1001 Questions & Answers On The Christian Life
1001 Questions & Answers On The Christian Life is an important little text which concisely lays out Christian beliefs as understood by the Amish.
The book, first published by Pathway Publishers in 1992, was created with the input of over 20 members of the Amish ministry and lay people in various communities.
It is based upon an older text (written in 1907) called 1000 Questions and Answers on Points of Christian Doctrine, by Mennonite bishop Daniel Kauffman.
As the publishers explain in their preface, 1001 Questions & Answers is based on that out-of-print work, with around 80% of the original questions kept.
Additional material has been added to modernize the work and make it more relevant to the Amish: “it has been revised and enlarged to deal more specifically with current issues, and with Bible doctrines as they are understood by the Amish.”
Sample Questions
I’ve pulled some questions from selected sections which are particularly relevant to the Amish. Some of these may be questions you’ve had before. You might also find that not every Amish person or church you know or have observed follows these guidelines to a tee.
As mentioned, the book is produced by Pathway Publishers, and while it is meant to be universal, it may still reflect the biases of that organization and its parent community (for instance, not all Amish may adhere to or endorse counsel given in the sections on courtship, or on voting, to take a couple of examples).
Most of these questions are in sequence as they appear in the text, though I’ve omitted some in some cases:
Plain Dress
What rule does Paul lay down on the dress question?
(1) Dress in “modest apparel” (I Tim. 2:9).
(2) Avoid vain display in ornamentation, such as the wearing of jewelry, fussing up the hair, and costly clothing (I Tim. 2:9).
(3) Dress in a way which becometh people professing godliness.
(4) Avoid conforming to the world (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 2:2).
But a specific form of attire, such as that worn by the Plain People, is not spelled out in the Scriptures, is it?
No, but the principles are. The church has adopted suitable dress standards for our climate and culture, based on these Biblical principles.
What of the variation in dress standards from one community to another?
That is to be expected. Each group of believers decides how to best apply the principles. The details may vary, but the underlying principles are the same.
Should not the clothing be so simple and of such a character that it attracts the least possible attention?
Then would it not be better to fall in with the customs of the world, so as not to attract any attention?
There is a difference between sensational display and simply letting your light shine. The inference contained in the question would force Christian people to surrender every doctrine of the Bible.
The Government
Who ordained that there should be a secular government?
God (Rom. 13:1).
What is the role God has planned for the government?
To protect the good, and punish the evil (Rom. 13:2-4).
Does that mean God is pleased with all governments today?
No, God is pleased only to the extent that they are faithful in doing what they are ordained to do. There are many corrupt governments today; some are doing the opposite of what they are ordained for, punishing the good, and rewarding the evil.
Do we have the right to resist a corrupt government?
No. God will judge them.
What is our duty to the government?
It is threefold: (1) Pray for them (I Tim. 2:2). (2) Obey them (Rom. 13:1). (3) Pay taxes (Rom. 13:6-7).
But what if the government asks us to do something that the Bible forbids?
In that case our first loyalty must always be to God (Acts 4:19).
What should be our reaction when we hear people complaining against the government?
We are to be respectful to the government at all times. We must never join in when men speak evil of it. We should either remain silent, or where appropriate, reprove such complaining. We have much to be thankful for to live in a land of religious freedom. Instead of complaining, we should express our gratitude, live in quiet obedience, and pray for our rulers.
Should we join in campaigns to get the government to change its laws?
There is a great danger here. We should be the first to desire that the church and the government be separate. If we don’t want the government to tell us how to conduct our church affairs, we had better not tell them how to run the government.
Musical Instruments
Who invented musical instruments?
Jubal, the son of Lamech (Gen. 4:21)
Is there a need for musical instruments in the Christian church?
Did they not use instruments to worship God in the Old Testament?
Yes, especially King David.
Did God command instruments to be used in worship?
No. God gave the law through Moses, gave him full instruction in all the details of worship, but nowhere did he command the use of instruments of music. Likewise, when the New Testament was given, not one word is found to support the use of musical instruments.
