How can I find an Amish pen-pal?
An Amish pen pal relationship can be rewarding
We often get asked here at Amish America about how to find an Amish pen-pal. Amish do correspond with “English” friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of requests, we’re not able to match individuals up with Amish pen-pals.
However, that does not mean that you can’t try to find an Amish pen pal, and with a bit of motivation, you may even find success. Here are a few ideas on how you might do that:
How to find an Amish pen pal
- Get to know some Amish people. This is probably the best way. Next time you are visiting an Amish community, strike up conversation with the owner of a business, such as a roadside stand, quilt shop, or furniture company. Depending on the type of business, Amish business people tend to be oriented to the non-Amish public. Getting to know someone face-to-face is a great way to stimulate interest in a pen-pal relationship. You might even leave your contact information behind with an invitation to drop you a line sometime, or even send a note thanking the Amish proprietor for their time and letting them know how you’ve enjoyed their pie/quilt/handcrafted furniture item.
- Get to know some people who know some Amish people. You may have a relative, friend, or business acquaintance that has contact with Amish families. This may be a good outlet to express your interest and make contact. Share a bit about who you are and why you are interested. Amish are often interested in contact with non-Amish individuals. Amish typically lead busy lives, but writing letters is one hobby enjoyed by many.
There are probably other ways to find an Amish pen pal in addition to these. Another thing that might help you connect with Amish is to learn more about Amish beliefs and practices.
Amish people appreciate a genuine desire to understand their faith, beliefs, and motivations. To learn more about Amish life, try this list of commonly-asked questions about Amish. Also, subscribe to this blog to receive updates, news, and information on Amish communities.

hi there
i am 33 and a Mormon i live in Australia and i find the Amish people very interesting and i would like to learn more how can i get to have an Amish pen-pal
Hi I would like to know how it is possible to get an Amish female penpal around 40 years and older. I am a mother of 2 and try to live and Amish life. We live on a farming town in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. I love quilting, cooking and gardening, would like to be able to actually be friends with someone in the Amish community.
Want to be friend with female amish
Love to chat with Amish. Been interested in Amish for years
Great topic
I am asked frequently by readers if I will connect them with an Amish pen-pal. While many of my Amish friends are prolific letter writers, these newsy bits are addressed to relatives and often, circle letter friends. With the amount of daily chores most Amish are responsible for, finding time to keep up with those you know is difficult enough, leaving little or no time to write to others.
Power of Amish example
In that you have contact with an Amish friend, I was wondering if you could relay a thought I had, generated by their response to the multiple killings of the young school children some years back. The heightened emotions over the recent massacre and wounding of many others at the Batman movie, and the scheduled court appearances has me thinking that:
the silent presence of some Amish people in the court room could, I firmly believe, moderate the intense & volatile environment, and call to mind the option that these wonderful people present.
Sherry I think that’s a realistic take on things. That said I would say #1 above has the highest chance of success–make a friend first, then a pen pal.
I am an Iranian man of 62 . I love to study different cultures , read their stories and get familiar with the different living style of people on our planet .
It was today when I heard about the Amish ; I searched on the net and felt I like to contact with them . That’s all I can say now .
Moreover , I got my MS in management from the United States International University in San Diego in 1979 .
It will be my pleasure to find a friend from the Amish hoping to share our cultural experiences.
Parvis,trying to find a penpal.
I read your comment & I know how you feel. When I lived in the middle east I was fascinated with every small, unusual or variant groups of people I would find there. i know a fair bit about these people & there is a large majority of the culture who do not want to live in the temptations of the modern world. The less strict are difficult to find. You should go with some of your American friends to Lancaster, Pennsylvania or take a tour (travel companies have bus tours of this part of Pennsylvania). This blog has great book suggestions. I would read whatever I could find about them before visiting. I have authentic recipe books; their food is simple but I love it. Hope you succeed in you search.
I have often commented about my Amish pen friend, Mary. I met her through another friend of mine and asked her if she would mind if I wrote to her. I stressed to her that I wouldn’t be offended if she was often too busy to reply. To my delight she has always found time to write to me. Sometimes the letters take the form of a diary as she has so many chores and things to do. She will write a bit then continue with a bit more and tell me what she’s been doing in between (jokingly adding that she bets I didn’t miss her while she was gone!!).
