amish neighbors.  These included Amish-run well-drilling and brick and tile-making companies.

randolph mississippi amish home
An Amish home pokes up over fields of corn near Randolph, Mississippi

An alternating wet and dry climate challenged the Amish settlers, and the often-thick Mississippi mud made travel difficult at times, with “roads which were so muddy it was almost impossible to use them” (Luthy p. 222).  Despite the generally warm and sunny climate, settlers were also hard struck by disease, including typhoid fever and malaria.   The community suffered 15 deaths over 8 years, including numerous young girls and pregnant women.

mississippi amish school
An Amish school in Pontotoc County, MS

Additionally, the sharecropper system remained in place in this part of the South, and Amish found it difficult to work within the system.  Since Amish do not sue in court, Luthy explains that this left them exposed to being taken advantage of by their tenants.

The Amish certainly must have seemed exotic to the local population, most of whom were black farmers.  Of the locals, one Amishman wrote that, regarding cursing, “it seems in that respect the colored race is not as bad as our own; they strictly observe the Sabbath day; no ball playing or worldly amusements are seen amongst them on Sunday.” (Luthy p. 227).

Eventually due to challenges caused by the sharecropping system and the unhealthy climate, Amish began to move away.  The daughter of one of the settlers recalled leaving the community: “This was a real sad disturbance to most of us.  The black people seemed to hate to have us leave, and we had many sad partings.  Among us many tears were shed.” (Luthy p. 228).  The last Amish family left Monroe County in 1907.

randolph amish gourds mississippi
Hollowed-out gourds make a happy home for birds in the Amish settlement at Randolph, Mississippi

Later settlement by Amish concentrated in the extreme southern end of the state near the Gulf Coast.  Four more Amish settlements arose in the 1920s and 30s.  A small community, never larger than a few families, existed near the town of Wiggins in Stone County from 1928-1932.

The area of Kiln in Hancock County was home to 2 separate settlements in the 1930s.  One community was founded primarily by Amish from Indiana, attracted to the area by a local land agent.  This community was also short-lived, lasting from 1929-1936.

Amish in this settlement farmed cheaply-acquired former pine-logging land, and raised a wide range of crops, including strawberries, sweet potatoes, cabbage, peanuts, oranges, and watermelons.  They also survived on the abundant seafood available in the local waters, including fish, shrimp, and oysters.

Not far from this community there also existed a “Nebraska Amish” settlement, originating from the Big Valley region of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania.  Little is known of this settlement.

mississippi amish farm
A Swartzentruber Amish farmhouse in Pontotoc County

Finally, the longest-lived settlement to date in Mississippi was found near Lumberton, Mississippi in Lamar County, also in the Gulf Coast region.  This very conservative community consisted of settlers from Ohio, Buchanan County, Iowa, as well as at least one household from the Moyock, North Carolina Amish settlement.  The Lumberton settlement existed from 1929-1948 (see David Luthy, The Amish in America: Settlements that Failed 1840-1960, pp. 220-238).

Only Amish settlement in the Deep South

No other Amish settlements besides the Randolph, Mississippi community are found in the Deep South today.  In addition to the extinct Mississippi settlements mentioned above, a few communities have been founded in other states in the region.  These include settlements in Georgia and Alabama in the early decades of the 20th century.  In more recent decades, an Amish community existed in Georgia, but has since disbanded (see Young Center, “Amish Population Trends 1991-2010”).

For whatever reason, perhaps because of climate or simply due to historical patterns, the Deep South has not attracted much Amish settlement.  Thus, the small settlement in Pontotoc County remains the sole Amish presence in the region.

For further information, see:

The New American Almanac 2010, Raber’s Bookstore (Baltic, Ohio), Ben J. Raber

Amish Settlements Across America: 2008, David Luthy

The Amish in America: Settlements that Failed, 1840-1960, David Luthy

“Amish Population Change 1991‐2010”, Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, Elizabethtown College (http://www2.etown.edu/amishstudies/PDF/Statistics/Population_Change_1991_2010.pdf)

Photo credits: All photographs: Erin Tracy Photography; erintracy.com

amish cheese

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    1. Denise Flynn

      I’m originally from Mississippi but have never been able to visit this community. Hope to in the near future.

    2. Alice Aber

      Very interesting information. But I do have one question,,, exactly what constitutes “the deep south”?

      I have truly enjoyed reading all the entries on the blog over the last several months and have certainly got an education. Thanks so much Erik for all your hard work!!

      Blessings, Alice

    3. Hi Alice, thank you much–I posted a short reply to that over on the blog–there are a few definitions of Deep South, and I went with the stricter one, of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana.