Has not the question of shunning caused a lot of trouble in a lot of churches?
Shunning is a practice commanded and sanctioned by God for the protection of the church. The obeying of God’s commandments brings a blessing to all involved, not trouble. But what has caused trouble has been people who were no longer satisfied to accept what God has ordained.
Is it not true that shunning is done at times in a spirit of revenge and out of spite towards the person shunned?
That may be true in some cases, and is to be deeply regretted. When the need arises to discipline an erring member, the entire church should pray earnestly that they might act out of love and concern, and never out of ill will or spite.
What did Paul say about this matter?
“If any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother” (II Thess. 3: 14-15).
Win a copy of 1001 Questions and Answers
Contributor ShipshewanaIndiana has kindly offered to give away a copy of the book to an Amish America reader. Simply leave a comment or question on this post, and we’ll draw a winner at random.
1001 Questions Excerpts & Winner
On our original post, we had a request for more from 1001 Questions & Answers On The Christian Life. So I’ve shared a few additional excerpts below. I’ve also posted a random winner of the book at the end.
If you didn’t win, you can find 1001 Questions in some Amish stores which carry books. You can also order it over the internet through this site, which sells Pathway Publishers books online (the book is about halfway down the page and costs $1.50).
1001 Questions & Answers On The Christian Life – Excerpts
Below, a few more excerpts from the book, taken from the following sections: “The Church”, “Confession”, “The Christian Woman’s Devotional Covering”, and “Our Way of Life”. As before, I have omitted some questions.
Long-time reader Lance also shared the following: “I would like to add that the above book is not exhaustive in scope of Amish doctrines, beliefs, and practices. Actually no book is nor can be, as for most Amish, the daily life rules, called Ordnung in German, are not written down.”
Lance suggests complementing this one with two other books, In Meiner Jugend, and A Devoted Christian’s Prayer Book. His comment describing these two in more detail can be found in full here.
The Church
Where does the word “church” come from?
It is a Biblical term, and is found in the New Testament over a hundred times.
What does the word mean?
It is translated from the Greek word ekklesia, meaning, “That which is called out.”
Is it not sometimes used to mean a building?
In the Bible it is never used in that sense; church always refers to people, not to a building. Three times we can read where the church (meaning the people) assembled in someone’s house: (Rom. 16:5, I Cor. 16:19, and Philemon 1:2).
Of how much importance is the church in the life of the Christian believer?
It would be just as reasonable to ask how important a little child’s mother is.
Why bring in mother here?
Because just as God is our spiritual Father, so the church is our spiritual Mother (Gal. 4:26).
What does the church do for us?
Much the same things in a spiritual sense that a mother does for her child in the natural – providing love, teaching, food, clothing, care when we are sick, example, prayer, and discipline.
The church also provides a means of Christian fellowship among believers. “If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another…” (I John 1:7).
Does the church have the right to make rules and regulations for its members?
Not only a right but a sacred responsibility to do so.
What is the Biblical support for this?
Read Acts 15. It describes how the Apostles came together to decide on certain issues of their historical time period. Since we live in a changing world, new issues will arise which are not specifically mentioned in the Scriptures, and we will need to apply Scriptural principles in deciding what is best for the church.
What importance does the Bible attach to true confession?
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Rom. 10:9).
Of what is a confession of Christ an evidence?
“Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God” (I John 4:15).
What is our duty regarding our faults?
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another” (James 5:16).
Shall all sins be confessed?
All public transgressions, or the knowledge of which is liable to become public, should be confessed before the public. Since there is restitution in confession it should go at least as far as the offense. When private sins are fully repented of and confessed before God, judgement and circumstances should determine as to how much further the confession should extend.
How far should the Church bear with offending members who stubbornly refuse to confess their sins?
That depends upon the gravity of the offense or offenses, the nature of the individual, surrounding circumstances, etc. Always give the offender the benefit of the doubt where doubt exists, but never condone sin where it is positively known to exist. The following scriptures throw some light on the subject: (Matt 18:17; Luke 13:6-10; and Gal. 6:1).
