Lancaster Mud Sales: Bart Township Fire Company

Lancaster County’s mud sales are in swing, with Bart Township Fire Company holding its event this past Saturday. One of our readers, Lauren Futch, attended, and shares some photos.  The comments below are hers as well. Thanks Lauren!


Outside auction activities.




The quilt auction sold over 300 quilts throughout the day.




The 50th anniversary quilt. I believe it sold for around $1,000.




There were dozens of Amish boys with wagons.  An Amish friend told me that they use these wagons to haul purchases to people’s cars in exchange for a small tip.




Some of the young Amish boys with the wagons hauling people’s purchases.




Crowd looking through the many buggies to be auctioned off.


Game of “Eck Ball” beginning.


Watching a spirited game of “Eck Ball” between the Amish and the Mennonites.


Young Amish boys playing football in a field beside the auction.


Amish boys line the fence to check out the football game going on.

There are around 20 more of these to come this year.  Read more on Lancaster County mud sales.

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  1. City Slicker

    Bart Mud Sale

    Fantastic photos, thanks to Lauren and Erik for sharing them. Looking at them made us feel as though we were there — and we did it while staying warm in the comfort of our own home!

    These Mud Sales are important fundraising events for the Fire Companies, and great times for the communities.

    1. Lauren Futch

      City Slicker,

      Thanks for complimenting my photos! It is great to know that the pictures portrayed the day’s events realistically enough that it made you feel like you were there! 🙂

      This was my first mud sale and I absolutely loved it! I’ll definitely be attending additional mud sales this year and sharing more photos with Erik/Amish America. As you mentioned, these sales are important fundraising and social events. I could sense the pride that members of this community, both Amish and English, took in organizing and putting on this event. Even as someone who was just a visitor, I felt very welcomed by everyone I spoke with throughout the day.

      One reason that I wanted to attend this particular mud sale is because of the vital role that the Bart Township Fire Company played after the Amish school shooting in 2006. I will forever admire the strength and dignity this community showed the world in the wake of that tragic event!


      1. City Slicker


        If you live in the area or reasonably nearby, may I suggest you check out the monthly all-you-can-eat breakfasts and other fundraisers hosted by the Bart Fire Company. If you don’t live reasonably nearby, consider planning your trips to Lancaster around some of them (as my wife and I often do). Good causes, good people, good fun, good prices — and great food! Their website is — click on “Fundraising” in the menu at the left side of the page.
        Many other Lancaster fire companies hold similar fundraisers; they give you a chance to mix and mingle with these Amish and English hometown heros.
        Once again, great photos!

        1. Lauren Futch

          City Slicker,

          I’m originally from near Wilmington, North Carolina, but I recently moved to Frederick, Maryland. Fortunately, I’m currently only about a 2-hour drive from most destinations in Lancaster County.

          Thank you for telling me about the additional Bart Township Fire Company fundraising events that are possible to attend! I will definitely have to take advantage of these wonderful opportunities! 🙂

  2. Robin Miller

    Thanks for sharing!!! Would love to attend one of these some day. I especially love the quilt in shades of purple. Absolutely stunning!!!

    1. Lauren Futch


      I’m glad you enjoyed my photos! I also though the purple quilt was stunning!

  3. Adair

    Wonderful photos!

    1. Lauren Futch


      Thanks for the compliment on my photos!

  4. Carol


    Pardon my ignorance, but are those straw hats–in the winter time? Are ear muffs acceptable?

    1. Amish men's cold weather headwear

      Yes, looks chilly on the ears, doesn’t it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any ear muffs, but some Amish men, particularly in the Midwest, wear the woolie skull caps, like you see with some of the younger boys above. They are seen in Lancaster as well but more so with younger boys, whereas you’re more apt to see men wearing them out in places like northern Indiana.

      There’s a little bit about these hats and a photo of a popular brand here:

      1. Slightly-Handled-Order-Man

        Going on personal experience, hats like that are tough to keep on any time of the year, because, well, the brim catches wind and even if your head is snugly inside, they can blow away. There is absolutely NO warmth factor in a straw hat in February. I too am surprised that this Amish community doesn’t wear the black felt hats which are “typical”.
        But they do look communal wearing much the same thing.

      2. Lauren Futch

        Straw Hats vs. Black Felt Hats

        Indeed, the vast majority of Amish men and boys at the mud sale were wearing straw hats. However, I noticed a handful of older men who were wearing the black felt hats. It made me wonder if these men could have been bishops, ministers, or deacons. Just a thought.

  5. Gary Counterman

    Almost Like Being There

    Nice starting off the week with a wonderful photo essay from an event that’s a good cause. Thanks Lauren and Erik!