      1. Bobby


        I just found this site and find it very interesting. I was wondering are you a part of the Amish Community up near Randlolph, MS? Thanks

        1. Hi Bobby, glad you found us–in answer to your question no I am not, my roots are in NC.

          1. Bobby


            But I am taking it you are Amish. I have a question about the difference between two type Amish communities I have been to in PA. I know some in PA do not drive cars but use horse and buggies, no modern day farm equipment, do not like to be photographed,and no electric, etc. Then there are communities that do drive cars have electric, and use modern day farm equipment. Can you explain the differences between the two? Also, can you give us some information about Amish Hex Symbols? Plus, I do not mean to pry into your personal life but are you Amish. I know you mention you were from NC area. I did not know there was a Amish community in that area. What city are you located in NC? Again, new to this site? If you are amish are you allowed to be on pages like FaceBook, etc.

            I have been to the communites in PA and enjoyed learning about the communities. Plus I love the crafts and the hex symbols are very interesting but do not know much about them. Sorry about all the questions but as you can tell I could sit down and have a long conversation with you about Amish Communities. I have always wanted to find a pen friend that lived in one that could use social media or email to learn more about the communities. Thanks so much and I am so happy to have found this area.

            1. Hi Bobby, no I am not Amish. I don’t know which specific groups you are talking about, but generally speaking we usually consider the horse and buggy folks with beards Old Order Amish, while those that drive cars may be Mennonite or Beachy Amish. There is an Amish settlement in NC but that is not where I am from. Here are a few links on these topics that might be interesting for you. Thanks for asking, and glad you found the site:





              1. Bobby


                Thanks for the articles. Can I ask why you started this area….just interested in it?

                1. Sure Bobby, starting about 8 years ago I had a job selling books in Amish communities, and got to see a lot of them and made some friends. I continued that interest after I moved on from that job, which led to this blog and a couple of books. My friend Richard Stevick wrote a little more in-depth on my story in this article, if you happen to want to know more 🙂


              2. Bobby


                When I was in PA it was the old order that I saw. The food in there refrig was kept called by running water that ran beneath the fridge. They still used candles and worn the traditional dress. It was very interesting. I really enjoyed all the different HEX Symbols that they would put on their barns. Plus, very interesting about barn raisings. Do you know much about the tradition of the young guys and girls going out on there on to experience the city and then deciding whether they will remain in the community or not? I have heard about that but any information you could give us on that or the Hex Symbols and what they are used for. I hope I am not worrying you with all the questions but nice to find someone that knows a little about the Amish. I take it the older order do not use computers, etc.

                1. Bobby I do appreciate the questions but you’ll probably get the best experience from this site if you go to the link below, which contains an alphabetical list of general questions that covers a pretty wide range. It will be more detailed than what I can tell you in a comment, plus I put it together for just this reason. On the Amish youth you want the question on “Rumspringa”, down the page a bit:


                  1. Trishah W.

                    Nice Job

                    Thanks for your research on the Mississippi Amish. My sister and I got sucked into the new show on TLC called “Breaking Amish” I also just recently did a paper on freedom of religion rights and even though the Amish weren’t in my paper, I have looked into their religion a good bit. I have lived in Mississippi since 1996 and have never seen any Amish in the state. I do hope to talk my sister into visiting the Pontotac community to purchase some stuff from them. Again, thank you for this article.

                    1. Trishah, thank you. I think you’ll find a different story in Mississippi than what you might have seen on Breaking Amish. I do wonder if that show counter-intuitively might have done some good by interesting people to learn more about Amish beliefs. Glad you found the site and hope you have a good trip.

            2. Alice Aber


              Hi Bobby,

              No Erik is not Amish but I would have to say he is one of the leading experts on Amish communities. You will learn a great deal reading over this site.

              There are various Amish. Not all follow the same ordnung. Each community or church district even though they might be right next to each other has their own set of rules or ordnung that they follow. Some will embrace technology more than others. And some do not embrace it at all. Sometimes, people mistake Mennonite for Amish as well. And there are varying Mennonites as well as other “plain people”.

              I live about an hour and a half north of Arthur, IL which has both Amish and Mennonite. There seem to be the more conservative groups as well as more liberal ones, especially when it comes to the Mennonites in the area. Learning style of dress can help to identify which group they are from.

              Again, you will find this site very helpful if you are looking to find out more about the Annabaptists Plain Folks in our country.

              Blessings, Alice

          2. Kheyloni


            Hi, I would just like to know if you are amish? I’m just curious because me and my husband have a four month old son and would love more than anything to live in an amish community and learn their ways. We want a very close relationship with God and want to raise our son away from technology. Well, thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon.
            God bless you

            We would both be willing to work for one of the family’s if need be to get us started out there

    4. Alice Aber

      Thanks Erik,,,, I always thought TX would be a part of that but then again, TX seems to be its only little world, LOL.