What confessions should every child of God be ready to make?
“Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekenss and fear” (I Pet. 3:15).
The Christian Woman’s Devotional Covering
Does not Paul say that woman’s hair “is given her for a covering”?
Yes, but not the covering which he was talking about before he brought in that illustration from nature to impress the force of his teachings.
What is the difference between the two coverings?
The long hair is the sign of the natural relation which exists between man and woman according to nature; the veiling is the sign of the spiritual relation which should exist between them as man and woman in the Lord.
Why is the illustration from nature a good one?
Because women of various cultures throughout history have gloried in having long hair. So let all Christian women be fully as loyal to God by wearing the sign of her spiritual relation to man – the covering.
What does the apostle Paul conclude?
Wear both or none (v.6).
To discard the covering required of God is the same as if she had her hair shorn or shaven.
What if a woman feels self-conscious wearing a covering because people stare at her?
It is right to obey God and let our lights shine. If this causes the world to gawk and gaze, the matter rests with them, not with us.
Should the covering be worn when women are ashamed of it?
Timid sisters sometimes feel abashed because of the scorn and rudeness of a proud and foolish world. They need to pray more for grace. Worldly-minded sisters are reluctant to wear it because of the condition of their hearts is not in keeping with the purpose for which this “sign” is worn. They should pray for conversion. Neither should discard the covering.
Our Way of Life
How does our Christian faith shape and influence our way of life?
In many ways. For instance, the desire to live in a rural setting.
What is wrong with living in a city?
When Cain fled from the Lord (Genesis 4), one of the first things he did was to build a city which he peopled with his wicked descendants, filled with the smoke of industry (v. 22), and lulled with music and arts (v. 21). Cities have been degenerating ever since that time. We find in them every evil and vice known to man.
Are there not also evil men in the country?
Yes, for the marks of sin are found on men everywhere. But cities and towns bring them close together where they corrupt, support, and harden each other. Even among wild or domesticated animals, we find that overcrowding produces vicious and undesirable behavior.
Are there no Christians in the cities?
There surely are. But the point here is not what is possible but what is desirable. We see a great danger in placing ourselves in such a setting. “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient” (I Cor. 10:23).
What are some of the advantages of rural life?
Aside from what has already been mentioned, we find in the country a much closer communion with God. Life in the country is awake to the natural order of daylight and dark, sunshine and rain, the swing of the seasons, and the blessings with which God has ordered our world.
It is a life which allows us to not only witness daily, but also be a part of, the natural world of God’s creation. Compare this with the largely artificial environment of urban centers where night is well-lit, rain is the way to ruin a day, and food and fiber originate at the local store.
What about the radio and TV?
They are to be classed with other forms of worldly entertainment. Both the music and the programs portray a way of life and a set of values not fitting for the Christian. How many minds have been damaged and polluted by the diet of romance and violence from these media? Forsaking these is one of the first and most important steps for anyone seeking a fuller and more committed Christian life.
Is it not our duty to keep up with the news?
The daily papers, TV and radio newscasts may keep people well informed of all that is happening in the world. But how essential is this? One writer has asked, “What good does all this vast daily news do us except to saturate our already overburdened hearts and minds with all the ills of all men everywhere? Few of us have heard anything through the news media of our time that added one inch to our stature or helped us to be better men and women in this life. If we have read the sickening details of one war, rape, robbery, murder, riot or famine, or heard the gory report of one senseless automobile crash, what shall it profit us if we hear of a thousand more?”
We can keep well enough informed about local and world events for humanitarian and relief purposes through our religious and community papers.
1001 Questions & Answers On The Christian Life – Winner
Our book winner, selected using random.org, is comment #28, KimH. Email a mailing address to me at ewesner@gmail.com and we’ll get the book to you. Special thanks to ShipshewanaIndiana for providing the copy for this contest.
These answers are not just for the Amish.
Every Christian should read this book. It is a brilliant refutation of the evil that has filled so many American churches.