I love getting her letters and getting an insight on her incredible way of life and culture; so different form my busy UK life. I hope she gets as much pleasure from my letters to her. What is also so wonderful is getting a letter in the post rather than an email. The joy of carefully opening an envelope and reading a hand written letter is the most amazing thing and something that is so sorely missed in our society these days.
It was fantastic to go and see her again a couple of years ago; to be welcomed at her home by her whole family as though I was a member of that family. I realise that I am incredibly fortunate to have a pen friend from the Amish community and treasure that friendship very much.
Amish Pen Pal
Helen, you are very fortunate to have an Amish pen pal. I too like several other people are looking for one as well. Do you know if your friend has an Amish friend who would like to write to an Englisher also?
I am a widower, 57 years of age and 2 grown boys. I do read a lot of Amish/Mennonite books and very interested in their way of life. I did live in a small town, St. Jacobs, Ontario that does have a Mennonite population.
Any information that might help me is truly appreciated.
thank you
quick correctio
dear sue, i am also 57 and looking for a pen friend. i am an american living in france. i just wanted to gently point out that a woman is a widow, a man a widower. god bless, lisa
You are absolutely right, thanks Lisa for the correction.
God bless you too.
Reply to Helen....
Hello Helen, you are extremely fortunate to have found an Amish pen friend. My 12 year old daughter is fascinated with the Amish/Mennonite way of life. We just took a recent day trip to St. Jacobs Ontario. My daughter would now love to find a friend she can correspond with and I think it would be great for her as well. If you or anyone can provide us with information to go forward with this, it would be greatly appreciated. If anyone knows anyone in the St. Jacobs area, that would be great as well since we are not too far from that area.
Many thanks!!
I’m sorry, I forgot to add my email address if someone has information.
Thank you!
Your very blessed
That is so wonderful, to have an Amish penal. If your friend knows anyone else who wants a penpal, I would love to be a penpal. My email is, then we can exchange addresses.
To Helen
Dear Helen,
I’m Alma from Hungary, Europe,I red that you have an amazing Amish friend and I’d like to ask if you could give me a contact info, name or address where I can write to find an Amish penfriend?
Greetings from Hungary,
would love to have a penpal,man or women.need to know more about what a great life they live.
Amish Pen friend
I am an RE teacher in Britain and teach a module on the Amish to my Yr8 students. I am always very conscious that the information I provided in accurate. Obviously, this module sparks much interest from the students and generates many questions. It would be great if I had a accurate source where I could get this information from. I you know of any young women (I’m 32, married with 2 children) that would be interested in sharing letters as a pen friend please pass this info on to
Thanks all
If any Amish are interested....
Here’s my name and address if any Amish are interested in being my pen pal. Anyone else may write as well:
Shawn Butchko
P.O. Box 8173
Santa Cruz, CA. 95061
Thanks. Shawn
i am a wife and mother two three kids. 29 27 and 19.would love having a amish pinpal, but not sure how to go about it.
Getting an Amish pen pal
Hi Dawn, I recommend reading the article above and the comments that follow to maybe give you a better idea. In addition to people with Amish pen friends who have already left comments maybe there are some others who’d like to share?
Look for pen pal
Im 54 years lady and like to write to any Amish people
looking to correspond with amish centrl pa near milroy count
looking to correspond with amish may considering to amish cultiure and values ok to call any tine iam simple person with simple common values can you connect i just recently visted milroy count pa over the weekend not much amish in illinois 847-559-1278 home i like to live in reedsvilkle are or belleview are of pa the country is my style of living in amish ways no need for matertial things just the love of jesus our savior he finds me hope in all in do thanks john any info or literature would be appreciated iam college educated with an degree in business. email
Pen pal
I would love an Amish pen pal. I miss the days of handwriting letters and cards. I used to handwrite letters to my grandma potter and would anxiously await her letters.
I will leave my email, and if anyone knows an amish woman who would like to be a penpal, I will then give my home address., my number is 502-240-7043. I love meeting new people and would like a penpal, even if your not amish.
i'm looking for pen pal amish female
i’m nestor 37 year filipino i’m looking for amish female conservative,at 28 year up 38 year old
i'm looking for pen pal amish female
i’m nestor de vera i’m 37 year old i’m looking for female amish conservative at of 28 year old up to 38 year old this my email add nedev thank you
fishing for a wife??
just curious: with the limit on sex and your own age or younger, what really are you looking for?? i’d be happy to communicate with any amish, any age, but presume a female would be more comfortable/appropriate as i am female. i just want to learn more about them, and any sex and age can help me there…
Moechte gerne einen amish pen pal haben
Moechte gerne einen amish pen pal haben den ich schreiben kann ab und zu seid ich die sprache verstehe.