    5. Alice some definitions include I believe East Texas…but even then the only Amish in Texas are really in the south part of the state, in Bee County. I enjoy geography so it’s an interesting topic. I imagine I might hear different opinions on this though!

    6. Amy

      My family and I visited the community this past weekend and found it to be very interesting. This was my first time to visit there and we will definitely go back when the weather warms up some.

    7. Bill and Bettye

      we visited yesterday………it RESTORETH our SOULS…hope to return verrrrrrrrrrrry soon!

    8. Ashley and Cody

      Hi. My husband and I recently visited this community. We met one amish guy that was really friendly. I had read a lot online about them, so I had many questions. He answered any questions and had some to ask us. I will be writing him soon, so if anyone has a question that they would like an answer to feel free to post it or send it to my email. huntingirl620@aol.com I would be glad to ask him.

    9. Wes

      I live in Pontotoc

      I live in the north part of the county, opposite of the Amish in Randolph. I have encountered them quite a bit throughout the years of being a resident, and I have to say they stink literally. For us who actually live there we have had our fill of them. They smile and and act friendly to your face but they are not nice people. Its a big con for them. Although they’re amish they frequent the Fred’s, Walmart SuperCenter, and Dollar General quite often purchasing things such as electric fans and small television sets. I recall when I was in driver’s education driving behind a horse-drawn buggy and the teacher pointed out to me that the back of the buggy was entirely filled with Frosted Flakes! They are hard workers however they are highly judgmental people. We go out of our way to Not support these people!

      1. Kay

        Amish are Special

        My family is originally from Pontotoc and I have visited the Amish settlement and purchased products from there several times…some wonderful produce and beautiful baskets and quilts..I am so sorry for the really hateful comments posted by Wes and hope folks realize that this is his idea only..It is not true that local residents feel untoward about the Amish..they are a quiet delightful group that cause no trouble and are welcome in the area..the local Walmart even provides a special place for the buggies to park and horses to drink. They appreciate and respect the people of their community of all nationalities and beliefs..there is a large Hispanic group and several Asian families and businesses. Few citizens have an aversion to any of them..As for body odor, again these are very hard working folk that do not enjoy the luxury of the conveniences that the rest of us employ..they have to physically accomplish what we have machines to do..they do not have air conditioning and I have never seen them dirty. Please forgive the comment and do not allow it to keep you from and enjoyable informative visit with these lovely people.

      2. Marilyn

        I visited the community yesterday and I can just say…. Maybe you are the one that is so judgmental. They are very nice and willing to share information with people that want it. I am trying to imagine why you would be so ugly about people you admit you stay away from. I saw a young teenager helping a new mother. She had about 100 quarts of applesauce canned and fresh bread made for dinner. Sure wish my teenagers had compassion for others in need like this.

    10. Addi

      @ Wes

      People can and do die from the heat down here. Especially young, pregnant, and elderly. Not to mention animals…I would have had 4 dead chickens and 4 dead turkeys were it not for a fan a few days ago. I think it is probably a good thing to have fans, and use electricity or a generator to run those fans especially when temps are above 100 degrees. Perhaps in staying here they have had to make such exceptions. I don’t imagine I smell very good 6-7 months out of the year when it is stupidly hot either, even though I only spend an hour outside on each end of the day to do chores, and a few minutes here and there to check on the animals during the day. I can only imagine what I would smell like spending most of the day out and most or all of the time without anything but wind to or ice to cool me. Even if I showered twice a day I would smell to high heaven… and that does not even consider that their hygene habits may be different from yours. There are several cultures in the world that do not shower every day, the Amish could be one, but you don’t know if you don’t keep your mind open and willing to learn. TV’s and Frosted Flakes have thier uses as well. If the buggy was filled with Frosted Flakes it would seem that it might be for some particular purpose, and shared among several familis. Shopping at local stores may be needed even though they do whatever they can for themselves and their community. I don’t imagine those purchases are typical, but perhaps it would be more appropraite to inquire before becoming angry or slanderus as your post comes across…You say they are judgmental, and that may be, I don’t know because I have not met any Amish ever, but it seems like you too, are being judgmental, and as They say, two wrongs don’t make a right. Wouldn’t it be better to treat, and speak of these people with more kindness despite your distastes? You might not ever know it, but you could, with God’s help, inspire a conversion of heart that would help some to become less judgmental, and thereby more forgiving, loving, and understanding.

      1. Ms. Mississippi

        This is an awesome reply!