Good sense in the excerpts that you've posted
Thanks, and please consider posting more.
Thanks for asking Alex. I will try to post some more of this when I post the winner.
new to christianity
i would love to be able to read this book, I am just new to Christianity, since July 2014, I have much to learn.
Blessings to you! If your Christian walk goes as mine does, you’ll find one never really does stop learning and the older I get the more I realize how little I know, but keep on keeping on… This book is very important to me and I am glad to see it mentioned here.
@ Kim Hine
I can’t add anything to what Mark replied to you, except to say that his experience mirrors mine. Many Blessings to you, Kim.
thank you!!
thank you @oldkat and @Mark for your support and encouragement. I appreciate it a lot.
I didn’t know that such a book existed. The excerpts published here are excellent. If I don’t win this book (which I probably won’t!), I’ll be in the market to buy a copy.
I have been looking for this but could not remember the title.
Eric can you post the contact info of where this book can be purchased.
Where to buy 1001 Questions
You can get it here for $1.50 plus I would assume a shipping charge:
It’s about halfway down the page. I’ve also got it included and linked in the “Best Amish Books” page in the top menu of this site.
I would like to add that the above book is not exhaustive in scope of Amish doctrines, beliefs, and practices. Actually no book is nor can be, as for most Amish, the daily life rules, called Ordnung in German, are not written down. If one is to order the book from the above store in Erik’s link, you could add the book titled “In Meiner Jugend”, which is located in the German books section of the store. The book is in German AND English, so don’t worry about the languages. It contains the confession of faith that all Amish and some others use, some prayers, hymns, the vows at baptism and marriage in various groups, plus the Apostles Creed and a set of suggestions for behavior called Rules for a Godly life. This book also costs only $1.50, so it is quite inexpensive and adds to ones understanding of Christian faith and practice as the Amish see it, and contains much that is not in the 1001 Q&A book.
Another book for the interested would be “A Devoted Christian’s Prayer Book” for $4.50, right near the 1001 Q&A book on the web page in Erik’s link. The first morning and evening prayers in that book are the translations of the prayers many Amish use each day, they are not short. There are many other prayers for various uses and topics.
Those three books, and of course the Bible too, are a very good start in understanding Amish theology.
1001 Questions & Answers
Lance, Thank you for the additional book recommendations. I just put my order in.
This book sounds fascinating. I’ve always had questions pertaining to certain things about the Amish beliefs and this book looks like a great read to answer some of those questions.
1101 Questions and Answers on the Christian Life
I would so love to add this book to my library!
We had a Christian missionary from Russia speak in our church and what atheism had done to the country. Their lives in most aspects were failures such as relationships, marriage, parenting, work life, just to name a few. She held up the Bible and said, “This is the rule book of life!” The focus of the country was on new Christians because they were the future!
For the Amish the Bible is their rule book. Granted there are those that pick and choose passages that they adhere to such as “spare the rod” but there have always been those people around since the beginning of time.
As America has “drifted away” from the Bible,church and it’s teachings, there is evidence of life’s failures just as the Russian missionary said to our congregation! New Christians are the future!
We need a revival in this country and it best be soon!
I’m afraid it would be considered old-fashioned and inconvenient by most mainstream churches today. But God’s truth never goes out of style, at least for those who follow Him.
Amish lifestyle
Is it common practice for Amish to cut trees on property that is not theirs for their benefit? If so, How is that Godly?
That’s like asking if it’s common practice for Methodists to use their leaf-blower to blow their leaves on their Amish neighbor’s yard.
It happens, but I would never assume it’s Methodist practice. Godly or not, we recognize it is that one particular person’s failure — not Methodists in general. I’ve never heard of anyone cutting trees that were not their own or an agreement made, but that doesn’t mean it could not happen.
Just saying that TWICE now Amish have done Timber theft in our area in the past 10 years. Have not heard of anyone else doing it and I find that UNGODLY. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors property!!