Bitte geben sie mir weiters info zu meine email at thomaswolfgang at yahoo punkt com
I would like to find a amish pen pal that I can write to off and on as i understand their langauge.
Please write to me with more info at my email at thomaswolfgang at yahoo dot com
I take the liberty and writes on the Alsatian!
Hi, Write this down on the Alsatian to reach the Amish people who can write to me sometimes!
isch seeh dass m`r kann uff diesse Siite jemand finda wie mit einem Schriwe ka! Wenn isch dass richtig verstanden hab! Isch bin elsasser un reede elsasssich Schribs oï bin Geboren im Elsass (Hagenau, awer Wohne schon lange Johre in Norwegen (reeda oï norwegisch)es isch meer uff g`falle das die Kinder wie m`r heera uff dem You Tube die wochen dage üssprache ungefahr wie im südlich Elsass gega d`r Schwiz züe!
Für misch esch die Sproch seehr wichtig das ma miteinander redda ka, isch hätte garn a Audio g`schprach zwische 2-zwei Amish liit wie mit einander redda.
Mine Anschrift esch; Grüss von uns in Norwega
re pen fiends
hello i am Valerie simms i live in the UK i am marred MY AGE is 56 years old i would dearly love to have a AMISH penfriend that i could write to if any one know hows i can write to a lady please get intouch with me
mrs valerie simms
13 helmsdale walk
park south
sn3 2dg
I have wanted to have an Amish pen-pal for sometime. Looks like I am not the only one. Im married have 6 children between the ages of 40-25. If you can set me up with a women to correspond with, I would appreciate it.
I have heard that the site where you ask questions about the Amish, they might be able to help find pen-pals, but so far they haven’t come up with anything for me. You can get in touch with me via my email address Erik to let me know of anyone I might correspond with. I will then give my home address.
re friend
i think it going to be hard for us to find one willing to write to us but i am not giving up just yet i live in the UK and there are no Amish that live here i would love to write to a family and really get to know then valerie
To Valerie Simms-Amish In Ireland
Greetings from Ohio, USA Valerie
Did you know that there are Amish Mennonite in Dunmore Ireland?
I realize it’s not a hop skip & jump for you, but certainly you may enjoy their website. We plan to visit there when we go to Ireland. ALSO, I noticed they allow you to listen to their messages online-in scrolling the list of Amish preachers, I certainly recognize some AMish names, Yoder, Beachy, Miller, Byler, etc-
You can also post a comment on their site & maybe they can find you a pen-pal. Looks like they are not horse & buggy Amish Mennonite but do dress plain.
Valerie McMaster
amish in ireland
hi! what is the site address pls in ireland? lisa
re pen pals
hi i just put in Amish in Ireland and went from there
hope that help s
Amish in Ireland
I’m sorry, I meant to post the website to Amish in Ireland:
You need to copy & paste it in your web browser, but that is their web address.
thank you for your help i will look at the web site if you go to Ireland and some one would like a pen pal please could you put my name and address forward thank you very much wishing you a peaceful new year
Wanted Amish Penpal
Hello my name is Karen Gingell and I am married with two grown up children. I would love to correspond with an amish family. I love animals and own three cats. We live in Bedfordshire UK.
I am 53 years old. Thank you
love have a pen pal
please can you get back to me
Can you help me please
thank you
Hi Margo
You asked me to get back to you.
Hi Margo
You asked me to get back to you about amish penpal
hi i would still like an Amish family to right to i am 57 years old
married with a 16 year son and i am a trained therapist in Swedish massage. Indian head massage. working with crystals and many more i will write back to you 100% thank you val
Amish pen pals
My son, Mark, joined the Amish almost ten years ago, now. I asked him how folks could get Amish pen pals. He gave some suggestions:
1. Posting on this site is probably not the way. The Amish are not on the internet and won’t read your requests.
2. Try to meet an Amish family, perhaps through their home business.
3. Put an ad in the classifieds of the Amish newspaper, The Budget.
4. Write to the Amish publishing house, Pathway Publishers. They put out three periodicals and Mark told me they have included pen pal requests before.
5. Remember that there are 6.5 billion people in the world and only 250,000 Amish. Plus, there are only a certain percentage of those Amish that are interested in corresponding to “Outsiders.”