    11. Amish Neighbor

      Randolph Resident- Amish Neighbors

      Where do I begin? I live in Randolph, MS and my home was built by the Amish and was going to be part of the Amish community. We live as close as you can get to the community and I must say they are the hardest working people I have met. All that I have met are very respectful and very true to their beliefs. They are different but we all are different. I must say that I wouldn’t want to live in a house with no electricity or running water but I also respect them for what they believe. Their religion is Christian based and they believe that Jesus Christ came to earth and lived a sinless life and died on the cross for our sins and rose again. Where they differ is how they live their life. It is a simple life, but they seem less stressed and are happy. Some of the Amish are more open and are willing to talk and answer questions. Some are not. I believe that many people get the wrong impression when they meet someone who is not outgoing. How would you take it if everyone questioned you and how you lived your life? It might not be so easy. Anyway. I love where I live and I like the people I live around. Some people could take lessons from their work ethic and their genuine attitude. For those of you who love country living… think about waking up and getting a cup of coffee on a cool fall morning and walking out to your front porch and watching horses and buggies go by. It is a peaceful place that we call home and we are thankful for our neighbors.

      1. George Hebert

        I totally agree

        You have told me everything that I have heard about the amish living. I respect that a lot. I am a christian and proud of it. I always wanted to go by and visit their communities to learn whats makes them so down to earth. I hope to some day my wife and I can go and make a trip there to visit. Since we live in Louisiana we can not travel to far but would like to go either there or in Arkansas. Thanks for educating me better on their lifestyle. And may god bless you and your family. Please reply from time to time in letting me know how the amish there are doing. Regards George.

      2. Shelia

        I have several friends from Ole Miss wanting to visit the Amish Village on Saturday. They need directions. Please advise. Thanks so much.

    12. Phillip Ward

      To Randolph Resident- Amish Neighbors

      My great grand father Abner Ward is buried in a cemetery in Randolph. He died in 1918 and there is an aluminum marker that the state put there in 1944 Mary Etta his wife has a head stone, I guess his sons didn’t like him as much.
      Delaney Bramlett was born in a house in Randolph, and when they were young my mother and he would sing at Brush Arbor Revivals. Delaney became a famous rock and roll star, He and his wife Bonnie had several hit records. Delaney passed a couple of years ago, and if I ever get the money I intend to put up a real head stone for My great Grandfather Abner Ward who was a legend in his own time, and a tribute for Delaney. I was born in Bruce but moved all over the place so I have never had any dealings with the Amish. I did encounter a bunch of Mennonites around Columbus and respect their work ethic immensely. I did hear a joke about a Memphis boy and an Amish farmer.
      A Memphis boy was trying to get him a drink of water out of the farmer’s pond, the farmer yells down to the boy in Dutch “Drink geen water dat de paarden en koeien in de badkamer te gebruiken in het”, which translates to “Don’t drink that water the horses and cows use the bathroom in it”. The Memphis boy yells back at the Amish farmer, this is America, speak English you dang old Kraut. To which the Amish farmer replied, Use both hands, you’ll get more.

    13. Lonna


      Is there an address that someone could post? I would like to go see them but need an address for my GPS.

    14. Mississippi Amish location

      Hi Lonna, the town is Randolph, and the only roads I have are Salmon and Topsy, there should be Amish businesses and homes on those roads or in the near vicinity.

    15. Amish Neighbor

      Mississippi Amish Locations

      Erik is correct Salmon, Topsy, Oak Forrest, Houpt are all roads where the Amish live in Randolph. If you are going to visit I deffinatley recommend going to Oak Forrest Road. There is an Amish man with the last name of Zook who builds Custom Furniture. Not only is he a master woodworker his shop is amazing in itself. Salmon and Oak Forrest Rds. have the most Amish Families.

      1. sam moss

        We visited the zook house yesterday his work on furniture really impressed me.We are going to get him to build us a baby bed an 2 high chairs.An if you visit them be sure to take a roll of quaters the smile on all the childern faces is priceless

    16. Lonna

      Yesterday, we went down Salmon Rd and found several homes. Everyone we met was very nice. There was a lot of fresh produce at very reasonable prices. The first place we stopped at was the most expensive. There were also homes selling mud rugs (rugs made out of knit material). This home had a sign asking for more knit material. We found the home that sold baskets and they were beautiful. I have been to PA to see the Amish and this settlement in MS was not as large and they did not have as much to sell. Overall they were very nice and thanks for the help finding them.

    17. Jerry

      Sale days

      Hi I was planning on passing through the area during the week and was wondering if the amish sale other days besides saturday, I know sunday is a no sale day. Thanks for your help

      1. Amish Neighbor

        Response to Sale Days

        Open for sale san day but Sunday.