Did anyone talk to them? Or bring it up with leaders in the community? Or report it? I deal with Amish all the time in the lumber industry and never heard of that, but it would be interesting to know what actions were taken. I doubt anyone would disagree with you that theft is wrong for everyone. But I think the idea was let’s not class everyone by the actions of a few individuals.
They have been spoken to…but the law says..1) it is a felony and 2) It is over $100,000 in damages. Can someone even collect that much from an Amish person? I know they would not like Jail time and that does not really settle the matter for our neighbor!! It was intentional…after having been told the could only trim trees overhanging a path they wanted to use (They didn’t own the path either)..but they CUT them to about a foot above the ground. A horrendous situation this time of the year as any time of the year. But then there have been several lawless things happening so I just don’t know what to tell my elderly neighbors!
I feel for you and your neighbors… and I’m ashamed anyone professing to be a Christian would disobey or disregard an agreement or deliberately do wrong. But anyone, Amish or English, who does wrong needs to be responsible. If the people who did it are unwilling to make it right, you might discuss the matter with their ministers.
Outstanding answer Mark.
Well done Mark.
Also, Lois Lane: Like Mark said those sort of things happen. Frankly if something like that happened to me I’d approach the tree cutter in a non-confrontational way and ask why that was done.
If they get defensive about there is one question that you could ask that has worked 100% of the time for me (though never with an Amish neighbor, because I have none). That question would be: “If you were me and I were you & I cut down trees on our common property line without consulting you first; how would YOU feel about it?”
I can almost assure you that this will cause the person to think about what happened & apologize. Probably they never gave the subject a thought before they did it, which is generally the cause of most misunderstandings anyway.
Good Luck, Lois.
BTW: Thank you so much for providing this giveaway ShipshewanaIndiana. Oh and Erik, I’d LOVE to win this book!
Oh. Please. But this might help me understand why my Catholic neighbor comes into our woods to pick autumn bittersweet vines. I thought she was just clueless and thoughtless, but perhaps it’s common Catholic practice? Nah… I’m adult enough to realize her actions just indicate she’s a clueless & thoughtless person and her actions don’t apply to the millions of other Catholics in the world.
OldKat: your response inspires me to say something to her in a mature way. It’s not that it’s a big deal, it just seems a bit un-neighborly. Good advice!
All of probably deal with things like this at some time or another. So while I feel for you, Lois, don’t assume any one person’a actions speak for their whole culture, religion, gender, or race.
I assume that your “woods” is a rather small parcel and you haven’t many of the “vines” in question, otherwise you wouldn’t be so concerned that your neighbor picks them. However, if you own a good amount of wooded property, what’s the harm of allowing your neighbor to pick all the vines she wants or needs. If I didn’t need all the vines for my own use, the amount gathered I would consider of no consequence and actually go out and help her/him pick. In the case of a small crop of vines that I wished to utilize myself, I’d confront her/him the next time I observed her/him picking the vines and tell her/him that I use the vines in my business, hobby, whatever but I’d be willing to sell some – not all of them at a nominal fee.
Hi Ken.
We have almost 2 acres of “woods” but just a small patch of bittersweet. It’s not really such a big deal, it was just something that occurred to me in reading other comments. I did eventually telling the neighbor that we planted those vines to use as autumn decor and I don’t mind sharing, but I’d kind of like to have some left for myself. Then I felt bad — she was so embarrassed — she thought they were just pretty wild vines. We ironed it all out and now she gets some of the vines and I get some of the beautiful gourds she raises and we are both happy. The point I was trying to make was we shouldn’t judge a segment of the population by the actions of one or even a few representatives from that segment.
I would love a copy of this book to read, too. If someone doesn’t win the contest, is there a place the book can be purchased?
I would love a copy of this book! I have been looking for something along this manner for some time which explains in detail concerning the Amish way of life. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
I am very interested in this book. I would love to have a reference book like this…seems easy to read and look up various beliefs.
I think this book is sold or at least distributed by Pathway Publishers. It’s on my year’s end’s list 🙂
To every reader of this great blog, I wish a very nice and peaceful Christmas !
My the peace the Lord give us
shine among you all the new year long !