6. After I posted my son’s address on this site he received several letters. As a single Amish man it would be improper in the Amish culture to for him to correspond with ladies. It just isn’t done.
7. Almost every state that has Amish in it has an Amish directory. The directory has a listing of the Amish in its area, the history of the community, and a listing of the names and addresses of all the members of that community. Abana Books is the company that prints them, I believe. There is a Holmes County Directory, Michigan Directory, New Order Amish Directory, etc. Try and write a few families. You might turn up somebody willing to write.
Amish Pen pals are Great
I raise Texas Longhorn Cattle and actually belong to an organization that is focused on Texas Longhorn Cattle. We have several Amish families that belong to the organization. I have recently started writing to one. If you email me I will gladly ask them any question you might have for them, and I will try to find out if any other Amish would be willing to write. These people are great. I agree with Don Curtis, you have to really try hard to find a penpal, but once you do if you keep up with them it is an amazing thing. I have been looking for years, and never once thought about looking in my organization directory. If you find one, just remember that they have beliefs and one of the main reasons they don’t socialize with “Englisher” is because they don’t want to stray from their church. My email is
Hi Mary
Hello Mary
Thank you for your response.
It would just be nice to correspond with an amish family.
I am a housewife who is married with two grown up children and now just recently became a grandmother for the first time. We love animals and live in a small village in England.
Is it easy for a outsider to join? can we talk?
Amish pen-pal
I am a stay at home mother of two children. We live on a farm in a fairly small town. I enjoy reading books by Beverly Lewis on the Amish, but I would very much enjoy a friendly relationship with someone. I admire their hardwork, unwavering faith, and their forgiving nature. I would love to learn recipies as well. I am twenty-three and my children are two and six.
Thank you
Excellent advice, Don Curtis
I will follow your advice. Thanks for taking the time to post. How is yur son doing; I don’t intend to disrespect your privacy by asking if it was difficult for him to adjust. I have been fascinated with people like the Amish for many years because I nearly lost my mind having to learn to live in the secular world after leaving an extremely religious home in my teens & was sort of thrown out into the world at 18. My twenties were difficult, & I knew that I made a wise decision to marry. I have never been in a situation where we had money, & I was challenged trying to raise non materialistic human beings, however I would not let my precious children get lost in a very affluent community. I found a way to live that makes sense to me. My husband & I tried and it worked, we passed it to our two wonderful daughters everyone that there is more superficial living than joy in the way lots of people live; they grew up to know the difference. I am lucky. A great family! I will do some research with your information. Thanks again.
re Amish pen friend
hello i would love to a pen friend if there any one at there that would like to be one
a little bit about me well my name is valerie
been married to Aan for 16 1/2 years we have a 15 year old son
i have been to collage and pass diplomacy in aromatherapy massage. Indian head massage. Swedish massage. hot stones massage, crystal healing. reiki1, anatomy and philology. doing acrylic nail done nail art i am 57 years old and i am going back to collage to carry on training i also do knitting. patch work quilting.crochet and many more crafts we have 2 cats and 3 parrots that talk and a wee pup
would love to meet new friends val
Pen pals
I would really recommend having Amish pen pals! It is just fascinating to have a peek into another way of life – from quilting to gardening to canning to church!
I write to a few Amish ladies and some Mennonite ladies too and it is always so exciting to get a letter or card from them. Or the interesting tract booklets that they have.
I have always been so intrigued by the slower and country way of life and the idea of having just what you need rather than running about trying to meet all the wants and gaining things that amount to worldly success.
Amish Penpals
Dear Jenny,
I am Sue from Melburne, Australia.
You mentioned that you wrote to some Amish women.
Would it be possible to give them my address for if and when they decided to write?
My address is 1/40 Orchard Road, Bayswater, Vic. 3153. Australia.
Amish Penpals
Dear Jenny,
You say you have Amish Penpals.
Would you please give out my address so that maybe one of the ladies could write to me.
My name is Sue from Melbourne, Australia and I am 60 years old.
My address is. 1/40 Orchard Road
Bayswater, Vic. 3153
Pen pals
Hi. Could you ask some of the ladies you write too if they would of any others ladies that would be willing to write to me. I’m in Ohio and I LOVE the Amish and Mennonite . (For years) I have always told my family that one of my wishes is to stay with an Amish family for a couple of weeks ( like I’m part of the family) I’m willing to work, wear their clothes and put the English world on the back burner. Please email me . Thank you and have a blessed day.
re pen pals
hello Jenny
you are so lucky to have a Amish pen pal
over here in England there is no Amish family’s i would love
to write to a Amish family
Would they mind?