      2. Amish Neighbor

        Response to Sale Days

        Open for sale any day but Sunday.

    18. robert


      i havent been to this settlement yet but i will visit it.i was born and raised in ohio just outside of a huge amish settlement there and i enjoy there way of life.

    19. April

      Where the Basket maker in the settlement

      A few years agao we found the Amish Settlement and found the house were they were making the baskets, I would like to go back but can not for the life of me remeber where it is . We visited a few . Does anybody know where and if they are still making them.

    20. Nancy

      Walk a mile in their shoes...

      I am a native Mississippian, but married a man that grew up in Wayne Co., OH, which has one of the largest Amish settlements in the US. I was very curious about the Amish, when we visited OH. I asked my husband lots of questions about them, and he didn’t know a lot about their beliefs. He remembers going to visit Amish with his father, who was a game warden. When his father died, there were 120 or more Amish buggies at his funeral. The Amish just respected his father that much.
      I’ve read a few books about the Amish, and found that each church or group has their own rules, made by the elders of their group. Some Amish can use things that others can’t. Some are so strict, that if their barn roofs are not in code with their church rules, they can be shunned. It is a hard life, and they deserve respect for living the way they believe and want.
      I respect the Amish and the right to their beliefs. Once while visiting OH with a friend, I stopped to buy fresh corn from an Amish man. He was very friendly and curious about how I met and married a man from OH.
      A far as body odor goes, deodorant did not become mainstream or vogue in America, until probably the 1940’s or later. Most rural people did not shower or bathe dailey, because they didn’t have running water in their homes. I suspect the most all of our ancestors had an odor about them. Ask your oldest family members about it.

      1. When I stay with Amish farming friends, I do not bathe as much. I usually take 2 showers a day normally, so that means cutting down to 1 or sometimes less. I just adopt to the custom in the home. The other challenge is that with 10 or 12 people under one roof, there is just more demand for the bathroom!

        Good point Nancy about our ancestors. Life smells better these days, I would bet.

      2. Betty

        Amish in PA

        Several years ago, we attended an Elderhostel offering in Millersville, PA. The course was a week long.
        We had in depth lectures and field trips, allowing us to meet family members in their own homes. While this was an educational endeavor, it also seemed quite personal. I would love the opportunity to do it again.

    21. Nancy

      ....In their shoes....

      No shame in body odor. If you have been working physically hard all day, deodorant or not, you will have body odor. A shower at the end of the day is a blessing for all.

      Erik, you are right. I came from a family of 5 children, with one bathroom.. When our cousins would visit, that made bath time even more pressing. We solved that a fun way, by going to the river with bars of Ivory soap.

    22. Tammy

      Simple and peaceful

      My children and I have visited the small Amish community in Pontotoc several times. As expected, some of the people were more friendly than others…but aren’t we the same as well? As someone else mentioned, I am certain that it can be quite awkward having strange people stop by and question you about your way of life and beliefs. But, I must say that we have never been disappointed when we visited. YOu will leave with a sense of both peace and awe as well as many unanswered questions related to how they maintain such a simplistic way of life and whether you might benefit from doing so. If I could give one bit of advice it is this: do not be afraid to pull in to look at the goods that each house has for sale. Just think of it as going to a rummage sale: the Amish families rely on the sales of their handmade and homeade goods so they hope that you will stop and shop. You will be pleasantly surprised at what is available and the reasonable pricing. The children in their traditional attire are just breathtakingly, magically beautiful! For certain, if you have children, take them along so that they can see that there are different ways of life than their own. The Amish are not comfortable with having their picture taken so be respectful. We took pictures of the homes from a distance. I mean…really..how would you feel if strange people came on your property and started snapping pictures of you and your children? I think it would make a wonderful Thanksgiving roadtrip…a special way to remind us of the truly important things in life to give thanks for.

    23. riley

      family adventure

      This past summer me and my cousins drove all the way to randolf to see the amish I am really interested and my cousin from up north never saw 1 before nither have I. That day we never saw 1 but i want to go back soon .

    24. Ashley Cage

      Amish Friend

      My husband and I met Abraham, an Amish guy in Randolph. He recently left the Amish Community. If anyone has any questions, I would be glad to have him answer them. He recently came and visited for a week here in Louisiana. They are really nice people.

    25. Chad massey

      The Amish are good people, we have saddles made, horses shod, trade and buy dogs and horses, and buy goods from the community in Randolph. Abraham had left but from my understanding he has returned. My family lives in Bruce and water valley so we’re fairly close. We mostly deal with sammi who does leather work, Jacob who used to do the leather work, peanut( believe his real name is Joseph) who does the horse shoeing. I honestly just enjoy visiting with them. I even bought my first set of deer dogs from sammi.