Merry Christmas Bob… and Eric & All! 🙂
I was lucky enough several years ago to pick up this book at an Amish quilt shop my wife and I were visiting several years ago. It is thoughtful and interesting reading. I keep it on my bedside table to refer to. As a Catholic there are a few things we dont agree on, but it is a wonderful book to help on our Christian walk.
Thank you
Thank you for sharing this book and the link to buy it. I think any Christian should practice the basic principles laid out in this little book. I agree with Dennis Regling, the main stream church has become more like the world and less like the first church in acts. The Amish and Mennonites have held more to what is Godly than our mainline church today. I do not think we have to wear clothes identical to the Amish, but surely we can dress modest and spend less on the latest style.
Eric, if you draw my name please draw another because I am ordering the book today.
Merry Christmas
What a cool book!
"The Great Commission" - Matthew 28:19, 20
I noticed that, within this article, the phrase, “the Amish ministry” was used, as well as seeing that, within the “Contents” page, the heading, “The Ministry” (p. 63) was also listed.
As I understand it, the Amish do not (formally/informally) publically preach/teach the Bible’s message to others, especially in connection with, what is often called, “The Great Commission” (Matthew 28:19, 20), and particularly in connection Jesus’ “Gospel” (Good News) message about the future blessings God’s coming Kingdom? (Matthew 4:23; 9:35; Luke 8:1; 9:11)
I especially like where even Jesus made clear that the “purpose” for his being “sent” was to preach the ‘Good News of the coming Kingdom of God’ (Luke 4:43; Matthew 6:10), but also the news that his disciples would, themselves, be engaged in accomplishing, to some extent, even greater works than he did. (John 14:12; Matthew 24:14)
I’m hoping that, with the acquisition of this book, I might find some explanation/discussion as to the Amish view of such scriptures.
Thank you, Alan.
Sorry to disappoint...
Sorry for the bad news but don’t expect much discussion about the subject of evangelization. It doesn’t take center stage the way it does for American Evangelicals, and when they ‘reach out’ it takes forms that most AEs wouldn’t recognize as evangelism. This is a broad subject in its own right and cannot be dealt with adequately unless we clearly define the nature of the church, its boundaries, it’s discipline, the Lordship of Christ, the relationship between justification and sanctification, the nature and forms of the world, etc.
Many Amish have little vision of reaching those around them. But many do. Nevertheless, since they offer different answers to the preceding questions than one would find among Evangelicals you also find quite different ways of putting this type of ministry into action.
So I suspect you will not find what you are hoping to find. But if you engage the wider questions you might understand more fully why Amish life takes the forms it does.
But these are only my thoughts, for whatever they might be worth. Blessings to you.
Dear Jonathan,
Thank you for your thoughtful reply, but my initial question still remains:
When, within the book, “1001 Questions & Answers On The Christian Life,” there is a section heading entitled, “The Ministry” (p. 63), I am quite curious as to how this topic is, indeed, applied and/or addressed – hence, my interest in acquiring a copy.
I’m glad for your interest. I was not intending to imply that you should not acquire this text. Only that it might seem inexplicable or perhaps incoherent without attending to the wider web of beliefs that direct the way they seek to put these texts into practice. I am mainly speaking from personal experience so perhaps it won’t apply in your case. It just looked as though it might because of the language and presuppositions that were present in your original post.
Perhaps another thing to be aware of is that ‘the ministry’ is a discussion of the ministers in the local congregation and what their roles and responsibilities are within that context. I don’t expect much to be said about the ‘Great Commission’ in connection with ‘the ministry.’
And I cannot remember the last time I heard the words evangelization or Great Commission used in a sermon, or even among the men after church.
Alan R Craig
Alan, I have always wondered the same thing about the Amish NOT spreading the Gospel as it states in Matthew. A friend asked a good question: Why do you always see English at Amish fund raisers, but not many Amish at an English one? So, I asked an Amish friend who is from a conservative community in Hillsboro, WI, and he commented that the church there frowned on fund raisers period. They don’t have any or attend others outside the community.