Hi Jenny,
Do you think any of your lady friends would be agreeable with recieving a letter from a new person? I would very much enjoy writting someone.
Wanted:Amish Penpal
I would love to have an Amish penpal. I am 56 and a Mother of 8. If any Amish are wanting to write me-I would be happy.
I would love to have a Amish penpal, I am aged 59 and live in Brisbane Australia
I love writing letters and receiving back also i am on email too.
If any Amish would like to write to me i be happy to return letters.
I live in Kansas, a very rural area surrounded by Amish. I am always interested in the Lifestyle. I would like to learn more and exchange letters or email. Krista
HI,Krista. I am intersted in joining the Amish < but am not sure i want to go by myself. My two best friends in the world< that would go with me. I can not ask, you see because they are married and there spouses would never ever allow such an outlandish thing. We are very consvertive, i WILL NOT GIVE ANY MORE INFORMASTION. WOULD YOU WANT TO GO TO CHURCH WITH ME? PLEASE CONTACT ME THANKS
Valerie – I do live in England!
I would suggest writing into Amish publications such as the Budget. There are also apparently Amish in Ireland.
I put a pen pal request into the magazine and got a lot of responses – some really lovely letters from all over America!
The Budget does not accept pen pal requests. I was in touch with the editor and they were pretty clear about that. So another avenue might be better.
re pen friend
i also tried that and they told me the same about they dont do any think for pen friends
hi jenny do any of your ladies know of any one that would be willing to write to me would you mind asking for me like you i live in UK Swindon wiltshire i be willing to wright to them thank you for any help
Interesting – I am sure one of my pen pals mentioned it.
Maybe another Amish magazine then! I think there is The Connection or Family Life or Keepers At Home.
i will have a look for that one and see if i can find one
thanks any way val
try the budget
try subscribing to the budget newspaper. there are a lot of contacts in there. no need to get the local part of the paper just the national and there will be ads with addresses to try writing. I have had good luck getting information that way.
best of luck
Female Amish penpal.
Hi, my name is Royce. I live in Alberta Canada. I’m a divorced father of a beautiful 24yr old daughter. I’ve been living alone for some 15yrs and would love to meet a lovely Amish lady for friendship. I’m a hard working 50yr old truck driver, whose favorite pastime is camping and fishing. If your looking for the same, send me a reply so we can talk. Obviously I’m not looking for any more children at my age, just a down to earth, honest,and caring lady who may have the same interests. Hope to here back from that special person.
Looking for Amish Penpal
If an Amish lady ever sees this-I would love to write
Here is my address
Peggy Rickard
1524 Upper Mtn Rd
Tuscarora Indian Nation
lewiston Ny 14092
I am 56 and mom of 8
Please email me at if you are interested in being pen pals.
You asked, and now you shall recieve.
My name is Olivia Lea, I will not give you my full name for privacy issues. I am an Amish person. I am eighteen. I live in Pennsylvania. I was suprized to discover how many people wanted an Amish Penpal. I must ask that you do not ask or say defensive things. Any comments of the sort will not be answered. I will not criticize your religion if you do not criticize mine. I know that you would like to know a lot about me , as well as my religion. What you might not realize is that I am in the same position that you are in. What I mean by that is I would like to know about you and your beliefs as well. I do not have an e-mail address of my own, so I am using a friends. Her e-mail address is Do not ask me why she put the word stupid in her e-mail address, because I do not know the answer myself. I have a dog named Lady, she is a mutt. I have a younger brother, his name is Cody. My father’s name is Philip, and my mother’s name is Lilian. All of my family have been born and raised in an Amish community. I will not be revealing much more, because I believe if you were interested in knowing more than this, you would e-mail me. I might not be able to answer everyday, due to the combined facts that I do not have a computer nor do I have an e-mail address of my own. I would like to be a teacher, as well as a friend, to anyone who would like. I am looking forward to corresponding with you. I only have one rule, be respectful. If you are not respectful to me, as well as my religion, then I am sorry to say that you will not be receiving an e-mail now!
Amish Penpals
Dear Olivia,
Would very much like to write to you. I respect your beliefs.
I am 60 years old from Melbourne, Australia
If you prefer not to write to me because of my age, please pass this on to an older lady in your Community.