      1. Ashley Cage

        I just talked to Abraham. He left the Amish Community and he has not returned. I talk to him on a daily basis. He is doing good. He is getting his house ready to live in now, in Bruce. He already has electric run and recently bought a flat screen that he is really proud of. He is working on the plumbing now. But he has not returned to the Amish and he says he does not plan to.

      2. Marsha

        Horse Training

        ou may know of someone in Amis families that will train my horse to drive buggy. I live in Texas. Please reply to email above or

    26. Carolyn W

      Amish built homes

      I have been in your website and I really enjoy what I see, have read and everthing about your home grown vegetables. I was wondering do your community only build storage sheds or do you do something on a larger scale?

    27. Dana Mossburg

      Amish Smell

      I grew up with Amish neighbors; went to public school with them. I even have Amish relatives. Amish are just like any society. Some people are good some are bad. However,their close-knit society tends to modify the behavior of those that are bad. As for Amish that smell. Its not so much body odor. Its more an imbedded smell of manure, especially horse manure, and kerosene from their lanterns. These odors get absorbed by their clothing. When I was in school our coat closets reeked of manure and kerosene. We didn’t seem to mind much. You get used to it.

      1. Farm smells are hardly the worst smells, and you actually get quite used to them…most of them, that is. Some types of farm odors I’ll never get used to: https://amishamerica.com/stinking-to-hig/

    28. Lucy

      Horse training

      I’m wondering how one goes about contacting the Amish in regards to horse training. I realize I’ll have to write a letter, but to whom???? I’ve ridden several Amish trained horses and they turn out beautifully. Any ideas? I’m a few hours away from Pontotoc, but it’s the closest to me.

      1. Ashley Cage

        If you can get in contact with me, I may can get you in contact with an ex-Amish that trains horses. You can e-mail me at huntingirl620@gmail.com. Just let me know where you live so I can give him an idea of how far away.

        1. Marsha

          Horse Training

          I too would love to get email or mailing address of Amish horse trainer. Horsses are really remarkable after Amish trains them

    29. Bobby


      I would be interested in corresponding as an email friend etc with an Amish male. Is there some way I could go about that?

    30. Laura Hailey

      Prices and days to visit the community

      Hello, I am really excited to see a working amish farm.

      Please tell me the price of the butter you sell along with the fig preserves. And what hours and days do you accept visitors?

      Thank You,

    31. Jim

      small diameter hickory saplings for making furniture

      I was told that there’s an Amish business in MS that harvests small diameter hickory saplings that are used in making furniture. I’m looking for someone who can help me in that regard. I would appreciate it if someone could help me get in touch with this person.

      1. Tim

        Mississippi Amish

        There is a sawmill at Randolph that does hickory. I go up and buy firewood from him. The guy’s name is Noah Hostetler. I’m not sure why they cut the hickory, but he told me they cut trees all winter, and then saw them in the warmer months.The firewood is awesome, and I get a large pickup load for $20.00. Here is his address, you can mapquest it. Noah Hostetler, 1141 Onsby Lane, Randolph, MS 38864

    32. Dot Ward

      I live in Pontotoc, about a mile from the amish community. They sell wonderful things and are such hard workers! They pass by my house and I see them in in town all the time with their horse and buggy, which i love to see. They even have their own parking for their horses at walmart 🙂 They built my friends entire back porch with railings for 400 with lumber and labor. They live a much different life than a lot of people here but theres no reason to think bad about them. I hope they stay for a very long time so i can keep visiting them and buying their great things!

      1. Billy Hughes

        Contact for Amish Community

        Is there any way to contact the Amish Community by telephone. I am interested in some one to break and train horses to work?
        My e-mail is edwardt877@gmail.com and my Phone is 870-818-3534

        1. Lucy

          Horse training

          Fred Gingerich is the Amish horse trainer in Randolph. I don’t have his address at work, but I can email it to you tomorrow. The only way to contact them is by mail, or in person.

      2. Billy Hughes

        Contact for Amish Community

        Is there any way to contact the Amish Community by telephone. I am interested in some one to break and train horses to work?
        my Phone is 870-818-3534

    33. Herman

      Do you process hog and salt cure them or smoke?

    34. Liz

      We visited the Amish in Randolph today to have our mules shod and to drop off a saddle for repair. It was a
      really interesting experience. Jacob shod the horses. Sam is repairing the saddle. Everyone we met was very nice. This was my first time there. I can’t wait to go back.

    35. Vernon Corey

      Day after thanksgiving

      I know how important family time is to Amish. Do you think it would be ok for me to take my two sons to Randolph today or would I be intruding? I don’t want to drive that far and all the places be closed? I would like for us to meet some families and spend some time talking with them.