Our newest Amish friends are a new order of sorts as they have electricity! To sit in an Amish kitchen and see a gas cook top, electric wall oven and refrigerator, and then the phone rang about did me in! And they milk their cows with a pipe line milking system! They dress traditional and drive a horse and buggy. They do spread the Gospel sort of as they have a hymn sing at the local nursing homes once a month. That was also a new one for me. You see Mennonites sing in different places but hardly ever Amish.
We have Amish friends in several different communities and the “rules” vary as far as what you can and can’t have.
I think the beliefs are often occasional in nature.
Because Amish beliefs and practices are not directed from a central source they are especially subject to historical and sociological factors. And because they are not particularly conscious of the context they are functioning in, do not expect too thorough an explanation. They will often explain the ‘why’ they do such and such but rarely understand the many factors that have influenced their decision or who or what they might have been responding to over the past hundred years. Let alone how the beliefs and practices stand in relation to the Nicene Creed, for example. But don’t be too disappointed. That’s just life.
I’m Amish and in this area, there are many non-Amish fund-raisers that our community helps with & attends, such as the yearly Red Cross fundraisers, Aid to Haiti, Hospice, the County Home Benefit, etc. So again, standards can vary a lot from area to area.
Our youth were involved in a prison outreach and last week took cards & cookies to prison to pass out and sing for the inmates and another evening several neighborhood families too donations, Christmas “goodies” etc. to the homeless shelter and gave a Christmas program. So again, we see diversity and different interpretations and convictions.
I appreciate the fact my line of work puts me in contact with literally hundreds of visitors to our area and I am grateful to be able to share my faith and explain it.
1001 Questions & Answers
Mark – Holmes Co.,
I love your comments, and the way you word things. I often look for your thoughts at the end of an article. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing.
You are welcome, Galen. And thank you for the encouragement. Sometimes I worry I write too much.
Mark I will second Galen’s comments. And don’t worry we’ll let you know if you ever “write too much”, you are a long way from that point 🙂
Great post today. Looking forward to seeing even more comments later.
1001 Questions
Wow. The observation on separation of Church and State made me do a double-take. So much wisdom there. I shall carry that with me today, and ponder….
for everyone!
This is a book that everyone should read! I totally agree with it’s content and wish all society would conform to these rules. Wouldn’t it be a lovelier world to live in IF everyone loved each other?
Clarity and Simplicity in Writing
I enjoyed reading the excerpts that you posted. The writing is remarkably clear and simple; even elegant. Given that this book was written by more than one author (a committee?) that is surprising. I hope to read the whole thing soon.
As someone who can be wordy, I appreciated the concise language too.
Sounds like a fun little book to read…
Sounds interesting
What you’ve posted makes me want to read more.
I would like to read this book very much. Daniel Kauffman was my grandfather’s cousin.
1001 questions
Would love to win the book
I was intrigued by this part of the Q&A:
” Should not the clothing be so simple and of such a character that it attracts the least possible attention?
Then would it not be better to fall in with the customs of the world, so as not to attract any attention?
There is a difference between sensational display and simply letting your light shine. The inference contained in the question would force Christian people to surrender every doctrine of the Bible. ”
The answer to the second question expands on the first answer, and also made me think to myself “as much as the Amish want to attract the least possible attention to themselves by means of their ‘costume’, it is the costume that is the biggest ‘sore thumb’ of Amish life in terms of visuals, limitation or stereotype ‘shunning’ of technology is, or seems to be, actually secondary, the attire makes the people standout, and so I’ve heard (through reading Amish America commentary) technically borrowed from other groups [The Friends – Quakers who as a community used to dress more plain and set aside from the World than the majority of that faith might today].”
That was what I thought about that, and what was what stood out for me in this fascinating article.
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and I hope everyone is well!
Have to agree…They stand out even though they don’t want to. Modest attire would make more sense..and you have to wonder how HOT it gets in those clothes on a Hot summer day!!