My address is
1/40 Orchard Road,
Bayswater, Vic. 3153
Amish Penpals
Dear Olivia,
Forgot to give out my Email.
Pen pal
I would love to have a Amish pen pal.
Just to have someone to write and share stories with.
I’m 70 years old now. If you feel I’m too old could you pass this on to another Amish lady who would like a pen pal?
We can do regular mail if you prefer.
I can give it to you in an email if you wish to communicate further.
Inlaws have Amish Friends
I am a New York City girl, engaged to a man who grew up raising beef cattle in MO. There is an Amish community nearby and my not quite father in law is friendly with several of the Amish men.
I will be making my first visit to the cattle farm in the spring and want to be polite to both my almost in laws and their Amish frinds.
What is the protocol when I meet an Amish family? How do I avoid being inadvertently rude?
Looking for an Amish Penpal
Hi – I’m a 44 year old guy, living in Christian Community here in Northampton, UK.
I’m looking for an Amish penpal, of any age.
Amish do like English Penpals
I have a super spunky Amish pen pal. She just loves to write and learn more about the English! She has 10 kids and still finds time to write.
I have connected a few people with Amish pen pals, but my advice is to look at the wonderful map Erik has showing Amish settlements, find one near you, and go on the back roads, visiting Amish shops. Women love to swap recipes, so ask for a recipe for their favorite desert. This is how I made my first Amish friend. For men, I know my husband writes to contact Amish about fishing and fishing, or other “man cave” activities 😉 Some are just as curious about the English as we are about them.
This is nice that you have found an Amish penpal, wish I had one. I quilt and I always have questions on how to do certain things. Let me correct myself I machine quilt. I have always wanted to do a whole quilt by hand sewing but give it up becasue my stiches are never the same just not straight enough. I love recipe exchanging also. I respect the Amish and their ways, too bad they are not respected as they should be. I do have Mennonite in my family back when, my great grandparents were Miller’s and Christman’s, Maugle’s, Bilger’s and many many more. they were all Reformed as I know, all from PA Thanks for the chat, Beatrice
This is getting ridiculous !
pen pal request
am daniel otieno olal from kenya aged 32 years old. Am looking for apen friend all over the world both male and female. Anybody interested to email me at ( ). Or call me at ( +254712467982 ). My postal adress is ( daniel otieno olal, p.o. Box 458 – 40222, oyugis, nairobi- kenya ). Kindly reply back.
Genealogy. Pen pal request.
To any relatives living in Lancaster County, PA.
I will be visiting and hopefully locate a few of my relatives when I visit Lancaster County, PA in October of this year.
I would like to communicate with someone to assist or guide me through my visit. My genealogy has brought forth many cemetaries where my ancestors are buried.
My family names are Koser, Brubakers. Johan Adam Koser and Peter Brubacher are among them. Peter and Fannie Koser. David Koser.
Cemetaries: West Greentree Church of the Brethren.
East Fairview Church of the Brethren. Manheim.
My address is:
Linda Dykstra
19395 Millard Rd.
Morrison, IL. 61270
or EMail:
Any correspondence would be appreciated!
uk catholic nun seeks female amish penfriend
Please get in touch if you are interested.
Pen pal request
Dear Olivia,
I also would like to write to you very much, and do respect your beliefs.
My e-mail is
like to find a friend
hi iam wahid from maldives.iam 37 years old.
Struggling Young Professional Would Love To
Hi everyone. My name is Midory and I am a mexican american who would love get in touch with an Amish pen pal in the late 20s early 30s.
I grew up in poverty with many struggles from alcohol abuse to bullying. Now thankfully I have become a successful professional with an amazing passion for working on myself and making my life better day by day. I believe that getting to know someone special this way is so wonderful.
There is something beautiful about a hand written letter between two people who are really interested in getting to know each other. Unfortunately our society now a days rely on text messaging and the interne; forgetting the basics and the beauty of a pen and paper.
If anyone knows of someone who would love a new friend please let me know!
Thanks so much and take care!
Suche eine Amish oder Mennonite Brieffreundin
Liebes Volk!
Ich bin 32 Jahre alt aus “Schwiizlande” gelernte Geflügelzüchterin (Poultry Breeder)
würde mich freuen wenn mir jemand schreiben würde über farming. Ich kann in English schreiben. Ev. eine Amische Lady die ihr Deutsch verbessern möchte?
Im from Switzerland I was in Lancaster County last year but alone and to shy to start conversation back then 🙁
Liebe Grüsse!