      1. Sorry I could not get an answer for you Vernon but if you went I hope you had a nice trip. I have not heard of Amish businesses being closed the day after, though others might know more about this community. I guess it is Black Friday for the Amish too 🙂

    36. Shannon


      Do Amish or Mennonite get routine medical visits and vaccines like everyone else? How do settlements get started? Is it just people from previous settlements moving and starting them in other places r can anyone start one up? Do they have books or normal furniture? How dependent are they on the outside world? Are they able to be completely self sufficient? meaning, do they make their own fabric from scratch and have blacksmiths and shoe makers and all that. I know they make all their own clothing and I’ve heard they don’t have any food restrictions. Do they use passed down/heirloom seeds for their gardens? What kind of things do they do for fun? How hard is it to become accepted into the Amish community? Do they do beekeeping or raise and butcher/sell pork, beef or chicken? Do they not settle in the south because of the harsher weather conditions and more drought conditions? I’m sad the settlement in GA, that’s where I live.

      1. betty

        Amish Ways

        If you google Amish and locate the column on “the Amish Cook” many of these everyday living matters will be answered. I have followed this for years and feel like I actually know this family. The author’s mother penned the piexce weekly until her death, then her daughter, Lovina, took over.
        We went to an Elderhostel offering in Lancaster, PA nearly ten years ago and spent a week getting to know more about these remarkable folks.
        Hope this helps……

    37. Carl Craig

      Amish in Mississippi

      I remember a class mate (at what is now East Miss. Voc-Tech Center in 1979) that said that he used to be part of the Amish community from the Pontotoc/Monroe Counties area. I asked him if he was still Amish, his reply was if he was then he would not be able to wear the load red shirt he was wearing. It seemed he and his dad did not get along and he left the community. I guess my statement is according to your dates there was not an official Amish community in Mississippi at that time, but it appears that there was still some Amish in the area.

      1. Carl I checked another resource in addition to David Luthy’s book and cannot find anything about another Old Order Amish community in that area in the 1970s or the decades before that. Maybe there was a related Anabaptist presence there that he was referring to but not an Old Order Amish group?

    38. Kheyloni


      Are there any Amish farms that my husband and I could visit in Louisiana?

    39. Thalia Neal

      Times to visit Amish Community in Pontotoc

      I would like to visit the Pontotoc, Randolph Community , Amish to buy some of their goods. What days and times do they allow visitors?
      My info:
      Thalia Neal, 316 Remington Drive, Brandon, MS 39042

    40. Ashley Hayes-Cage

      Days to Visit Amish Community in Ponotoc/Randolph

      I have been down there 3 times. We always visited on Saturday mornings. If you go on Saturday (since you can shop for sure on that day) you can look at the signs in front of the different homes and they normally have days that they are “open”. Hope this helps.

    41. J Massey

      Tragedies Strike Amish in Ponotoc

      Two buggies have been hit by cars in less than two months in Ponotoc:


      Now, some of the families are moving back to TN:

      It is beyond tragic that these peaceful, humble people can not be accommodated by our distracted, impatient drivers and were not embraced and cherished by the Ponotoc and broader MS community.

      Very sad that these accidents happened (again) and to see the small Amish community become smaller rather than thrive.

    42. Tim

      Please Help

      I have many friends among the Randolph Amish. i only go to Pontotoc to visit them. It is sad that the city and county cannot post buggy signs to warn traffic. In all my visits i have only seen one sign. I and my family are researching and are going to contact the local government and urge for more signs. Maybe if more people were aware they might take more precaution. Please do what you can. The Randolph Amish community is one of Mississippi’s very valued treasures!!!!!!!

      1. Good for you Tim, that can’t hurt.

        I have never been to this community in person, but in communities of similar size there may just one or two signs on the main highways passing through an Amish area.

        I think they’re important to have but many of these accidents are caused by locals who are well aware of the Amish in the area.

    43. Tim

      I was in the Randolph community yesterday, buying firewood from one of the amish sawmills. I ask about one of the families that left to return to TN and was told they moved to Adamsville, TN. Erik do you know of a settlement there? E. Hostetler told me there were several Amish families living there, Swartzentruber’s from Ethridge and now Mississippi, too. And also, Erik, thankyou so much for this wonderful, informative site!

    44. Maggie Austen

      Adamsville, TN

      Hello Tim,

      Adamsville/Stantonville is a daughter community of Ethridge. There are approximately 16 households there now, I believe that 13 originally came out of the Ethridge, TN community. Adamsville is directly off highway 64 about 20 miles west of Savannah, TN. Nearest MS town would be Corinth. Shiloh Civil War Battlefield is very close by to them.