Yes, I guess we do stand out even if that is not our goal, BUT attend any Amish gathering — church, wedding, funeral, auction, visiting, work-bee, or whatever — and we all look alike (more or less), so standing out in terms of the world becomes separate from being dressed alike as members of a brotherhood.
And warm? I dress plain year round and never had any reason to feel I was too warm, though I do wear looser, lighter weight clothes in warm weather. I guess to me modesty & simplicity is reason enough to dress as I do and even on the warmest days, I’d feel more uncomfortable to be dressed immodestly. But to be fair, our church is more “modern” in dress than some and I can believe those who dress in heavier clothes might have more reason to feel warm.
I included that section in light of previous discussions we’ve had on the topic (https://amishamerica.com/is-amish-clothing-really-plain/)
I thought it answered the question well.
I think in retrospect I should have added and therefore will add “but its that use of plain clothing that make the Amish the Amish to a huge degree (not a weather joke), at least in the popular imagination”
As Mark said, the Amish don’t stand out to themselves, but to someone like me, they most certainly do, in fact if I where visiting right now I’d stand out because I am not modest to the Amish standard or plain.
I appreciate that you added this, Erik, I’ve enjoyed reading about Amish plain dress over the years and having my and everyone’s questions about it answered, I hope to learn more about the topic and I am looking forward to more insights and points of view.
I like the way that Mark worded the following:
“..BUT attend any Amish gathering — church, wedding, funeral, auction, visiting, work-bee, or whatever — and we all look alike (more or less), so standing out in terms of the world becomes separate from being dressed alike as members of a brotherhood.”
Would love to have my own copy to read.
Would love this book!
Looks like this would be a helpful and informative book to have.
A must for your collection
I have an original copy of the original book, this one, and a smaller phamplet sized one.
I love it for the straight forward Q & A format. The Original work is more in the line of a in-depth comentary on cwetain subjects, and it still stands strong today.
Money well spent IMHO.
wonderful book
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I really love when we are exposed to these types of books. Great reading.
I enjoyed the part you posted n blessed to read the rest!
please enter me in the opportunity to get the book, thank you.
I enjoyed reading this post. I bought a copy in November, so don’t wish to be in the drawing.
I bought two copies at a small bookstore in Middlebury, Indiana. That bookstore had several Pathway publisher books as well as many other books about Amish life. I think the name of the bookstore is New Life Books and Music. I’d be interested in reading a post on Amish America sometime about a listing of bookstores in various locations that sell Amish books. Maybe that could be a category in the Amish Business Directory of AA.
I should have added a comment about why I bought two copies of the book. I have a friend who is very interested in understanding more about Amish life and gave a copy to him. He browsed through it and said reading it will help him understand the theology behind some parts of Amish life.
Would enjoy reading this book!
Interested in Amish beliefs
I live in northeastern Pa and often go to the Lancaster area of Pa. The off season for tourism is best. I love the contact with the Amish and would love to have this book to see how they interpret the Scriptures. I am a born again Christian and have gone to Bible College but the Amish beliefs were one thing we didn’t touch on. Thank you for the newsletter. Makes me feel like I’m in Lancaster!
Glad you enjoyed it Cheryl. If you’d still like to pick up the book the link shared above should be a good place to find it. Another book you might consider is called The Amish Way: Patient Faith in a Perilous World, which is a very accessible look at Amish Christian faith and beliefs in practice.
Learning Amish
I have always been interested in Amish life. I have Amish/Mennonite ancestors several generations back but I know nothing about them. My best friend in grade school was Mennonite and I loved to spend time with her family. As our world and our country seem to be on a rapid decline I am even more interested in the simple ways of Amish living.
Thank you and God Bless.
Love to hear about books
This site is a gem! I’ve been saying this for a while now. Thank you for so many interesting posts and useful information, Erik! Readers’ comments are also very valuable and I appreciate everyone’s input! There are so many things to learn about one from another. I just love being here and read whenever I can, no matter how old is a story or another :).
Greetings from a Lancaster, Pa.& Amish ‘fan’!