    1. Lauren Futch


      Thanks for complimenting my photos! I’m really glad you enjoyed the post! 🙂

  6. Lauren’s shots are WONDERFUL!!! The Log Cabin quilt is a design variation I have never seen before. I wish I was there, well not really, it’s warmer here on Maui.

    Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. Tom, did you relocate from NY? Bold move! 🙂

      1. Erik,
        Only on vacation!

        Tom The Backroads Traveller

        1. That’s what I thought…pretty sure you weren’t visiting another off-the-beaten path Amish business as you’ve been known to do 🙂

    2. Lauren Futch

      Thanks for the compliment on my photos, Tom! I also thought that the purple quilt design was so unique and gorgeous! It was one of the few quilts, out of over 300 that sold throughout the day, that I just HAD to capture in a picture.

      P.S. I hope Maui was wonderful! I’m definitely jealous! 🙂

  7. Marijane Grassie

    Mud sales

    Would love to attend a mud sale. I have 2Amish made quilts for our beds, and a wall hanging. I would love to have more.they are a treasure to have. Do they sell for less money at mud sales.

    1. Lauren Futch

      Quilt Prices


      This was my first time witnessing this many quilts being sold at one time, so I don’t have any other experiences to compare with this particular quilt auction. Overall, most of the quilts at this auction sold for MUCH less than you would pay at a typical quilt/gift shop. Just my observation.

  8. Alice Mary

    I had the same question about straw hats. I’d have thought they’d be wearing black felt—warmer. Or, are hat styles determined by the date (my eldest sister still puts away all her white shoes/purses/slacks on Labor Day & won’t wear ’em again ’til roughly Memorial Day). After all, it looks more like a SLUSH (if even!) sale than a MUD sale this year!

    Any idea what the gorgeous purple quilt went for?

    Thanks so much, Lauren, for the wonderful photos of an event I’ll probably never attend, although I’d like to!

    Alice Mary

    1. Lauren Futch

      Alice Mary,

      Thank you so much for your kind words about my photos! This was my first “mud sale” and I enjoyed every minute of it! I’m so glad that my pictures gave you a small glimpse of what attending one of these events was like. Like you said, this was definitely more of a snow/slush sale…but there were a few mud puddles here and there, so I suppose that counts. 😉

      As for the beautiful purple quilt…I’m sorry, I don’t remember what price it sold for. There were so many quilts that sold throughout the day (over 300!), that it was really hard to keep up with all the prices. However, most of the quilts sold for MUCH less than what you would pay elsewhere!

      The purple quilt was one of my favorites of the day, so I wanted to make sure that I captured its splendor in a photo! 🙂


      1. Linda

        Moon Glow quilt

        That purple quilt may have the pattern name of “Moon Glow.” It is similar to a quilt for sale on May 17, 2014 at the Amherst Quilt and Amish Furniture Auction in Amherst, Wisconsin.

  9. Al in Ky

    Interesting pictures. Looks like mostly Amish people at the outdoors auction, but looks like there were at least several non-Amish women at the indoor quilt auction.

    1. Lauren Futch


      I’m glad you enjoyed my photos! There were just as many “English” people as Amish, if not more, that attended the quilt auction portion of the mud sale.

  10. Terry Berger

    I’m going to the Gordonville sale this weekend. Hope to pass on pictures for the site here. Hope you’re doing well and keeping warm.


    1. Thanks Terry, that would be great. Enjoy the day

  11. Merry Esther Futch

    A Proud Mom!

    Thank you to Amish America/Erik for posting my daughter, Lauren’s, photos! I have often traveled with Lauren to different Amish communities and I know how important it is to her to visit these places. I am especially proud of how she respectfully captures different aspects of Amish life through her photography. She has a true passion for photography and learning as much about the Amish as possible. I hope everyone has enjoyed her photos as much as I have. I look forward to her next photo essay on Amish America! 🙂

    A Proud Mama!

    1. Gladly Merry! Reader contributions like Lauren’s add a lot to the site. On a related note, my impression is this year mud sales have been getting even more attention than usual, I think they have gotten more major media coverage.

      1. Lauren Futch

        Gap Mud Sale


        I plan to attend the Gap Fire Company Sale on March 22nd. I’m also planning to spend a few hours at the West Earl Fire Company Sale on the same day.

        I will send you some of the pictures I take that day from both mud sales. I would definitely appreciate it if you would consider making another photo essay post out of the pictures I plan to take that day!

        I’ll be in touch. Thanks for everything, Erik! 🙂


        1. Gap

          Lauren, that would be just great. Just send them along with any related info, and we’ll put something together. Thanks, and enjoy your day!