    45. Fay Phillips


      I have always had respect for the Amish person but the show amish mafia is giving the amish community a very bad name and reputation. They are just like the rest of the world with greed, gambling, anger, premarital sex, drinking, drugs, driving, blackmail, lies, gossiping, turning people against others. It is so disheartening to see that there is no community immune from the sins of this world. Have always admired the amish community but now there is nothing special about them anymore. They are just people that don’t have utility bills, so heart breaking to know that there is not a community that no one can look up to or admire anymore

      1. Vernon Corey

        Amish Mafia tv show

        I am sorry to hear that you are letting media dictate how you feel. First off let me say that the majority of the media today believe that bad gets better ratings than good. Secondly, from my understanding of the Amish (which is still small but growing) the ones that hold firm to their beliefs will not let themselves be filmed. This presents a one-sided view point showing only the bad (which may or may not be true … remember we are talking about ratings.) There was only one person to walk this earth that was perfect and he left the earth physically 2000 years ago. If we let mainstream media be the sole influence of our lives then our view of the world and the people in it will be dark indeed. I hope someday to visit a in-home Amish church service. By no means am I an expert on Amish but I have witnessed the changes in tv programs, gone are the days of Leave It to Beaver and Andy Griffith. Now tv focuses on teen pregnancy, violence and drug abuse.

    46. Vernon Corey

      Amish house plans

      One of my favorite Christmas memories is when I was a teenager and my family was staying in the country for a few days. The power went out half way through cooking Christmas dinner and we finished cooking it on the wood burning fireplace. Today, when we go to the country we carry technology with us. Between cell phones, computers and a tv, we have lost contact with the peace of reading, walking and playing board games. I would like to build a new cabin on our property in the style of the Amish (no electricity). I am looking for a 3 or four bedroom house plan. All the plans I have seen in magazines and on the internet are designed without natural air-flow thus requiring electricity. If anyone knows where I can get a set of plans or talk to someone who can help me develop my own, please let me know. Thank you.

    47. christen

      Andy and peanut hostetler both train horses (andy primarily). He did a great job with my MIL’s horses. Typically you have to drive over and make an appointment about 3 months in advance. The basket weaving/leather working family moved last year. They also raised beautiful English Bulldog. There are still a few leatherworkers left and the great furniture maker.

      As a bit of information regarding their medical care- they do try to doctor themselves, but if they require a doctor they will go to an “english” friends home and getba ride. Saturdays are the best visit days and you can get a great assortment of fresh veggies, delicious peanut brittle, fresh butter, eggs, horse equipment, hand made furniture, woven rugs, jams, jellies and candles.

      Everyone seems very hard working. I enjoy my trips after items. I am actually headed to get some firewood this weekend.

    48. Roni

      Best time to visit

      My family and I recently watched The Amish on PBS’s American Experience and I didn’t even know that we have an Amish settlement in MS. I would like to take my son but I don’t want to seem as if I am making a spectacle out their way of life. We are just curious, plus I would like to purchase some of their baskets and vegetables. What is the best time of the year to visit? Spring or Fall?

      1. Roni I don’t know if there is a best time to visit this Amish community, if you’d like to visit a shop they are typically open year round, however if you would like to pick up some veggies then you’d want to come when what you want is in season 🙂 Visiting their businesses is fine and they won’t mind if you buy something while you’re there.

    49. Mike

      Amish Life

      How do the Amish make it through the hot and humid MS summers without AC? WOW! Are they usually ok with people coming and asking lots of questions? If so, we would love to go!

      1. Visiting Amish in Mississippi

        Mike, that would probably depend on what the other person has to get done that day 🙂 If you have general questions about the Amish there are some great books and I recommend to read one before you go. Here’s a list:

        Or, we’ve also addressed many of the main questions people have here: https://amishamerica.com/amish-online-encyclopedia/

        This community in Mississippi is quite small and not at all a tourist-oriented place like Lancaster County, though there are a few businesses which you might visit, and which is probably the easiest venue to meet Amish people if you don’t know anyone in the community already. The Amish in this Mississippi community are also among the most traditional of all.

        1. Mike

          We went yesterday to visit this community. It was SUCH A BLESSING! The people there were so kind. We spent about 1 1/2 hours talking to a man in his greenhouse. My two children were playing with three of his children. The children only spoke Dutch or German, and my children only spoke English; but the communication barrier did not keep them from laughing, playing together, and have a blast! The prices were more than fair. One farmer even opened up and spoke with us about the Amish way and concerns he had for the future. They truly want to just live a simple, quiet life; minding their own business. Support this community if you EVER have a chance!